13 Jun 2014

'Disappointing': Angry £20m LFC target slates World Cup 'scandal'. Anfield-bound?

Quelle Surprise: The World Cup is only ONE game old, but cheating - which is increasingly endemic in the modern game - has already reared its ugly head.

During last night's opening game between Brazil and Croatia, Brazil striker 'Fred' conned referee Yuichi Nishimura with a disgraceful act of cheating, which led to a game-changing penalty, and a totally unfair yellow card for £20m Liverpool target Dejan Lovren.

Just look at the video: where is the contact? What exactly did Lovren do wrong, here?

When defending in the box, bodies are going to make contact, and when Fred felt Lovren behind him, he just dropped to the floor.

What makes it worse is that the Brazilian started claiming for a penalty before he even hit the deck, which (IMO) suggests an element of premeditation.

Croatia are understandably angry with the decision. After the game, Lovren slammed the referee for being Brazil's 12th man. He raged:

"Of course I am angry. This referee should not be at this World Cup. It wasn't a mistake, it was a scandal. I didn't touch him [Fred]. It's really disappointing for us. Two billion people I think saw that it was not a penalty"

Lovren's team-mate, Vedran Corluka slammed the decision as 'embarrassing', adding:

"It's ridiculous he [the referee] was so keen to give the decision. It was difficult to accept."

In his post-match interview, Coach Niko Kovac bemoaned the lack of 'respect' shown to Croatia. He told reporters:

"We should just give up and go home. We talk about respect, but that wasn't respect. Croatia didn't get any. If that's a penalty, we don't need to play football anymore. Let's play basketball instead"

Despite the setback, Lovren had an impressive game overall. Calm and assured on the ball; good positioning; a commanding presence, and strong in the tackle. Plus, he didn't seem overly troubled by Neymar, or indeed any of Brazil's players. I'm sure Brendan Rodgers will have been watching on with interest.

As for Brazil - on this evidence, they have no chance of winning the World Cup. Scolari's team is filled with players whose natural flair is (IMO) dulled by playing in European leagues, and - strangely - they also lack a dribbler; someone with the skill to take players on and unlock defences.

The overrated Neymar is not that player; he got lucky with his goals, and Croatia's 'keeper should've done better for all three. Plus, the Brazilian (arguably) should've been sent off for elbowing Modric in the face:

I also don't recall seeing a Brazil team this technically inept, with so many moves breaking down due to poor first touch, and the likes of Oscar and Bernard resorting to speculative crosses into the box, most of which failed to find a target.

In any event, after this incident of cheating, I'm firmly in the anti-Brazil camp now, and I hope they get dumped out of the tournament as early as possible.



  1. Terrible decision. My first thoughts were that it was fixed. Terrible to think that, but its hard not to when its so blatant.
    Alves had a mare, he was all over the place. Hardly defended and was closing down the opposing keeper when Croatia broke and scored down the left. He was constantly out of position.
    Also why was Croatia's 2nd ruled out? Because Ceasar fell over?

  2. I think it is time a system gets put into place whereby incidents like these can be referred straight away by the team which is being penalised because of cheating. If it is found the player who has been awarded the penalty has deliberately fallen over/dived or whatever the case may be then that player should punished with a straight red card.

  3. The penalty decision annoyed me but the elbow to Modric's face really got my blood boiling. Neymar clearly looks at Modric before 'aiming' his elbow towards his face. That's a straight red, no? He shouldn't have been on the pitch for the other 2 goals. BTW, I still havent seen a good angle of the tackle/foul in the build up to Brazil's third goal, was it a foul?

  4. in 2010 Spain cheated, they won non existent fouls, committed plenty of undercover fouls and well they had busquets...that says it all really...I noticed at the confederations cup that brazil had beat Spain at their own game. The amount of times they smacked croations in the face yesterday was a joke. Neymar should have been sent off for his cynical one on Modric. People say Suarez does it...and sure at times he does but he also loses a lot of decisions where he was clearly impeded...forcing fouls by making the opponent to make mistakes is smart...going down like Fred did is just cheating, hitting someone in the face the way Neymar did is just cheating. I think towards the end Bernard tried to hold back a player to stop the counter attack...play went on but where was the yellow card for what he attempted to do?

  5. On what I saw the Brazilians have every chance of winning the world Cup. Admittedly the referee left it late but still managed to come up with a decisive goal at the crucial time.

  6. Really? I thought they looked really vulnerable to counter attacks. Their attacks didn't really produce much.
    Hulk and Fred were anonymous most of the game.
    If Croatia were a little more clinical they could have easily won it. Ilic just missed a header. They had a goal disallowed.
    Brazil needed a scuffed shot, and a dubious penalty.
    I think they looked really poor considering they are meant to be one of the best sides in the world.

  7. If my predictions go as planned then Brazil will face Holland in the last 16. Robben will cause them major issues down the flank if they play like last night and with RVP in the middle to finish i can see that game being the one where Brazil go out.

  8. I agree they played poorly but still won with a goal to spare. !2 good men against 11 will usually win in my experience.

    I do think though that some people are taking it a little too seriously. I find it helps if you accept that England are not going to win and treat it a a bit like the Eurovision song contest. It helps if you imagine Terry Wogan doing the commentary. for the fouls, the diving, penalty decisions and disallowed goals.

  9. that's totally unfair to croatia..they had a very gud game in d 2nd half..poor officiatn. twas as if d ref was waitn 4 dt opportunity to 'earn his bills'..

  10. Turned the game off after the penalty,disgrace!! I've no doubt the ref was under pressure from fifa;the Brazilian people have been shafted by the world governing body and their own government,so they need to get them on board ASP! The beautiful game is no more, corruption is the name of the game!

  11. Awful decision but thats world cups as far as i am concerned a tournament which is seemingly decided by poor refereeing.

  12. On the evidence of last night Lovren is excellent. Didn't seem phased by the occasion/opposition and played well (clearly not his fault for the penatly).

    With ya Jamie in the anti-Brazil camp. Started out supporting them before the match and was hoping to see some entertaining stuff, but by the end I wanted Croatia to win. What is up with Fred and Hulk, can't remember the last time I saw such a lack of quality in a Brazil team. Coutinho must be cursing Scolari for picking the fat lads over him...

  13. Brazil were kind sloppy. Bad control, ball flying around everywhere, it just did not look typically Brazilian. Maybe they'll calm down more in the next match.
    The national anthem was awesome though.
    David Luiz is an intense individual.

  14. Also, by Jaimie's logic (which I don't really reject), if Lovren continues to play impressively for Croatia in the WC, that would make him world class ;)

  15. And it will push up his price considerably too...

  16. But maybe he'll be worth it. There'll come a time where we will need to abandon our bargaining policy for a particular player, and just go in Chelsea style if we want to keep up with the other improving squads.

    Chelsea's double coup of Fabregas and Costa has put more pressure on us to strengthen our squad.

    They will have one very formidable team next season.

  17. There is one thing I can predict with confidence and that is that all predictions will be wrong including this one.

  18. The great asset they have is their assets.

    They can sell some very expensive players and buy more expensive players with very little extra spend.

  19. Yeah, that's why we can't do it all the time like they do. The Fabregas signing means that not only have they replaced Lampard, but they've improved on him (!) Big transfer window this is.

  20. That's not my logic. To be world class, a player has to (IMO) have a specific, measurable impact on his team at all three levels of football (Domestic, European, and World).

    It's debatable whether Lovren has achieved this.


  21. I have an idea, let's try and get £50m for Skrtel or Agger like Chelsea did for David Luiz :-o and Bob is your uncle. Then we can buy Lovren and Lallana with no worries about FFP etc.

    How Chelsea got £50-£60m for IMO an average defender is still beyond me.

  22. That's a bit harsh on Pele.....

  23. First of many controversial decisions...but I still enjoyed it. Not bad at all for an opening game, reckon this will be a tournament with lots of goals and great attacking football. Finally the time for Argentina/Messi to achieve I think.

  24. You need to get in the shade....quickly!

  25. Thing is though, if you can make a specific, measurable impact at international level, that means that you cut the mustard at any level!

  26. Luck, because for some reason PSG rate Luiz really highly, and they just happen to be another club with very deep pockets.

  27. I was quite saddened by the Brazilian team yesterday. Compared to the team of 2002 this team is not a technically and flair filled one.

    Neymar is IMO an amazing player, a shame he did what he did yesterday, overall he had a "decent game" but I think Brasil as a whole will step up in their upcoming games.

    Baring that in mind Brasil will be in for a shock when they face some of the heavyweights but I still think they will go far.

    As for Fred...disappointing.

  28. I'm already fed up with the home nation after that ghastly injustice and the constant booing of the impressive Croatia team by the home crowd. Most diabolical of all is that we were forced to endure the inaccurate, simpering, sycophantic commentary of Clive Tyldesley and particularly Andy Townsend, not to mention the smugness of Adrian Chiles before, during and after the game. It was so bad that even the Brazillians were pelting the ITV studio with stones.

  29. Haha, I got the legendary Martin Tyler...and I ain't even from the UK.

  30. Martin Tyler is the reason why I don't mute my TV set.

  31. But PSG like City were fined for breaching FFP rules.

    Chelsea are laughing all the way to the bank as they have sold Luiz and used that money to buy Fabregas and Diego Costa without touching their initial transfer budget so you can expect Chelsea to make some more signings.

  32. So you Aussies get Martin Tyler (Premier League commentator of the decade) and we get Townsend and Chiles. It ain't fair I tell you.

  33. Oh god Townsend... Don't get me started. Can't wait for BBC coverage. Plus no adverts.
    I turn over at any break so I don't have to see Chiles blabbering on.

  34. I disagree. Each has it's own pressures, and only the very best players can excel at all three levels of football. Toto Schillachi had a great World Cup in 1990 for Italy, but what else did he do during his career?

  35. "fair play" to them,if you know what I mean?! Inflated prices for average players creates a vacuum where the super rich clubs can operate beyond the rule of law( EUFA/FIFA, LOL) This creates a class divide, the rich get richer and the poor,get poorer!

  36. Not to menton, Tyldsely is a bastard Utd fan. We haven't had Tyldsely on our broadcast in years...

  37. Obviously, you look worldwide equivalents, i.e. South American version of the CL; domestic performance etc.

  38. Neymar is brilliant. Really enjoyed his performance yesterday. When the rest of the team were overcome by nerves and hiding from the ball, especially Paulinho and Gustavo, and refusing to move between the lines, Neymar was coming back to claim the ball from his centre halves and instigate attacks which he would also finish. He really got Brazil moving on what was an incredibly difficult occasion for them.

    I thought Rakitic was pretty good. Nearly at Hendo's level, but without quite his technique or dynamism. Modric has a claim to be the best creative midfielder in world football: an awe-inspiring talent. Lovren is decent. Olic still has it. Croatia were robbed; but they were always going to be. Can't wait for tonight's big game -- can the Dutch will exact some revenge for 2010?

  39. I guess that's true...

  40. Also, don't forget about when Croatia would have tied it up but they called Olic for a foul on Julio Cesar.

    Olic was just going for the ball and made relatively minimal contact with the GK. Weak call.

  41. looked a foul to me, wouldn't put it past Ramires to make a dirty tackle.

  42. Chelsea gave PSG a price for Luiz and PSG obliged.

    If we told Napoli they must pay £50m for Agger who they hold an interest in and they shake hands then will you anyone connected with LFC be complaing?

  43. I'd even take Big Ron back in a jiffy if it meant getting shot of Townsend.

  44. Whatever Olic has, I'm glad I don't. The absolute epitome of a headless chicken.

  45. Until EUFA show some balls this ridiculous over spending by certain clubs then this will go on and on.
    Stupidly enough Red Star Belgrade got kicked out of the C.L for unpaid debts yet they still allow the big boys to do as they want.

  46. Haha! I don't know about absolute epitome... but he's certainly unpredictable! I've got a soft spot for any stout little player who relies on a collection of close control skills for his effectiveness. At one, rarefied end of the scale there's Maradona, King Kenny or Djalminha... and at the other, rather desperate end, there's Olic or Joe Cole. But I'm not picky, I love them all.

  47. City have been fined £50m, their CL squad has been reduced and they are only allowed a net spend of £49m so they cannot go on their usual transfer splurge. If they do decide to spend at will this season then their next punishment could very well be a ban from the CL.

    City can still pay their debts though so clubs which do not pay back their debts and keep on getting into further financial trouble i.e. Red Star deserve the ultimate punishment.

  48. Not that either the penalty or the disallowed croation goals were fouls, i think premier league fans will be generally disappointed with a lot of calls - the threshold for a fould in the UK is much higher than everywhere else. Still, no excuse for the atrocious calls.

  49. Don't be naive,this is most definitely a move! I wonder how chelsea will reciprocate?

  50. I'm not sure about conned. The referee seemed very willing to be conned all game. There is also the matter of a yellow card for a clear elbow, a second yellow that should have been given to Neymar for rugby tackling (ref played advantage which was right but then didn't give the yellow card when play stopped) and the ridiculously disallowed goal. The way I see it, he would have found an excuse sooner or later to give them a penalty.

  51. I think it's time we stop sending referees to the world cup based on the country or continent they're from. There should be a ranking for referees and the best ones go to the world cup. Enough with this rubbish with referees from Asia, Africa who have never lead a game at this level before in their lives. How much practice do you get refereeing games in the J League? Or a qualifier between Bahrain and Myanmar?

  52. Brazil will most likely go out in the 2nd round to either the Netherlands or Spain

  53. Where referees are from is irrelevant;we witness bad decisions in every level of football. The only way to eradicate the mistakes, cheating and corruption is to embrace technology. The less human influence,the more transparency and over night beautiful game would return!

  54. I think someone should take Big Ron back in a jiffy

  55. Ha ha, I know what you mean -
    Djalminha - now there's a blast from the past!

  56. What did you guy's think of Rakitic?
    I know he's signed for Barca and there has been a lot of clamour on these pages for Liverpool to sign him, but as someone who hasn't seen too much of him, I must say that I wasn't that impressed. I guess I was expecting rather more considering the amount of hype about him.

  57. Everyone loves a racist aye!!

  58. There were only a few players yesterday who impressed me:

    1. Oscar - Overall the best player on the pitch
    2. Modric - Composure on the ball despite being pressed all match

    3. Lovren - Steadied the back four. Made up for several mistakes by his teammates holding the back
    4. Neymar - His performance was a bit overrated because of the two goals. But he had some nice moments

  59. While City receive ridiculous sponsorships etc no way they should be there nor PSG they are letting them cheat 50 mill is pocket money for them.

  60. You are forgetting the great Diao and Diouf show too.

  61. Seem to remember Spain losing to Switzerland in their first game of a tournament and going on to win the competition

  62. It is not about the sponsorship deals. The rules are there to make clubs live within their means.

    Red star do not have the luxury of massive sponsorship deals but when they have a number of overdue payments to employees and other clubs and keep on spending without settling their overdue debts then they should be punished.

    It is like taking a loan for property, not paying the loan, buying a car and skipping repayments. The bank pulls in and takes back what belongs to them and you end up being blacklisted.

  63. Its also trying to stop these sugar daddies of football inflating prices of players worldwide and making the game more eliteist too.
    The ridiculous sponsorships are cheating no matter which way you look at it also remember City was fined so they have broken the rules.

  64. I do not think FFP will be stopping any club from inflating prices. The aim is to stop teams from buying success and sugar daddies as you say running up the debt of the clubs etc. Wages are a debt. City have the biggest wage bill in the world. Can you imagine what City's fans would be faced with if the Sheikh had to pack up and leave tomorrow should he be decide that he has had enough of his his hobby?

    Real Madrid with their annual turnover can afford any player but they would have also been made aware as to where the line needs to be drawn.

  65. Very well said...

  66. That would be Cities problem if the sheik hopped on his camel i for 1 would say justice served.
    It would be best for football if him and Abrahamovich caught the same boat.

  67. The winners of tournaments often start slowly. Spain lost to Switzerland at the start of the last World Cup, Italy have a history of fairly turgid starts leading to victory ('82 and '06). Brazil only managed to beat Turkey 2-1 in their first game in 2002, even with the Turks going down to 9 men and Brazil needed a pen 3 minutes from the end to win that one. One of those reds was the infamous Rivaldo one.

  68. Klose is the same. He's scored more in World Cups than he has in World Cup qualifying. Also was very frustrating for Bayern at club level.

  69. Couldn't help but feel like Coutinho could have made an impact off the bench. Bernard did not do well.

  70. They probably would have suffered more if Mandzukic was available.

  71. And that is exactly the reason why I am more than happy to have FSG as our owners.

    The main point I am trying to make is that FFP will see less entities with 'limitless amount of funds' buying clubs and funding them with their wealth because if there are rules in place to block 'buying success' then what is the point of pouring cash into a club?

  72. Rubbish.Every world cup it's the same story. We get referees from leagues with no quality what so ever and they make decisions like this. You could see it early in the first half when he made a big deal about a bit of shirt pulling right before a corner. At this level, referees should not even be noticed during the game.

  73. I bet all the referees in the English Premier league are better than the Asian referees.

    I think this referee was overwhelmed by the occasion and was too eager to please Brazil

  74. I still believe Brazil will win the WC

  75. Hardly! You have only just got back into the top four and with Man Utd looking to spend big, Mourinho settling back in at Chelsea and Arsenal slowly making progress again, the league wil be far tougher next year. Not to mention the big names love playing in the champions league/ Your main priority should definitely be preserving a top four finish and continuing to build Liverpools young starlets. Your opinion is so naive. Liverpool have struggled for years, one good season( which Man Utd were non existent in) and your dreaming of CL glory. Building and cementing Liverpool as CL regulars should absolutely be number 1 priority.

  76. Certainly cementing our place in next seasons CL places is a priority. However, why not aim higher? That achieves the CL goal and may get us more. To play in the CL this season and say it is not a priority is ridiculous. Especially since it is a cup competition. Every game in the CL is a priority. Other teams will be strengthening but I would expect we will as well. If you aim for the stars, you may land on the moon.

  77. Eh they were given the easiest opponents - played the final game after the B-Group so the could choose their opponents in the round of 16 something unheard of. And when the FIFA's poster child looked to fail to win their first game Croatia gets a goal incorrectly disallowed and Brazil is given a false penalty and Neymar were given yellow instead of a red card.
