26 Jun 2014

Top Transfer? LFC in talks to sign 'excellent' €9m star who wanted Reds move in 2013

Last summer, Liverpool were constantly linked with a move for Ajax star Toby Aldeweireld, who ultimately ended up at Atletico Madrid. Prior to the move, the 'excellent' Belgian defender confirmed his interest in a move to Anfield, and after a nightmare year in Spain, Alderweireld is (seemingly) for sale once again, and reports suggest that the Reds are close to sealing a deal.

According to Sky Sports Italy today:

* Liverpool are in talks with Atletico Madrid over a deal for Alderweireld.

* Liverpool hope to tie up a €9m deal 'quickly'.

The story so far:

APR 2013: Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf reports that Liverpool were monitoring Alderweireld, and claims that the highly-rated central defender 'prefers' a move to Anfield.

APR 2013: Ajax director of football Marc Overmars confirms that Liverpool scouts are 'often present' at the Amsterdam Arena, scouting various players, Alderweireld among them.

MAY 2013: Alderweireld tells reporters: "Usually I do not want to play for an English club that’s in mid-table, but, unlike Newcastle, Liverpool meet my criteria"

MAY 2013: In an interview with Nusport, the defender notes: "I'm very selective in choosing my next club. I do not want to go to Manchester City because Kompany will play forever. Liverpool, however, has the potential to return to the top"

JAN 2014: Alderweireld reveals the depth of his unhappiness in Spain: “I miss Ajax, their style of play, my ex-teammates...At Atleti, I'm unhappy if I’m not playing. The team is doing well and I continue to fight for my place, but I don’t think it’s my fault.”

Alderweireld - who played alongside Luis Suarez at Ajax - can operate anywhere across the backline, including central defence, and right back, so there's a possibility here to kill two birds with one stone. If LFC sign the Belgian, however, what does that mean for Tiago Ilori?

If there's a vacancy for a young centre-back then surely Ilori should be in the running? If not, then signing someone to take his place in the first-team squad can only be construed as a massive vote of no-confidence in the Portuguese youngster.


World Cup Schedule: 26 June 2014


  1. You would think after the way Ilori played against Barca any doubts about his ability would have dissipated.

  2. Keep Ilori and Toby. Nuke Coates and Cissoko and maybe Johnson ....

  3. warmed the benches at Athletico, will warm the bench again at LFC. Waste of money

  4. Ahverruz Maritz8:03 am, June 26, 2014

    On a side note: Shaqiri was friggin amazing! I hope we can get that deal done ASAP...

  5. He's been the least impressive player for Belgium this summer

  6. No, don't see this one happening at all. Need to sign Lovren instead.

  7. I honestly think that all of the suarez memes are getting old. In fact, they got old soon after his second bite. Most of them aren't even funny.

  8. At least they have a sense of fun. And I prefer that to the endless outraged tabloid articles and their moralistic hyperbole. Danny Mills actually said yesterday that 'Suarez should be jailed forever'. No one is in denial that Suarez is a very silly boy, but a sense of perspective seems to have deserted most of the media. Still, it has certainly deflected attention away from England's dismal World Cup performances. The FA should be chuffed about that.

  9. 1m to loan him for a season seams like a great deal.
    If he has a good season we could make a profit off him. Showing how the plan to buy younger players is far less of a gamble than older players like Joe Cole.

  10. alberto had potential and still has ...you seem hell bent on moaning about any issue .Every club buys and sells players some at a profit some a loss but not all clubs scored over a 100 goals

  11. Why loan him? if Brendan is that convinced he wont make any impact at the club then sell and use the money towards someone of better quality.

  12. Under Paisley and Shankly it was standard for all new signings to spend a year or two with the reserves. It's only a recent thing that all new signings must make an immediate impact. Have we learned nothing from Henderson and Lucas? Don't write him off based on one bad season.

  13. hi jamie ive come across your articles now numerous times and more often than not they annoy me to a serious degree. what is your problem with brenden rodgers, we have a lot to thank that man for, bringing us the best title challenge in 24 years or so. yeah he has made some mistakes in the transfer market, they all do, but consider that he is buying in the bargain bucket with aspas, alberto, assiadi, borini- these guys were hopeful signings rather than than expected quality signings. rodgers has put liverpool back on the map and id prefer to celebrate him for bringing us back from the dead on a budget,reducing our wage bill all the while playing the best football that i have ever seen a liverpool side play

  14. The 'immediate impact' thing is a myth (IMO). few people expect new young players to come in and be world-beaters straight way. I certainly don't. What I personally expect is to see some evidence that new players are capable of making an impact at LFC, and the majority of Rodgers' signings do not have that capability.

  15. JK,

    Any news about Shaqiri and Sanchez to Liverpool?

    What's your thought in having these 2 players of calibre in the team?

  16. Yeah, I get that they're fun, but I don't see how people can find a fully belly of laughter at every single one...they're all just the same theme!

    I was trying to argue with some idiots about why the whole notion of a bit is totally blown out of proportion. Of course, it's a stupid thing to do, but no worse than flying studs to shins and other stuff you see. They every tried to say it was unhealthy and could risk disease. Please, Suarez doesn't try to break skin when he bites them. You need to break skin to do that. The whole bite thing is sensationalised because it' just bloody weird

  17. If the articles here annoy you, then why continue reading them? There are thousands of other websites you can visit. Also, if you come here from news-now, there is an option to hide sources you don't like. Job done.

  18. LFV spent £7m on Alberto; what are the chances of making that money back right now? Practically zilch. He had minimal game-time last season, and got done for drink-driving; hardly a great catch. Sending Alberto on loan puts him in the shop window, and if he performs well, his transfer value will increase.

  19. yeah I come from news now so its usually not by choice.anyway i don't just read articles to agree with them, i like to see different views and try to understand there angle, hence my reply to your article. whats your problem with rodgers?:

  20. AGREE MATE - this guy is not a liverpool supporter and his IMO's are absolutely nonsense 95% of the time - has he ever played or been involved in football at any level - if he was he wud understand how teams work and esp young players. Has a clue honestly!!

  21. Jaimie, I think it was rude to use that Suarez Jaws picture. Statistically, Suarez is too dangerous to be a Shark.

  22. Rodgers has made more dodgy transfers than good ones that's for sure. I recon around £50 million has been spent on players not up to liverpool standard, money we can't recoup, now the players of the quality that we really need, we wont pay the money for them, Crazy! I'd rather pay for two top class players, than the same ammount on five players thant won't get a look in, it's as if we have'nt learnt from previous mistakes.

  23. I don't have a problem with Rodgers; you just don't like the fact I have views that don't fit your expectation of what an LFC should be.

    No one connected with LFC is immune to criticism; I don't have favourites; I tell it like I see it.

    This site is about taking a realistic approach to LFC. If you want chest-thumping, tribal 'LFC till I die' type stuff, this is the wrong place.

  24. Public humiliation???? WTF mate - he was rubbish that day and was ripped off - had a chance to prove his worth and didnt take it. SOOOO knowing that he is good enough he is being loaned out and not sold so he can come back stronger - and to a good team Malaga :-)

    Go support Man U mate!!

  25. not at all,no man is without fault, but by in large, brenden rodgers has been great for liverpool and i for one totally respect and admire him for his style of play, which has been a joy to watch. it feels like your nit picking with him. I was against dalglish when it was unpopular to do so as i felt his second term was bad for the club. why be critical with rodgers when there is very little to be critical about!

  26. Or he performs well and returns to the club??

    You don't get a bee in your bonnet about other playes going on loan so why Alberto?

  27. Those players you mention has cost around £30 million, you would expect them to be able to contribute, epic fail! We will lose out big time trying to break even on these. Rodgers was also fortunate to have Suarez around, without him we would have been competing with Manure for 7th spot.

  28. i understand what an opinion and indeed what a forum is, so i expect different opinions...but i expect it to be a reasoned opinion at the least

  29. Jamie your articles come across ANGRY!! your IMO's have little substance at all - u dont know footy you have and teenagers view on most things - lets see you get deeper and not have IMO's :-)

    Knowledge needed mate and substance not IMO

  30. Please stop focusing on irrelevant stuff. If you disagree with the points in the article, then post a counter-argument. Whether I'm 'nit-picking- etc is irrelevant.

  31. True, he was rubbish and deserved to come off, just another moneyball fail.

  32. silly response my friend.we had saurez under dalglish too did we not, and we finished 7th and 8th then, one man never makes a team and if u watched our games this year you should understand how good our team performances were.30 million is peanuts in todays terms man, 30 million on 4 players isn't even peanuts.chelsea and city spend that on one player

  33. LFC history categorically shows young players who go out on loan soon after signing invariably end up disappearing without trace. In the last 20 years, there no examples of young players going on loan then returning to become first team regulars. Why will Alberto be any different?

  34. we finished second in the league, our best title challenge in 24 years,reducing our wage budget,spending less in comparison with the other big boys while playing fantastic football...what more argument do you want sir

  35. he does appear very angry and why after such a great season, id hate to see him after a bad one!

  36. What is your problem? Do not go around belittling other posters by calling them 'silly'. Seriously, this is not the place for you. This site is for adult debate about LFC, not playground name-calling, and intolerance of alternate views. Stick to the comment police, and discuss in a civil manner, or you will be banned.

  37. i called his argument silly not him buddy. An opinion can be stupid or silly as you well know having written tons of them!

  38. Do not call peoples' arguments 'silly'. That does not promote discussion.
