26 Jul 2013

Transfer-Swap: LFC would take €35m star in part-exchange for Suarez. Overrated...?

The Luis Suarez transfer saga drags on and on, and after the Uruguayan's sullen demeanour during Liverpool's pre-season win over Melbourne Victory, it's increasingly a question of when, not if, he will leave the club. The Reds continue to be linked with several possible replacement strikers, including Roberto Soldado and Burak Yilmaz, but reports today claim that Liverpool are interested in a cash-plus-player deal with Real Madrid.

According to an exclusive in the Daily Star:

"Liverpool say Suarez can go for £50m but would prefer to sell him abroad. Real Madrid have been heavily linked with him and Liverpool would accept cash plus a player, possibly striker Karim Benzema".

The story seems tenuous at best (!), but the Reds have pursed Benzema in the past. Indeed, during Kenny Dalglish's second spell in charge, Real Madrid reportedly rejected an LFC bid for the Frenchman on transfer deadline day in 2011. Liverpool signed Andy Carroll instead, and, well - let's not go there (!)

Hopefully, there is no truth to this rumour. Benzema - who cost Madrid €35m - is massively overrated (IMO), and he's one of the most infuriating players to watch. A prime example of this came during Euro 2012, when Benzema - who is supposed to be a striker - spent all his time outside the box, huffing and puffing, but making no impact at all.

It's frustrating watching a striker who seemingly refuses to enter the 18-yard box. Granted, Benzema is more effective for Real Madrid, but if Liverpool are to take a player from Los Blancos in part-exchange for Suarez, I'd rather it be Xabi Alonso, Angel DiMaria, or (unlikely, I know), Mesut Ozil.

Marca reported yesterday that Madrid have gone cold on Suarez, and would not sign him even if he 'begged', but I doubt that's true. It's all part of the game, and if Suarez is still an LFC player in the last week of August, I'm sure Madrid will magically reappear on the scene with a reduced offer.

As for the hypothetical swap deal: if it was to go ahead, what would be an acceptable and realistic amount of cash as part of the deal? Benzema plus £25m?

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  1. I'm not a fan of Benzema. He never looks interested.

    Plus as he is French, if he comes to England it will be to Newcastle.

  2. I love Benzema. Think he is a seriously quality player. Wasted at Madrid under Mourinho.

    He would be absolutely perfect for us, can play along the front 3 and do an amazing job!!

    I don't see ancelloti selling him as he will be the main man this season.

  3. nope 40 million + morata or no deal

  4. 25 MIL + Di Maria then we can buy Soldado

  5. Who cares. The sooner he goes the better. Then I wish him all the luck he's had at Liverpool, when he joins his new club. ;)

  6. All the luck, Apart from the goal scoring part that is. Lol.

  7. liverpool want hard cash, nothing else. Can't see the interest in this Soldado. 26 mill for a 28 year old??
    On another note have to say very impressed with the way LFC and FSG are promoting the LFC brand, this tour has been done very well. Imagine if we did get in to the CL we have a great platform to build on. Well done FSG.

  8. £40M plus Alvaro Morata and its a done deal. with the 40M we can buy Luis Muriel for £15M, Christian Eriksen for £15M, Keuisuke Honda for £5M and Momo Diame for £5M. that basically gives us Muriel, Morata, Eriksen, Honda and Diame all for luis suarez. No brainer to me.

    another thing which is starting to do my head in is fabio borini's ineffectiveness. he reminds me of robbie keane at liverpool. hes no longer a young player and should be performing on a consistent basis. he must be sold, and alvaro morata will become our young developing striker behind Muriel, Sturridge and Aspas.

  9. Full agree with this article. To sum up Benzama in two words I'd use 'lazy' and 'overrated'.

    Soldado would be great for us, clinical goal scorer to put away all the chances that we create (more than any team in Europe last season).

    I like the idea of getting money rather than a swap/money deal for Suarez but then it leaves us with trying to find a top class striker who would play for a team not in the CL.

    Maybe a swap + cash deal is the better option?

  10. Watch this very touching, "Only at LFC You're a
    winner for a lifetime If you seize that one moment in time Make it shine! A tribute to Luis Suarez. YNWA!" under Liverpool's page under the English Premier League on footballwatchnet

  11. £55Mil+ cash and we might look at it.

  12. This situation gets more and more pathetic as the days go by. A few points to make:

    1. It was obvious from the time he bit Ivanovic, that Suarez wanted out of Liverpool. That's exactly the same tactic he used to engineer a move away from Ajax.

    2. Is it Champion's League football that's driving him to Arsenal? Is it? Really? Or is it that he just has to get out of Liverpool? If you're that ambitious, why would you move to a team that has little chance of fulfilling your ambitions (even if they are more likely to then Liverpool). Sit tight, do your job, hold out for that call from Real Madrid.

    3. We must be skint! If the reason Suarez wants out of Liverpool is the lack of ability to challenge for a top 4 spot, why aren't we rectifying the situation? Where are the players that will get us there? Can you imagine Suarez away at the Confederations cup thinking, we've signed who? Toure? From Man City? Our midfield will be class! Not him, his elder brother. Don't worry we've got Aspas and Luis Alberto on their way. Suarez: the first one sounds like a cheapo foreign car, the second, Oh year, he was the one that was excellent for Barca B last year.

    4. Without Suarez, we won't challenge for the top 4, not unless we buy 2 or 3 decent players. Unfortunately, we're running out of players.

  13. Seriously, though I wouldn't like this to drag on past next week. Arsenal or anyone will probably be prepared to drag it out until Aug 31st in the knowledge Suarez can't play until September. So negotiate with the interested club(s), get closer to 50 million, get rid and get the focus back on the club and the players that want to play for Liverpool. This is too distracting.

  14. I still think real will come back into this now that bale is in talks with spurs on a new contract offer(sky sports) if real fail to land bale suarez would be back in the mix which would be better for everyone and i wouldn't mind a straight 40m cash offer just to get shot of him

  15. No swaps, unless it somehow happened to be a player we were already targeting, but if this is coming from the Daily Star I don't think we have anything to worry about. The club really seems to have decided on the tough stance so it's our way or no way at all. I like that. Someone can meet the asking price or just not bother.

    Press has gone rabid on this story, it's like the royal baby. Essentially nothing has happened since Suarez first talked about his preferences except two bids from Arsenal and yet we're talking about this every day. Hopefully the club puts a firm end date on the whole affair. Two weeks out from the start of the season I think it would be a fair call to decide the matter was closed.

  16. sounds good but the wage bill would be stupid thats 4 mans wages to 1mans suarez is on 120 grand aweek each of them will be 70 to 80 thats nearly 220grand extra on wages fsg are about reducing the pay at liverpool just look pepe kuyt maxi carrolhave all gone because of wages its not good gor us but it eould be good to get all them players

  17. I have a question..Why is it that the Daily Start and Daily and Sunday Express are the ones who keeps reporting about this Suarez issues???? Every minute!! If I was LFC I will do what Barca almost did to Eto some years back, sell him to one of the rich team in Kazakistan

  18. Say what you want about Benzema, but the truth is he is too good for us.
    Him or Soldado, both would be quality additions, but doubt we'll get any of them. Don't know what happened to those Alexis Sanchez links, he would be better than both of them. Heard someone mention Lavezzi on twitter, would be a great addition too. If Suarez goes we'll need a CAM and RF. Plus DM,CB and LB for the first team. If we can fill 3 out the 5 positions I'll be happy with CAM and LB being low priority hence can be filled in January. Otherwise its going to be another long season.

  19. The amount of stories the BBC are churning out is pretty ridiculous. But then again, they have always loved a Suarez article.

  20. Benzema to Newcastle?? Why??
    He is French, but a top class talent nonetheless.
    He would be a great addition to all PL teams bar Man City.

  21. It was a joke, because Newcastle went through a stage of signing loads of French players.

  22. Ok. Fair enough. Didn't realise that.
    But you'll agree that he would be a great buy for LFC right?

  23. I totally agree mate! Fed up of him now. There are a few of those out there who keep saying it's the press making things up, Suarez could easily rectify all these rumours by going on LFC TV and stating it's not true he won't because it is true this time around. Let's get rid of him no one is above the club and move on.

  24. Is a Benzema plus cash a better deal that selling to Arsenal for 50?

  25. I don't know, I'm sure he would score goals. I just don't particularly like him all that much. When ever I see him play (granted not very much) he never really impresses me.
    But you don't play for one of the best teams in the world for no reason.

  26. He has pace, neat touch, vision and an eye for goal from what I have seen. Can be inconsistent , but that can change with age and training I guess. He and Sturridge can terrorise defences with their pace I think, if BR can do what he did with Sturridge who also had a similar career trajectory at Chelsea.

  27. Whilst it's always better to take the pure money option, the chances of Liverpool qualifying for the Champion's League with Suarez on board, are slim at best. If he goes to a competitor ie Arsenal, it just won't happen for a number of years.

  28. We should buy someone like Capoue for 10M instead of Honda and Diame, we need someone first team good because Lucas is injury prone.
    One question, can Muriel play RF, because we a RF to replace Downing.

  29. Sign Luis Muriel pleaseee...he's young and raw but will be better than suarez...no one else please..benzema seriously lack the winning mentality...

  30. Yea good points. Some people thought Sturridge was a bit lazy and not very interested (not me). So maybe he could be the same.
    I would rather have him than no one that's for sure.

  31. Him or Soldado?
    Benzema for me....

  32. Tough one, Soldado has consistently scored more in the last few seasons, and has just had a very good season, where as Benzema hasn't. But Benzema is younger.
    I think Soldado might edge it for me. Just.

  33. Stats would obviously favor Soldado, but I'll be ecstatic with either of them tbh.

  34. I wouldn't mind Benzema with 25million but Morata with 40million is a better option IMO. Benzema lacks something which IDK but he does.

  35. I don't think Benzema is good enough in my opinion. In a lot of matches he goes missing and others he looks uninterested.

  36. If Luis does end up going we should take the £50m throw in another £5m and pick up Yilmaz and Hulk.. This would show serious intent and with the depth we would have should have a real chance of making the top four. YNWA

  37. Has Marca explained why there headline of "done deal" about 3 weeks ago which stated that Suarez has signed a contract two weeks before there article so now 5 weeks ago turned out to be a lie? I don`t trust a word Marca or the other one (cant remember there name) says. I also remember the article from the other one which said Reina was a "done deal" for 10mil to Barca.

    I wouldnt want that swap deal. Cash only from Madrid. Although I would take a lower offer from Madrid so he doesn`t go to Arsenal. Not much lower but lower.

  38. 87 goals with 50 assists in 183 apps is not bad at all.I know this is pipe dream territory but would Modric be available?I know the fact we have no European football basically rules it out but you never know.

  39. If Real goes crazy & want to buy Suarez (They 'll buy someone; already lost Cavani to PSG, Falco to Monaco, but have sold Higuan - not many options left for Perez) for £50 million sort of price, I would like to get 2 players + rest in cash in exchange. De Maria (£25 million), Morata (£8 million) & £15+ million in cash to buy Muriel. Benzema isn't bad, but I just don't think he is needed. He is more of a CF, but BR wants a fluid & interchanging 4 men forward line. ADM can play on either wings, allowing Aspas, Sturridge, Muriel & Borini to take the central role with Coutinho behind & Cl(D)owning dumped permanently with junior squad, alike Maluda (He isn't leaving without compensation).

    Difficult part 'll be to convince De Maria, but it's a WC year & any Arges forward 'll need to play regularly, just to get into the White-blue squad (For that the quality in attacking 3rd they have, unlike England, who might start with Carroll & Defoe, ....). With CR & Benzema staying, Isco purchased, Bale & Suarez to come, De Maria might find it difficult to start for Real. Here at LFC, he 'll be the 2nd name on the sheet (After Mignolet) with No. 7 on his back. Next year, he 'll play in CL with LFC.

  40. Ok! STOP!! I wouldn't take Benzema on a free transfer! The guy is completely overrated and would only be a squad player at best! I really hope this is bullishit! Can't see Alonso coming back, although my heart would love to see him back at Liverpool.

  41. What Liverpool need to do to end the Suarez saga is probably quite simple. The attraction of Champions League is strong, but not as strong as money. Dude said it would be hard to say no to Real Madrid, not Arsenal. If he's going to stay in England, I'm sure he would rather stay at Liverpool, rather than go to Arsenal, however, to make this viable, Liverpool would need to offer the same wages as Arsenal or other teams would, i.e 150 000 + per week (as reported somewhere withing the 100s of articles on the topic, and within the range of other top players in the world).

    Lets face it, odds are that Liverpool are better off with Suarez than without him - even with him missing 6 games, even considering if he leaves, Liverpool have 50M+ to spend.

    New players take time to adjust, few players can come in and have the same impact, even adding a couple of really good players won't necessarily have the same impact has Suarez alone has.

    Liverpool's best chances of Champions League are the following - 1) Bolstering the team with a marquee signing regardless of Suarez's staying or leaving 2) keeping Suarez, and adding incentive for him to stay (i.e renegotiated contract with higher pay, and a clear release clause (i.e 55m) - Liverpool can't lose, though they spend true market value for suarez's salary an extra 2.5m - 3m a year.

    Real have a draw that they are a true elite team, arsenal have champions league, and offer more money, but aren't in the same category as Real - equal the money that Aresenal are offering, and Liverpool are the better option (confort, legacy, ect.) You can't blame somebody for wanting to earn more - as it stands, Arsenal are offering 50%more, if any employer offered anyone here a 50% pay raise, I guarantee nobody would refuse.

    Suarez's body language may have been ambiguous at best in his last game vs. Victory, but he was by far the best player to grace the pitch, in 18 minutes he produced at least 4 or 5 sublime key passes - he was the only one that looked like he was playing against an inferior side.

    Loyalty has a price - I believe its about $3M more a year for Suarez.

  42. Why not Modric and 25 million and then go and get Saldado with the 25 million.

  43. Great player but would he swap Madrid for Liverpool, im not so sure

  44. i would prefer benzema cos of his physical presence and height. the prem is a physical league and u have to deal with a lot of long balls as a striker.
