27 Jan 2014

'I won't sign anyone unless...' BR reveals LFC plan for transfer window's final days...

Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers has provided another discouraging update on the club's activity (or lack thereof) in the January transfer market.

In his pre-Everton press conference today, Rodgers confirmed that he's looked at the loan market for players, but admitted that there is 'nothing imminent' on the transfer front.

LFC's manager also refuted reports that he plans to bring in squad players to cover injuries. He told reporters:

"I won't sign anyone in January unless he's a really outstanding player on loan that's going to help and improve us.

"We've got enough support players in the group. I'd rather give a young player an opportunity. If there's no one available, there's not much we can do about it.

"If no one comes in, it will galvanise us".

I think Rodgers is being massively optimistic here. I doubt the squad will be 'galvanised' by abject failure in the transfer market (!), and even if that does somehow inspire confidence in the players, the plain fact is LFC's injury-ravaged squad is probably not strong enough to maintain a challenge for the top four.

Rodgers confirmed that Mamadou Sakho will be out for another three weeks. Lucas is out for a few weeks yet; Joe Allen is on the way back, but still basically injured (as are several other players), and history suggests that Daniel Sturridge will inevitably pick up another injury before the end of the season.

LFC is on the verge of throwing away its best chance to qualify for the Champions League in five years. With the signing of Juan Mata, and the return to full fitness of RVP and Wayne Rooney, Man United will only improve in the second half of the season. Spurs are on an upward curve right now, and Everton are one of the league's most consistent teams.

Am I wrong? Is LFC's squad strong enough to finish in the top four without any January reinforcements? Right now, the Reds are right where they need to be, and Rodgers has done a great job keeping the team in and around the Champions League places. However, Rodgers himself has constantly bemoaned the lack of squad strength this season, which suggests that he doesn't believe the squad has what it takes.

The heat is on for Rodgers, and despite his protestations to the contrary I suspect he'll bring in one or two distinctly underwhelming cover signings on transfer deadline day.



  1. absolute joke that we havent tried to strengthen squad fed up with Rogers spin at the end of the day we do not have a strong enough squad to be in top 4 at the end of the season FACT!!

  2. Tomorrow's result should have some bearing on the final few days of the window, have to say though that most of our summer signings have been a total waste up to now. Hoping for a good result & no more injuries tomorrow

  3. Surely if we don't sign anyone we need to cancel our loans deals and bring assaidi, borini, Coady, wisdom and suso back, if that's even possible. Perhaps not the most exciting transfer window but they should surely offer some protection against further injury??

  4. Big fan of his but ayre and rogers have no one else to blame but themselves, such a pity and so short sighted

  5. I'm not sure how m'villa, Fernando or Diame have not been signed in this window. Must be worth a punt on one of them. Lose tomorrow and we could be in trouble

  6. Sadly I totally agree. We've come this far and are now seemingly stepping aside to ket others through. Why bother?

  7. what is rodgers playing at all these injuries and struggled against bournmouth come on j w henry sort this out we are a joke

  8. That's actually a good idea, our players on loan are doing well, they are better than aspas, Alberto and moses

  9. I think What Rodgers is trying to say is, 'they wont give me any more money to squander'. Personally i don't blame them, we don't need any more bench warmers or players to loan out. Time to put a proper manager in or for Fenway to eff off. One fed up fan.

  10. I don't know really, as you say we are in the right position and only 2 rather unlucky defeats over Xmas prevented us from having a comfortable gap between ourselves and the chasing pack (and a realistic chance of winning the league, IMO) I think we will know by the end of Feb, and I am actually quite happy to think that Sinclair, for example, is going to be trusted to play in a role that we would presumably otherwise have seen Salah playing?

    Fair point though, is Sinclair likely to make any positive difference towards us getting fourth? That's why we are frustrated with seeing no new signings after all... Then again, do we know Salah would have?

    I'd still have taken these problems in this position back in August, though.

  11. That constitutes a plan??!!?

  12. Liverpool are always linked with £7-10 million players, while all our main competitors are linked with or are signing £30 million players. The United board realised they may not qualify for the CL so they are spending big to give them the best possible chance. If Liverpool want to compete with the big boys they need to spend big.

  13. many people have said the owners dont back rodgers but in fact it is rodgers and/or the transfer committee that have wasted millions. we were in for willian in the summer so it shows the owners are willing to back the manager for good players. but rodgers has been awful in the market (barring coutinho and sturridge). he complains about the squad been thin but it's his fault. we have loaned out players like wisdom, reina, assaidi, suso, and borini and they are equally as good if not better than the players that have replaced them i.e. mignolet, moses, aspas, alberto and ilori. i personally like ilori and alberto but i dont see the point in wasting money for rodgers not to play them. we could have kept all the players we loaned out and saved a good 30 million on those signings which could have bought a top player to really add to the quality in the squad.

  14. Best chance at top 4 in years. With the defence being crap and no CDM, without signings we can kiss top 4 and Suarez goodbye. Don't understand why FSG can't throw £40M at players this month!! If we get CL then the money is re-couped. If we don't, Suarez leaves for £70M and money re-couped there. Not hard to understand. Squad needs strengthened!! Bring in MVilla or Fernando AND Yarmelenko. Preferably a LB too. If I have to watch Cissokho much longer I'm going to throw up.

  15. We have got enough support players in the group. Exactly. And whose fault is that? That we only have support players in the group and not enough class players? Who's wasted over 50 million on bench warmers?

  16. I don't get it. Ian Ayre says we can compete with the big dogs. yet we are certainly threadbare, going to even be worse after the derby im sure. Injuries are exponential, its only going to get worse since we are relying on weaker bodies now. WTF is going on. Man o man I don't think they give a shit about CL. I think they are happy with the new TV deal coming in and selling LS in the summer if there is any buyers. I'm sorry gang but my optimism is fleeting by the day. This window says it all. My crystal ball says were going to bid 3 mil pound for a 12 mil player on final day and say "we did not want to go beyond our valuation". I'm in agony right now. Need a beer.

  17. i still dont get the criticism of cissokho. hes hardly set the league alight but to be honest i think hes been quite effective, and much better than the likes of toure and johnson at the back, yet they avoid the criticism. am i missing something here? i agree with you otherwise though, and a lb would be good because im not keen on loan players but i just dont understand the negativity about cissokho.

  18. The unfortunate losses in December, the injuries and our failure to do anything in this transfer window has really sucked the momentum out of challenge for top 4.
    The team who gets 4th tends to be the team that performs best in the 2nd half of the season and I can't see that being us right now.
    Fortunately, if we win the derby we can give the entire squad a massive boost.
    It is hard to overstate the potential importance of the derby.

  19. Liverpool are playing a very dangerous game here everyone can see liverpool need to strengthen we must spend now this is the chance to get top four look at what could mean for liverpool attract better quality of player hold on to the one world class player we have i think this window will define liverpool's future for a long time

  20. This is possibly the stupidest thing hes ever said. He simply has to buy players to rotate the squad; because theyre tired out and constantly getting injuries. We currently have the weakest overall squad in the top 10 if you ask me. We have got to sign a midfielder; end of discussion Rodgers.

    I have to admit - I really thought we'd press on and sign a few players by now - but the big transfer news of the day? Rodgers might buy Moses at the end of the season!!! I'm ecstatic. Probably wont sign anyone now. Finish 8th. Lose Suarez. Utd get CL - stay there with the rest for good.

  21. your bang on. i think once utd have rvp rooney and mata together then they will be a much stronger proposition. So we will have spurs/everton/ and utd fighting with us for 4th.

    There is cabaye available and he certainly would be a welcome addition - but i doubt fsg will pay 15-20 million for a 27 year old.

  22. The truth is that fsg asked Rodgers what he did with the players he signed and he said they r on the bench ,then he said good ...lemme also keep my money in the bench.....

  23. In the bank I mean

  24. and do I read ... unless they are on a "loan"? This screams that we don't have a real budget. We were probably reached a point where we over agreeing a few mil for salah than willing. They prob were happy Chelsea outbid us. So the can polish and admire their coins a bit more up there in the admin lounge. Too many boxes have to be ticked these days to get a player seems. Seems like over-screening. Only willing to apply a loan on players that move on board without the full Liverpool Way-Vet. That's my take. Want to hedge the risk by using a loan. That's the only thing I can make out of this.

  25. I feel sorry for my fellow reds fans as their hopes have been built up in getting top 4. I was hoping for it but really knew that we would not be financially supported in the Jan transfer window. By not doing this I cant see any of this years top 4 not pulling away from the rest as they will be given a fright by the closeness of this years league. This was a chance for LFC to get back into it and they wont have a better chance in the coming years.Man Utd's poor form was our starter gun to exploit their demise and get back up . Instead we have a manager who says we will only go out and buy if there is a really outstanding loan player out there. Not sure that's the way it works when your trying to get back into top 4. If clubs could just get outstanding loans then why waste millions on transfers. I honestly do not know if we were better off under Kenny. he made some poor judgements but most people I know thought Andy Carroll was going to be a top striker. The Suarez guy he signed has been ok I suppose as well.

  26. Message to FSG. Give the manager transfer money as we will never have a better of chance of getting into the top 4. It is now or not in the next 5 years at least.

  27. You know theres a big question here that maybe you can answer JK. Everyone here is complaining that we're not going to sign anyone and probably wont get 4th. But if we can all see it. Why is nothing happening? Are FSG not prepared to give any money because they want out? Because if they save their money for a new stadium; a team with a young squad. Sounds to me like quite a sexy proposition for any Rich Investors. I bet in 2 years time FSG wont be in charge of LFC anymore.

  28. Cissokho provides no end product when going forward

    He is lazy / unfit when retreating. Remember Sagna's run down the wing that Cissokho just ignored until it was too late

    We are so lucky that Coleman is injured

  29. Seems like we're not signing players because we're too busy signing sponsors. I'm sure that all sponsors love a team that is perennially out of the Champions' League.

    What's happening at Anfield reeks of negligence and incompetence! It's inconceivable that this so-called transfer committee could spend months scouting a player, only for the transfer window to reach it's latter stages before deciding (after scouting some more) on whether or not to buy.

    There's no need to distinguish who's at fault, or who's to blame, they all are. Irrespective of what Ian Ayre continually spouts about the health of our finances, we don't have a limitless pot of money. Why buy several average players on the cheap, when the same money can be used to buy 1 or 2 quality players? Not only would that quality propel us up the table, but it would attract more quality.

    Can we still hold out hope for a pleasant surprise late in this transfer window? This current squad has looked good at times, but as the season wears on, remaining in the top 4 looks increasingly difficult. Our nearest rivals continue to strengthen whilst we stand still. Just one quality player alone would provide a psychological boost.

  30. yes, the sagna thing is literally the only thing i can remember him doing badly with, but his fitness was bad at the time and lets face it he had no help with the stupid formation we were playing. plus i think he is only "lazy" because he is on loan and rodgers clearly didnt show any faith in him (opting for the likes of sakho at LB instead) so he knows he has no future here. im not saying that is acceptable but if rodgers just bought a LB instead of loaning one...

  31. I don't think it's over at all, we all would of liked to see some new face's to freshen things up a bit but I believe we're on course to get that 4th spot. Defense is keystone cops at times but we're scoring goals.Suarez been quiet for a couple of games but he'll be back to his devastating best sooner rather than later. And don't underestimate us having Studge back.Stop worrying guys, we'll pick it up again,just wait and see. YNWA.

  32. BR can't win. If he talks about signings, everyone will say he talks too much and runs the risk of another club coming in and stealing our targets; if he doesn't say anything people cry about a lack of ambition. If he talks about signing a top target he is deemed unrealistic as any available world class players will go for big money, especially in Jan and we will not spend that kind of cash. If we are linked with potential talent livery one is up in arms saying potential is not good enough. Sturridge and Coutinho were just that when we signed them, potential quality players and I bet few on here thought they would have the impact they have had. How about supporting the bloody club and waiting to see what transpires in the next few days. JK must absolutely love some of you because any rumour or comment has people .losing their minds and falling over themselves to moan repeatedly on this site. I understand the need to be critical and I support it , but sometimes I thinks some supporters have very short memories. Remember where we were 2/3 seasons ago and look where we are now. Some of you constantly complain that BR isn't using his signings enough yet all you do is moan about him not making any more! Maybe they will get a chance in the second half of the season and will prove to be successful in getting us Champions League football and then most will say "well done BR, we always had faith" - maybe they won't play any part and we'll suffer from injuries and lack of form and drop out of the CL places but the point is none of us know.

  33. Don't blame Rogers, blame the man with the task of acquiring targets....Ian Ayers! I would suggest it is Ayers who sets our valuations on players, he keeps bragging we won't overpay ( did so again today) for players. There is a pattern with our missed targets, we bid way below what the selling club wants, fanny about allowing other clubs to come in and pay more realistic prices. Listen to Rogers comments and I think you'll get a hint that his main targets are not seriously persued. He says he doesn't want anymore squad players, only players to strengthen the first eleven. I think we are missing a huge opportunity to get CL football for next season by not buying even one quality player this window.

  34. A lie told often enough becomes true, the truth is simply, after Rafa failed in getting Barry, Alonso played his best ever season of football and earned himself the move to Real, prior to that, he was playing rubbish, but its easy to distort history to score cheap points...., use it, don't use

  35. Best chance to get CL football is now, so even if we did get it, we'd still need world class players to join us. the reason rodgers never signed salah was because of his £15M transfer fee. Sevilla want around £8-13 for Rakitic. it would inevitably go up to about £15M but he worths that if not more. hes 25 and this season he has grabbed 12 goals and 12 assists in 28 games. last season he scored 12goals/11 assists in 42 games so he is cleary on fire this season. this being from midfield, and alot of the time this is from defensive midfield. this proves he's an accomplished midfielder. i watch the other day against Levante and his range of passing was astonishing. he also scored a wonderful goal but did miss a penalty but his stats for a midfielder are pleasing and would give the team a massive lift. he would be our Cabaye.

    we've been in need of a Right footed LW, an upgrade to downing, aspas didnt work out and we passed on Ince and failed with Salah. Andriy Yarmolenko seems the top option right now. 16 goals/4 assists in 27 games is good for a RW and he can certainly join the team with immediate effect. incredibly skillful, quick, tall and strong he plays like CR7 and has potential to be like him. with our current team a "growing" team Yarmolenko can fufil that potential at Liverpool. £15M

    then after that we need to pick a young player performing in one of the 3 top leagues EPL, Bundesliga or La Liga to compete with Coutinho who is currently our only attacking midfielder. Roberto Firmino. 22 years old at Hoffenheim in the Bundesliga he has 12 goals/10 assists 20 games. incredible work rate, good shooting, good football brain (like most bundesliga players) and still young with lots of development. he's value is £9.7M but he'd cost about £13M due to current form. Arsenal want to sign Draxler for £40M and Firmino stats are much more supirior to his. Draxler has got 5 goals/8 assists in 25 games compared to Firmino's 12 goals/10 assists in 20 games.


    £35-40M on players that will massively improve the current squad for the current situation and future. this would also give LFC a stronger bench.
    Subs: Jones, Kelly, Toure, Allen, Gerrard/Hendo Coutinho, Sterling

    we must sign these 3 players before the window shuts. crucial to our title/top 4 challenge. Rakitic will be the key. hes genuine quality. Firmino will be the Coutinho of last January. and hopefully Yarmolenko can bang in the goals like Sturridge did.

  36. As I said in a earlier post, is it fair to put Alberto in the flop category? The guy just hasn't been given a chance. When he's played he's looked quite good but for some reason Rodgers won't give him a start. Strange really considering that he was a Rodgers signing. Aspas and Moses I agree with....

  37. I think a DM was needed to compete with Lucas before he was injured. Big gamble if no one comes in. Hope it pays off otherwise Rodgers has given his doubters ammunition. If Liverpool do sneak CL. It would be interesting to see if they compete at the top end of the market or stick to the gambles.

  38. disqus_mcqR6U5M4d7:50 pm, January 27, 2014

    liverpool are a lost cause did you see how miserable Suarez looked on saturday i dont think he wants to play for liverpool no more

  39. its the first time in years we are near the champions league place mostly down to suarez,now is the time to consolidate our position and bring in players,if we miss out on top 4 we are so gonna loose suarez next year there after we will be nothing

  40. This window is sheer torture - feels like the dream of top 4 is being murdered day by day! Ok so we missed our target (again) in Salah but there are other good players out there who are supposed to be available and interested in coming to LFC. Can anyone doubt what a huge difference getting Yann M'Vila and Yarmolenko would make but they're not available for nothing or on loan! So we have to BUY! Can't forget what FSG and Rogers have done for this club but really wtf is going on?

  41. Yes very true he sctually has looked good but he has to go down as a flop, not his fault but rogers fault completely. He has had zero impact on the team so far, but it's very difficult to sitting on the bench and having other players given chances ahead of you

  42. I hope there's a surprise in the form of a loan sighing of Shikira ir whatever his name is of Bayern Munich and we pay for Fernando of the Portuguese league. If we are supposed to be able to compete with anyone then why didn't we go for Mata and guarantee a CL spot and also hinder United getting back on our perch. If we fail now it is just negligence from owners. We don't need that many players just one or two class acts to get us over the line and we can look forward to our lowness coming back next season

  43. It was nice to read your optimism, it really was: however I am still too petrified to offer a smile at present......
    Tomorrow's is a massively defining match.....!

  44. Toure was arguably our best player at the start of the season until he was rotated.

  45. he merely had a few decent games which provided the illusion he still has what it takes. when we signed him i was worried he would be the player he has shown himself to be in the last 12 - 18 months at city. unfortunately over time he has proved me right. just as quality players can have off days, poor players can have good days.

  46. Can I ask how it is Roger's fault? I do believe we WERE in on some guys, but the naivety of FSG and the incompetence of Ayre (mostly the latter) cost us...big time.

  47. Saw on sky sports a little while ago that we're interested in a Ukrainian lad. Yevhen Konoplyanka. A 24 yr old winger. I'd not heard of him but did the youtube thing. To be honest, for £13m I think he's worth a look...?

  48. Any manager worth his salt would of said what he said about Moses. He probably has no intention of making him a permanent signing but in order to motivate him into better performances he has dangled the carrot of a permanent deal with us or the prospect of Chelsea wanting him back as a first teamer. What should he of said, "you've been sh*t and we have no intention of keeping you so bust your balls every game for no reason and we'll send you back to chelsea so they can sell you to west ham or southampton or Fulham" .
    I manage people in my everyday life - you have to be a bit smarter people

  49. Claus Bono Clausen8:22 pm, January 27, 2014

    Ecsacly this is our final chance to stay in top 4 no buy no top 4

  50. Yeah I suppose if we was to sell him now he would be considered a flop, just can't help but feel sorry for the lad. I can only remember him been given one or two starts and even then being taken off at half time. All managers have their favourites but it was Rodgers that signed him so you'd think he would give him every opportunity to succeed, especially since if he fails it reflects badly on the manager that signed him.

  51. One thing that has really surprised me is our inability to sign players eg Salah chelsea are now having a last laugh.Rodgers was always complaining abt squad depth and later said he was given assurances to sign players who will make a huge impact on the squad by the owners but now says he might sign players on loan or maybe not am tired of hearin transfer targets who dont even come but get hijacked by other clubs this is our only realistic chance given by God for us to qualify for CL and if we dont buy any1 whu will make a big impact den weve blown our chance and kiss goodbye to Suarez

  52. TIA YNWA LFC common boys f the bs, if we cant get anybody that will help us than why bother. I hear all you suckas out there @ Jamie talking about transfer failures, Sahin, Moses, Ali for example so maybe this is BR just learning from his mistakes why sign a useless player if not going to provide us any help. I was hoping to see more from Kelly this weekend, but he aint a RB hes a CB, bud did love Flannos cameo and we should of used Alberto for a bit.

  53. At the end of the day FSG wont buy anyone thats over 9mill... I think most clubs know that Liverpool have become cheap and are only after players that are cheap. End of.

  54. We will finish behind Everton, ManU and Spurs.....that means 7th

  55. Alberto barely gets played. The boy is good, but never gets a good run of games together. BR WTF?

  56. why not save the whinging till its feb the 1st, still time and around this time last year we had the likes of sturridge and coutinho at bargain prices.
    id be very surprised if salah was effective as sterling is at this moment.
    2 players we really need back is lucas and enrique. 2 players with the experience we need to go the distance. kelly can hopefully come in and keep johnson out the team even when hes fit untill johnson gets the nudge in the summer. id personally like to see the likes of cabaye and mvila in the squad, as were getting done mainly in the centre when we play the big boys.
    maybe newcastle would do a deal involving allen.
    liverpool will still be trying to get the right players in and are trying not to get mugged. rodgers is doing a great job, id like to see the likes of mouriniho come in and do better with the funds rodgers has, he couldnt.
    he would be stropping and falling out with people left right and centre.
    give rodgers and fsg some credit, lets not panic just yet !!

  57. I think it has everything to do with us leaking the details of every big deal we're working on. All any club needs to do is buy a newspaper to know how much we are offering, how much the club wants, and what's needed to get the player. We can't compete financially (because of our policy) and don't have CL football so why make everything so public and entice a swoop or a bidding war? Can't be surprised we're missing out on so many players when we're basically providing thorough scouting reports in the back pages

  58. I'm guessing the glass is not just half empty empty but also with a crack in the bottom and filled with cyanide. Cheer up. Besides, there is no way you could possibly have that much foresight - unless you're Nostradamus.

  59. The liverpool website seems to be saying something slightly different "I'm just reluctant to bring in anyone that is just going to stockpile players. We need to bring in players that are really going to affect the starting XI. And if we can't do that, then we won't be doing anything."
    So yeah, no squad players, only fist teamers - I'm sure most would agree that that is an appropriate approach.
    Either way, if nobody does come in, still a good a great chance of top 4 - United isn't just going to magically win every game because they got mata, and RVP and Rooney returned - they were fit for a lot of games they lost, Mata has to make up for lost time in terms of his form. Everton's Injuries are even worse than Liverpool's right now, and Tottenham will get a reality check pretty soon.
    5 days left - when Feb 1st is here, then complain, if we drop on the table, then complain. But for now, 4th in the table, on a run of decent momentum - undefeated in 9 of the last 11 games.
    Sure some players would be nice, but this same group got us to 4th now - a few players returning from injuries will be like new signings.

  60. Where is the logic in the following situation. LFC were clearly prepared to pay £8mill+ for salah (an offer that reportedly was risen to £18.5 mill) yet following the injuries in key positions, where strength was needed even before the injuries, this transfer budget is suddenly non existent. We need to strengthen in certain areas but even brining in a quality attacker will inspire the team (Suarez most importantly). Now is it a case where rogers requested funds specifically and only for salah or is it rogers being stubborn with other targets. It will be interesting to see how tomorrow's result will affect lfc activity in the market. Maybe a loss would be for the greater good...either way it makes for a bittersweet result.

  61. sorry jaimie but i think ayre is the problem rodgers does not look happy the last few days ayre is as in competent as they come outside bet rodgers to resign which i believe would be a disaster

  62. Couldn't agree with you more. Tottenham and Everton have got there acts together and United will challenge. Meanwhile ayre knobs yet another transfer. All his bs in the summer makes my stomach churn - no way is sakho a marquee signing, as good a defender as he might be. I hate when these guys treat us like idiots. I feel for Rodgers because he deserves backing. Hope they have shakiri and a CDM up their sleeve but it isn't looking likely. Hope I'm wrong...

  63. He certainly knows a thing or two about man management that Brendan does. Even I was beginning to think that Moses could save our season. :-)

  64. I never thought of it like that. When you come to think of it they've saved us a fortune in transfer fees.

  65. We're in a four horse race for one position, so no room for complacency mate

  66. You just think it's all over....:-)

  67. At last people are beginning to see sense regarding the greedy regime of FSG. Time all true Liverpool fans start demanding that these cowboys sell up. They are only interested in their money and of course the Redsox. Liverpool is just a convenient cash stream for them. FSG please go!!! Now!

  68. I don't think for one second Rodgers is happy. I can't imagine any manager that would be after leading us to the top at Xmas - job half done, now over to you Fsg and 'mr negotiator'. I think he's trying to paint the best picture he can. Totally agree with the rest of what your saying though.

  69. So true. Unfortunately we have a manager whose idea of quality is highly questionable most of the time...aspas, borini, moses, i could go on. It appears that the only way to qualify as Liverpool manager is to be totally inept in the transfer market. We are total mugs at Anfield!

  70. Are these all Rodgers players cos he isn't picking them to play. Don't they have a committee. Disagree with you about Rodgers not being a proper manager It was only a month ago we were top. Surely that was the time to say yes we back this guy. A win tomorrow might put us all in a better mood!

  71. Problem is that even if FSG does give Rodgers £40 million chances are that he will readily squander it with four or five £7 to £10 million average joes and 'prospects' effectively adding nowt to the squad. The guy is a total waster in my opinion. Still a mystery to me how on earth this managerial nobody got the gig at Anfield. Just goes to show the thorough incompetancy that is rife throughout the club.

  72. Not if he is going to waste it signing the likes of Aspas, Borini, Allen and co. FSG have every right to say no to Rodgers since he has shown himself utterly clueless with transfers. What baffle me though is why this guys is still managing Liverpool?

  73. Nice one but won't happen. Rodgers does not know and can't attract any quality players in the first place, and secondly, FSG will NOT trust him with such money. The reality is that IF we are to sign anyone this window it will probably be some unknown spanish teenager from a club fighting relegation in la liga for £8 million who BR and Ayrehead will inevitably build up as the next wait for it...Xavi. We are doomed with these lot in charge i.e FSG, Arye and their puppet Rodgers ;-(

  74. Let's all sing as one:
    "Panic buy! Panic buy! Panic buy!"

  75. Well thought out comment.
    I can't argue with it.
    It is that good.

  76. As I said before, this regime of FSG, Ayrehead and Bodgers have well and truly redefined the meaning of footballing incompetence. Not one of these mutly crew have a clue as to what really constitutes a wining team. They continually bumble from one calamity to another in one form or other. Until at least one of them does go we will continue to endure more transfer pain i.e more aspases, borinis, cissikos and will have zero chance to acquire genuine quality. FSG, Ayrehead and Bodgers OUT!!!!

  77. Please let this be true. Been in torment ever since FSG appointed that no mark Bodgers. The biggest joke ever played in football..well maybe not...Moyes maybe the biggets followed closely by Bodgers!

  78. Have you seen Coutinho lately...in fsct this season. Absolutely garbage and that's being kind.

  79. Join the club. I have been in total daze and disbelief since this ma was appointed manager. I thought it could not get much worst than Woy, now this? When is this nightmare ever going to end?

  80. I'm with you on this. A large portion of fans seem to have themselves convinced we don't have a good squad or even a good team. There are some injury worries but we've still got Sturridge, Suarez and Sterling fit up front, Gerrard and Henderson available, Allen close to fit and will probably play, plenty of cover in defense (something people were almost complaining about earlier in the season). Moses just had a good game in the cup, Aspas will want to take any chance he gets, Flanagan is back, Kelly played 70 minutes for the first time in how long ... I'm not sure where all the negativity has come from considering our position, the goals we've scored and the good football we've played. It's like were suddenly about to start playing badly and lose a bunch of games. I know as fans we've been through some lean times, but the expectation that we're about to tip over the edge doesn't seem logical. We have a team quite capable of beating Everton at home and last season showed that we were better in the second half of the season than the first.

    It's like everyone has just gotten themselves worked up over desperation for us to sign new players when in truth the team we already have is the same team that has done so well so far. I honestly expect us to get better not worse, so I really don't understand what the drama is.

  81. let's hope ur right.

  82. He was always getting injured by Frank Lampard who persistently tried to break his ankles. Alonso was statistically the most fouled player in the league at the time.

  83. oh boy oh boy. Now that's entertainment!

  84. FSG OUT!!!!!! NOW!!!!

  85. think you need to look at where we were and where we are now.
    beat everton tonight and it might give us a mental edge at least over them regarding 4th

  86. most of our january transfer windows are pants !! except last year

  87. well said totally agree, we have been very unlucky with injurys. and hardly gifted decisions from the officials in certain matches!

  88. Wow, really? You'd go that far? All of them out, seriously. Sorry but I thin that's nonsense. We've had our best season for years and your gonna come out with that comment? I think people need to take a step back. I only criticized what happened because I had given them the benefit of the doubt on the Salah situation. And it turned out (In this case) Jaimie Kanwar was right....(Damn that hurt). But I think it's crazy to throw such severe criticisms out when we still have 4 days left of the winter window and just under half the season remaining. .

  89. if we bid 18.5 mill then why did he go for around 11 mill?
    apart from youtube and chelsea basel game, does anyone know if salah is a definate success? why madrid barca were not sniffing when a player like that clearly suited to there game play.
    think lfc scouts did there homework.
    chelsea scouts do there scouting from the back of a news paper.
    as rodgers said we want players here to fight for lfc not for money etc.

  90. There are a bunch of other quotes from BR floating around the press at the moment presenting a very different view of things. This article seems to have picked out a very limited portion of the press conference to present what seems a very limited point of view. It seems obvious enough that Rodgers has stated very clearly that he wanted to get players in, he still wants and hopes to get players in, the club tried to get players in, the owners support getting new players in and that everyone has been working towards that.

    It's a reflection of what consistently gets to me about the articles on here. The points of view are valid enough, but there seems to be a strong urge to be critical just for the sake of it, when in fact there are plenty of positive messages that could be put forward. In this instance I think fans would be happy to hear that Rodgers would be equally disappointed not to add to the team in January, that the owners are fully on board and all the other things that have been said to that effect, but none of that has been quoted here, not once in the whole month. For me that would be a balanced point of view: present the issue and evidence for the issue, but also present evidence for the contrary point of view, which is also available and easy enough to include.

  91. whats the difference? apart from one needs to spend hundreds of millions and the other cant ;)

  92. well said that man!! just unbelievable the negativity on here.
    probably the same people saying only 2 seasons ago suarez was not a goal scorer, got to laugh. how about rodgers has got the best out of him!! of course not lol
    i think rodgers is as as f#£* , and even puts his hands up when hes got it wrong. weve got one of the best young managers in this league only martinez comes close

  93. 4eva LFC, LFC 4eva1:11 am, January 28, 2014

    This is sad BR is a yes man for FSG that's it.
    Everyone can see that our midfield is a problem that needs addressing but people will have us believe there is nothing we can do, what utter rubbish, there is nothing they will do.
    Before anyone tells me " oh what do you what our club to go into debt" mate that excuse went out the window a while back when we wanted Mata. If the owners can't spend 30 to 40 mill now to give us the best chance to qualify for the CL then I will say it we need new owners, if BR thinks we will be ok then he needs his head checked and yes this is my opinion and before anyone says " oh what do you know" let me just say that if you don't believe we have a problem with the way we are headed then you are not watching the same team I am.

  94. As I said, it was reported that we were putting a bid of £18.5mill which chelsea would in turn trump with a £20mill bid. It's clear that we have some sort of funds if we are willing to bid for a player, but I've noticed a trend of late. We tend to put ln bids that are just below the acceptable value, and quite far off the clubs valuation for the player. So that they know we won't have to purchase the player, just seem like we are so the fans think were always looking to do business. Last summer we almost bought quite a few players, looks to be the same case this time round.

  95. hahaha could be. But wait until deadline day mark my words something is coming our way. If not Ayre and maybe Rogers probably need to go.

  96. BR you twat.... he knows full well he's gonna sign player or players on deadline day

  97. At last some common sense. Too much emoting going on this month.

  98. I think Ince is back on mate.

  99. guys, its the fenway group, I know they won the world series in boston but if you look into it the fans hate them. They will raise our value a little and then kick us in the gutter. These owners are terrible humans

  100. What footballer doesn't dream of playing for Real Madrid it says you've made it. Exception our Stevie. Hansen is writing column filler and it's being reprinted here.

  101. I'd put money on Liverpool not getting any new players this window. It's been a complete failure with nothing but empty speculations. Top 4 finish is seeming less realistic as the transfer window comes to an end and injuries keep adding up. YNWA!!!!!

  102. false. many red sox fans appreciate what they have done, I and my best friend is just some of them get over yourself.

  103. Clinton Max Walker6:09 am, January 28, 2014

    It is not Rodgers, nor Henry that is the problem. It is Ayre. Ayre may be good at signing the likes of Dunking' Donuts, but his involvement with player dealings is shockingly poor. I don't believe FSG are withholding funds, and I don't believe Rodgers is handing poor quality transfer requests in. Between Rodgers' list of players and Henry's wallet there is a middle man getting things very wrong 75% of the time. Ayre can chat to Dunkin Donuts, but Liverpool need someone that will focus on players during transfer windows then. In January we announce three business deals. February we will announce none. And we will all be reflecting on why sponsors were met with in January and not December or February as we see our squad short one or two.

  104. you do realise that rodgers doesnt have the money in his pocket dont you ? you realise that he has to ask for it dont you ? you also realise that he says who he wants then they try to do the deal not rodgers dont you ? get a clue !!! he wants top players and we wont pay for them so give the guy a break.

  105. Moan moan moan any good news jamie k

  106. I still laugh at people who think Rodgers is a world class manager and good enough to manage us. Sadly the team in blue have the best manager on Merseyside...

  107. The man to blame isnt Rodgers here, its Ian Ayre. The muppet signs a deal with A yank company before securing the signature of an actual player who'd help our club out. "DD" may be a good financial signing for us down the road but we need to look at the present situation and not waste time acquiring a quality footballler. My choice would have seen Ayre gone before the season even began.

  108. Dont be so naive, Rodgers is a quality manager working through a squad plagued with injury along with a Managing Director who ruins any transfers put forth by Rodgers. If you like the boys in blue so much, you may as well just go support them...

  109. sakho the brick sh*thouse will be coming for you
    you better run
