20 Feb 2014

'I was afraid': €6m LFC star reveals the 'worst moment' of his Anfield career

Liverpool loanee Aly Cissokho has opened up about the turmoil he experienced after sustaining an ankle injury during his debut against Notts County earlier this season, and the left-back argues that this unfortunate injury set-back had an impact on his ability to successfully adapt to the Premier League.

Discussing this week his first six months at the club, Cissokho noted that the injury came at the 'worst moment' for him. He told L'Equipe:

"[I had] a piece of cartilage moved. I had to undergo surgery in London. It was a very difficult moment. I was afraid. Surgery delayed my adaptation".

Sounds nasty, and he definitely has a point about his adaptation to the Premier League being affected. As for whether his deal will be extended at the end of the season, Cissokho hints that a return to Valencia is not an attractive option at this stage, but doesn't seem overly concerned about returning to Spain. He explained:

"Valencia is also a great club, but there are a lot of economic problems in Spain. We will see at the end of the season. I will leave Liverpool if I have to. I am doing a nice job and that is the most important."

It doesn't look like Jose Enrique is returning any time soon, and when he does, he'll need time to get match-fit, which means that Cissokho will probably remain LFC's starting left-back for the foreseeable future.

I personally don't have a problem with that; the stats show that his attacking performance is poor, but with the likes of Coutinho, Sturridge, Sterling, and Suarez in the team, it's arguably a non-issue.

There is one scenario, however, where Cissokho would deserve a permanent deal. If Liverpool go on to win the league with the Frenchman playing on the left, then it would only be fair to buy him outright. Cissokho is an unspectacular player, but if he helps the Reds break a 24 year title-duck, then the reward of a permanent contract would (IMO) be justifiable.

As noted in an earlier article, LFC have lost only one of the last ten games with Cissokho in the side, and if the Reds continue this form until the end of the season (i.e. 70% win rate; 90% unbeaten rate overall), then the title could be in the bag.

panel management



  1. I think he is a solid option. If we dont go in and sign a top class LB in the summer keeping him and Jose wouldnt be the worst. He doesnt offer a lot going forward but he is quite an underrated defender. Seems a very solid tackler of the ball. I think he has done well after quite a poor start.

  2. I think he has gotten better each week. In the big games he seems to play better. The derby he was solid and against Arsenal he looked up for it and put in some great challenges. Going forward he has nothing to offer as you said. But defensively he's fine and rarely gets beaten. Even if we make top 4 i wouldn't mind seeing him play for us next year as a back up to Enrique. We all want Enrique back asap. But a lot of people forget his brain snaps...and sometimes he makes very stupid decisions. A lot like Skrtel usually does. But Enrique when he's fully focused and in form.. a lot of games last year i thought he was our best player on many occasions....especially when we were attacking.

  3. You know what's making me laugh? Arsenal fans saying they'd rather win 2-0 in the FA cup with a 'reserves team', than get raped 5-1 in a premier league match. Look at the detrimental effect a trophy drought has on your mind! It's like being dehydrated of water!

  4. The last paragraph makes me giggle like a girl when a boy looks at her.

  5. I'm totally on board with the concept of team performance. If Liverpool go on to win the title, or even go close, then Cissokho will have been a part of that. That can't be ignored. The team is playing well and Cissokho plays his role so it stands to reason that he's not all that bad. He obviously does some stuff well and at the very least allows the rest of the team to fill their roles in a way that we can still produce some great football. It's the old adage that every member of the team is important no matter how they may appear to be on an individual level.

    Still, I think Rodgers has serious plans for left back and Cissokho ultimately won't fit in them. With some additional quality on that side of the pitch, someone who could relegate a fit and fighting Enrique to the bench, we'd really be a handful to try and play against. A skilled footballer on that flank who could work together with the talented guys in front of him would really be something extra special and I'm convinced Rodgers wants that kind of quality in his squad.

  6. He would be a decent squad player if the price is right.

  7. This guy is a solid left back. His attacking skills are lacking. But given time with Rodgers he will come good.

  8. As you said, he is solid in defense and I can't think of any glaring errors he has made. He's not great going forward, but with our attacking options it's not really an issue. His job is to defend and he gets on with that pretty well.

  9. Jaimie, I've had a few pop up messages/ads on your site, using a HTC One with chrome

  10. When he first started playing I was really unsure, his passing was awful, his tackling wasnt much better and I was wondering what he actually brings to the team. Now though my perception of him has changed completely, ok so he doesnt posess the steaming runs down the wing that Enrique does, and he still can't pass a ball more than 6 yeards, but each game he is getting better and better... and as a defender, he has been rather good of late. Like others have mentioned here, if the money is right, we want him, he wants us, then yes he would be a good permanent signing in the summer, even if only to challenge for first team place!

  11. When he first started playing I was really unsure, his passing was awful, his tackling wasnt much better and I was wondering what he actually brings to the team. Now though my perception of him has changed completely, ok so he doesnt posess the steaming runs down the wing that Enrique does, and he still can't pass a ball more than 6 yards, but each game he is getting better and better... and as a defender, he has been rather good of late. Like others have mentioned here, if the money is right, we want him, he wants us, then yes he would be a good permanent signing in the summer, even if only to challenge for first team place!

  12. If Liverpool win the title (they wont) or even finiish in the top 4 (they should) it will be despite having Ally Cissokho rather than because of.
    Flanagagn was playing well there before he got injured, I'd prefer him there than cissokho. We have needed a top class left sided fullback for years, jose enrique is good on his day, but not consistent enough. If we make top 4 we should be looking to buy a top class fullback, and competition for Lucas. I just don't understand why we were trying to buy another attacker in january when we have a much more urgent need for squad improvement in the areas I have mentioned.

  13. If we could buy him for like £2m and he was third choice then yeah. I really liked when he was getting in peoples faces and protecting his teammates a couple of weeks ago. Can't remember who it was against. But it shows the right character, as does his effort. Attacking wise he is poo but there are aspects to the lad I like. Like I say only for very cheap and as third choice.

  14. He has done a great job for us and is improving with every game. He's the only defender who doesn't make mistakes and, I agree given the attacking options we have, we need defenders who defend rather than attacking wing backs who can't. His solid defensicve performances will make a difference to what position we end up in, so let's get behind him!

  15. "Reserve" team is just nonsense. Fabianski and Jenkinson are the only two that could be considered reserve.

  16. They then started carrying on about qualifying for champions league. I taught them a lesson. Note to Arsenal fans: never argue with Liverpool fans about Champions League; you're gonna have a bad time!

  17. I really think we should be looking for quality players in the summer, left back being one of the positions, Sissokho is average at best, never seems to have the ball under control. This problem area for us has been going on for as long as the defensive midfield has, ( i personally don't think Gerrard is the answer, it's a specialist position).

  18. Vote "NO" but depend on his salary n expectation he demand !For me he only a back up.

    Now let vote either extend AC deal or snap Ashley Cole on free !!! What ur choice?

  19. There is no choice to make. He will go to a team like Monaco or to the US for a final payday. We will not match his wages which will be more than Johnson's.

  20. Have you guys ever noticed how when midfield passes the ball to Cissokho, he simply passes to it back. Never makes a forward run with the ball. He's too scared of making a mistake. I'd rather have Jack Robinson play backup to Enrique. Pretty sure we can find a better LB in the summer.

  21. Thanks Peter. That shouldn't happen, so I'll look into it. If you can remember, what ads popped up? Cheers.

  22. Completely unrealistic, but two players who I like in LB that ticks all the boxes are two players, coincidentally, who have similar last names, David Alaba and Jordi Alba. If we had one of those or a player of that potential and quality in our side, then as you say, we would be a handful.

  23. Defensively he is solid and is becoming more confident on the ball with every game, but these days you need your full-backs to provide width and penetration going forward too, and Cissokho just doesn't cut it. At this time he is only the first choice left-back because Enrique is injured and while he may be an adequate squad player, as this team progresses and hopefully challenges in the Premier League and Champions League in years to come, he is not the man to take us forward or provide Enrique with enough competition as to improve his own or Enrique's performance levels.

    I think that unless he dramatically improves his attacking capability, and even if we win the league; he can go back to Valencia, proud of his achievements with us and with our thanks.

  24. I know this is nitpicking, but we don't have a LB by the name of Sissokho, Cissokho with a C is the player you mean, this is just me, but I think this is disrespectful not putting in the proper spelling, after all, it's all over this article.

  25. What games are you watching? He makes runs forward quite a bit. Ok, his end product isn't great, but he does make the runs, against Arsenal, he skinned two players and went past them like they were sunday leaguers. If you are going to make an observation, please make sure it is a correct observation. (By the way, as a biologist, observations are something I am and have to be quite adept in.)

  26. Two instances of skinning ppl don't make 'quite a bit of forward runs'. Watch the games again. Most of the time, he prefers passing the ball back. He's quite slow tracking back as well.

  27. Jaime - "I personally don't have a problem with that". Really? Even though his attacking stats are poor(your words), you are content with his defensive qualities disregarding his attacking play? Come on! If its because we don't have too many options in left back until Jose comes back, then fair enough but WOW. Flanagan does a better job and what is the price difference? You also made a point by saying that Liverpool have lost only one of the last 10 games with Cissokho in the side. This makes NO SENSE. There are 11 players in a team, its not like its a 3-4 player unit?!!?!?! Do the stats show that right winger for the other team gave him an easy game????

  28. I think it was for a phone cleaning app. I'll take a screen shot next time. It doesn't happen every time.

  29. A left back that offers nothing going forward is not LFC material. Simple as that. Even if we win the league this year, we are under absolutely no obligation to reward him with a permanent contract as some kind of gratification. We can ill afford any sentiment.

    Both the left and right back position need to be addressed seriously in the summer, given the injury problems of both Johnson and Enrique and the poor form both were/are in as a result. Flanagan for me is a excellent and reliable backup, but does not have LFC first team quality. Neither does Kelly.

    If we secure CL for next season, then Ricardo Rodriguez (21, VfL Wolfsburg) is the perfect left back for us. Physically strong, mentally strong, young and definitely available if Wolfsburg fail to qualify for the CL (which is very likely). Would cost approx 20m.

    As for right back, I still hope we can do a deal for Martin Montoya in the summer.

    Add another young holding midfielder (M'Vila) and a winger (Konoplyanka, Shaqiri, or André Hahn (FC Augsburg)) and we have an excellent squad.

  30. Two recent instances, he has been doing this at least a couple of times each game he plays, like I say, he may not have the end product, but that doesn't mean he doesn't go for runs with the ball.

  31. I think Liverpool should sign Luke Shaw he is the perfect outfit for lfc

  32. That's the kind of quality we should be aiming for. It's impossible to get players like that to leave their current clubs but we should be able to find similar potential and take a risk or two on some unproven options. And who knows, if Liverpool make a title run it will make us a much more attractive option to incoming players.

  33. I like him. Whole-hearted, solid defender. I have no doubts that at the end of the season many fans will join me in being absolutely gracious for the efforts he's given to the club. However, I believe that come the end of the season, we should probably pursue other options. If someone such as Ashley Cole does become available, we really need to sign someone that can offer that little bit more quality to the side.
