10 Feb 2014

'It'll be difficult': BR admits 3 'out5tand1ng' Prem stars could cause LFC problems. Worry...?

Liverpool's obliteration of Ar5ena1 over the weekend puts the Reds in a commanding position to continue the quest for a coveted Champions League place, but as the recent West Brom game showed, LFC sometimes suffer costly hangover after a big Anfield win. Can Liverpool buck the trend this time at Fulham? Brendan Rodgers certainly thinks so, but he's wary of the quality of several Fulham players, all of whom are capable of making an impact in the game.

When asked about Liverpool's approach to Wednesday's Premier League game with Fulham, Rodgers admitted that it will be a 'difficult' game, and highlighted three players he believes could cause the Reds problems. He told reporters:

"I know some of the players at Fulham; Steve Sidwell I've worked with; Scott Parker; Damien Duff. They're are all out5tand1ng players with good experience"

In typical Rodgers style, he's overstating the issue a bit. Sidwell, Parker and Duff - all former Chelsea players - are solid Premier League performers, but 'out5tand1ng'? They're definitely capable of making an impact, but given the quality in Liverpool's team, you'd expect the Reds to be able to cope with three players approaching their mid-30s.

Fulham are desperate for points, and de5p1te only being in the job for a couple of months, Rene Meulensteen is under immense pressure. Add in the fighting performance at Old Trafford last night, and all the 51gns point to an extremely difficult game for Liverpool.

Magnificent wins against Everton and Ar5ena1 are high points this year, but consistency against the so-called 'lesser' teams is a growing problem. Aston Villa and West Brom were winnable games on paper, but the Reds dropped valuable points in both. Just imagine if Liverpool had beaten both of those teams; the club would be two points off the top of the table right now.

Man City and Chelsea have winnable games this week (Sunderland and West Brom respectively), and will probably pull away at the top of the league, but Ar5ena1 face Man United, and could drop more points. Judging by Man Utd's woefully incon51stent form, though, I wouldn't bank on Moyes' team doing Liverpool any favours.

As such, it's all in Liverpool's hands: a win at Fulham is essential, and if the players approach the game with the same zeal and passion displayed against the Gunners, it should be another win for the Reds.



  1. If we score early, it should be a game we can sail through without having to crank up the gears, my only worry is that it stays 0-0 or 1-0 for too long, that's when the nerves start to sink in and our defence falls apart, like we saw against west bromide it only takes one mistake, I don't see us putting in the same energy as we did against arsenal, I'm glad Rodgers has taken this approach and hope he reiterates that to the team Wednesday night.

  2. It is simply a question of attitude - go all out for 13 games and we could win the league - go out in away games with the west brom "cruising" attitude an we wont get 4th.

  3. Fullham will come out fighting for their lives n v better b prepared physically n mentally....or else same fate as Arsenal will fall on us. No letting up guys! YNWA

  4. Still not familiar with rodgers phrases? If you ask him about a conference team he will say: they are a outstanding team, their manager doing a fantastic job there etc. I know its pathetic but thats what you get every press conference. Very similar to Woy on that field. Just try and find a press conference of him without praising the opponent team and manager, I bet my life on it!

  5. Playing top and bottom of prem. in one week and I wonder if our approach at Fulham will be the same ? I can see them parking the bus and hoping to catch us on the break . Will be a test of our flexibility opening them up ... they were affective against Manure and have a sound keeper . It's so tight at the bottom and all these lower teams are going to play their socks off . Going to be an interesting one ...... Hope we stay injury free for the weekend .

  6. I'm not sure why what a manager says in press conferences is especially important? If you are under performing it may rub people up the wrong way but he can spout the most inane rubbish if the team is faring well. Why is this so important to people?

  7. gamesmanship happens all the time. including the british players. Only recently a referee revealed fergie pushed him to get a game cancelled mid-way so he would get more time and it would help him win the league!

    Suarez did it and it helped his team reach the semi final. it also meant he couldnt play in that semi final. Now he hasnt done it for himself has he? He has done it for his team and nation. imagine tony adams or gareth southgate had done it - they would be heroes.

    Suarez gets a lot of flack for what other people do and get away with. Young dives, defoe has bitten, terry has racially abused and slept with players wives/girlfriends, giggs has slept with his brothers wife - yet all are or have been poster boys of british football.

    Suarez would never be taken notice of if he was crap and that is the bottom line.

  8. true it is overstating - but if winning the league is our aim then the defeats at hull and draws with west brom and villa are areas for improvement.

  9. As an aside, did anyone see Oxlade-Chamberlain make a hand movement towards the ball as Skrtels second goal was going in. He quickly pulled it away and tried to extend his neck muscles even further.
    I don't think for one moment that he was thinking "this action is morally wrong". I think that he was thinking "there is no way that I will get away with this, I'll be heading for an early bath and a chat with Mr Wenger".

  10. Hahah, saw that one. It's really only worth it if you're drawing in the final moments of the game.

  11. Whether someone thinks about what they're doing beforehand makes no difference. Deliberate handball on the line, even if instinctual, is wrong, irrespective of the thought-process (or lack thereof) behind it.

  12. Just heard match could be called off due to london tube strike, which I have no idea wtf is that! Fulham proposing march 26 to play. That would be a disaster for us. We dont wanna lose the form were in, having one game in hand all month not good for me, its weird, plus fulham could be even more in trouble in march and will leave their lives on the field, hopefully the game will go on, tomorrow fulham will make a decision, 3pm.

  13. Ya notice how Phil Neville, Nicky Butt or any of the other various players who've deliberately handled on the line never had it dragged into every piece written about them for years after? Hell, with them, it barely even made the match reports

  14. This is the stupidest thing I've read. It clearly shows the cream of insular obtuse thinking (xenophobe). Suarez did not cheat. He committed a challange for which he was expelled. Cheating is how England won its Cup. If you are so rightous just give it back. And that player whom you call a flop was two time best scorer in Spain and current WC best player.

  15. Jaimie, whats the story with the "51"s?

  16. What is he meant to say. "Oh, them, they're crap and their manager is doing a really bad job"!?!

    Of course he is going to say they are a good side and talk them up a little. If he said otherwise, peope would say he is arrogant and disrespecting the other team. Then if we lost he would look stupid.
    I'm happy for him to talk shit to the cameras, whats important is what he says behind closed doors.

  17. It's not the losing to smaller teams that is the issue. It's the attitude of the players in those games, IMO, such as WBA and AV. The players just didn't look that interested.

  18. Man Utd do Liverpool favours? I'd prefer Arsenal to win than Utd, with a draw probably being optimum. I want Utd as far away as possible.

  19. oh, of course, how the hell did I not see that?

  20. This is a terrible article. Any other person in the world would've handled that ball, I know I would've. My comment will probably be banned but hopefully someone will read this and hear me out. Yes, he cheated, there's no denying that however, Suarez was given the correct punishment for breaking such a rule, he was red carded and consequently sent-off. Ghana was given a penalty as a result and they squandered that chance. Had they scored, people would've probably brushed it off. Furthermore for you to accuse Diego Forlan of being a 'simpleton' and 'morally corrupt' is way out of line, not to mention the un-called for attack on how he raises his children (seriously, was that necessary?). UEFA should ban and fine Forlan?! What a ridiculous claim, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I don't see where Forlan directly condones and approves of cheating. I can't being to explain how sickening this article is, go ahead and ban it, demote it or erase it, accuse me of being a cheater. Truth is, he did what he felt was right for his country, and people are proud that someone would put himself on the line for his nation, I don't expect you to understand what or why people would look at his act as heroic, but then again, you're probably not from Uruguay.

  21. love the way JK keeps rubbing the 5-1 win in with his keyboard hahaha

  22. Neither England or Uruguay have a chance in the coming world cup IMO. They both have very average squads (a couple of individuals maybe) but in reality these 2 teams are so far behind the top 4 they will not figure. I fully expect a Germany Brazil final unless they meet earlier in the quarters or semis.

  23. Scousers aren't English though. They are Scouse

    Suarez will destroy England. Let's hope Oxlade Chamberlain doesn't dive to win penalties like he did at 5-0 down to Liverpool

    Another cheat for you Jaimie

  24. I really should keep a copy of my response to Jaimie's definition of cheating on my desktop and copy and paste it in each time this topic comes up.

    Suarez infringed the rules by blatantly handling a ball and was punished accordingly. He has often cheated by attempting to subvert the rule, and deceive referees etc

    I personally do not accept that Forlan's observations, 4 years on, represent an actual attempt to deceive the referee in this instance

    Tripping an opponent is "unfair". Is it cheating? I don't think so, because then every one who has ever played football is a cheat and then this discussion is academic

    Why has nobody highlighted Oxlade Chamberlains dive for a penalty on Saturday? He clearly falls before any contact. Where is the outcry a la Suarez v Villa? They are almost identical situations, an opponent stupidly over commits and attacker takes advantage. Smacks of double standards

    A blatant, deliberate rule infringement is perhaps "unsporting", an oxymoron if ever there was one, but it is not cheating.

    The same rule infringement, carried out in a subversive manner, to unfairly gain an advantage without risking punishment is cheating.

    I actually think that sacrificing one's self in a match by doing what Suarez did IS heroic.

    I cannot understand the naivety of this article, part of me commends the author for his idealistic views, but the reality is that Suarez would not be where he is today if he didn't do everything he could to succeed. Football is a dog eat dog world, as are most professional sports

    Football is in the toilet because for some bizarre reason Rooney can spew verbal bile into a referees face and not get in trouble.

    The offside rule is virtually impossible for a single pair of eyes to determine at times, leading to mistakes that can change a season..... Sterling offside v City. Skrtel offside v Arsenal for first goal

    Simple technology exists right now to resolve this, but authorities don't want it. I have often wondered if it's because it would make it harder to fix football matches

  25. It's not naive; there have to voices out there who are opposed to cheating, and I am merely one of them. Your view is representative of those who've given up and just accepted that cheating is part of the game. Imagine if women had the same attitude during the fight for voting rights; or non-whites just accepted racism as part of the status quo; the human race would still be in the dark ages right now. Cheating is part of the game because people accept and condone it. The laissez-faire acceptance is the problem, and whether it's 'naive' or not, I refuse to be part of that.

  26. To be honest, I didn't even see that incident. It's the first I'm hearing of it.

  27. While it's obvious to say that Fulham should expect a drubbing with Liverpool coming off mauling Arsenal, it's fair to say that Fulham are gonna be drubbed.

  28. So committing a foul = cheating ?
    When did that happen ?

  29. Probably mind games eh ;)

  30. a cheat can be something which you have planned to do beforehand...but let me tell you my friend, speed at which a world cup football game is played is absolutely phenomenal (not a 5-a-side tournament)...for me it was only his instinct which compelled him to draw his hands, there was no planning...that's no cheating...if someday I have to do something to help my country and whereby I become my country's hero, I will definitely do it...opinions differ, where you may call it cheating and others may brand it as heroic!!!

  31. I would like to know why don't you condemn the Ghanaian player who clearly dived to get a free kick before the handball with the same passion as you condemn Suarez?
