25 Jul 2013

'He's not up to it' - Whelan insists €8m LFC star is not good enough. Agree...?

In March, Liverpool defender Sebastian Coates made a public plea to Brendan Rodgers to play him more often, admitting that he would leave Anfield unless things changed. Well, things didn't really change in the final two months of the season, and with the Reds almost certain to bring in another central defender, Coates chances for next season look similarly limited. Does the Uruguayan have a future at Anfield? Liverpool legend Ronnie Whelan doesn't think so.

In March, Coates - who cost Liverpool €8m in 2011 - revealed that Rodgers rejected his request to go on loan in January, and delivered a veiled threat to leave the club in the summer. He told Uruguayan newspaper El Observador

"I want to play, and most of all to be involved in the Uruguayan team like every other player. With that in mind I need to play, whether in Liverpool or somewhere else. I have a contract until 2016, but don't know what will happen in the future. I will wait until the end of the season and then speak to the club."

Coates first revealed his unhappiness with life at Liverpool in January, when he told Reporters:

“I’m going through a complicated moment here at Liverpool. I want to play for the Uruguayan national team and I must play for my team to achieve that. I do know the other defenders are playing really well and I must wait my chance. But, again, I want to play now.”

Discussing Liverpool's defenders this week, Whelan - who won fourteen major trophies during his time at Anfield - dismissed Coates' chances of becoming a first team regular, He told the 5-Times Podcast:

"Coates - is he good enough for the Premier League? We don't know that yet, but I don't think he's up to it".

Former Liverpool manager Roy Evans took a slightly more forgiving stance:

"You've got to remember that, as a defender, your career doesn't start as 'young' as a forward or a midfield player. I wouldn't write him off just yet, but he hasn't shown enough yet to convince me that he can walk into the first team".

Reds legend Mark Lawrenson believes that Coates is on his way out of Anfield. He told the Liverpool Daily Post recently:

"I’m not sure Rodgers fancies Sebastian Coates, and if that’s the case then perhaps it would be better to get the centre-back off the wage bill and bring somebody else in".

Liverpool appear to be in the market for another central defender, but it's almost August, and there's seemingly nothing happening, so perhaps Rodgers is thinking of giving Coates his chance next season?

It's a possibility, but I still expect the club to sign another centre-back before the transfer window closes, and if that happens, it will be tantamount to a vote of no-confidence in the Uruguayan.

Despite his height, Coates has not proven to be the imperious, commanding centre-back Liverpool need, and crucially, he lacks pace, which means the team play deeper when he's on the pitch. You can get away with having one central defender that lacks pace, but two can be a recipe for disaster, and none of the club's current centre-halves are particularly fast.

It seems like fans make this point during every transfer window, but nothing seems to change: Liverpool desperately need an injection of pace in the first team. Right now, the central spine of the team - Agger, Lucas, Allen and Gerrard - spine is not the fastest, or the most mobile, and as last season proved, this can be a problem.

Should the club let Coates leave, or is he good enough to make it in the future?

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  1. dose anyone really care any more the whole squads a shambols fsg please earn your money and f"ckoff

  2. .....sigh

  3. Whelan know his stuff but I dont think you can be sure until he gets a run in the team. Its a pity he couldnt have gone out on loan for a few months last season, Somewhere in the prem.

  4. What he needs is to go out on loan to a PL team...Perhaps a newly promoted team but we need to see if he can hack it at this level starting constantly.

  5. i want coates to prove me wrong....but it wont happen ....hes poor in the air for his height and hes a penalty waiting to happen......there's a lot of fans in denial im afraid but we look a real mish mash of a team going into the season...the Suarez affair is becoming an embarrassment...if we dont sell him we will be keeping a player who obviously doesn't respect rogers or the club...

  6. its progress jaimie.......

  7. coates is the least of are worries m8...to be honest i think we only kept him to keep Suarez happy and look how that's panned out....being linked to players like arfa is just depressing i sooner just play ibe and co

  8. been saying that he will never make it the English game since day one the man is miles to slooooow and for his size is crap in the air get him off the books asap...some one get the number of the samaratians quick im worried about Jason I think fsg are driving him over the edge !!!!

  9. Liverpool get 'linked' with players all the time,We are NOT going to sign Ben Arfa,all those stupid links do is give people ammo to be negative and have to doom and gloom mentality.We'll see what happens soon enough but either way I'm not too worried about our transfers...yet,but there's plenty of time yet to get what needs to be done done

  10. will the last believer in fsg please turn out the lights

  11. Well it's certainly not regression.

  12. Elaborate on the 'whole squads a shambols' I can't see where you're coming from.

  13. sorry m8 i was being kind there sh1te ,borini and allen are a joke ,not one signing better than we had(this summer) , and the football is sh1te ,tikka takka,more like the chuckle brothers from me to you around the back four,but nevermind the messiah ,and is dad(fsg god almighty )will sort it out get the yanks out and keep the greedy ba5tards out,

  14. Just like when the media linked us with Alex Pearce.

    Fans were foaming at the mouth taking stabs at the club for wanting to sign him when we were never interested from the start.

    To many gullible souls out there.

  15. Go support someone else then.

  16. i will support the club till i die and no little ai poki will ever tell me different

  17. Jason, you better think about altering your posting style because this kind of comment isn't going to fly. Constant swearing, personal insults etc. If you can't post in a constructive, civil manner then please don't post at all.

  18. Whatever you take on Borini is I understand but Allen may very well surprise you this season,you're always one to talk about Hendo but why not let Allen have the same period of time to prove himself? and I always get the feeling half of the problem you have with FSG is the fact they're American.

  19. Not very mature....is it?

  20. Any further posts that describe players as 'sh1te', or that personally insult anyone, will be deleted.

  21. Indeed but whether they even believe them is another thing,it's just a handy way to take digs at the club where they're not justified.

  22. If it was'nt for Suarez Coates would have been gone in January.IMO.
    Wow did you see the mush on Suarez after the assist he made yesterday.
    He is gone, thought there might be a little hope, but after yesterday, he hates having to play for us.

  23. i find it very difficult to take you serious ,most posters will have recieved a link about you,if they go on any other site (and they are less than complementary ) i prefere to make my own mind up and have sent a message to the jft96 site myself ,if they confirm the allegations you will not have to bother barring people ,at the moment i do not believe them as i do not think yuo are that kind of person,but they are plenty of regulars that do ,please clarify the situation

  24. gullible would that be the ones who expect any major signings in this transfer window

  25. jaimie please do not hide the comment as that would make it suspect in my eyes and like i said i do not believe it lol and now its live please defend yourself

  26. I think the club cannot wait to be rid of him.

    All the hard ball tactics is for LFC to get the right price and rightly so. He does not want to put in a transfer request in order to not forfeit his loyalty bonus so we will make Arsenal pay for that by running up his price.

    He will not change plus he is going to have even more headache from the media now that he has wants to move to London.

    Not our problem anymore.

  27. Only if your name is Jason Carr?

  28. Agreed, I also read today, Marca published an article saying Real would not take him even if he begged them.

  29. Madrid may still bid but right now Arsenal are the only team willing to take him off us. I couldn't care who wants to sign him. Her has to go.

  30. liverpool4life5659:20 pm, July 25, 2013

    Allen is good, he going to get better. How can you have a go? We've played three games scored 8 goals. Kept 3 clean sheets.

  31. i also read an article that arsenal would not take him if they begged ,but thats b"llshit two

  32. Not everyone expects major signings Jason...

  33. simple i can have a go because i will be going to watch them at great expence

  34. no some people expect rubbish i am one of them

  35. liverpool4life5659:26 pm, July 25, 2013

    You're not being fair on Allen who only had a season to settle in. Also how can our team be "sh1te"? we are improving, success doesn't happen over night....

  36. That is why you are not a decision maker at LFC.

  37. who said i was mature , i like to think of myself as ripe

  38. Jason - re your two recent comments that didn't make it live: you are seriously skating on thin ice. I don't have to justify myself to anyone as the issue to which you refer is 100% made-up BS, created by a deranged stalker. If you post anything about that on this site again, you will receive a permanent ban. I don't have time for people who entertain the ravings of random internet trolls.

  39. jaimie i said i did not believe it and i have sent amessage to the jft96 site myself to find out the true facts,but i still think you need to clarify the story as you are losing regular posters over this,if this is old news please check my history ,i am not that old to the internet

  40. jaimie can you answer me this what is ian ayre doing in asia when we badly need new players asap we have to move on from the suarez disaster and sign players who will take this club forward NOW ian ayre in my view is doing nothing he should be sacked

  41. also the person who posted it said you would get banned because ,you can, like i said check my history do you really think i would have been such a regular on your site,just to bring it up now,and i know you will not want to hear this but you do yourself no good bringing me on to another thread,i can understand why you are pisssed off but do not shoot the messanger

  42. I couldn't care less what that idiot said. He is a lying troll, who spreads defamatory lies about me and this site. Why do you think he is anonymous? He is a coward, hiding on the internet. This is the end of the discussion. Do not mention him again on this site.

  43. I totally agree. I've been calling for him to be replaced for ages. He inspires no confidence as an MD (IMO), and I don't see how prospective signings can be thrilled by sitting across a table from an accountant, with no history in the game.

  44. I'd rather have Ayre doing negotiating of contracts than Comolli.

  45. fine fair enough i hope to clear your name if i get a reply,but you should tell other posters the real story as like i say its goin g round

  46. Coates hasn't been given a run in the team. You can't judge him in my opinion, until he plays regulary. Probably won't get that oppurtunity at Liverpool though.

  47. Luis will probably get a pad in Canary Wharf next to the offices of Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, etc. Media witch hunt, my ar*e.

  48. Like Assaidi, I don't know what to make of Coates as hasn't really had a run in the side to gauge him. Not fussed about him leaving.

    I agree with Evans (or if this is what he meant) in that sometimes defenders can mature later. Just read that our former player Paletta is being linked to the likes of Arsenal, Inter and Napoli. Maybe an example of that maturing point.

  49. I would much rather give Wisdom the opportunity who has the right attitude and is willing to work for a place in the starting eleven.

  50. That is one of the upsides with a young homegrown player, there is that element of patience or loyalty, whatever people want to label it.

    Going from Wisdom's comments last week, Rodgers has had a word in his ear about considering a loan.

  51. I think Coates was expecting to be a regular from the start seeing that he plays for his national team.

    The guy has a permanent long face and when he is on the pitch in a red shirt then there is not much to be said really.

  52. u read my mind wisdom is a far better . has a bit of zip about him not like coates who better suited to Kempton than anfield

  53. I wonder how many 'why the long face' jokes he has received in the dressing room ;)

  54. Carr71, i used to post on this site so much that I met Jaimie and we watched a pre season game-very nice chap Jaimie is, and although I dont always agree i think he does a great job especially of bringing opinions out from people. But YOURS is a joke. Your negative your rude, you talk rubbish, your knowledge of the game seems inferior to my 15 month old. Have an opinion, yes, dont always blindly support, yes, but you are 100% negativity. And if you are local then support City mate.

  55. coates hasn"t been given a run because he"S been sussed and kk and br don't trust him should go and keep suarez company. was the odd pound arsenal bid for coates?

  56. Just a thought who are FSG gonna base their club management philosophy on now considering Arsenal have abandoned their moral high ground and decided to try and buy success by poaching the best forward in the league? Maybe now would be a good time for them to realise that if the develop and spend what you earn model didn't and hasn't worked for Arsenal what make them believe it will for liverpool. Bottom line success level = most money spent on quality footballers and not hoping that diamonds can be developed through the Academy on the Cheap.

  57. You need Champions League football to attract the cream of the crop.

  58. To be fair we don't know what his commitments might be as MD in supporting such an important tour, in a business sense, for the club. It's often on the back of these trips that commercial deals are agreed.
    It does seem that we've reached that point in the transfer window where everyone is waiting for 1 or 2 major deals to happen before things really come to the boil.
    The so-called marquee signings are always take the longest to resolve (and expect Suarez, Rooney and some others to dragon a bit yet).

  59. If Suarez goes Coates will follow as will BR the following year. No one will ever say again we are moving forward under his management as it will be a fact that we are sliding backwards.

    We need to buy a big player now, probably a central midfielder with some class. spend some money without having to sell Suarez first.

    We may just keep him if we show some ambition. at worst we will have bought a player before we get the money and end up paying well over the odds for his replacement.

  60. it would be very boring if every one was the same .Jason is good reading so u might not agree with every post but hey ho that's what a site like this is all about. humour, someone throwin in a few handgranades in the pond .I post with humour and sometimes post with something that I want to get off my chest . so a few people need to chill and enjoy the banter cos at the end of the day where all redmen. and suaerz is still a c""t

  61. he has a point, carr. . . the tikki takka is embarrassing most times. no one plays lose in thought. It seems all of the clubs action involves insecurity or lack of self dignity something. And it's to bad cause it seems they do have good intentions. BR is kind of dead under pressure without noticing - which is the most concerning obviously. Kind of like the commenters here who watch football at a robotic way; fear of. Ya, carr's comments are childish something at the useless commitment to that approach. But at list he has BALLS. Man, i support this club as a mad men for a long time - but you rather receive the punishment sooner than later for being America. [embarrassed of praying product of].

  62. Whoever doesnt like this, please feel free to tell me why. Id love some constructive.

  63. I read this site quite regularly and have to say carr71 you just keep being negative to anything lfc do. Y bother supporting them? If you feel this way y waiste your big money that you say you're going to spend. The club was left crippled and the owners have not lied about there intentions. They want a self run profitable business. No sure what else you're expecting dude!

  64. Muriel/Soldado and Gatain/Muniain 50mil would almost get them. pity Martinez said he wants to stay at Porto, ARE YA LISTENING SUAREZ?

  65. Its been Dortmund we've been trying to emulate,not Arsenal,(The two have differences)

  66. I don't know what to say about Coates really... He came to LFC after a glorious for him tournament (Copa America 2011), but I cannot say that he justified his good fame. The thing that I can say is that the boy seems comfortable with the ball (and don't forget that he is a very tall guy), but also he is a little beat slow (probably because he is very tall). I think that he needs a lot of games together and to be a couple with our best CB (Agger). Maybe we have a gem here...

  67. Muniain only scored 1 goal and 1 assist in La Liga this season.I'd stay away from him (Although he is still young) I have no idea how much Gatain would cost but we could easily buy all the other 3 if we got £50m plus the average £20m net FSG provide but that's football manager talk. I'm still hoping we'll sign Eriksen.

  68. cos u would have to be pissed to make a statement like that about coates

  69. He is comfortable with the ball, once its not at his feet.

    P.S., this is a very good listen for anyone who does not know the conditions or complexity of Suarez contract, use the link below.


  70. Don't speak to me...

  71. Lol! You really no nothing about the game of football do you, you think the football we have been playing is sh*t when almost everyone else thinks quite the opposite. All you ever do is moan and throw insults at people who disagree with you, I think you should just not bother commenting at all, like Jamie suggested! Besides you say you have a right to moan because you spend a fortune watching LFC play........... If you really believe that we play sh*t football then don't buy the tickets, problem solved.

  72. Bilbao suffered big time last season with losing Martniez, Bielsa went into one of his usual crazy modes, Llorente drama, etc. Totally different side to that dismantled Man United with ease. Almost the whole team was on poor form last season. I think he changed to a new position for almost all of last season, Munian, which might explain the struggle. Definitely didn't seem all that great playing through the middle. I still got hopes on him to make it, though I prefer Herrera even though he like most of the team were nothing to write about last season. A pity really, as they were class in 11/12. Considering the Basque limitation, don't know how they are going to cope without Llorente's class in the long run. No one else Basque that is on his level up front me thinks.

  73. Kind of hard to tell, we just haven't seen enough of him play. It's strange that he played so well for Uruguay but not make it in the PL. No doubt there are some tactical issues at play, but I certainly don't have the information to tactically break down his weaknesses and strengths. It's definitely a shame because he came to us a highly rated player with international experience. Maybe he needs time, but then it's not good at all for his career to be sitting on the bench. I really sympathise with him, he's in a tough situation. He's probably good enough that we don't want to send him away on loan in case we get a ton of injuries, but he's not quite good enough to get more than one or two starts in a season.

  74. He's up to it - just not given much of a chance, what maybe a handful games played. He had one bad game against Millwall(?) and that was it. The other times I've seen him play are for Uruguay, and in the Copa America, and most recently against France he played very well.

    I think a big part of it is Rogers capriciousness in finding players that fit "his system", "technically gifted" players that play "attractive football" yada yada. If I were to judge Carragher based on some of his performances, wouldn't say he was "up to it" either - but as he showed last season, he picked up his game. I believe same goes for Coates - just needs game time to prove himself.

    Unfortunately, Rogers plays favorites, and makes snap judgments on who gets a chance time to prove themselves (e.g. allen, sterling, borini) and who doesn't (coates, carroll). I know Carrol was a huge disappointment, overpayment, ect. however Rogers came in already decided he wouldn't fit in the system - and loaned him out - I'm sure he could have had some impact in the first half of last season.

    And while Sterling plays "pretty" football he's not very effective, he may prance around and do the odd dribble, but his passes and shots go nowhere - very far from a finished product, but yet getting time because he fits the mold.

    Realistically for Coates, he should go, don't quite understand why he wasn't given a loan earlier, it would help - but his situation is very indicitative of Rogers man management.

    Now can we have a thread where we can slate Glen Johnston? Really.

  75. I don't know why you suffer him, always negative slagging the manager and players, he expects the club to compete in the transfer market with billionaire clubs and if we don't the negative comments start, i am tired of the guy, and he is why i don't post on here more often, he accused me of posting vile comments on Facebook, sorry mate it's not my way, and i don't think it's possible without permission so it must be someone who knows you, how dare you accuse me anyway! like i said "the pub bore" i won't write anymore i'll get banned!

  76. No, I think his problem is that KD is no longer the manager, the team is not all-Brit and FSG is not pumping billions into shaping the team every transfer window. Maybe, he's not a LFC fan after all.

  77. Loan him to different PL team, if he comes out good then we can have him or we can sell him the next summer.

  78. Can I say I hope Suarez breaks both legs on opening day if he goes to Arsenal or would that be an insult?

  79. In fairness he can have a go because he's been saying this would happen this transfer window ever since February and took plent of crap for it.

  80. The supposed 'abandoned moral high ground' came with strong financial backing. Being constantly in the Champions League, having the most prudent and astute businessman-like manager in the whole Europe, or worldwide maybe, therefore being constantly able to find talents value for money, being constantly able to sell their cheap finds expensively some time later, having a salary ceiling, having the 2nd largest attendance in the country and charging the most expensive ticket for it's fans. Sadly but truly, apart from our rich heritage and maybe the 2005 CL win, we are nothing close to Arsenal's achievement, be it results on pitch, players recruitment and financial aspect of things. Arsenal's football club management should be the role model for all football clubs that do not have oil fields as backing. In my opinion, their pursue of LS is more of a diplomatic move to appease their anxious fans, rightfully so. Every fan of Arsenal knows they are rich enough to make this kind of mega money move.

    But look at us, yes, I'm really sad that we are no longer the same force we used to be. During RB's reign as manager, we were unable to win the league title despite spending heavily. Even worse, our club regressed even further after RB, spending even more but become the 7th-8th ranked club in the country, behind Everton??!!! Right now we have to acknowledge the fact that we have fallen from grace and getting off the pace in both EPL and Europe. Working within our budget is something extremely important to begin with. Right now FSG being cautious and prudent, to me, it sounds wonderful and excellent. We do not have a huge capital to begin with and we are not in the Champions League for many years. So we cannot afford to target too many big money moves for players every transfer window, of course our definition for 'big money' might be different. To me, anything more than 15 mil pounds is 'big money' and should exercise extra care when sanctioning such moves. There are many unknown but very good players around the world, we have to work a little to more than previously to target them. I thought DS and Coutino are 2 great examples to begin with, of course after too many failed case, AC, SD, JH, Borini, JA, Coates and more. Also please note there are not too many established players not wanting to play in the Champions League. That's the main reason why we lost our bidding war against Dortmund for HM, a pretty 'unknown' established player playing in Russia. Of course I'm sure if we are willing to pay him 200k pounds/wk, he will be here. But I'm sure that's not the way to go for us. For academy players, please do not forget where Fowler, Owen, Carragher, McManaman and SG came from, my friend. I'm now anxiously waiting for the next one to appear. :)

    For now I firmly support the idea of cautious and prudent spending. Let's hope our relatively low cost summer signings can further enforce this belief in the LFC's management's minds in the coming season by producing quality football. Who knows, with lady luck smiling, we may head to Europe for the Champions League. Then we can spend on 'established' players corresponding appropriately to the club's income.


  81. shouldnt you be concentrating on transfers brendan...ps as ive said many times no body forced fsg to buy liverpool ..they saw a good thing a got the club cheap...when you but a club like liverpool unless you have been in a coma you buy the expectation that goes with it

  82. I totally agree. I think he is amazing

  83. i don't like it pal for one ...the difference being jase has an opinion on the club you have one on jase...have you ever tried arguing the the point..or are you just another keyboard bully who insults over for fun...i read most of jases posts some i agree with some i don't ..if you where as clever as you thought you would realize a lot of them are tongue in cheek ..but it must just go over your head ....and i was going to try and make a joke of your comment but it would just be wasted....

  84. the only time this guy will be regular is if hes on a fig diet with laxatives for desert

  85. kempton that good..id have said blackpool beach

  86. as opposed a manager with no history in the game ...thats me being ironic and trying to add a bit of humour for any posters who misinterpret my comments and is not meant to be a factual statement

  87. I'm fed up of this Suarez saga really ,i don't think i can stand him in a Liverpool shirt ever again ,he's probably worse than what Torres did a few years ago.I just don't think he should go on the cheap, we should play hardball and get the right price we set for him if its £40-50 million so be it, otherwise let him rot in the reserves team or submit a transfer request.For all the support that the Club and fans have given him ,in spite of his antics ,wanting to go to Arsenal another perennial under performing Club says it all.

  88. u think Stoke would suit him ;)

  89. I love the banter, suarez is. So is Carr.

  90. I've seen your comment on my hotmail, but I cannot see it on here to respond to. Not really getting into a war of words, i'm no 'keyboard bully' etc. Carr dishes it out, he can have some back. If you want to comment like some keyboard crime fighter thats fine-but at least make sense and dont call me thick because i find Carrs 'tongue in cheek' about as funny as eczema.

  91. I agree. I think Wisdom will be a top player. But any player needs a run to be judged properly. Maybe Rodgers can see his attitude is wrong. Who knows, were not working with him on a daily basis.

  92. Don't worry, that kind of comment is perfectly fine. It's just comments with personal insults that are outlawed.

  93. I think to write him off at his age, with his amount of Prem experience, is a bit harsh. We should look to loan him out to another Prem club, then we will really see if he is "up to it".

  94. He should pack his bag and go to a lesser side like Arsenal

  95. I don't know if you got to see LFC against Melbourne .Borini was shit house shit Im not kidding You can put him with Polsen Konciesky . Ibe sterling and gerrard agger downing did well .People if you think we will do better then what we did last year .aAt best one spot better . No wonder Suarez wants to leave don't blame him FSG liars. We are on Red Alert we need to start buying Now world class need at least 4 more . Who is listening No one gives a F&%$K about fans .

  96. You don't wash yours till end of month

  97. JAMIE K putting swear word in Code is that against rules?

  98. Tony - parts of your previous comment are not acceptable. Calling Borini 'shit' it not constructive criticism. Swear-words in code depends on the context. In this case, it's not a big deal, but it's preferable if you just avoid swearing alltogether.

  99. stay away of the reeking herd. man, almost all football these days is soul-less and cares all about iphones. liverpool are not being themselves while playing. And if any supporter feels at a certain way he should me taken seriously, not kicked off by the many. your kind of murdering him at a similar way that Suarez is murdered. But it's true to say that the way they act really feeds the war.

  100. I get the rules but seriously shit is a swear word in 2013 ???????? its a bit anal but you make the rule he was out of this world BADDDDDDDDDDDDD

  101. The issue is not the use of the word 'shit' it's using it to describe a player. It's not constructive at all, and serves no purpose.

  102. We aren't rubbish to use another word than I've seen here! Lol we finished the last half of the season strongly. Borini has had bad luck with injuries so to say he's pony is harsh. Joe Allen has come from Swansea who were enjoying their first go in the prem, to Liverpool- who expect to be fighting at the top of the table. The pressures are at the different end of the scale. It's not just a case of putting your boots on and doing the business. This is what a lot of people forget. It's not Football Manager! It's real life. Some players take time to settle- Allen, Borini for example, whilst others hit the ground running- Coutinho, Sturridge.
    I've got a good feeling for this season unlike last season, where I decided to accept its a transitional season. The style of play is coming together and the players are beginning to suit the system. We beat Newcastle 6-0 last season. Scored a lot of goals in some games, created lots if chances. Chin up fellow kopites! Positivity.

  103. Is swearing not allowed?

  104. Swearing is allowed (within reason), it's excessive swearing that's outlawed, i.e. when someone's posts is littered with swearwords.

    Re 'shite' - it depends on the context. If someone says 'Lucas played shite', or 'LFC were shite', then that's fine, but saying something like 'Allen is shite' (without any further explanation) is needlessly derogatory, and is not encouraged.

  105. M8 I totally agree with you about how all football these days is kind of soulless, that is because its a global business these days and has been for sometime . Money rules the world and people are enticed by greed and football and all involved with it have succumbed to it, its a sad fact but one none the less. As for kind of murdering what Jas said, I was merely pointing out that he very rarely has anything positive to say (which is true). He regularly says the club is making rubbish signings before he has even given them a chance, slags off FSG as if they are out to destroy our club, when they have actually brought us back from near financial ruin and have funded the stadium upgrade, called the pass and move football we now play as sh*te......... When infact we are far more attacking minded now than we have been for over a decade and that BR is not up to the job after only one season of trying to put right the god awful mess he was handed, you can't expect him to fix everything immediately....... That is ludicrous! Everybody has the right to there own opinion but when that opinion is always negative and not in line with the facts, its only natural people will disagree, as I did! As for Suarez he's made his bed now he should lie in it........ He doesn't deserve to wear the Liverpool Red ever again, imo!

  106. 1, what have Arsenal Won since the move to the Emirates?
    2, selling Fabracash and van pursey has hurt the gunners in terms of development and stature imagine Stevie G being sold.
    3,Barcelonas ownership model should be the one to which all clubs aspire as it doesn't involve rich owners creaming profits. Glazers eg FSG aren't in it for the love of LFC but money as it is a business.
    4, Arsenal charge ridiculous ticket prices which simply put my friend would not be achievable in Liverpool.
    5, Rafa's outlay was tempered by his sales his net spend isn't that terrible?
    6, Academy players like fowler owen carragher mcmanaman and SG won exactly how many premierships? Sorry Owen won one with Man Utd. point being good players as they were required more support from better quality team mates.
    7, Prudence certainly isn't an anagram of success and until we compete financially we will fall further and further off the pace. Spurs will spend as will arsenal, the 2 billionaires clubs always do and barring a balls up of a huge magnitude by gollum Utd will still be at the top. So we shall see how far prudence gets us this year.

    I sincerely hope i'm wrong and BR can work a Miracle but lets face it we finished where we deserved to be last year and a progression into 6th is the best i can see happening especially if LS gets his move.

  107. Don't bring anal into this, you dirty get.
