11 Jun 2014

'Let Me Leave': £4m star threatens to quit LFC unless he 'plays regularly'. Arrogance?

On-loan Reds attacker Suso has confirmed that Porto are in talks with Liverpool over a possible summer transfer to the Estádio do Dragão.

Speaking to reporters last night, Suso confirmed 'negotiations' are taking place with 'the best club in Portugal', and admitted that Porto are an 'excellent option'.

Rather arrogantly, though, Suso also presented Liverpool with an ultimatum: play me regularly, or I will leave. He told reporters:

"I will only renew with Liverpool if I’m guaranteed I’ll play regularly. The option is clear if I don’t renew: let me leave.

"I think Liverpool thinks the same. They won’t let me leave on a free in a year if I don’t renew. Let's see what happens"

I'm a fan of £4m-rated Suso, but he will not endear himself to Brendan Rodgers with these comments. He is no position to brazenly demand first-team football, and by doing so, he's probably just ensured that Liverpool will sell him.

That said, I totally understand where Suso is coming from. Why should he stay at LFC if he's going to rot away on the bench? He showed enough talent/potential in 2012-13 season to earn the same faith show to Sterling and Flanagan, and after a year in La Liga, he is (theoretically) in a much better position to make an impact for Liverpool.

Suso shouldn't be making public ultimatums, though. If Rodgers is ambivalent about keeping him, then the Spaniard has just handed the manager the perfect excuse to get rid of him.



  1. If he wants to play he needed to force his way in to the team. Simple as that. He got opportunities and would drift out of games. Especially after a leveler. I wish he had longer on his contract and the will to make a spot in the team his. Unfortunately it seems that that ship may have sailed.

  2. I can understand his frustration however he needs to prove that he can do a better job then those players ahead of him.

    Unfortunately one can only surmise he has failed to do that in both the time he has spent at Liverpool playing for the reserves, in training and out on loan.

  3. I made a point the other day that Suso would want regular football and that his future at LFC would be based on that and it seems i am right.

    Just like when he said he knew he was not going to get regular football last season and asked the club to send him on loan.

    Not sure how letting Suso go on a free will effect his ultimatum could just be a way of speeding up his exit out of Anfield.

  4. Although I'd be very sad to see Suso leave, this is clearly better for his development. If we were smart about it we would insert a buy-back clause for 7-8 million. By selling him, he is probably more likely to play than he is if we send him on loan to a big club (they have something to gain from him getting experience). If he comes good we only need to pay a few million for a top quality player, and Porto double their money. If he doesn't, we have made a bit of profit on a fringe player. To some extent everyone's a winner.. Not that we are normally that smart about transfers like this though..

  5. Stop peddling deliberate misinformation!

    Suso did not ask to be sent on loan. There is no evidence of that. He was offered the opportunity to go on loan, and he took it. How do you think the opportunity arises? Suso doesn't contact clubs to arrange a loan; the deal is done between LFC and the other club, and Liverpool organise the loan deal.

  6. I have posted the evidence many times which is freely available on the official LFC website.

  7. There is no evidence that Suso unilaterally asked to go out on loan. None, whatsoever.

    A headline doesn't count; that is just some site editor's interpretation of an interview. The quotes from Suso himself, and Rodgers carry all the weight.

  8. If he was good enough he would have been in the team

  9. "Liverpool wanted me to stay; they didn't say I had to go on loan. But I know there are a lot of good players at Liverpool, maybe I wasn't going to start games. I am young - the most important thing right now is that I have to play.

    Seems like you left out part of his quote?

    Have you ever heard of agents Jamie? If a player is unhappy then who does the player call on to go see his club?

  10. I understand his position but I have to agree that he's in no position to be making ultimatums in the press. On your way son

  11. Logan, we've all seen The Matrix. I'm sure Jaimie knows all about Agents.

  12. Man, that was one of the most craziest movies when it came out.

    "You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

  13. No, logan, it looks like you have selective blindness.

    That part of the quite IS in my post. Please check again.

    That quote does not prove that Suso asked to go out on loan. Based on Rodgers' past comments about sending players out on loan, it's most probable that the club made it clear to Suso that he wouldn't be a regular starter, and offered him the chance to go on loan, which he accepted.

    Your point about Agents is irrelevant, and is once again framed as a pointless question.

  14. Was it crazy Logan? Was it!?

    ...or is that just what you want me to think!?

  15. No it is not irrelevant when Almería could have approached Suso's agent to take him on loan.

    Funny how you can say "it looks like you have selective blindness"

    What would you do if I had to refer to you as the same?

  16. I wouldn't care if you said I have 'selective blindness' - it's not an insult. You have, as a matter of fact, missed the part of my post that contains the quote.

    There's no evidence Almeria approached Suso's Agent. if there is, please post it.

  17. Even now when I watch that movie I pick up on something new that I did not see before. Yes that is what I want to make you think :-)

  18. And there is no evidence that LFC arranged his loan.

  19. TBF Suso almost certainly has had this conversation with the club before saying it to the press

  20. That's like arguing that there's no evidence that Liverpool arranged the transfer of Joe Allen, or any other player.

    It's about probability: taking into account all the available evidence, the probability is that LFC arranged the loan for Suso.

    Then again, using your logic, an overseas club can arrange a loan with a player without ever involving Liverpool FC! Yes, it's all done through the agent, and Rodgers has no say whatsoever.

  21. ""Liverpool wanted me to stay;"

    I just do not see that part of Suso's quote in your post.

  22. He's beginning to believe!

  23. In fairness when I read it I did think it sounded like he chose to leave. It's not explicitly put but in a watered down media savi world of politically aware comments of football players I wold say it was close enough.

  24. I must say I am impressed with his attitude towards his ability, but now there are two things that are going to happen to him in his future which will probably in the most extreme way which are either he will fantastically go on to become one of the best players in the game and make us wonder why did we even let him leave or crash even more fantastically and make us feel it was the right decision.

    Lets hope he stays with us and becomes the former!

  25. Yes, LFC probably wanted him to stay as a squad player, but Suso makes it clear he wanted first team football, as he does again with his latest comments.

  26. So Lovren has apparently handed in a transfer request. What other teams are interested in him? Is this good news for us?

  27. But is exactly the point I made in my original post which you are arguing with?

    Why else would Suso say...

    "the most important thing right now is that I have to play"

    What makes last season different to the way Suso feels right now?

  28. I...know Kung-Fu?

  29. Apparently he has sighted wanting CL.

  30. Sorry, you're talking in circles again, and I have better things to do that try and decipher your point.

  31. Logan said Suso wanted the move. Suso also said Liverpool wanted him to stay ipso facto.

  32. I only see green 0s and 1s now.

  33. He is not going to be cheap.

  34. No but the request should help that a bit. We apparently made a £15m verbal offer. Perhaps a little more would do it.

  35. Yeah also read about the verbal offer and apparently they told us to go jump off the nearest cliff. Southampton are going to be thick in the money if they sell all the players who have been linked with a move away to other clubs. If they are going to sell all their stars then it will it will be at a premium. Strange how we got away with only £4m for Lambert. Yes he is 32 but it is going to cost Southampton more than £4m to replace him?

  36. Yeah agreed on the whole, especially Lambert. They are thick in the money anyway due to tv money. Oddly I can see this transfer request could see the end of our Lallana chase. If they sell Lovren which seems more likely now they will get good money. If Shaw goes there seems no way that they will be keen on letting another top performer leave. Perhaps it may scupper the Shaw sale too who knows. Not sure how strongly a transfer request is like.

  37. WE don't want players that need guaranteed playing time in our squad (its just bad for morale and ethics) we need players ready to prove themselves week in week out, I fully understand suso's position tho,,, so whether its another loan maybe sell with buy back clause or move him on i trust BR on that one and so should suso and the rest of ya

  38. I will be very surprised if we are still interested in Lallana. Bournemouth clearly have a massive say when it comes to how much Lallana will go for. They can do with 25% of a astronomical transfer fee.

  39. Yeah. Perhaps I'm too much of a softy but I feel a little bad for them.

  40. If we were to get lovren and shaquiri I'd forget all about Lallana

  41. i do not see anything wrong with them expecting a large slice of the cake. As one of the no disrespect smaller clubs, it will ensure them of surviving if they had to be in financial difficulty.

  42. Sterling and Flanagan played because others were injured or suspended, they took their chances, played well and therefore stayed in the team. At 20 years old, Suso should be thinking the same way, waiting for an oppurtunity so he can seize it and become a regular starter.
    Just seems as if he's looking to skip some steps a llittle.

  43. Offer him a new contract with increased game time based on form , get it done BR! If we let Suso leave it will be more heartbreaking then when Torres left . I love this kid , His got superstar potential and will be a real commercial hit if he gets regular game time . Selling him makes no sense!

  44. If he is not willing to fight for a place and is demanding first team football then he should and will be given the opportunity to go seek regular football elsewhere.

  45. I think you guys are maybe being too rigid on Suso quotes I don’t
    think he expects to be a top dog and play as much as Suarez , Stevie etc. I
    think he just wants to be valued and have as much chances as Phil, Hendo, sterling
    and Allen to show that he is on their level/superior. To be honest I think that’s
    fair , maybe I am a little bias but I think has more raw ability than all of them .

  46. He wants guarantees instead of guaranteeing his own place. All those players guarantee their playing time with lot's of hard work. If he had been doing that then he would have had chances, Rodgers seems to have a meritocracy for the most part. He doesn't want to lose quality players.

  47. Oddly I think Lallana would help us keep more clean sheets. He wins the ball back in the opposition half more than most. It is a pity it's unlikey us signing him.

  48. But then Suso should be willing to knuckle down and show the club that he is willing to earn a place in the first team.

    Giving ultimatums at the age of 20 is not going to get him anywhere.

  49. The epitome of a player Rodgers desires and is why I have a chuckle when some cannot see why Allen is important to Rodgers. You can bet the responses I will get for posting this :-) No wonder Henderson is the first name that gets selected unless you want to believe that he is their for the sake of scoring goals.

  50. LFC Sqaud should be like that:..Mignolet=Aurier=Skrtel=Lovren=Schmelzer=Shaqiri=Gerrard=Sterling=lallana=Sturigde=Suarez...Subs:..Reina=Flanagan=Agger=Henderson=Can=Lambert=Suso=konoplanka...I dnt think Moreno will be gd 4 Reds..Sells Glen=Lucas=Aspas=Coates and jones...This squad can compete 4 CL and all competition...Wat do u thinks Guys..?

  51. Foward:Lallana Sturidge Suarez

  52. "So whilst the rumour mill heats up and the list of targets gets longer and longer, just remember we aren’t the club throwing money around at big named players anymore. We aren’t throwing around the big wages. It’s not that we can’t attract them. We can, it’s just that we’re now in the business of building superstars, not buying them."

    This is a quote from an article I read today. Makes complete sense to me unless we splash crazy money on Lallana of course :P

  53. The press (and I am using the term loosely to include the Daily Mail) love to stir things up. He has reached an important crossroads and has to choose whether to sign an extension to his contract.

    If he signs he gives up a degree of control over any future move but if he does not sign Liverpool risk losing him on a free next year. He just seems to be discussing the dilemma that both parties face

  54. I'm sure he is willing to earn a place in the team but feels his good enough to be playing ahead of some . He just wants a fair chance I guess .

  55. Let him go.. If he's not prepared to knuckle down and take the place then he's not ment to be at liverpool.. You can just demand a place and expect to get one ?

  56. He stated according to this article that he wants out if he is not guaranteed a place. How can that equate to earning a place in the starting eleven?

  57. True that. Thats why we have been linked with so many Soto players. Not because they re worldies but because they help to make the sum more than the parts.

  58. Go check out Anfield Index.

  59. That is arrogant though no? He believes he should be ahead of other players? So what! It's what the manager thinks that matters. If the manager doesn't yet believe it make him believe it. Rather than oh I'll go somewhere else then.

  60. if we a couple more players of decent caliber suso wont make the bench ...adios

  61. Be more specific. I have listened to their podcasts many times but not recently. I haven't read their site that much and not sure which bit to look at.

  62. One of the latest articles on there called Transfers, Transfers, Everywhere!

  63. Ah yes cheers.

  64. Exactly... this doesn't sound like a "take it or leave it" type of scenario. It sounds honest.

    If he doesn't have an opportunity to play, why would he want to be here?

    And if the club doesn't feel he is good enough to play here, why would the club want him?

  65. Why don't you just answer the question properly, Logan. Who made that quote? No one connected with LFC, I'll bet.

  66. Asper my reply below.

    One of the latest articles on there called Transfers, Transfers, Everywhere!

  67. If you post quotes from other sources, please include links, so the other source is credited. Can you update your post with the link please.

  68. Whenever I try and put a link it goes for administration. More hassle than it's worth most of the time.

  69. So whilst in theory we can attract the top players they won't come because we don't want to pay top wages .......like we are paying to Suarez say?

    Sounds like excuses for not competing at the top end of the market. Which is fine by me if we cannot afford to compete but seems at odds with statements made by Ayres and BR about attracting the best and adding to the first team rather than the squad.. Oh and of course when we want to we can pay top wages as in the case of Suarez - Confused? you will be

  70. Yes, all posts with links have to be checked (for spam purposes) - necessary evil, unfortunately. Legit links will go live pretty quick though. When it comes to posting quotes, it's important that people get credited.

  71. You may agree, but you still need to update your post.

  72. We are still in the process of reversing the errors of previous
    regimes. It will not happen overnight. It has been compounded by our own
    mistakes in a difficult first two years of ownership. It has been a
    harsh education, but make no mistake, the club is healthier today than
    when we took over.

    Spending is not merely about buying talent. Our ambitions do not lie
    in cementing a mid-table place with expensive, short-term quick fixes
    that will only contribute for a couple of years. Our emphasis will be on
    developing our own players using the skills of an increasingly
    impressive coaching team. Much thought and investment already have gone
    into developing a self-sustaining pool of youngsters imbued in the
    club's traditions.

    We will build and grow from within, buy prudently and cleverly and never
    again waste resources on inflated transfer fees and unrealistic wages.
    We have no fear of spending and competing with the very best but we will
    not overpay for players

  73. http://anfieldindex.com/8807/transfers-transfers-everywhere.html

  74. The transfer policy was not about cutting costs. It was - and will be in
    the future - about getting maximum value for what is spent so that we
    can build quality and depth. We are avowed proponents of UEFA's
    Financial Fair Play agenda that was this week reiterated by Mr Platini -
    something we heartily applaud. We must comply with Financial Fair Play
    guidelines that ensure spending is tied to income. We have been
    successful in improving the commercial side of the club and the monies
    generated going forward will give us greater spending power in the
    coming years.

  75. Replied to the post with the link.

  76. I don't know why, but I read this reply and literally laughed out loud!

    People at work must think I'm crazy

  77. But Suarez is the type of player you want to make your highest current earner especially when you are building a young team around him? Keep, keep keep! If Stevie retires who will be made captain? Sure Suarez could still leave but this is the player you need to attract top talent, young or old.

  78. I don't disagree with that point in isolation (we'd struggle without Suarez imo) it just does not fit with the quote.

  79. Suarez was rewarded with higher wages rather than brought in on them. He has improved and been paid to reflect that. So does it fit or not?

  80. Again I cannot argue with this as a statement of intent but again it does not entirely fit with what is actually happening ie the wages for Suarez or reported interest in Lallana at £25M +

  81. Yeah Lallana thing doesn't fit.

  82. Yes I agree it could fit and if this was a consistant policy of developing very good players into superstars and only then paying the high wages I could see the sense in that.

    Unfortunately the circumstances surrounding Suarez's wage increase were a bit more complicated than that I think.

  83. Suarez is a fixture of the club. We did not go all out to keep him last summer just for the fun of it. Obviously Suarez has been made the most our valuable player on our books. Who can afford the current wages he is on with the new FFP rules kicking in. Madrid yes but they are going to have to shell out a massive transfer fee too making the Suarez deal a very, very, very expensive deal to take on. There is method to FSG's madness, clearly Suarez is important to the plans going forward.

  84. Again can't argue with most of that.

    I just cannot understand how we are going to get the top players Ayres and BR say they want if we are not prepared to pay them the wages they would expect especially when we are paying similar wages to others already in the team.

  85. But they have not specified any names have they? Who says Can will not be a 'top' player in two years from now? That is and has been the strategy all along since Rodgers joined the club.

    Did anyone expect Sturridge to be a 'top' player? If he continues to score goals left right and centre then we will have to eventually pay him as much as Suarez to fend off the vultures.

  86. The message i got from Ayres and BR was that following CL qualification they would also be targeting and could get top end players not just those that needed development.

    But I accept I may just have misunderstood their quotes to line up with what I wanted to happen.

  87. I try not to listen to Rodgers when he talks about transfers to be honest as we have not signed any high profile players since he joined but it is not like I am disappointed because of that as we are not signing players because of their image, name etc instead we are signing players who fit the puzzle.

    If Sturridge was in the form he was last season before we signed him we would have paid double or even more. Even Coutinho. Who cares about the big names when our current squad almost won the league last season.

    Clearly the plan is to build a squad now which can can be maintained for another 10 seasons and if you look at 90% of the signings under Rodgers, that is the plan.

  88. Yes as I said before I can see the sense in a more developmental approach up to a point. My beef is with the contradictory nature of some of the recent statements and latterly also the reported targets.

  89. IMO the word contradictory fits perfectly with the term 'transfer window'.

  90. This is exactly where the problem lies imo. The kid spends too much time running his mouth off and putting silly messages on Twitter. Compare to Sterling who has also done his fair share of stupid things but who is humble, doesn't speak in the media and who kept his head down after playing a couple of games during Rodgers' first season. I think Suso's response to being dropped as the season progressed was probably a lot less humble and that's where Rodgers doesn't want him as part of his squad. Take Gerrard for example, now there's a legend for you. However, he'd never claim his place in the team and won't be caught running off his mouth. Even now. Carra the same. I'm more and more convinced Suso's problem is his big mouth and not his lack of talent to break into the team.

  91. Wtf my Disqus account randumly got deleted !! Is that possible ? Anyways I made a new account .. I suppose you right it does seem arrogant , I guess thats what I like about him .. His style of play is slightly arrogant as well .. This is what defines him and I think he will be a huge success if he just gets some love and guidance .. (what BR did with sterling )

  92. He never says he wants guarantees that he will be in the starting 11 in all competitions .. He says he just wants to play regulary , I view that as he just wants to be valued on the same level as some of the other players. Which is fair considering he is on there level ability wise .

  93. Wtf my Disqus account randumly got deleted !! Is that possible ? Anyways I made a new account .. I suppose you right it does seem arrogant , I guess thats what I like about him .. His style of play is slightly arrogant as well .. This is what defines him and I think he will be a huge success if he just gets some love and guidance .. (what BR did with sterling )

  94. so i guess brendans atrocious transfer record contniues. i mean he would rather buy 7m pound aspases or albertos(only to warm the bench, mind you) than retaining a great young prospect, whom, in the longterm, could save millions of the clubs money to buy another player. i guess thats, by his own word, an outsanding move/strategy. i'm sorry to say this, but whent it comes to transfers the man is a complete and utter failure. 2 sucess out of 15 signings says it all really. and this summer promises to be not so much difference either. letting one of the brighest talents of the acadamy to go, only to feel the squad with more inflated average at best folks is nothing short of disgraceful. i feel that suarezs brilliance is what is keeping the team performing well and obviously pappering over the cracks. otherwise, we would be in a much worse position than we currently are and his position as a manager would be greatly endangered than it is now. i'm not being too negative, i'm just telling the facts/truth. lets judge him when suarez is no longer around, which is gonna happen sooner or later.
