27 Jan 2014

Late Transfer? LFC to bid for 'valuable' £6m attacker hailed as the new Ozil...

In November, multiple reports claimed that Liverpool were interested in signing VFB Stuttgart attacking midfielder Alexandru Maxim, and had entered 'negotiations' with the Bundesliga club over a possible January signing. After the collapse of the Mohamed Salah deal, the Reds are still seemingly in the market for an attacking midfielder, and reports in Romania today suggest that the a deal for Maxim could be back on.

In November, the Liverpool Echo reported:

"Liverpool...could move for Stuttgart’s young Romanian playmaker Alexandru Maxim when the transfer window reopens in January.

A week later, CalcioMercato claimed that Liverpool were 'in negotiations' with Maxim's reps, and today Romanian sports website Prosport claims that Stuttgart are expecting a concrete £6m offer from Liverpool this week.

Maxim - a Romanian international, hailed as the 'new Oil' by Romanian media - started this season in prodigious form, grabbing four goals and eight assists in eleven starts for Stuttgart, putting him ahead of established stars such as Neymar (7 assists), Franck Ribery (6 assists), and Lionel Messi (4 assists).

However, two months later, he's added only one goal and one assist more, to put him on a total of five goals/nine assists in nineteen games. Still an excellent return overall, but it suggests that his early-season form could've just been a one-off purple patch. Indeed, Maxim has scored only one goal in his last ten games.

Stuttgart signed Maxim during the January 2013 transfer window, so it seems unlikely that they'd sell him on just a year later, especially when he's in such great form for the club. After signing the 23-year old, Stuttgart sports director Fredi Bobic enthused:

"With Alexandru Maxim we have acquired a technically skilled player who can be used in several positions in midfield. We see a lot of potential to develop"

If Brendan Rodgers is genuinely interested, Maxim's versatility is probably the key quality that attracted the Reds boss. He can play as a number 10, or out wide, which means he's suited to either 352 or 433.

Maxim's style of play is often compared to that of Arsenal star Mesut Ozil, but when asked about the this in a recent interview, the attacker rejected that comparison:

"I love Özil's style of play. He is an elegant player, just like Zinedine Zidane used to be. Don't compare me with Özil, though, I am only at the beginning [of my career]"

In another interview, Stuttgart Coach Thomas Schneider appeared to sound a note of caution over Maxim. he told German newspaper Bild:

"His [Maxim's] goal must be to consistently deliver strong performances over 90 minutes. He still has room for improvement, but he has shown how valuable he can be for the team. "

Maxim's overall record this season may seem impressive, but his career record of 14 goals in 113 games is nothing to get excited about.

Still, one signing out of the blue is better than no signings at all...right?



  1. How depressing. Is this the best we can hope for....

  2. id prefer inler but id take him bcos i dont trust that balloon ayre to get us anyone this window hes on a par with commoli it will sicken me if we dont get CL and i dont blame rodgers bcos of the squad he was left and the rebuilding thats needed without any real money

  3. What are waiting for then? Getting bored of this transfer window. When it comes to transfer negotiations we are incompetent.

  4. You don't blame Rodgers? Look at the shit he's bought in and either loaned out or left on the bench.

  5. he is quality but this will not lift the players. we need a player like Ivan Rakitic, of sheer quality to give everyone a lift. plus Rakitic is very versatile able to play in defensive midfield, centre midfield and attacking midfield. also i'd like Yarmolenko for our RW. we were interested in the summer and he has massive potential to become CR7. together they'd cost about £25M ( Rakitic £10M, Yarmolenko £15M)




  6. Sorry pal but since when has Sturridge played on the left? I know he played on the right a bit for Chelsea but he wasn't very good there, that's why they sold him to us. Sturridge plays as the main striker down the middle, that's the position he's played for us since he signed and I doubt very much Rodgers will play him on the wing in the future.

  7. Arye is a lying parasite for his slave master Henry, fail promise all the time
    we the fans a puppets and they know it, get them out along with lap dog Rodgers the bull talker lolly pop boy we tne fans want you all out......

  8. Rodgers has stated that he does not want any squad players. Are we to believe that this guy will make the improvement to our starting line-up that will see us qualify for CL? And if we do qualify does anyone believe our currant squad is good or deep enough to compete? I can't see us signing 5,6,7 players in the summer to be competitive in the CL!

  9. My worry being that if Aspas, Alberto, etc aren't good enough to play bournemouth how will they fair against top Bayern, Madrid, Barcelona?

  10. i know but we must accomidate the team somehow for Suarez to play up front on his own as he is too good. when Sturridge was injured Suarez was absolute quality. Suarez plays up front by himself too well. he knows how to play the role with perfection. when Sturridge came on against Stoke he went straight in on the left and played well in our natural inrerchanging formation. he was constantly seen on the left and the centre. if suarez is in the centre, hes on the left. suarez on the left, sturridge on the centre. Sturridge broke on the left side and squared suarez nicely. then suarez was on the left and squared suarez in the centre. no matter what our front 3 will be all inter changing. its more a left forward than left winger.if we signed Rakitic, it would provide the width for Sturridge and Yarmolenko to play as tucked in Forwards. support forwards for suarez. Rakitic and Henderson could can press well, while Rakitic can also contribute goals, spread passes, tackle and set piece specialist. were definately interested and we should sign him. tbh i know Sturridge is a forward but i dont like the 442 or 352 formation. so for the sake of the team, Sturridge knows he has the quality to play as a left forward to accomidate some1 as good as Luis Suarez. i reckon it would work and if it doesnt we can quickly put Sturridge up top and move Luis to the left.

    the spurs game just refuses to leave my head. the football we were playing was unbelieveable. the fluidity, the formation was perfect and had the right players in each position. even when Alberto came on, as the formation was perfect and he came on in his favoured position, the number 10, he popped a pass forward and Suarez lobs it in. i reckon Yarmolenko and Sturridge and Suarez can link up and be devasting front 3. like defending against 3 strikers who will be all over you. rakitic, gerrard, coutinho and henderson is fantastic support. when lucas is back even better

  11. I think they will try to sign rakitic on transfer deadline ...other than that forget it.

  12. They need to bring in someone to deflect the shocking PR they've made for themselves. Expect a totally underwhelming and inadequate arrival on d-day. Tragedy to blow our best hope of top 4 in years and prepare the ground for loosing Suarez in the summer. Dread to think how our transfer committee will spend the money from that sale!

  13. How about a decent defensive mid and a full back or 2 if not i dont see 4th place being an option.

  14. In what is a world cup year prices will go up on many players and it is going to be tricky negotiating they have trouble now the next window will be a disaster.

  15. Too much dwardling around. We just need to bid for christ's sake.

  16. One thing that is definitely strange, is that Rodgers has maintained that we are working to sign players. We haven't made a single bid. I don't know the intricacies of these things but can you request the team you are doing business with to keep any bid anonymous until you reach an agreement?

  17. We don't need a replacement for Sterling he's doing ok. Anyway we have back up out on loan at other clubs. Mid-field and left back are the only emergency signing needed.

  18. This signing would be as useless as the job Ian Ayre is doing.

  19. Would it be beneficial for either team to make the news public? Certainly you can go to a club and ask to negotiate in private, saying that if they go public you'll end the process. In business you can ask for pretty much whatever you want, you just can't be sure your negotiating partner will agree.

    I'd say Liverpool are very guarded with their information these days. Rodgers doesn't name names and he only started talking about Salah once it was obvious the deal was out in public. That's the old way, keep it all behind closed doors. So there would be very few leaks from LFC, they probably even have a good relationship with a few key journos around the country and would specifically ask them to keep certain pieces of information secret, if they told them anything at all. My guess is that most of the stories we've heard are from the selling club, the agent or the player, or are just made up. That's probably why it's so frustrating as a fan to watch the window unfold. Most stories are vague, lots of them might be totally unfounded, and we never really get the LFC point of view on any of it until it's finished.

  20. Rogers needs to tell us why Alberto is not playing

  21. The drama is that we desperately need a Defensive midfielder

  22. Its Rogers failure, not Alberto's

  23. No chance of Rakitic for anything less than 20 million pounds. Maybe this time last year, but not now. Yarmolenko surely would be a similar price. I'm not convinced either of them are a good deal at that money. Think of what we paid for Sturridge or even Suarez.

  24. Last day stuff coming I bet. It's ok as long as it's good. If I was asked to guess I would say Romulo and I would be happy with him he's an awesome player and would really lift the team. His work rate is immense and he's rotting in Russia. Was a Brazil regular until he went to Russia. Very affordable about 10m.

  25. Future is very scary for all top European clubs. Since Liverpool are signing the likes of future welsh Xavis and romanian Ozils, one can only imagine how far this club can go. Its like Madrid, Barca, City and Bayern combined to form one team. I can't wait for the future. I am soon turning into one of the clubs 'future' fans.

  26. Jaimie can you play DM? Because right now, I think anyone will do for Liverpool unless you ask for few pounds more in wages, in which case Ayre will drag the deal.

  27. Alas, I'm still recovering from breaking my leg three months ago...

  28. the loan market has it's fingers crossed that we do buy him!!!

  29. wrong!!! we are not anywhere near that high level.

  30. I think Rogers us trying to put a positive spin on whats going on rather than being foolishly optimistic. We do need layers coming in but he is right loaning players that are not outstanding has not done us much good up to now so it makes no sense getting players who are not going straight in and bettering the side.

    It really is backs against the wall time and everyone who is available has to be on the ball and working very hard. If we can maintain while players are getting fit it may be possible but really tough. Spurs won't get any points against City and Everton have s many injury problems as us. United are six points away so I think tonight is really important (obviously). We need to maintain. Gerard cannot be the DM though. Players went past him with troubling ease as the weekend.

  31. Sign who ??

    No one of significance is going to be arriving now, he (BR) is already thinking about "A loan player" the window has turned into a complete farce.

    The joke is on us fans, thinking these guys will one day lead us to the Holy Grail.

    Oh how we badly need a mersey derby victory tonight.

  32. I agree with Rodgers. I'd rather sign no one than sign a 3rd or 4th choice bargain player--with the exception of cover for Lucas. We have too many of these bargains and players for the future already. Salah was going to start. We need to be looking at starters now.

    Another thing--Aspas, Llori and Alberto. That's a lot of money locked up on players that are basically invisible. They might as well not be there. That's a forward, a midfielder and a a defender. 3 players not contributing. Why aren't they contributing? Why do we want to buy more players of about the same level? Couldn't we have saved the money on Llori, and then picked up an attacker at the 15M range instead of getting Aspas since anyway we were going to get Sakho? But right now the Aspas, llori, Alberto signings are not exactly looking flattering.

  33. I could say I've seen this fella play and that he's a class act but to be quite honest despite being an avid football fan I've never heard of the chap. why not bid for shaquiri or turan or some ambitious singing. sure the worst that can happen is they reject our offer and we have to look at other alternatives. 17 mill for shaquirir would be a steal.....still feel we urgently need another cdm and left back

  34. Now I read Ola John signed on LOAN by Hamburg today.

  35. True then we get several views........

  36. U r clueless clearly. BR isn't KD who insist he plays those he bought even when they aren't doing well. BR Rodgers isn't afraid to bench even the players he bought. Insisting Hendo n Carrol plays all the time when there others were performing. So keep watching the game n maybe and u will understand better. Blame goes to
    FSG. They have the last say. Look at where we are before u even think of blaming BR.

  37. 'new oil' ;)
    FSG would LOVE him
