25 Jul 2013

'He's special' - LFC make transfer approach for £20m star who's 'a bit like' Suarez.

In January, Newcastle attacker Hatem Ben Arfa admitted that he admires Liverpool, and insisted his transfer goal this summer is to 'stay in England'. Speculation over a move to Anfield has arisen again this week, and reports in France suggest that Reds are stepping up their efforts to broker a deal for the France international.

According to French newspaper L'Equipe:

"Liverpool still looking to strengthen the forward line, and according to our information, the Reds approached Hatem Ben Arfa a few days ago"

A hamstring injury restricted £20m-rated Ben Arfa to just six appearances for Newcastle last season, and prior to the end of last season, the 26-year old hinted that he'd leave St.James' Park this summer. He told The Daily Mail:

"First [before leaving], I must save my club. I only think of that. I will help my team and my coach, with whom I get along great. We really want to fight for him. The fans are great too"

In a column for Eurosport in April, Liverpool legend Jan Molby revealed his admiration for Ben Arfa, but urged the Reds to approach any possible deal with caution. He enthused:

"I've seen Liverpool linked with Hatem Ben Arfa of Newcastle. He is one of those players you look at and think to yourself: 'I'd love to get my hands on him'. There's only one problem [with signing Ben Arfa] - he is always injured. He is never a player performing at full tilt"

Under-pressure Newcastle boss Alan Pardew will be loathe to lose such a good player, and he suggested as much in March, when he told reporters:

"Missing him is a bit like taking Suarez out of Liverpool. He is a special player who can create something and we’ve really missed it."

Newcastle narrowly avoided relegation last season, and with Joe Kinnear slowly turning the club into the football equivalent of a three-ring circus, I doubt it would take much to convince Ben Arfa to jump ship.

There's (arguably) no way the Reds will pay £20m, a price that is bordering on delusional, but if Ben Arfa is available for between £12m and £15m, should Liverpool pursue a deal, or is his injury history too much of a red flag?

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  1. No way....For once Molby is spot on

  2. He is a good player when fit. But he rarely seems to be fit...
    Too much of a gamble I think.

  3. Oh god, please don't waste 20m on him. He is going to be on the treatment table all day.

  4. I think we can do better. I often think that the transfers that get the most press are the players that are simply better known, but it rarely means the player is a top target. This sounds like more gush to sell papers, not the inside scoop on who we're really after.

  5. I would be truly pissed off if we do sign him. Just a simple no for him and that's it. We could sign Luis Muriel who is better than him and is younger and also below the 20million price.

  6. At most 7-8m on a pay as you play.
    Thats just my opinion as i dont really think he will provide a constant forward threath.
    when fit he reminds me of a slightly trickier aaron lennon (i dont watch too much newcastle)

  7. in a word NO ... he's a sicknote. Always will be.

  8. excellent (if true, which i doubt), we will have found our replacement for alberto aquillani. since he left, we haven't filled his space on the 'pay way too much money and give a ridiculous contract, as they are.long term injured' treatment table. yes, let's get him now!

  9. 6-7m lol. What have you been smoking. He is under a long term contract and newcastle have already came out and said it would take "silly money" for our top players.

    He was injured but looking in good shape now in pre season, you wont get him for under 25m - a fact

  10. Rubbish to sell papers, he will only go to a champions league side and for big money. Monaco and psg were after him, i think he would rather go there than to liverpool.

  11. you are wrong. he will be on the treatment table all day, every week, most of each season he is contracted.

  12. 6- 7 million?????- long term contract and only 26 - no chance, 25 mill at least.

  13. Meh, whether it be due to injuries, team he plays for or whatever, just hasn't, imo, fulfilled that early potential. Reminds me a bit of Taarabt, in the sense that he is given a fair bit of freedom but bit wayward with it. A pity really as I think he has a lot of ability but he is one of those wingers that doesn't bring it all together often enough. Worth a punt at £10m but they wouldn't sell for that less to us.

  14. 25m???? that's just for his medical bills. he has that many problems, gazza is a regular vistor to his house with some chicken and a fishing rod.

  15. Downing plus 2mil and I'd call it good business

  16. A match of the day player who doesn't perform for 90mins. Rarely do top players come from Newcastle. We need only look at Enrique.

  17. He "HAD" that many problems, he has bulked up a lot now, Ill agree with you if he fails this season but do you remember the season before with his assists and goals?

    Carrol was never worth 35 mill but market values and long contracts to buy out mean he wont go cheap - especially with ashley in charge of the transfer.

    As for Gazza lol, didnt you forget a crate of beer?

  18. nufc would never go for that. there is no way they would accept drowning. they would just take the 2m and be done.

  19. No. Fitness an issue.

  20. Mr. Point Of View3:41 pm, July 25, 2013

    Is he a muslim ?? He could had a problem with 1 of our sponsor Carlsb*rg !

  21. I think he played 13 EPL games in two years,

  22. Dont forget carrol at 35million! - world class lol.

  23. sign him! beats kewell and aquillani combined.

  24. His attitude is appalling... Please no...

  25. Yes he is and he has been playing with the wonga symbol on his shirt already, cisse is just trying to fashion a move out of the club as anzhi want him or rubin kazan - cant remember which,

  26. well we will need to replace the one we have for now. he can sullenly take the place of the lying, goofy c*nt.

  27. Please do not personally insult Suarez. Thanks.

  28. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/hatem-ben-arfa-way-back-5262254

  29. Just because we paid you for the White Elephant or the Donkey Carroll whatever you wish to call him, doesn't mean that you'd get silly money all the time.

  30. LMFAO!!! You sir made my day :D

  31. Prashanth Krishna Ragunathan3:59 pm, July 25, 2013

    Wats goin on wit eriksen?

  32. Mr. Point Of View4:00 pm, July 25, 2013

    If that not an issue then why not? least borini will had accompany at medical dept

  33. Nothing. Seriously that is what is going on with him.

    Kuch nahi hoga LFC ka aisi signings se :P

  34. harry kewl the 2nd

  35. i think someone had drunk a crate of beer before they agreed to to pay the 35m!!

  36. i am a bit like suarez i have two feet

  37. ok, i will save it for my visit to the emirates.

  38. Prashanth Krishna Ragunathan4:15 pm, July 25, 2013

    Don't understand Hindi..but anyway like wat Jamie said typical Liverpool beatin around d bush with d eriksen deal..Suarez shud jus sod off 4 50m..n we shud get dis luiz Muriel guy along wit Coentrao n eriksen..pipe dreams tho

  39. and like suarez..............no,... i will save it for my visit to the emirates!

  40. lol the only way he is abit like suarez is that suarez is usually banned and arfa is usually injured missin the same amount of games !

  41. I agree with all the players you've mentioned there but it really seems a pipe dream now. Yeah, you're a south Indian I expected you to not understand ;) :P

  42. No other clubs are keen on taking a risk signing him either.

    We will not sign every player we are linked with unless you want 1000 players in the squad fighting for a place in the first team.

  43. Luckily we are not signing him!

  44. A big NO!!!, at £5 mil maybe a squad player.

  45. All day?, no, ALL SEASON

  46. He is not fit to lace Suarez' boots. Other than both being humanoid, they have nothing in common. Apart from Ben Arfa being a bit of a showboater who actually makes a difference to the outcome of very few matches, he is always injured. We don't need another sick note - we have had Kewell and Aquilani - thats enough!

  47. £20 mil delusional? this from the club who value suarez at £50m?

  48. his last injury kept him out 6 months a broken flask!

  49. more likely that Newcastle will end up spending 6-7m on treatment and rehab for him!

  50. Bernard- adryan- Muriel- tello- shaqiri- not Ben arfa for that fee!!!!

  51. Protective Daddy6:53 pm, July 25, 2013

    Actually he is a damn good player, though he is very susceptible to injury, talent of ginola with the fitness of Darren anderton. If he gets over his injuries he is a good addition to Rodgers Liverpool, but not 20 million. Last few season Liverpool have wasted a lot of money and for a team not competing in cl they can't continue, I think 7-8 mill for Ben area but try and get cabaye as well maybe 25 mill for both.

  52. Ben arfa ...because he is arfa player suarez is.....one vastly over rated player who thinks hes the greatest ever...an average player with a below average injury record

  53. spot on jaimie thats your job

  54. your joking ...arfa plus 5 for downing....you get 30 games a seasom out of downing

  55. the problem is m8 you have non

  56. if we keep signing crocks are anthem will be renamed youll never walk again

  57. i dont understand hindi but when a player is crap the language is universal

  58. The Only Things He Is Like Suarez Is Both Miss A lot Of Games

  59. very good, explosive player when fit, a potential match winner on his day, however, he's not fit very often and we can't afford any more duds. Whatever we get for Suarez needs to be spent very wisely.

  60. I can see between 7 and 10 mil maybe,and use him off the bench in certain games.Would he like that though?

  61. If the whole squad is fit, we could use BA to keep our Medical team up to scratch.

  62. Too injury prone. Would rather see Scott Sinclair pursued as he played well under BR at Swansea and would suit the style of football at Lfc. He is young, English and can score goals from either ring as well as assist!

  63. If he wasn't so injury prone then would say buy him but he is another Michael Owen when it comes to injuries, so a definate no!

  64. You say 25m - a fact, but the reason i say 6-7m is because i really dont want him and i only gave him a value because some people do rate him higher than i do.
    I'd much rather see him sign a high wage long term contract where he is to be honest.

  65. hihave you ever had a broken bone and recover as he has done? I think you guys have not seen NUFC matches for long !

  66. Instead buy Muriel and J.Martinez

  67. I really like Ben Arfa? He plays hard and very determined. That said, no way at 20m; 5-10 at most. And no money without an exhaustive physical exam. better than Allen.........

  68. Why do you keep making rubbish things up? and why a question mark after every headline!?

  69. Very silky skills though!
    Would take a gamble on him for no more than £10m?
    Quality player if kept fit at LFC.

  70. That's the key, fitness. Very strong runner , shifty determined. Other than fitness, doesn't pass very much...maybe will do better when on a better team........for God's sake, get Soldado first, nuke Suarez if he is so ken to go. Pay for Tillman and papadopoulis and call it a day....
