25 Jun 2014

Deal of the Summer? BR wants to sign 'magnificent' £24m Brazil World Cup star

With the pursuit of Alberto Moreno stalling, Liverpool are set to pursue alternative options, and Real Madrid star Marcelo is reportedly next on Brendan Rodgers' transfer wish-list.

According to The Mirror today:

* Liverpool and Spurs are tracking Marcelo.

* The Brazilian is available for £24m.

Liverpool were linked with Marcelo earlier this year, and in March, a report in Spanish newspaper Mundo Deportivo claimed that:

* Rodgers sees Marcelo as the 'ideal' solution to LFC's left-side worries.

* The Reds would pay up to €30m to seal the deal.

Marcelo - nicknamed 'El Loco (The Crazy)' by his Real Madrid team-mates - has an excellent creative record for a left-back, which will certainly come in handy at Liverpool:

* 2009-10: 4 goals/9 assists in 43 apps.
* 2010-11: 5 goals/7 assists in 50 apps.
* 2011-12: 3 goals/8 assists in 44 apps.
* 2012-13: 1 goals/1 assists in 19 apps.
* 2013-14: 2 goals/7 assists in 39 apps.
* TOTALS: 15 goals/32 assists in 152 apps.
* Goal/assist every 3.3 games

What about the Brazilian's defensive stats this season? In 33 apps:

* 43 interceptions (1.3 per game)
* 79 tackles (2.3 per game)
* 20 fouls conceded (0.6 per game)
* 45 clearances (1.3 per game)
* 6 blocks (One every 5.5 games)
* Aerial duels won: 43%

Real Madrid legend Roberto Carlos is a big fan of Marcelo, and insists that the 26-year old is the best left back in the world. In February, he raved:

“Marcelo has everything. I like his quality, the way he joins the attack, his dribbles. He’s a much more technical player than I was, although maybe I was faster. He’s a magnificent left-back for Madrid.”

Fabio Coentrao just signed a new 5-year deal with Real Madrid, which means Marcelo will have massive competition for his place in the team, but based on appearance levels last season, it seems that Ancelotti favours the Brazilian.

Marcelo has never really impressed me. He's not really pulling up any trees at the current World Cup, and his defensive stats are not the greatest. Additionally, if Liverpool refuse to pay £20m for Alberto Moreno, it seems unlikely that the club will pay £24m for player who's six years older?

Of course, given his experience, Marcelo is infinitely preferable to Moreno, and as far as I'm concerned, you can never have enough Brazilians in your team :-)



  1. I agree with Roberto Carlos.

  2. It would be awesome. But we are Liverpool. Lets buy Moreno for 22 million an Lallana for 30 million. That way we will have ample rest in 2015/16

  3. Yes, magnificent LB for Madrid but not for Liverpool; and not ever realistic one.

  4. Ed, read my post again, I said I agree with Roberto Carlos, not about being realistic, not LFC, I just agree with Roberto Carlos, comprendé.

  5. I thought he was agreeing with you then adding his own view not in any way disagreeing.

    I am tempted to add comprende but I won't :-).

  6. Brazillians have problem with how a defender is supposed to play, jesus christ their full bzck got exposed already and we re just finishing group stage, but apparently if they join the attack it doesnt matter if they are nowhere to be found defensively

    we were leaking goals like crazy and we dont look at full back who can defend, dont understand how that make sense, with a solid back 4 we could look at midfielder who score/create without the fear of having to outscore opponents because our defense suck.

  7. Next on the list? Marcelo should be the first...

  8. I would be delighted if we signed Marcelo. He would be an absolute star in the prem for us. I love his attitude and think he would be absolutely brilliant for the dressing room. I have always liked him and would like him at the club over any other LB - don't believe it will happen, but would be great all the same.

  9. Mr. Point Of View8:45 am, June 25, 2014

    confusing : We not willing to pay big fee for younger Moreno (got resell value) but instead paying even bigger fee for Marcelo (26yo)?

    of coz either of them is good for us..im purely judge them on financing ONLY

  10. You know what guys? I reckon this Suarez bite has all but consolidated his future at Liverpool for at least another year.

  11. So if he's that good, why would they want to sell? I'd prefer Rojo. And Muslera in goal (if I say it often enough, it may just happen :-) )

  12. he should be banned from the rest of the world cup at least and maybe the next world cup. I wonder what would have happened to Zidane over his head butt if he hadn't retired......people think the sun shines out of his a**e now

  13. Agreed Jamie, I would love it if he came to us, but if he is available we will delay it and he will end up at chelski no doubt.

  14. I think it will be difficult if Suarez goes and he might have been on his way before this incident who knows? But we have got over top players leaving before and will do so again

    I am not even saying he should be sold as the damage to LFC's reputation is done and selling him now would not change that. If we were looking to preserve our reputation we should have moved him on before. I suspect though he will now go now either because the club will make the decision or he will. In his twisted mind and those of his entourage of supporters it is all the fault of the British press.

    All I am saying is there is no excuse this time and I do feel he needs some help. No one in his right mind would do that at a WC especially after all that has gone before.

  15. yes i actually dont care. I am just nervous that FIFA dont ban from club game

  16. I'm so split on what I believe should happen to him. His behaviour is utterly indefensible, I'm just shocked. I see there's two options though and each wouldn't be too bad.

    a.) We sell him for big money, lose a player who is a liability and make massive profit on his time at the club.

    b.) Nobody will will want to take the risk on him and he will continue to bang in goals for fun.

    My biggest concern is his value will drop as a result of this although renowned football genius Robbie Savage made the point that if he received a long term international ban (FIFA regulations allow a maximum of two years or 24 matches), he would actually become more valuable as you would have a player with risk of injury or fitness on international duty. Now he may have a point but I don't really buy into it.

    What a f***ing numpty though, it's embarrassing. Throw the book at him FIFA, maybe he'll learn, not holding my breath though.

  17. Phil Thomson has says the sanchez deal Is done on news talk today, if it's true then I'm a happy man, keep saurez with sanchez and sturrage and we'd have some attack, or sell him but buy someone like martinez and that would probably do as well.

  18. Could ease out Suarez though...imagine if we kept both but

  19. Agreed. Still think he is a motherfcuker that needs to be baned for a year and pay a million to some NGO.

  20. Of course I will. But I would be disgussed if we keep him. If he was new boyfriend of my biggest love I would love it when he scores for US, but that doesn't mean I want him out.

  21. That is the best post I've read on topic.

  22. Thamks for that, did not know i...
