20 Jun 2014

Boss tells BR: We're willing to sell 'fantastic' £30m attacker to LFC, but only if you pay the 'right amount'

Liverpool target Adam Lallana is reportedly 'desperate' for a move to Anfield, but with Southampton allegedly demanding £30m for the player, it's no surprise that LFC's interest seems to have cooled over the last few weeks. Southampton remain steadfast in their valuation, though, and club is showing no signs of relenting on their inflated transfer demands.

When asked about Liverpool's interest this week, Southampton Executive Director Les Reed insisted that the Reds will have to pay through the nose to seal the deal. He told BBC South Today:

"Anybody considering [Lallana] will have to think very significantly about the size of the fee.

"If we do take money it will be because it's the right amount and it enables us to improve the team and move forward."

According to the BBC, Brendan Rodgers has already put in a £25m bid for Lallana, which already seems excessive, but Anfield legend John Barnes believes that the midfielder's versatility makes it worth the outlay. Last week, he told the Liverpool Echo:

“I like Lallana, and he can play behind a frontman, he can play wide, he can play central. Brendan is trying to implement a British thread throughout the team which I believe in. I think Lallana would be a fantastic signing for Liverpool.”

On the face of it, I agree - he probably will be a fantastic signing, but the inflated price tag is a major cause for concern. In an ideal world, Lallana will come straight into the team and have an immediate impact, but as we've seen with Joe Allen, it doesn't always work that way. There are some eerie similarities between the Allen/Lallana deals:

* Both played in the lower leagues immediately prior to Prem promotion.
* Allen had only one season's experience of the Prem before moving to LFC.
* Lallana has two years' experience, and is now on the verge of LFC.
* LFC paid over the odds for Allen, and may do again for Lallana.

Of course, they're two totally different players, and I'm not suggesting that Lallana will follow the same pattern as Allen (i.e. struggle to become a first-team regular), but the similarities cannot be ignored. Additionally, Liverpool paid £20m for Jordan Henderson, and I don't see how Lallana is £10m better than LFC's most improved player.

What exactly *is* a fair price for Lallana? Is he that good that it's worth paying over the odds?

panel management



  1. Love how Liverpool fans forget lallana has had 2 good seasons in the premier league but typicall scousers scrimping when it comes to quality, go but a cheap foreign Gamble rather than the one of the best English midfielders from stats over the last 5 years at a bargain price and moan about it all the time

  2. Murale Balakrishan6:57 am, June 20, 2014

    I would rather go for Sanchez or Shaqiri, for cheaper, and better quality. Shouldn't repeat the same mistake Daglish did...

  3. Sanzhez won't be cheaper.

  4. he's still not worth 30 million

  5. would rather spend 30m on sanchez

  6. No fan needs to decide anything for LFC, they have their transfer policy set out very clearly and it's become pretty obvious how they work. They put a price on a player, make an offer, negotiate within a narrow range and then the deal either gets done or it doesn't. It's obvious enough that Liverpool are not going to pay more than they have already offered, the only way Lallana will move is if he can force the move himself, if he even wants to do that.

    I don't see too many people criticising Southampton. It's just that the price they have put on Lallana is too high based on what everyone can see for other players. That's a fair call for any football fan to make. I don't know why you would get worked up about that. Liverpool fans don't think Lallana is worth 30 million. No one is crying about it, I think we'll actually all be quite happy when it doesn't go ahead.

  7. It's called 'discussion'.

  8. I'm a life long Saints fan and I agree with you entirely. Liverpool know what they are prepared to pay and Southampton know what they are prepared to accept. His value in the transfer market and what he is worth to us are two entirely different matters.

  9. I think you've hit the nail on the head. There isn't much quality in the England team, so if you have a bit of quality your value is going to shoot up.
    A lot of the top premier teams have a lack of good English players and need them in their squad when the new rules kick in.
    Lallana is our player and we don't want/need to sell him, we cannot replace him as there is no other English player like him. For that reason he is easily worth £30m.

  10. He is young, and talented. £20 million seems like a fair price IMO.

  11. I'm sure we only paid 21 mil for Suarez & they want 30 mil for lallana !!

  12. If he's so great, you should be happy you get to keep him. Personally I don't think he's worth any of the amounts above. He's a decent player but nothing we don't already have.

  13. Absolutely agree. They're just doing what we did with Suarez last year.

  14. .....and how much for henderson and johnson ? Both huge fees for players who have massively underperformed in Brazil !!!

  15. Scousers scrimping? Have you seen our record with British players? He is worth 20 mill.

  16. I like Lallana; I've championed him on this site a number of times. He's an intelligent, creative player and has an excellent work ethic. The idea of having a British core of players throughout the team is something that appeals to me and I believe may have a positive impact on our image and on harmony and good communication in the dressing room and on the pitch. I'm with Barnesy on that.

    But I totally empathise with Southampton's stance in not wanting to sell and putting a price on him that is prohibitive to any potential buyers, which is surely their intention. I expect Liverpool to do exactly this when Real and possibly Barcelona come sniffing around Suarez this summer, as will surely be the case. Clearly what we want to pay for Lallana and what Southampton want to pay will be two very different values. If the player does want to leave then you would think two sets of sensible adults would be able to negotiate a price somewhere in between that is acceptable to both parties. £30 million is at least £5 million too much. Maybe there's an opportunity here to use one of our fringe players as a deal 'sweetener' - Borini maybe. He's just had a good season and would suit Southampton, given they have also lost Lambert.

  17. i read Rodgers is looking at Khedira for 15mil. If it's true then he learns fast after last world cup moment. Now that will be a brilliant transfer.

  18. In that case get your friends and colleagues of the would be press to stop repeating stupid rumors, Saints do not want to sell anyone. Does any of that get through that lil bonnet of yours???

  19. Remember when we bought Suarez he had become a rather poisonous element in that Ajax team. They wanted to sell him.

  20. Anyone else get the feeling that Saints fans are a bit over-sensitive about this one? Maybe Liverpool should back off in case they get too upset.

  21. Both comments seem to ignore the player and he seems to be open to a move if not positively seeking it. For that reason I think a deal will be struck it's just about the price

    As for all the other options they are also dependent on agreeing a fee, the clubs willingness to sell and whether the player wants to join the club.

  22. We don't need any more English players NOW to exceed the necessary quota. I hope they don't pay anywhere north of £20 , or Southampton can jog on

  23. Suarez was a bargain and therefore not a realistic basis for other valuations imo

  24. Hello Dave.

    I think it's time you took off the blinkers -),

    We cannot even agree amongst ourselves let alone influence what the press.write and cleary the rumours are as much to do with the players desire to move as Liverpool's wish to sign him.

  25. Liverpool have offered nominal fee plus loads of add ons - in its current form no transfer will be negotiated between SFC and LFC. Hard cash required!

  26. Brilliant ! We will happily "jog on" as you say. That is exactly what we have been trying to tell Liverpool.

  27. Sorry i could not vote but i couldn't find a 10 mill button on the options.

  28. If the Barcelona bid for Suarez is to be believed it looks like they value Sanchez at £21m as part of the £51m offer

  29. Southampton have just appointed Ronald Koeman as their new manager so he might convince Lallana to forget about leaving.

    There seems to be no other interest in Lallana. Southampton have made it clear that he will not go for cheap. Nobody knows what their asking price is but clearly it is not a small amount if they have already rejected 2 LFC bids.

    I reckon the deal is dead in the water.

  30. Muhammad Ibrahim11:52 am, June 20, 2014

    For 30 million, NO!!!. 15 million is the inflation rate in this transfer as he English and in the world cup squad. The dude is 27 years old, not a young coming player, he as only just made the big time; OK is a decent player but for that amount of money we want Lovren included.

    That money can be better spent on Shaqiri, and a good LB, both coming in for about 30 million.

  31. And if he puts in a transfer request, Southampton can still refuse it! What will a transfer request achieve? Nothing! Lol

    Also, if they accept his transfer request, they still won't reduce the asking price, which then shows him that Liverpool are not willing to buy him. Either way it pans out, Liverpool come out of it looking bad!

  32. Regardless how much it is, Liverpool can't afford him. They only had £60m transfer kitty and have already brought in Can and Lambert. The players they want to offload, either nobody wants them, or won't meet Liverpool's expectations.
    Might as well move on, find some cheaper gambles from Europe. It's not like Liverpool are going to achieve anything next season, anyway, as they have to focus on competing in 4 competitions, not just 1 like last season.

  33. lol sorry just laughed out loud when you said supply and demand....... if he is so in demand where are all the other bids of 3o mil??? hes not worth it, jog on southampton!

  34. funny as they are selling are they not!

  35. And you got the info of the "£60m transfer kitty" from the media right?

    "It's not like Liverpool are going to achieve anything next season"

    Obviously you are not a reds fan...

  36. being held to ransom and moaning about the fee are two different things, he is not worth £30 million, and BTW when was the last time Southampton broke any transfer records? who is your most expensive signing and how much did you pay? was he a cheap import? exactly!
    did he light up the World Cup? he didn't even start a game, and you want to price him out of a move he wants, enjoy your unhappy player next season.

  37. we'll jog on thanks!

  38. no you don't but your best players WANT to leave! does that get through that lil bonnet of YOURS???

  39. So 21% percentage of people here at Liverkop either support Southampton or they are incredibly stupid.

  40. I wish Southampton would take the dildo that is lallana and shove it up their ass. He is not worth 30mil, he's your typical English footballer who has been over hyped, over rated and if this transfer goes ahead, overpaid. Sick of the will they wont they crap.lfc get it together, whilst you are pissing about with these Muppets, bigger better and cheaper targets will go begging. I get the feeling that next season will be a disaster because of another wasted transfer window. I love lfc but if they don't start getting the job done in transfer window I'll start following tiddlywinks or something.

  41. you Man U fans are full of sh@t, you believe your own propaganda, suddenly every saints player is unhappy, well according to you. Shaw has never said he wants to leave thats point number one. Number two every player has a price only this year Saints have to make a point to every other Premiership Club, no we are not going to be dismantled, before we can challenge you at the top of the division. There just isnt enough money that would persuade Saints to sell, we aim to qualify for the champions league that is why Koeman has come to the club. I suggest you start looking at Saints in the right way they are no longer a small club, as <i think you will now find out.

  42. Now you are beginning to get the message. The constant allusion to Saints players wanting to leave is downright offensive, dont be too surprised if your fans dont get singled out for the full treatment when you come to St Marys. we as a group are seriously pissed off.

  43. produce tangible evidence of that you dont have any and that is what is annoying. People like you George deserve to be abused frankly.You are one of these idiots that believes everything they read in the tabloid press, typical.

  44. Do not compare the average Liverpool fan with people commenting on here

  45. yes totally. You lot actually believe what you read in the papers and dont realise that a lot of it is written by people who have an anti Saints agenda, Neil Ashton of the DM for one. Id like to meet him in a dark alley, for sure, spiteful little weed who hates Saints word is he is a pal of Nicola Cortese s . But who knows.

  46. Never mind Lallana - Liverpool must brace themselves for a storm of offers for Jordan Henderson now that he has shown his talents on the world stage. Ha-. ha. Actually, I can confirm that he was on the field because I saw him walking off at half-time. Whether or not he came back after the break I wouldn't know because I was in the bathroom when the England 'players' returned, but he definitely turned up for the first half.

  47. Theoretically Henderson must be one of the best English midfielders. Trouble is, being English nearly always equates to crap in football terms.

  48. That's two thinly veiled threats of violence you've made. Are all Saints fans hooligans or are you untypical? By the way, I don't rate Lall at all and hope he stays where he is.

  49. you are a Liverpool fan, right?

  50. wrong site, mate. there are no united fans here.

  51. And massively underperformed everywhere else, too.

  52. Tell it to your Captain Lallana. There's a reason why Liverpool are the only serious suitor, and it's because that's where he supposedly wants to go.

  53. I wish we could get Coentrao. Would be a great signing (provided he's not seriously injured).

  54. I've seen Kherdira play stacks of times. He's strong and that's about it.

  55. Yes, next season will be very disappoInting for LFC. The problem of the terrible defence has not been addressed and the punishment in Europe will be very severe.

  56. Well not this time. Jordan Henderson was our key midfield player this season and it has been proved we could play well without Coutinho, Sterling and even Gerrard, but not without him. He is not world class, Real wont be coming for him, but certain teams(and this team was second best in England) need certain players- just look at Gatusso. Do you remember Euro giants fighting over him? Henderson was a big part of our succes, and will be part of this team that will win some major trophie(S) this season.

  57. I think we realistically need both Lallana and Sanchez. Lallana is no winger in my eyes but is a very good CAM and would add excellent competition for Coutinho. We shouldn't be buying him to play wide at all and certainly not for 30 mill, but for an English CAM at peak age who can fit into our system, both offensively and defensively, I think he's worth the extra effort. Wingers are more plentiful at the moment and I think that is reflected in their price.

  58. I think that was his point...

  59. Buddy...don't get your hopes up too much about Koeman. He will not bring you what you're looking for.

  60. Why would we pay anything over 15 million for Lallana when there are at least 10 better CAM at the world cup right now we could sign?

  61. aaaaahhhhhhh......

  62. I think Henderson is an easy target but I thought he had a good game last night and was by no means one of England's poorer performers against Italy.

  63. But what are those players availability?

    I am not saying we should go ape and pay some ridiculous amount for Lallana but what we do know is he does fit in with our style of play and is available at a premium fee whatever that fee may be. Liverpool will know what they need to put on the table to make Southampton let go of Lallana.

    Who are these other CAM's you are referring to and how easy will it be to sign those players?

  64. George Hardaker4:17 pm, June 20, 2014

    only ones with no sense of direction! hahaha!

  65. George Hardaker4:19 pm, June 20, 2014

    well if you say so mate! it must be true! one question, has Lovren and Lalanna asked to leave?

  66. At no time should we be held to ransom by anyone and we will all move on to other targets and not pay over the odds for your players who's not worth the money demanded either....

  67. You beat me to it. Lallana is worth the fee as he offers no questions over temperament, team fit, work rate, ability to cope with the prem and make an immediate impact. He is Southamptons captain for a reason and as such has an abundance of positive qualities besides his football playing. We have spent a whole season shouting for more leaders, more Carra's, more organisers. Like Logan said, who are these better CAM players that we can easily get to complement what we already have?

  68. I wouldn't think of him as competition for Coutinho but as a supplement to Coutinho and Sterling. We have four tourneys next season and fresh, quality players will be needed for all.

  69. I am not saying Lallana is worth a specific fee. All I am saying is we should not pull another Andy Carroll move.

    I am saying that if we sign him then he will be another piece that fits into the puzzle. If LFC really want him then they will go all out and meet Southampton's asking price and LFC know what that price is.

    All we know is of bids that have been made and numbers that have been passed on by the media. We are speculating that he will cost £25-£30m. Who knows, it could be less or more.

    All it comes down to is how much the LFC want the player and if they are willing to meet the asking price which at this moment is up in the air.

  70. Wasn't GJ the guy who fed Rooney the tap-in? Underperformance is a relative term here I think.

  71. Very hard to prove negatives.

  72. Liverpool have only offered 15m - this is why saints are upset and you can understand why. The 20m and 25m is Liverpool playing the media. It's a disgrace. You wont pull the deal through acting like that. He's their captain, star player, one of the best attacking midfielders in the prem and future England.

  73. How do you know what LFC have offered? Also, Southampton are entitled to put an asking price on their player but it if LFC feel that Lallana is not worth what Southampton are asking for then LFC are entitled to make a bid which they feel is appropriate.

    Si, would you have payed £35m for Carroll and if not, what is should Lallana be sold for?

  74. If Liverpool are such a `big` club just pay the money and stop whining.
    Saints aren't some cheap arse feeder club any more. Move on.

  75. Betray Mae Ross5:48 pm, June 20, 2014

    I prefer competition. If we're being honest there are times when Coutinho wasn't good enough and we don't have anyone of proven quality to step in. At the moment, there is no replacement for Sterlings' pace and trickery which is why I said earlier that we need Lallana AND one of the wide attacking forwards we are continually linked with. Ibe will be an able understudy. I will be majorly shocked if Rodgers isn't thinking the same way. Lallana can also play as a central midfielder in place of Henderson.

  76. For all of those stating that 30m is too much and comparing Lallana's value based on previous signings - remember Liverpool paid 35mil for Andy Carroll!!! On that basis - Saints should accept no less than 35mil. I can't see how he is worth any less!

  77. Lallana is worth whatever Southampton want for him, he signed a 5 year contract last summer....so fair play to them.

  78. Teams like Costa Rica and Chile have shown what high pressing football can do. England had a team capable of doing it as so many of their players do it in the league. Yet Roy won't and can't get a team set out that way. He just has not got the bravery, intelligence or tactical and coaching knohow to do it.

  79. In the bathroom masturbating. For you are a wanker.

  80. Are you looking them up? Slow internet connection?

  81. Don't be too harsh mate, next everyone will be saying Brendan for England. He would be excellent but only if he can do it part time cause he ain't leaving us until he's won a couple prem titles and a euro cup!

  82. I totally agree. For the first 20 minutes of the Italy game, England played Liverpool football and we looked like we would run away with the match eventually. Then somebody flipped a switch and it was the plodding England of 2010 that finished the match in defeat. I wonder what happened.

  83. We are in agreement. Many will suggest that the players aren't good enough; that there are too many foreigners in the English league - the same old arguments we hear after every major tournament failure. But I for one do not believe that the problem lies with the quality of our players. We have good players, and these same players are turning in great performances for their clubs week after week. There seems to be some kind of malaise that sets in at International level and it has become highly restrictive. The premier league is known for its pace and power, yet the players display none of these qualities when they play for England. The issue lies surely with mentality and has become deep seated like some kind of chronic disease. Maybe it's fear. But it will take one hell of a coach to root it out. Hodgson is not that coach.

  84. I was totally happy with the Costa Rica-Italy match outcome. The ref allowed Italy to act like the shameful, diving crybabies they are in the first half. They have played like this for decades without a ref calling them on it. In the second half the ref refused to play to their antics and the better team won the match. Hopefully it is a wake-up for the refs for the rest of the tourney. Italy is an embarrassment to the game of football.

  85. Maybe because Coutinho was tired. That's why he needs some relief of a similar quality so the team don't miss a beat if he's gone.

  86. 30 million plus alexis for suarez does not seem like a fair evaluation does it?

  87. He will be another downing not worth it sharqi would be worth it tho for 15 mill

  88. i dont know man. based on what i have seen so far alexis looks a much better fit for liverpool and overall a better player than shaqiri. im not basing it on the wc performances. he was special even at udinese. i have seen barca play a lot last season but not so much bayern. i just dont think 30 million plus sanchez is a good deal at all.

  89. First one to comment, make it good......
    Hard to say anything about another speculative article really.

  90. Read a few speculative articles about Barcelona offering Sanchez and £30M for Suarez. I hope we manage to hang on to Suarez. Brendan and the club have always said they won't sell him... Love or loathe Suarez he is pure magic on the pitch

  91. Liverpool's interest in Alexis is well established??

  92. Isla isn't really a right-back, he is a right wing-back, so if the club viewed him as the former, it would be an error.

    £15m for an out of favour player is too much too.

  93. Liverpool don't have to pay £30M and nor should they.
    The original bid was £20M which was a fair offerdesigned to get the deal done quickly. When asked for more they raised the bar to a more than fair £25M

    The Southampton chairman is merely playing hardball to please the fans and perhaps greed, but it is bad business.

    There are plenty of talented midfielders about. Brendan is right to jog on and look elsewhere.

    Hodgson had him for free and put Wellbeck before him. Would he do that if Lallanah was such a stand out player?

    I couldn't imagine anyone having the same conversation about whether Wellbeck was worth £30M

  94. Just can't see what's so great about him; the world cup hasn't added to his case either...............not sure we should pay beyond 15m to so scrimp but because of pay vs quality issues........

  95. Yes on Sanchez but do we REALLY have any shot at him? Hope so.........
    Good article JK. By the way, Has LFC gotten a response about Blind?

  96. Johnson will leave when his contract expires next year. Until then we are stuck with him.

  97. Until I see someone holding the LFC jersey at Liverpool I am not holding my breath for any "according to reports" or whom ever. The month is almost over and nobody whom it been said has been signed yet!!

  98. The transfer window has not even officially opened yet yet we have signed two players already. Foot in mouth.

  99. Which was confirmed by LFC!! So what's your point?

  100. The French are looking like the team to beat in this WC,

    Sakho will be our no 1 LCB this coming season and will prove that he has been nothing but a scapegoat to those who see him as a waste. Wait and see.

  101. Can and Lambert. Seems like you suffer from short memory loss.

  102. Do yo know how to read? Read what my first comment said. Genius I am not disputing the fact we signed two people already. And those two people were confirmed by the LFC website. One of them took pics with the LFC jersey. So what you talking about.

  103. Can and Lambert signed IN THIS MONTH.

    What are you on about again?

  104. "The month is almost over and nobody whom it been said has been signed yet!!"

    Oh the irony.

  105. Yes they are done. Both signing have been confirmed via the official LFC website. Once the transfer window opens the paperwork will be sorted and both Can and Lambert will be LFC players. End of.

  106. Yeah, they're a pleasure to watch. Big fan of the job Deschamps has done. Emphasis on the group.

    Still think we should go big for Varane, injury notwithstanding. Sakho looks more secure. Strengthens my theory that Skrtel doesn't communicate/breed security in defence.

  107. And is why we are after Lovren :-)

  108. I've just been watching France v Switz. Please no more talk of Shaqiri. I've seen enough. Way overrated on this site. He was totally unimpressive. He is what he is, a short muscular, short guy. He will always be beaten by bigger guys.

    And while I'm mat it, I have also had enough of the Sakho haters. He has been nothing but a rock and a beast on defense for France. So he doesn't look great going forward. I'll take defensive beast every day.

  109. How Sakho plays for France is irrelevant. How he plays for LFC is what matters, and so far, he is very far from being a defensive 'rock'.

    Sakho looks more solid for France because international football is a slower, more tactical game than Premier League football. In England, the game is played at a frenetic pace; players are constantly under pressure, and don't have as much time on the ball, and in that environment, Sakho has not - and will not - prosper.

  110. Sorry, my observations trump your opinions...you are welcome to them though.

  111. He looked far from a world beater but did look like the player Fulham first bought.

  112. Wellbeck also started ahead of Barkley. Hell, he actually made the World Cup squad as did Baines ahead of Cole. Who says Hodgeson knows what he's doing?

  113. There is a quote from Lallana himself, following the appointment of Koeman in which he simply said he was looking forward to meeting the new saints manager.He didnt seem to be in the slightest bit unhappy. Does that answer your question? The trouble with these boards, and the tabloid press is that they just have to invent stories, and because of Saint as success last season they are getting picked on..Before you dismiss eighth place , let me remind you there was an unusually high proportion of English players in the team several of whom were under 21. More than anyone else can say.As for Lovren, and Saints players generally, the main issue has always been whether the club s new owner would continue her father s plan, or whether she would simply go through the motions. Unfortunately for Saints, she picked the wrong man to be chairman, and he put his foot in it by saying the club had to live within its means which for an ambitious club was not tenable.But after weeks of struggle, and no doubt experience acquired on the job, Liebherr has had to concede she had far more to lose by not investing further than by trying to maintain a corporate policy to the club at this stage.

  114. There is a quote from Lallana himself, following the appointment of Koeman in which he simply said he was looking forward to meeting the new saints manager.He didnt seem to be in the slightest bit unhappy. Does that answer your question? The trouble with these boards, and the tabloid press is that they just have to invent stories, and because of Saints success last season they are getting picked on..Before you dismiss eighth place , let me remind you there was an unusually high proportion of English players in the team several of whom were under 21. More than anyone else can say.As for Lovren, and Saints players generally, the main issue has always been whether the club s new owner would continue her father s plan, or whether she would simply go through the motions. Unfortunately for Saints, she picked the wrong man to be chairman, and he put his foot in it by saying the club had to live within its means which for an ambitious club was not tenable.But after weeks of struggle, and no doubt experience acquired on the job, Liebherr has had to concede she had far more to lose by not investing further than by trying to maintain a corporate policy to the club at this stage.

  115. £15 million tops, personally i'd go for Konoplyanka, he's younger, trickier and faster

  116. This WC has not added to any English player's resume with the exception of Sturridge and Sterling.

  117. But I don't call that competition. I call it a full stable of thorobreds.

  118. Err... The only 'eerie' similarity you came up with is that they played in the lower league. That is the norm I thought. Not the exception?
    Liverpool fan eh? Know a lot about football? No offence meant to Liverpool fans

  119. Lallana is not worth 30million...he is not a world star though, he's just a rising star..even suarez back then a world star before liverpool bought it in ajax only worth 25mil...this is nonsense, if that so..better BR find other playmaker rather than lallana..and he's 27 yrs old

  120. Imho, even as brainless as the present football world's valuation of players, I still think '30 mil pounds' category is meant for world class players, or at least for well established international players. Adam Lallana is not even half as close to that. An interesting point, we always got strong competitions from teams everywhere (Spurs?) whenever we bid for foreign players, but we were always the one and only team in the act whenever we bid for English players. As great as FSG/BR/transfer committee, they should jolly well know the reason for being so.

  121. more time on the ball, and less frenetic pace- but by that logic messi and ronaldo should be scoring like crazy every time they turn up for their national sides right?

  122. So you you happly pay £30,000,000 for adam lallana would you 27 years old yet to prove himaelf internationaly , has had 2 good years but is that 2 great years no, he's not worth the price not us being scrimpers it's us being smart and not spending to much for a overated player

  123. Good. Saints better keep him.

  124. Bargain price at 30 mil pounds? As a reserve for a team that may have problem getting a single point at World Cup 14? Get a grip, my friend.

    The good thing about bidding 25 mil pounds for Lallana, let alone 30 mil pounds, is at least LFC will not experience that kind of last-minute nip in from teams (Spurs) and snatch the supposedly Anfield-bound player right under our nose, again.

  125. Anvar Sadikovic5:13 am, June 21, 2014

    You are a loser in any way anyone could ever imagine. Stop deleting peoples comments this was the only one where I insulted you or used anything close to offensive language

  126. Are 'scousers' people from Liverpool or Liverpool fans now? Considering there are around 600 million Liverpool fans on the planet are these numbskull opposing fans taking that into consideration or just parroting other numbskulls?

  127. I would rather make a bid for Iniesta at 18 million (excessive for a 30 year old I know, but he is still class even though Spain ran out of petrol).

  128. Cole should of gone I agree cole is proven at that level and vastly experienced .

  129. Woys tactics kicked in to stand off and jockey the opponent to death.

  130. aha... another armchair supporter I might have known

  131. we dont mind the odd one its to be expected, but so far eleven players have been linked with moves away, mostly falsely, there have been articles suggesting we are in meltdown, and worse that the club had no option but to sell our best players because we could not keep them under FFP rules. All this on a daily basis like a feeding frenzy. Yes we are pissed off and have every right to be.The consensus is that there has been a relentless campaign being run by nerds like Neil Ashton at the Daily Mail and his friend Gilmour, to destabilize Southampton. lets face it there was an outcry yesterday when it was suggested that Suarez was being chased by Barcelona and Real.Multiply that n times and you will have some idea of what we have faced. Quite disgraceful, so yes dont be surprised if your fans are not made to feel welcome next season , what do you expect???

  132. Cole didn't earn his place in the squad. Lallana didn't earn his place in the starting line up. It is quite simple really.

  133. thousand of fans read these columns not just me. What surprises me is that people think they can write any old unfounded garbage designed to annoy and then not expect any fall out. Wars have been started for less. There has been some very irresponsible stuff published on sites like this, and yes the threat or should I say consequence is very real.its about time people took responsiblity for their actions including what they write on public sites.

  134. Excuse me? We made the deal?? Saints do not want to sell have gone public over this,and do not welcome these advances .

  135. George Hardaker4:57 pm, June 21, 2014

    so Lalanna is not wanting to join Liverpool, he's very happy at Southampton and wants to stay at Saints and the press are making it all up? OK keep him, i and i am sure lot's of other LFC fans could care less to be honest, we would like him but we all agree £30 million is expensive, whether we pay it or not is not up to us anyway, if he wants to leave and does leave you will look pretty stupid mate.

  136. George Hardaker5:08 pm, June 21, 2014

    Koeman "who are you again?" Lalana "er Lalana" Koeman "oh OK," Lalana " i'm worth £30 million according to the chairman" Koeman..(thinks) mmm i could buy 3 players with that! well if they are daft enough to pay that much....haha!! lighten up it's not happened yet!!

  137. George Hardaker5:13 pm, June 21, 2014

    i meant you made the deal with Bournemouth was it?
    do i have to spell it out? try and keep up David..dear me!

  138. For the love of god when are fans on this board and others going to realize that if players are on contracts especially if they have just signed them they have to HONOR them they are not there to be torn up on a whim.Either English people dont understand what a contract is and while I know there is a basic problem with educational standards in the UK it does not mean I have to put up with them go and learn as I did instead of pontificating from the comfort of your armchairs. Jesus. At least here on the continent they know that if you sign an agreement you have to comply with it you cant just tear it up on demand and walk away. Whats the matter with you people.

  139. it would have helped if you had been specific George, and yes if you open your mouth, make sure people can understand what you are damn well saying. Clot.

  140. It is not just English people on this site. You should be able to tell that and not all posts look as if they have been typed with their knuckles.

    A contract has a meaning and value as a framework for employment but frankly if one side wants out usually that is what happens. That is ediucation and theory versus reality.

    It would take too long to explain fully what is wrong with "us people" But I WILL get back to you once the transfer has gone AND also in the unlikely event that it dies not.

  141. when you are reduced to name calling it means you've lost the argument, "clot" haha, maybe if you read the post properly and exercised the single brain cell enough to realise the only deal that i COULD be talking about was the one between your club and Bournemouth! but reading your earlier replies on this site i can see i am not going to get through not matter what i post, so you can have the last word! i won't bother replying to you again as it would be futile, and since you reduced it to name calling i will say this "yokel" now do us all a favor.

  142. Stuart I think its very clear that the club does not want to sell. As for lallana himself he has never once said he wants to leave its all been mugged up by the press, such as it is. You are welcome to harbor hopes he will sign for Liverpool but I would nt count on it. We have a bigger transfer budget than you club does for one and will sign players to take us to the next level thats why we signed Koeman as manager.

  143. David - your views are welcome here, but please remain civil, and cut out the sniping. Thanks. Same applies to everyone else. Any further uncivil/antagonist/belittling comments by anyone will be deleted.

  144. David

    I said I would comment after the transfer and believe me I am not gloating. The same thing is happening with Suarez so no reason to be smug.

    I can see a few super elite teams emerging with all the money and top top players then a second and third tier of European teams behind them competing in the CL group stages and the Europa cup to pick up the scraps..

    If we think it's bad now though just wait 'til the USA influence on world football which has only just started really takes hold.

  145. Lallana threw his toys out of the pram and forced a move by saying he would never play for the club again. He wont be welcome at the club again, and this after 14 years there. He will live to regret this when he finishes with football and if hew wins thew odd medal what satisfaction will he get out of it when he realizes what he did to the club he claimed to love in order to get them. Other players may now leave, Lovren for instance but expect to pay 20 million for him. I predict the ugly face of football will show itself when Man U and Liverpool play Saints next season at St Marys and that is sadder still. lets see what happens. But I expect at least two more to leave Saints following Lallana s perceived betrayal.

  146. And I suppose you are going to tell me Lallana did not have his head turned by Gerrard and the other Liverpool players in the England squad, in short he was tapped up by Liverpool employees.Be as it may you have paid to whack for this player, and we can replace him for far less.

  147. liverpool should sign shaqiri

  148. br. should go for colombian striker james
