24 Jun 2014

Bite Shock: Luis Suarez bites Italy star Giorgio Chiellini. Another ban? (Video)

You couldn't make it up. Liverpool striker Luis Suarez just never seems to learn, and after working so hard over the last year to clean up his act, the Uruguayan has let himself down again with what appears to be *another* bite incident.

Despite receiving a combined 17-game ban for TWO previous biting incidents, Suarez lost his head again during Uruguay's World Cup decider with Italy, and seemingly took a bite out of Italy defender Giorgio Chiellini.

Here is the incident:

Here is photo of Chiellini's shoulder, which clearly shows teeth marks indented in the skin:

 photo ScreenShot2014-06-24at190922_zps3cdd7034.png

Chiellini trying to show the referee the bite marks on his shoulder:

It's clearly a bite. What makes it worse is that Suarez falls over and feigns injury afterwards in a bid to deflect attention away from the incident, so he basically bites and cheats in the space of 20 seconds.

What planet is Suarez on? Two previous bite incidents and he does the same thing again on football's biggest stage, in front of a massive worldwide audience? It really is stupidity of the highest order.

If FIFA take a closer look at this incident after the game and determine that it is a bite, then Suarez is going to be in serious trouble, and will probably be kicked out of the tournament.

It shouldn't really come as any surprise, though. After all, this is a guy who deliberately hand-balled on the lined in a World Cup quarter-final, and has repeatedly stated he'll day *anything* to win.

It's a ridiculous thing to do, but I have to admit, it's pretty damn funny. It's just the jerk of the head that does it; for some reason, I find it incredibly amusing.

Suarez next season?

 photo ScreenShot2014-06-24at190517_zps3c68c3a5.png

Stupidity notwithstanding, Suarez gets a pass from me for scoring the goal that knocked England out of the World Cup ;-D

In all seriousness, though, this incident really saddens me. I may be one of Suarez's biggest critics, but he is an absolutely amazing footballer, and watching him play is just pure joy.

Along with John Barnes, Suarez is arguably one of the most exciting LFC players of the modern era, and it's just so disappointing to see him repeatedly sabotage himself like this.

NOTE: Personal insults directed at Suarez will not be tolerated. Yes, it's a distasteful incident, but please remain civil. Thanks.



  1. Unfortunately this isn't the best camera angle, but the other camera angle they have just shown on the telly is far more conclusive - it's a bite.

  2. Not a great game gee Suarez is a nut sometimes maybe headline will read God in Italy out

  3. It's really unbelievable.

    If it weren't so ridiculous, it'd be funny. Unfortunately, it's just sad.

  4. What is he? Five??? Next time just give the idiot some fava beans before he goes out on the pitch ...

  5. time to sell him off...

  6. We might have to knock a few million squids off after this.

  7. the one good thing is barcelona or real wont want him now

  8. Is Suarez a vampire?

  9. No-one will touch him now. He's a disgrace.

  10. :P is now or never...

  11. Or maybe they'll try to knock down the price

  12. Great player, total lunatic

  13. yeah but do we want to keep a player that keeps doing this? he's a fantastic player but a line has to be drawn somewhere, it's embarrassing :/

  14. Those bit marks just don't look human :/

  15. It's said there's a fine line between genius & madness, Suarez is the perfect example

  16. I might get banned for life...he is one sick bast ard!

  17. Mark my words, the majority of LFC fans won't care, just like they didn't care last time. As long as a player is good, he is allowed to get away with anything.

  18. Do they not feed them in Brazil?!?!?!

  19. Haha I can just see JK jumping up from his chair, running towards his PC to type this. Wooohoooo!!! Suarez has done something stupid again!!! Oh hang on, I can also invent the angle that it's part of his ploy to force a way out of Anfield! OOOooooohhhh I'm so excited!!!! Haha :-) Really though, I think it's time to say goodbye to Luis. He doesn't learn. When the stakes are high enough, he loses control. We should get all we can out of the deal but I really think it's time

  20. I think LFC fans primarily care if his actions affect the team.

    I think fans cared last year when he missed the first five games, but they forgot pretty quickly when he came back and scored.

    Same thing this time around... if he gets suspended for the remainder of the World Cup and it doesn't affect anything with the club, fans by and large won't care.

    Not saying I agree with it. Just saying what I think it will be.

  21. Lol, Suarez, the Van Gogh of football

  22. Who gives a $h!t??!! There are German fans with their faces painted black! I don't see anybody making a big hoopla about it. There was a Nazi guy who run on the pitch no media attention!! But some idiot decides to bites somebody then everybody wants to make noises about it. The football world are hypocrite!!!

  23. I think his leaving was an inevitability - this should help soften the blow somewhat. Having worked so hard to put himself in a better light, my concern is that this incident may have a negative effect whatever price we feel we may get for him.

  24. Unfortunately this will only hurt Liverpool in the long run. I suspect FIFA will ultimately give him a ban.

    Saurez will most likely push for move citing that the English media hate him and that he can not live in England any more.

    His asking price will drop, after all who wants to spend 80mil+ on a player with his track record for biting other players.. this will make it 3 times now. If FIFA do ban him it will only make his price drop.

    So whilst you are gloating JK, just think about the long term effects this will have on Liverpool

  25. That just might be it for me with Suarez. Have supported him, backed him up and attempted to explain his past behaviour, but if it's found that he clearly bit Chiellini and it wasn't part of some accidental clash, then there's no further excuses to be made.
    He's lived in the western world long enough and been punished twice before for same offence, so that he has to have modified his behaviour by now. I'm very, very sad over this and now hope we can still get a deal done with Barca, involving Sanchez. Sorry Luis, but I think you really have gone too far this time.

  26. The thing that amazes me is that he still has his teeth. If I had been Cheillini I can assure you Suarez would now look like he'd done five rounds with Mike Tyson.
    The prick should be banned for life now, worldwide!

  27. You think Barc will now pay 80mil+ for him.. not a chance

  28. Also, FIFA can ban a player for up to 2 years for biting....

  29. Enough is enough. I dont want Liverpool to be connected to this person anymore.

  30. Don't agree with that.
    He worked hard to rebuild trust with the fans after the bite and summer campaign to leave. But he's just thrown it all away.
    Hopefully barca still want him because I don't want my hopes for LFC to hang on his temperament. He's shown he just can't be trusted he's a liability.

  31. Hey JK why don't you write a spread about the racism going around the World Cup?? German fans with painted faces and a Nazi supporter run on the field and no one is making noise about that!

  32. No, never said that, in fact I said I hope we can still do a deal. Sanchez + £30M would now look good to me. :-(

  33. I care Jamie, he,s a fabulous player but once more he will cause collateral damage to the club I love

  34. EXCLUSIVE: Suarez stays at LFC for another year.... He's just ruled out his dream move to real or barca. Nobody will touch him. On a footballing sence it's good news for us. For him, he's not well and it's no laughing matter. Like many greats best/marradona/gazzz he's serously flawed.

  35. Oh dear, Luis. One think you can be sure of - the English media will have a field day with this.

  36. Don't agree with you here Jaimie. I've tolerated his bad behaviour, because, yes he's an extraordinary talent, but also, he seemed to be improving his behaviour.

    I am now really sad to have to admit he has gone too far, in my view. I suspect a lot of LFC fans who love Suarez may also come to this conclusion.
    If we find now that we can't sell him and have to keep him another year, to rehabilitate him again, prior to sale next year and he happens to help us win either the Prem or CL, I will be happy for LFC, but forever feel such victory would be soured.
    I can't express how sad I really feel over this.

  37. There is something mentally wrong with him. I really love the man, I think he is a footballing genius, but what he has done is unfathomable. I doubt his bite had anything to do with wanting to win, that bite is going to cost Uruguay's progress in the World Cup.

  38. For Gods sake will you all pull back in your anger, its no big problem, a set of gumshields every game, and we are fine.
    I am still trying to come to terms with it, it has to be a psychological problem, reckon he will be expelled from the WC.

  39. Agreed. I actually have sympathy for Suarez. Biting players three times arguably shows there's an issue on a psychological level, and if that's the case, then he just clearly hasn't received the help he needs over the years. He has to take responsibility, but if he genuinely can't help himself, then he needs support to overcome whatever is afflicting him.

  40. Gawd this is bleak7:36 pm, June 24, 2014

    Unless John Terry has sex with his sister, Luis Suarez will be on the front pages tomorrow.

  41. It always seems to happen when he's frustrated. In rugby it would be a two year ban. This could be a financial disaster for Liverpool if he gets what he deserves

  42. Believe me, I took no pleasure in seeing the incident unfold.

  43. Is that from all football?

  44. More like the Mike Tyson of football

  45. I said it last year and I'll say it again - he should NEVER wear a red shirt again! Such a disgrace to our club! He betrayed all those who defended him again, there is absolutely no excuse any more!!

  46. Why Luis u loon7:41 pm, June 24, 2014

    if he's bad for to year..do we still pay the guy his wage??

  47. No, just Internations

  48. lets see him explain that off to his daughter..

  49. Ha ha , forgot that one :)

  50. "It's all a huge conspiracy! Chiellini had one of his own teammates bite him off camera and then baited Suarez into headbutting him but missing with his headbutt and actually kissed him on the shoulder and then Chiellini fell down like he got shot, and hit Suarez in the face on his way down so that Suarez would hold his mouth like he just bit someone and hurt his teeth but in reality the English media organized the whole thing because they have a vendetta against Suarez."

    - Signed Every Liverpool Fan Living in Denial

    P.S. I don't mean the river in Egypt.

  51. That is some consolation. I still love him, but he deserves everything that gets thrown at him.

  52. He coulda killed the boy!

  53. Chiellini was the dirtiest player on the pitch - he should have been punched in the face, not bitten.

  54. He never bites when he,s winning :))))

  55. He's a HUUUUUUGGGGEEE Twilight fan. Team Edward yea!

  56. Terrible ref! Should have been a red card for Chiellini for shouldering Suarez in the teeth

  57. totally agree

  58. If this is a bite as it looks, he should be banned for the rest of the tournament.
    As regards his future at LFC, I'm now one of the fans that wants him sold for the maximum value to a La Liga or Serie A club.
    I'm not going to defend him anymore he's had his chances and claimed he's reformed but he hasn't learnt ANYTHING.

    On a personal note , I would prefer a player knock him out of seriously gave him a beating on the pitch if he bit a player he claims he's from the streets then let then some maybe some street beat downs will temper him.

  59. Suarez is not sick he just needs that the next time he bites a player they F**K HIM UP i think that would stop him

  60. I'll settle for a selfie with Shakira.

  61. JK sorry if I've over stepped the mark with my comments or broke some rules but I'm so livid

  62. I defended Suarez over the years but there is no grey area here. I am lost for words, disrespect to the sport, players, fans, family and his country. Can he get lifetime ban for this? I know it sounds harsh but it could happen... Suarez out! I don't want image like that at LFC...

  63. Don't swear it - I don't see any personal insults in your comments.

  64. Don't send him to La Liga or Serie A. That'd be doing him a favor. Send him to China, Ukraine or Russia. Let the communists sort him out.

  65. I still adore him :-) Still want him at LFC

  66. In all honesty, that was actually pretty disturbing viewing and has made me feel quite sad. Once could perhaps be passed off as a moment of madness, but twice? Three times? I was bitten once, at school, when I was about 6 - b@stard drew blood too. And my mum went ape sh1t - 'what kind of child bites another?!!' This is a grown man of 27 years biting another on repeated occasions and it surely points to a psychological issue rather than just a 'win at any cost' attitude.

  67. Wonder if he would bite his wife or his children when he feels frustrated?!? He needs some serious psychiatric help...

  68. Fifa can ban for up to 2yrs. Would this affect his eligibility in the EPL or other leagues, considering they all fall under FIFA sanction.

    It's sad because he is such a joy to watch most of the time. But I think a 2yrs ban may be nesscary. Which could cost him millions cause I'm sure LFC took some kind of behavioral clause in his contract, not to mention sponsors are dropping liking flies. But he deserves it at the same time.

  69. I'm pretty sure John Terry has had sex with all our sisters.

  70. Ahverruz Maritz8:05 pm, June 24, 2014

    I'm not buying the whole psychological issue angle. Didn't LFC spend a lot of money on sports psychologists last season? I honestly believe it's Suarez's plan to force a move away. I'm bitterly disappointed in him. Our beloved club's image is at stake here!

  71. The Ban would only apply to Internationals as far as I am aware

  72. Have you seen the clip of him pulling his teeth? Is the guy still cutting his teeth as an adult? One seriously wacked out dude

  73. Ban for life from any sanctioned game. He's had plenty of chances.

  74. Jonathan Capozzola8:07 pm, June 24, 2014

    The man is just bat-sh*t crazy

  75. I wanted him sold last year, and despite the season he has had if we can get Sanchez plus a few million for him, as is being reported, then I think we should snap it up. He has absolutely no respect for the reputation of our club.

  76. It's very disappointing especially on this world wide stage where children will be watching and may imitate this biting. As a world class player who people look up to Luis,it's a very sad day.
    Whilst he has promised to give Liverpool another season before his departure next year, has he instigated this to bring his move forward this summer.
    Maybe FIFA, Uraguay Fa and liverpool FC should make an example and agree a lengthy Ban for Country and club

  77. Still our best player, can´t stand moralists, they are often the most rotten people

  78. So you think him getting risking himself being banned from the rest of the World Cup and possibly more, making himself look like an animal in front of billions of people world wide was just his way of forcing a move away from Liverpool?

    What he did had nothing to do with Liverpool and all to do with the fact that he has some serious mental issues.

  79. What makes you say that he's a nazi? Why did he shake Muntari's hand?

  80. It's not the hat trick I was expecting from Suarez

  81. I wasn't aware of those incidents but was thinking something similar. If you give football at the highest level any thought it's a massive joke. It's just entertaining. Some fool doing something stupid like this doesn't really bother me. Much worse things going on in the world. Suarez is nuts and an assemble but if he stays and scores twenty odd goals that's fine. No united supporter wishes they had sold Cantona. Big Dunk is such a hero for Everton he is now a coach there. I bet both sets of supporters will have something to say about all this though.
    Like I say football is a joke let's not take it too seriously and enjoy the mad as well as the good.

  82. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2665962/Germany-fans-spark-Fifa-investigation-wearing-black-face-paint-afro-wigs-World-Cup-clash-Ghana.html

  83. I'm a season ticket holder and I bloody well care! The club and the fans shouldn't have to go through all this again. He's a disgrace and we need to get rid as soon as possible. The problem is I don't think Barcelona or Real Madrid will touch him now, so this could cost the club tens of millions. Nice one Luis!!
    A quick question for you Jamie. Why does Suarez get a pass from you for scoring the goal that knocked England out??

  84. That was a joke, hence the smily. I'm Scottish. It's just banter.

  85. I was taking the pesh buddy, I know you can handle it :-)

  86. I can attest to the accuracy of this statement. I don't even have a sister and he still managed to pull it off.

  87. Not relevant to this incident and not true as the post below shows.

  88. LOL.
    Beaver? That's a euphamism for something else... and he's definitely one of those!

  89. Ok, I was just curious

  90. just seen copy of the RAG( S-N) online from day of england been dumped by his two goals, so i know understand the coments made by him after that match, in relation to english media!i thought it was the start repeat of last summer;, it was low and sick of the rag, but tomorrow ever paper will destroy him; and sadly deservedly so, no club will want him!
    though i pray some russian billionaire takes him to sibera.
    Or we put a lecter muzzel or at least gumshields on him,,, will Uraguay still treat him as a GOD

  91. Not pretty for Suarez and not pretty for us either. LFC will be torn as to what to do. Barca may not even want him now...especially if he is handed a longer ban than 10 games...like a season. I don't think the ban wil be from International play because that doesn't really penalize the player...only a ban involving a healthy monetary penalty will do that. I'm betting a one year ban from all play isn't out of the question.
    That being said, I'm glad Italy is going home. Now the world won't be subjected to any more of their whining and rolling and stopping play with their flopping and writhing.

  92. I don't think Barcelona or Real Madrid will view this as good for the image of their respective clubs, so to suggest it is a ploy to get a move away from the club is stretching it. Yes it is your opinion but in this case it is incorrect as only Luis would know what was going on in his head (if anything!) when he did it.

  93. I heard he likes to eat All Branislav for brekkie

  94. He is an idiot but what's new and what's worse?
    Zidane - Headbutt
    Cantona - karate kicking a fan
    Suarez - biting

    He should be banned from Internationals and If he does it for Liverpool again he should be fined heavily again and immediately transfer listed.

    I had hoped that Dr Steve Peters had helped him manage his chimp but clearly he has a way to go.

  95. Barca might not want him but Real will, they won't care, just look at Pepe

  96. Will be interesting what sort of damage limitation Suarez,s agent etc put on this , the guy must know he is in serious shit!

  97. I don't buy that mate, it's highly likely he will be banned for the rest of the World Cup, is that worth the price of a move he can most probably get any way?

  98. They more than likely will.

  99. If it's a FIFA ban then surely it's likely to be International games only. They can give a max of 24 games or 2 years, but I just read that the longest ever WC ban given was 8 games to Italy's Mauro Tissotto for breaking Luis Enrique's nose with an elbow in 94. I reckon our Luis might just top that record. I guess it remains to be seen whether this will affect interest from the Spanish clubs - my main concern is that we get the highest price possible if we decide to sell.

  100. Ahverruz Maritz9:41 pm, June 24, 2014

    By your argument, you're assuming that Suarez cares about what respective clubs think about his image. Clearly he is under the impression that his superior football skills speaks for itself. Do you honestly think that Barca or Real will pass up on Suarez even now? I highly doubt it. And Suarez knows that...

  101. I'm split on what to think now, should we keep him and let it tarnish our reputation, or should we sell him and pocket £80 million but risk never being able to replace him?

  102. What did zidane get for his butt in the final ?

  103. he retired after the game so i dont think he got a game ban.

  104. I have to admit it is very funny though....watching here in Ireland one of the analysts said to he'd rather be bitten than headbutted resulting in broken nose or a leg breaking challenge...fair points i suppose! Think we are stuck with him now, warts...sorry bites n all. Such a great player though, hopefully his ban will not role over to club side of things.

  105. I think there was a dirtier player on the pitch than Chiellini

  106. As soon as he is gone, the better..

  107. He did offer him a high five. Well I think it was a high five........

  108. Afraid it will be Sanchez plus 25 mill. But still, fcuk off..

  109. People won't like this comment, but this is the only way we could possibly hold on to Suarez. Surely Real or Barca would be crazy to pay his alleged buy out clause.

    People have suggested before that his previous biting incidents were an attempt to engineer a move etc, but this latest outrage refutes that theory.

    Could be a risk to keep him and not good enough value to sell him.

    FIFA will either ignore it or slap a 6 month ban worldwide ban on him

  110. except it could be for the worse in footballing terms for us next season....take it you won't be cheering him scoring goals if he stays with us next season...i will

  111. I honestly think it should just be a ban for Uruguay intls...otherwise where do fifa draw the line...if another player later in tournament breaks someones leg (or similar) and its deemed to be a deliberate action then surely they will be forced to apply same rules going forward.

  112. Probably time to cash in and sell him to RM or Barca, assuming they'd still be willing to pay the huge amounts being talked about before today.

  113. Not a chance we will get as large a fee as mentioned before. RM will prob try a cheeky offer for what exactly we paid for him, Barca will not be interested now I reckon. Then we are left with a possible position of only one offer...it'll be a take it or keep him.

  114. To be honest, I would much rather have those bite-marks on my shoulder than stud marks on my shin or my knee or my chest or even a black eye from a flying elbow. This frenzy is an overly exaggerated reaction, kind of like a pitbull being shot in the arse by a pellet gun. In fairness, i could talk all day about Suarez's madness but lately I have been running out of superlatives to describe his undeniable talent. As a football fan, I would be heartbroken to be deprived of witnessing this guy's future unstoppable performances but like Maradona, the idiots will most likely remember him, first and foremost, as a cheating lunatic. Such a shame.

  115. oh please get jackson martinez. even if suarez stays.

  116. So here's the deal. It's not that I condone the biting - it is dumb. But in the grand scheme of things it's not as severe as all the outrage would suggest. Chielini will live to walk another day, and everything is fine.

    Why did he do it? I don't think it's madness, cannibalism, or anything like that. It's a creative way to draw a foul - If you look at the Ivanovic incident, it's almost identical - the idea is bite, get immediately elbowed in the face, go down, get a penalty. It's sorta like grabbing someones junk during a set piece.

    Desperate times call for desperate measures, if trash talking isn't working, you need to try something else - biting is a non obvious way to receive a red card offense and a penalty.

    Uruguay needed something, a draw wasn't enough, Suarez for all his footballing efforts wasn't doing enough (he was pushing himself to the limit and is nowhere near 100%), If his team were to progress they needed a goal - this was a cheeky way of doing that.

    He should have learned that this isn't effective, and that the camera's will be all over him - the intent was not crazy, but rather a convoluted way to survive.

    As I say it was dumb, but not as crazy or malicious as made out to be.

    Still think he's an awesome player, and generally a good guy - but needs to learn the limits of what he should and should not do in order to try and win.

  117. What an incredibly narrow-minded statement.

  118. He just needs to control his 'inner chimp'. Seriously all these instances have happened in high profile pressure games...something snaps. (not sure what ajax game pressure was like). I have no trouble separating his footballing genius from these incidents. The problem I have is when people start questioning him as a human being/his personal life. I don't know him but am sure he is a decent family guy with good morals off the pitch. Do not here much about him off the pitch unlike other well known pl players. Nice bit of work for peters & co, honestly think he should meet up with Luis now.

  119. Psychologist's can't 'cure' everyone with a problem . He is obviously a rather 'special' case

  120. So are we gonna start banning players for life who make career ending challenges, headbutts, elbows...where you draw the line? I'd rather help the guy than throw him to the footballing wilderness.

  121. I would almost agree with you if this weren't the third distinct occurrence in three separate leagues. Even if it is a FIFA ban there is nothing that says the FA couldn't also pile on.

  122. Take your pick from either team!

  123. Ok How many more people in your open-minded world should he be allowed to bite or racially abuse before being banned?

  124. and she's a lesbian

  125. If that's the case, how did he manage to go through the whole season (in very competitive, title-deciding matches) without biting anyone. The mental illness excuse is just too convenient and it somehow almost condones Suarez's behaviour. I just don't buy it. I'm sticking to my evaluation of the situation because it seems more plausible to me...

  126. How do you know that? If you can show me definitive proof that LFC were willing to make his departure easy, then maybe I'll re-evaluate the situation.

  127. Liverpool Chelsea was a bit of a dead rubber...

  128. No, if he pulled it off, then its self inflicted.

  129. How many times should he be allowed to bit or racially abuse someone before he is banned for life?

  130. After all...it is FIFA's fault anyway. If they hadn't put on this silly world cup contest-thingy, then Suarez would be minding his own business, spending quality time with the family, improving his scouse dialect and generally getting fit for the upcoming season.

  131. Be more embarrassing to have Moses on the team.Perish the thought.

  132. I think they're freckles!!!

  133. Your own username needs a little reconfiguration also,if that's your opinion.

  134. You're all whining here like babies,some of our finest and most revered rugby players thought nothing of having an 'Ear Kebab' or a 'Nose Tartare' during a game.Man up,we're knee deep in it now with a broken captain and an 'exile in waitng' star player.

  135. My cat seems uncomfortable during Chelsea games.And it's a neutered Tom.

  136. Imagine you're in a crowded pub,you get bitten on the shoulder from behind,the first thing you do is swing an arm.Luis MO is that gets him a penalty.SIMPLES.

  137. God dammit Sepp, you've done it again!

  138. Totally agree that's his line of wisdom.And of course in our namby pamby PC world,it's overblown.'Think of the children etc'.Well you're the parent/guardian...that's your job,if you care.,

  139. Oh dear,then he'd be blamed for a falling birth-rate.

  140. Then again Brendan Rodgers said: "we need hungry players to win title"

  141. But he hasn't managed to go through the whole season without biting someone has he!

  142. Swap Suarez for £40M plus Sanchez, Pedro . Despite all of this Suarez is still worth £90m, due to the Bale price tag and having 2 better seasons than him. He is a world star and a bite does not mean he will not still destroy your team. With Sanchez worth £30M and Pedro £20M this will equal £90M. With the £40M I would scrap the Lallana deal and sign Ross Barkley for £35M. It represents a better deal for potential. Ability and even better he a Liverpool boy and young. Barkley and Sanchez is enough to fill the Suarez moments. There both fantastic players couldn't imagine them together. Yarmolenko can be signed as his replacement for £15M. With 22 goals last season he should be able to fill in with at least 15goals and a few assists when he's called upon. Very good player and can play striker or right wing with maximum effect. Adam Johnson sometimes has a bit part role at Sunderland so I'm sure he wouldn't mind being backup at Liverpool. And credit to him with a few good performances he could find his way into the lineup. A straight swap for Borini should be done. Sign Medel from Cardiff for £10M and buy Rodgriuez from Wolfsburg for £15M.


  143. He's a mentally ill person and needs extended psychological help. He has never learned and I'm afraid his punishment could be even more brutal than his bite. Such a shame that a player of his quality makes the footballing world focus on despicable acts like this instead of his prowess on the pitch.

  144. If anything the children will learn that if you bite someone, you will be ostracized, punished, and labelled for a long time.

    Oh well, should blow over by september - really hope he only gets a couple of games at most.

    If FIFA are going to review this incident, then they need to review all the penalty calls, dives, and other card worth situations to make sure everything is ok - otherwise there is a disproportionate focus on one relatively minor incident.

  145. I hear there's a video of Maradona saying something to the effect of: "They were the teeth of God."

  146. I see dead english arriving Heathrow...

  147. I reckon you could make an academy award winning psychological drama about Luis Suarez. He is that troubled....

  148. Which team is going to buy Suarez after this disgraceful incident?

  149. Luis Suarez is a sick man

  150. This is hillarious yellow media!..

  151. One thing is for sure... without him, you can wait 30 more years to get any kind of title...

  152. Im sorry to spoil your lil party here, but it is not a clear bite at all. The official version is that he bumped into his shoulder. I genuinely believe that. If you take a close look you only see the mark of his upper teeth, not the bottom.

  153. Luis?

    Sent from Samsung Mobile

  154. Patrick Ó Fearghasa2:47 am, June 25, 2014

    You would think Suarez tried to rape him with the media storm and overreaction. And that's a previous scar, Suarez's big front teeth would leave bigger marks than that. Go to any club in Britain and their best player would be defended by their fans too, it's not just Liverpool. If Ronaldo or Messi bit a player, you think their fans would want to get rid of them? That would never happen.

  155. I was really hoping Suarez would have s great World Cup and then come back for at least next season fired up for a championship tilt and a CL campaign. But now, really, it's time to sell him and bring in some fresh faces that don't do their best to embarrass themselves as well as their club and country. Why Suarez? Why? You do need help my friend, but get it at Barca.

  156. This is an absolute disgraceful act from a supposedly top-5 footballer on the planet right now.

    The more concerning thing right now is will LS be banned at club level? Also it seems like there are quite a number of people jumping out saying he's really keen in playing for Barcelona. Will Barcelona hold back on it's pursue for the man?

    As amazing as LS's footballing skills, he's really a 'strange' bomb that may self-detonate anytime.

  157. I seriously am bitterly disappointed. He seemed to be finally turning a corner...

  158. After several, comments on why the media and sports writers should give Suarez the space, this incident saddens me and I have to agree with your previous comments on him.
    It's a foolish action that he will regret the rest of his life, sad for a person who has the world of football at his feet.especially at WC 2014.
    I think I also accept it is time LFC move on without Suarez.

  159. You shut your whore mouth and get out of here!

  160. Real Madrid, Barcelona, Chelsea, Man City, PSG, Monaco....

  161. Ok listen up....there is no way, no way, ever, on this planet, no way ever that Everton will sell us Barkley. Not ever. Never. It will not happen. Never.

  162. I think it's the SS on his stomach that did it. 0048 is the country code for Poland by the way.

  163. How is painting your face black, racist?

  164. If Suarez is trying to manipulate a move to Madrid of Barca by suffering the condemnation of the media and therefore, causing us to drop his valuation and he won't have to hand in a transfer request, I really hope FIFA gives him a two-year ban across all leagues. This is simply unacceptable. If LFC do decide to get rid of him, hope we can make some good money out of him and get some world-class players.

  165. U r completely correct. We need to get a grip....

  166. Spot on, mike Tyson's Latin alter ego.....

  167. Agreed but I hope LFC insists on therapy And he doesn't get banned for the full EPL season.........

  168. Suarez has what is known as uncontrollable incisor syndrome meaning they have a mind of their own and he cannot be responsible for what they do ...... He will have to see a Dental Psychiatrist and the only treatment might be to have them removed . Nobby Stiles had the same problem and after his successful outcome he went on to help win the World Cup for us !
    Failing this it's Adios Luis and fangs for the memory ........

  169. Ahverruz Maritz7:16 am, June 25, 2014

    If you could not deduce that I was referring to the premiere league season, then this debate is pointless...

  170. Yep a possible defence for a one off incident, But three times with everything that has gone on before and in a WC?

  171. Phew thank goodness for that. Perhaps we can get him off the previous incidents too now we know what has been happening.

  172. If, as you hope, FIFA ban Suarez for two years across all leagues. Then how, also as you hope, can LFC sell him and make any money?? We'll be stuck with him for the next 2 years and at the end of the ban, nobody will touch him.
    Let's hope the ban only applies to international games, so there is still a chance to offload him and get him as far away from LFC as possible.

  173. Suarezes actions although deplorable still isnt as bad as causing grave injury if he gets 2 years world wide what do you get for breaking a players leg or something similar?

  174. Lfc have the best sport psychologist in the business hence the reason he didnt blow up last season the safest place for luis seems to be melwood hopefully its only international games he misses because i reckon rodgers and dr pieters can keep him in check

  175. This is just another attempt to rationalise.

  176. No its just asking a civil question and really if you were to deliberately injure a player badly what would the penalty be?
    I certainly hope you dont think i believe this is justifying him or anything i dont care if he never plays ever for Uruguay again its only Liverpools plight which concerns me.

  177. Heart breaking actions from Suarez after all that has gone on before hand, although he wasn't wearing a Liverpool shirt he is a representative of our great club. I am sick of his actions he was amazing last season and he now goes and does something else that tarnishes his and our clubs name and pours cold water over a brilliant season. No one can deny he is an exceptional but seriously unpredictable genius. We should take Barcelona's cash and Sanchez. Liverpool fans are incredibly loyal beyond belief as we are like a family strengthened over time by triumphs and painful tragedies over the years, so when the players pull on that red shirt they are our brothers, it is hard to criticise family let alone take it from someone outside of our club and it is almost second nature to defend the ones you love but his actions on the field keep upsetting the family, time is up on his Liverpool career in my opinion now how many bridges can he burn and we still keep forgiving him? He needs to be sold on bring in Sanchez and cash and lets bid him farewell. Before anyone questions my loyalty to the club for criticising Suarez look at the bigger picture if he cares so much about us he wouldn't have done it especially after the EVRA and IVANOVIC incidents and the blatant fluttering of his eyelashes through the press to other clubs to sign him is a slap in the face.

  178. Unfortunately after this the Sanchez who may be coming to Liverpool may not not be Alexis god knows what hes worth now.

  179. I think saying the majority of LFC fans won't care is nonsense, granted some find it harder to criticise and accept his actions are wrong more than others but to put at a majority is a flawed logic based solely on a few vocal and deranged troll fans. I have followed LFC all my life, I am from the city and come from a family of supporters that stretch back to the begininng, my brother was married at Anfield, my second cousin and school friend died at Hillsborough and I am as fiercely and blindly loyal supporter as any but if your ear was closer to the ground in amongst the pubs and supporters clubs you will find most of them wanted him gone last season. I appreciate your no nonsense take on his actions and I agree for the best part but it is not a majority of fans it is a minority.

  180. That's a fact.

  181. Love it though how people with no ties to Liverpool or Uruguay are falling all over each other again to voice their opinion. Like Paul Scholes. You played with Cantona and Keane, Paul. Did you have an opinion on them too? Hypocrites. All we can do now is to wait for the PM to open his gob again (where was he last season as Suarez was making headlines) and for the FA to somehow find this worthy of a ban for the PL as well. My guess would be, 20 games this time.

  182. I,and thousands of others have two main interests,Liverpool FC and Liverpool FC winning.Lose him and we're doomed,Gerrard is broken at the moment.Moral high ground won't win us much.

  183. Greg I agree with you, there is a man held in high regard around the world who tried to hurt ended a players career with an horrific tackle and showed no remorse and is now a coach and has been a manager and a tv pundit, Roy Keane....life and football goes on...it was and is a scummy thing to do...as is what Suarez has done again, I am raging over this as a life long Liverpool supporter, but if Suarez was with another club and was for sale I would buy him, ....I am not trying to condone this or trying to rationalizing it, you cant it's just wrong.

  184. We need to sell him to Barcelona or Madrid this summer and hopefully still get top money for him. We can then use that money to replace (as best we can) and then strengthen other areas of the squad. The club and us supporters can then move on from the Suarez sideshow.

  185. Will be interesting to hear what Brendan has to say and how he handles the situation no doubt after receiving instructions from the owners ...PR nightmare for Fenway . Suarez did for KK and we don't want history repeating itself .
