11 Jul 2014

Carra warns: £25m Brazil star BR wants to sign is 'poor' and 'can't defend'. Avoid?

Real Madrid star Marcelo is reportedly on Brendan Rodgers' transfer wish-list this summer, but after a poor World Cup, Anfield legend Jamie Carragher has warned the Reds to steer clear of the Brazilian.

In April, The Independent claimed:

"Premier League title chasing [Liverpool] are...lining up a £25m bid for the Brazil international [Marcelo]".

After watching the Brazilian's pitiful 'defending' against Germany, Carra scathed:

"Marcelo has been poor from game one, and can’t defend. I’m still astonished that Filipe Luis is not in the squad never mind the team as I didn’t see a better left back in Europe last season"

Defensive problems aside, Marcelo - nicknamed 'El Loco (The Crazy)' by his Real Madrid team-mates - has an excellent creative record for a left-back:

* 2009-10: 4 goals/9 assists in 43 apps.
* 2010-11: 5 goals/7 assists in 50 apps.
* 2011-12: 3 goals/8 assists in 44 apps.
* 2012-13: 1 goals/1 assists in 19 apps.
* 2013-14: 2 goals/7 assists in 39 apps.
* TOTALS: 15 goals/32 assists in 152 apps.
* Goal/assist every 3.3 games

Enticing, but given the Reds' issues at the back last season, defensive solidity must surely be the key quality required of any prospective full-back signing. If not, Liverpool may as well just stick with Glen Johnson (!)

Real Madrid legend Roberto Carlos is a big fan of Marcelo, and insists that the 26-year old is the best left back in the world. In February, he raved:

“Marcelo has everything. I like his quality, the way he joins the attack, his dribbles. He’s a much more technical player than I was, although maybe I was faster. He’s a magnificent left-back for Madrid.”

I'd be surprised if Rodgers is still interested in Marcelo after the Germany debacle, but with left-back an ongoing problem for Liverpool, and the club soon to receive a large wad of cash for Luis Suarez, a deal is not beyond the realm of possibility.

Not that Reds fans have anything to worry about. Liverpool generally find it impossible to sign so-called 'marquee players', and the recent failure to acquire Alexis Sanchez is the latest proof of that. As such, the chances of signing Marcelo are probably slim-to-none.

Ryan Bertrand on the other hand...



  1. He is a poor defender. I wouldnt want him anywhere near Anfield. No thanks.

  2. Roberto Carlos talks about all Marcelo's offensive qualities and doesn't mention his defensive qualities at all. He doesn't have to. 7-1 says everything anyone needs to know. Pass.

  3. Don't remind me about the Ryan Bertrand links looooooooool worrying times in my opinion, when it should be exciting! An absolute gargantuan fee for Lallana- given the fact it's off the bank of 1 good season. I hope he works out... Suarez out, lambert in. That's how it is viewed at the moment with the signings we've made. No quality defensive signings of any note . We need absolute class defenders . Gerard and play every game. We need a really good midfielder in there. Manure are linked to quality players like hummels Vidal etc we are linked to Bertrand. Right now my glass is half empty.... Hopefully it changes in the coming weekS.

  4. * back of 1 good season-
    Gerrard can't play every game

  5. already said it but i share the same opinion as Carra concerning Marcelo and we need a full back who can defend.

    Not sold on Bertrand either don't see what people see in him, hope we don't go on him, hope Rodgers doesn't waste the money we get from Suarez...


  7. signing them with suarez money now or never....
    i love suarez...

  8. Funny how table have turned i was sceptic of the Lambert transfer but apparently he was experienced and a good back up and bring a plan B...

  9. Carragher is right about Felipe Luis - an absolutely terrific player. There will be no better defender in the prem next year.

  10. I don't think it will. Probably it will get emptier.

  11. for all his faults hes got us into europe with a 50 mill profit

  12. dont sweat are two best players last year for me where sterling and hendo and we still have them

  13. And neither is signing out to be a guest to add another upvote!

    What is this site coming to?!?!?!?



    I laughed out loud at this one.

  15. I agree. I was one who actually would reference the 4 point plan.

    It wasn't a literal sit down and figure out how to do this type of thing. But there were signs there that he would say one thing and then contradict himself.

  16. Luis Alberto was included in the deal? Say it ain't so!

  17. I don't think Michael Barrymoore is interested in football.

  18. You just can't simply admit it when you're wrong, evidently.

    You said , implied and postulated ad nauseum that Suarez would leave last year. Just because you always carefully put a caveat in your proclamations doesn't change a thing.

    Are you now saying that you didn't think that Suarez would have left last year? Whatever.

    Not sure I read a lot of posts saying categorically that Suarez wouldn't leave recently either, though that too seems to have been rewritten in your post. You certainly say 'no-one would have it ' which is clearly not accurate.

  19. I think he is a good player, but I wouldn't put him on the level of the other names you mentioned. All of them have won either a league title or a European trophy.

  20. I imagine Chelsea will be the favourites to get Filipe, but I think we should steal a march on them and pay his release clause (£19m) whilst they're still haggling. We'd have a proper quality left-back then.

    I worry for Bertrand if we sign him. Seems like he'd become one of those symbolic signings that is the embodiment of a particular failure like Aspas or Poulsen and Konchesky.

  21. Your statement wasn't that he wanted to leave. It was that he would leave. So yes you were wrong

  22. i thought he was the only bright spark in the brazil team vs germany...i'd like him to come.
    poor organisation of the defence/bad coaching/bad tactics were at fault IMO and his price will most likely dropped since then which is a good thing

  23. Muhammad Ibrahim11:28 pm, July 11, 2014

    I think deep down everyone knew he will leave, but it was pure fantasy, the dream that Suarez will stay and we will improve the team around him. Well all those fans have to wake up now.

    Just hope we spend well, and with the money we have got for Suarez this gives us a chance to build a squad that can take us forward for many years to come.

  24. Surely it's got to be Ricardo Rodriguez. Good at attacking and defending, is only 20. Had a great season, a pretty decent world cup - can tackle, cross, take set pieces. Money's there get him!

  25. That's true for all new signings. A player with pace and directness like Markovic will make an impact anywhere, and the premier league is tailor made for him. Inventive and impressive signing.

  26. No Brazil players are allowed to be called "defenders" any more. Marcelo would suit our style in attack but Liverpool still have defensive issues and any player we bring in needs to be able to show discipline and real dedication when it's needed at the defensive end.

  27. Also for Sanchez's preference for Arsenal, Arsenal are sponsored now by puma, which happens to be Sanchez' sponsor... I'm suspicious that this had some influence in his "preference."

  28. I hope you're right. Looking forward to seeing him play. Deal's not complete though. Not really sure why his medical was delayed two days.

  29. Must be a slow news week

  30. Apparently RM accepted Di Maria bid from Utd. HOW THE HELL DO UTD JUST COME IN AND DO THAT. WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING!?

  31. from what I saw of the cup games, he is vastly over-hyped. I would never sign this guy

  32. unimpressed with Bertrand....yawn........

  33. Nice coming from a fan of an English team.....Liverpool without Suarez will be fortunate to place in the top 4.
    England finishing last in a group headed by Cost Rica--NOW that's POOR!!

  34. Johnson is not in the same class as Marcello...Please stop with the BS.... Glen Johnson is average going forward and absolute rubbish as a defender

  35. Was that England you where referring to? Poor= England at this WC...Finishing LAST in a group headed by Costa Rica---THAT's POOR!!

  36. Yet you sign Lallana, Lambert and Can---Go figure!!!

  37. Oh the English :)

  38. aint a grammer class

  39. Is liking my comments more worse than wearing my underwear inside out?

  40. Who cares what England did? And they didn't lose 7-1 to anybody did they? Marcelo is still not a good defender...neither is Luiz. You can't paper over those two players. You want poor? They were poor. Pass.

  41. I now fully expect his ban to be watered down to be more palatable to Barcelona. Probably to international matches only. What about his unveiling to the club's supporters? He's supposedly not allowed in a stadium. I doubt very much that will last for long. Banned from all footballing activity? Yeah right. He'll be playing from day one I'm sure.

  42. Suarez had no emotional connection?

    He worse his emotions all over his body (Yes....teeth included)

    The guy did not lack emotion or caring for the fans.

    Jeepers....just complain about his other antics but this is what you come up with?

  43. Sounds like a Risse/Aurelio type

  44. Glen Johnson won the 2009 goal of the season and was arguably England's best player at the WC

  45. I was hoping he would stay another year to help the Reds go far in CL and he would get some rest with more help.....in order to do so.

  46. Gimenez is the guy that Uruguay needs to replace Lugano.

    I believe that if the NT coach was not so set in his ways with older players and had started the change sooner, like right after the CA win 2011..... Uruguay would have had a better showing especially in the MF area.

    Tabarez expects Cavani to not be a striker and play defense and creator. Serves him right for having no plan B once Suarez got hurt and got hungry again.

  47. Depends on how clean they are.

  48. Cavani needs MF to feed him the ball more than Luis does.

    he gets played as a winger and is expected to defend and create for Luis in the NT.
    Tabarez does not seem to know what to do with him.

    Having said that..... he has been average ...for him..... for the last 6 months...ever since he got a divorce from his wife.

  49. Lucas moura can single handedly tear apart defences

  50. When are we gonna have a good summer transfer window? Why are Liverpool so slow, can't compete with other clubs. We are In the champions league, but Man. U gets players like Dimaria, Vidal and Hummels Arsenal gets Alexis. Please wake up Liverpool . We need something good.

  51. Ryan Bertrand it will be though mate. We're again failing to capitalize on our momentum by going for numbers rather than quality. The one top player we went for, went to frigging Arsenal. A club that has won squat in almost a decade.

  52. Gimenez that's him. He's at Atletico B so right up our alley. Maybe we can swap him for Coates :-)

  53. Suarez is out because he wanted out and not because of the club. Lamberts in because he will play for the shirt and offer a plan B. We wanted Alexis but his mates are at Arsenal. We also went after other so called big names but Chelsea and the Spuds offered more wages, So really it's not for the lack of trying. As for England Roy tried to copy BR but BADLY.

  54. VoucherAndDiscountCodes8:10 am, July 12, 2014

    Forget all these midfield targets.

    Get another world class striker in.

    James Rodríguez

    Do it NOW

  55. same goes for Moreno too. A defender whose weakness is tackling. LOL!

  56. It is highly doubtful that UTD will sign Di Maria, Vidal or Hummels unless they are willing to pay exorbitant transfer fees, offer massive wages and then they will need to convince those players that UTD is the club to chose who had a dreadful season last time round and are without CL football :-o Good luck to them.

    Sanchez chose London and Wenger over Liverpool. Unfortunately there is nothing LFC could do about that. Let's just move on?

  57. Bertrand, Moreno, Rojo or Ricardo Rodriguez.

    It is likely that one out of these four players will be playing in a red shirt next season. My pick would be Moreno.

  58. We've currently bought 2 up top, and 1 CM. Before spending further, can we please focus on the defence. A commanding pacy Centre Half and a Left Back should be on the shopping list.

    And after that, if we've any money left, I'd fight to get one of Lukaku or Benteke.

  59. I think the asking price was £60m

  60. No they wont none them want to come did you not tell me that earlier?

  61. You must be confusing me with somebody else.

  62. Shoulda mentioned earlier that milan didn't make Europe again, we should consider a bid for di sciglio and El shaarawy. Both are only 21 and should be available for 15-20m. I know shaarawy had a tough time of it last year with his injuries but his technique and attitude are still still class.

  63. I think there will be some at Barca that want to spread a bit of misinformation. Even now everyone else is reporting £75m. So I think Guillem may have been told a porky pie.

  64. Yes avoid. not keen enough on him for kiss or marry

  65. It's Woolwich Arsenal I think you'll find....:-)

  66. Yes thank you we got that the first time

  67. Yes figure. go! Whoo whooo whooo!

  68. Hodgson tried to copy Rodgers? I think he was Moyes in disguise.

  69. I agree, I think we should even consider James Rodriguez in with those 4 of Muller, Reus, Greizman and Firmino.

  70. I think just one performance in the world cup, just makes him rubbish. I have seen him at Real madrid and he is brilliant, he changed the game in the Champs final, which meant that game didn't go to penalties and Real Madrid won.

  71. Well if we are just reading what the papers are saying as fact then perhaps we signed Sanchez, Yaya Toure, Shiqiri and Huntelaar. No point waiting until they are signed they are certs as the mirror and the star told us so.

  72. Apparently Moreno is quite keen. Perhaps now the Barca money has come in (some up front) then the payment issue can be sorted out with Sevilla.

  73. If United sign Vidal and Di Maria, and we keep up this rate of signing 'potential', we'll miss the top 4. Easy.

  74. No one who is any good wants to come to Liverpool according to Logan he {Moreno} must be no good.

  75. And Sevilla are rumoured to be willing to take Aspas from us so that he could also be used to seal the deal.

  76. Where did I ever suggest that Moreno is no good?

  77. Not sure if the money we were supposed to owe Ajax has been mentioned on here but there is an article in a Dutch newspaper today that the director of Ajax at the time, effed up royally. He didn't include a sell on clause in the deal which means we owe Ajax 2 million and not 5 million euro of the transfer sum. On top of that 7.5 million euro of his 26.5 million fee was variabel and would only be triggered if we won the league or a cup. So Suarez only actually cost us 15 million quid. That's a 60 million pound profit. Some 58 after we pay Ajax and FC Groningen.

  78. Sign Lukaku and Ayew and Benzema.

  79. Where is our Marquee signing? Very disappointed in our current business so far

  80. GREIZMAN...!!!

  81. Bertrand will be cheap and I'd definitely be willing to give him a shot. He'd be back up for Enrique to me anyways, so why not?

    I have a feeling that Rodgers will just leave the position as it is and let Flanagan cover it.

    Rodriguez would be the perfect solution but LFC rarely make the most obvious choices. Moreno et al seem like massive rip offs IMO. Bertrand presents little risk and, as is usually the case, Rodgers would get more out of the player.

  82. Sign some more Germans. Everything about that country is just f***ing perfectionism. I'm also part German.

  83. Well if we do want him - he just got about £10m cheaper. Much rather Moreno though or Rojo.

  84. Read it again you are not getting it.

  85. so you think that spending 20m for 2 years is better than spending 30m for 12 years.. .What was your grade in maths you say?

  86. Oh I see. It is rumoured that Moreno's agent has already agreed personal terms with LFC but unfortunately there is problem when it comes to transfer/payment terms Sevilla are requesting. If true then Moreno would want to join and as Greg Jones suggest, James Pearce who is very reliable has also said that Moreno is keen on LFC.

    Would Bertrand sniff at the opportunity to play for LFC either?

    Firmino on the other hand? Please tell me let me know whether there has been any indication from the player, his representatives or anyone else whether he is keen on joining LFC...

  87. Never liked him. Filipe Luis however......

  88. A lot of Liverpool fans (and most from the City of Liverpool) in England don't care about the England national team, so find another site to post your anti-England nonsense. It is meaningless to us.

  89. So you want Snjeider but don't want Benzema...

  90. Yes. I hope that's okay with you.

    Sent from Samsung Mobile

  91. Was there a need to be so defensive...

  92. Marcelo is over blown. Not worth the effort or the cash. Get Blind or DiMaria with our cash not some overhyped Brazilian....

  93. I didn't sign any of those three but if I was in charge, Lambert as squad depth would have been one. Not sold on Lallana. Looks a bit soft to me.....all this has nothing to do with adding a defender who couldn't stop my mom.

  94. Give over. That's not defensive. You just wish to interpret it that way.

  95. So your rumors are true but no one else poor shot at me really at least i had the balls to put up my preferered TARGETS unlike people like you who just want to try badly to shoot people down whether your right or wrong, Considering you back Rodgers signings every time you are wrong 80 percent of the time.

  96. It's defensive and combative. You've been reading my posts for years, so you know I'm reasonable enough to know that I respect your opinions.

  97. I sure liked watching that Daley Blind kid today. He looks like a good LB. Why can't we get him?

  98. Xheridan Shaqiri or Marco Reus please!!
