14 Nov 2011

Come back, Fernando. All is forgiven!

Chelsea striker Fernando Torres left Anfield under a cloud of bitter fan resentment in January, and since then, the anger and acrimony towards him seems to have grown exponentially. You would think that El Nino would be the last person Liverpool fans would want to see back at the club, but it seems that the same fans who burned Torres' shirt would love to see him back at the club.

I ran a poll recently on the site asking if fans would take Torres back if he became available. 2000 people voted, and a whopping 72% voted for the return of the much-maligned striker.

For me, it's a no-brainer really: On his day, Torres is one of the best strikers in the world, and he was - for the most part - fantastic for Liverpool.

A strike-partnership of Luis Suarez and Torres is the stuff dreams are made of and if it ever happened, it would probably be the greatest strikeforce in world football.

Robbie Fowler recently argued that Torres is missing Liverpool, and that he is 'playing with regrets' at Chelsea:

“I’ve heard people say that deep down Fernando wishes that he had stayed at Liverpool. Well I don’t think he hides his feelings that well.

"For me it’s obvious that Torres feels that he made the wrong decision to leave Liverpool for Chelsea. You can see it in his body-language. I am sure that he wishes now that he had given it another six months at Liverpool so that he could have worked with Kenny Dalglish.

“The fans loved Fernando and he loved them. Deep down I think he still does. I am sure with hindsight he would have stayed. A forward line of Torres, Luis Suarez and Andy Carroll would be as good as anything in the Premier League.”

Ian Rush came back; Craig Bellamy came back; King Kenny came back.

Maybe somewhere down the line, Torres will return too...?

Jaimie Kanwar


  1. Would love to see that. Torres belongs here IMO. I might be biased and subjective in my view, but I somehow see him out of his comfort at a team built around star individuals like Chelsea, and even the blue shirt color looks to make him feel less passionate.

  2. Do we need another miss firing forward or should n't we buy someone new who is doing the business?

  3. Seeing that Chelsea paid 50mil for him, what will it cost to bring him back?

    He can't even hit a barnyard door at the moment and most fans are complaining that we payed 35mil for Carroll who has scored an equal amount of goals as Torres this season?

    What is worrying for me is that since last season while he was still with us it looked like he lost the will to play. Just look at how he performed for us last season, he was rubbish and then went to Chelsea and it still looks like he has lost the will to play.

    If he wanted to come back then so be it, alot of players have left Anfield only to eventually return but doubt it will happen.

  4. Considering our current goal shy stats, I would have him back as he needs us  and we needs him.  We've all made mistakes in life and he's not different.  In addition, hopefully if real madrid can win la liga, which is the only reason why Alonso has not returned and himself has clearly stated he would like to come back. We can also look forward to another homecoming of another anfield legend.   

  5. Without knowing what is inside his head I would have to agree with Fowler that he does regret the decision, he moved to "win titles" but for me Chelsea are also rebuilding, maybe the only difference is the purchase power of the owners but we are not that far from Chelsea are in a similar position with a New manager, new style, new team and not fully complete... but I think Abramhovich will throw a lot more money in over the next two transfer windows...

    Im not sure if I would take him back as I dont think he will look as deadly as he once did... what I do know is that we need that type of striker to partner Suarez, someone who can offer movement and make the correct runs if we want a striker partnership. Carroll for me is the plan B when that does not work.

  6. .
    Sack Kenny Dalglish And Appoint Frank Rijkaard...
    Liverpool Sign:
    1) David Villa (STRIKER)
    2) Higuain (STRIKER)
    3) Fernando Torres (STRIKER)
    4) Gary Cahill (DEFENDER)
    5) Eden Hazard (RIGHT WINGER)
    6) Keisuki Honda (MIDFIELDER)
    7) Marco Marin (WINGER)
    8) Aquilani (BRING BACK & PLAY HIM)
    Sign Out:
    1) Carroll
    2) Kuyt (to Inter Milan)
    3) Maxi Rodriguez
    4) Joe Cole
    5) Lucas Leiva (not a liverpool level)
    Liverpool Formation 4-3-3 Attacking Or 3-4-3 Attacking

  7. As much as I adored Torres, was hurt about his departure, disappointed about the ruined perspective of seeing him playing together with Suarez, but still wishing  him well, and feeling for his misfortunes, I don't see this happening. Not that he won't be accepted back... but it would be an impossible thing for him to admit openly that he made a wrong move, and come back. He would rather move back to Spain if Chelsea are to sell him...

    And for us: He left the club. He made his choice. We turned the page. End of. There are many other talented young and hungry strikers around the world who would love the honour and opportunity of joining LFC.

  8. In your dreams haha

  9. What we absolutely need to do though is snatch Coloccini off Newcastle on a free transfer or something. I was outraged to read a few days ago what their disgrace of a chairman said about the Carroll deal: He's worth f*** all! he said. basically admitted that they conned LFC into £35m. They HAVE to pay dearly for it. It's a matter of honour! aggrr..

  10. That David Villa hype... I don't understand. He is out of form now. And Barca want £40m for him?? he's 29, he is misfiring, even with the smooth-operator partners like Xavi, Iniesta, Fab, Messi (what's the talk about him falling out with Messi??) Where's a guarantee that he won't fall out with Suarez? Huge risk and no guarantees, imho.
    I'd take Higuain or rather Lavezzi though.

  11. we miss the 4 goals torres has scored lol!


  13. i would prefer Kelly to move to cb Cahill has been shockingly shit so far this season. i would love Carroll to come good to prove the doubters wrong but if not we have to look beyond 29-30 yr olds or mediocre players. Torres mistake or not moved and to be honest looking at his goals per season which has gone down regularly we were very lucky to get 50 mill for him.players like Hulk would fit in he is very hard working he knows how to score and has a huge amount of assists. he knows lucas well also which would be an advantage on and off the pitch. forget torres and move forward. forget villa he is to old to move to a new league now imo

  14. Why did you keep Downing? I suppose you might be running a little low on funds by that point.

  15. ey no hard feelings here for me he should never come back you say rush kenny and bellamy all came back, true that but they never handed in a transfer request thats the difference they left in different circumstances torres disrespected us all by leaving  us in a very difficult situation and that transfer was really weird he hurt all the fans it was like killing us all, so no way I want him back here he doesnt even deserve it, its totally abstract wanting him back , let him suffer at chelsea where he scores a goal once in a year, plus he recently said lfc has got no future even if kenny's back so how can you want him back?!

  16. i've been convinced that he would come good for Chelsea even though I was sure he had lost a yard of pace, but for the first time a couple of weeks ago i watched him play and lost my conviction .... if u want to add a spanish striker to our front line then Llorente looks well suited to the Premiership and with a strike rate of 1 goal every 2 games at Athletico Bilbao would seem a better way to spend 25-30m which i assume is what Chelsea would demand

  17. Considering Fernando's score ratio, far far weaker than Carroll's score ratio, and considering our lack of finishing touch, asking for Torres' comeback it's a joke.... looooooooooool
    Anyway, I'm openly minded about it and if Fernando made his apologies to the CLub and the Fans for the ignominious way in which He left the Club, He would come back to the Club, but only after He put pen to paper on a cut deal, which includes a lesser wages.

  18. Sack Kenny Dalglish?
    After 11 games?
    Are We talking about Kenny Daglish, The Legend?
    Is Kenny Dalglish! The man Who's back at the Club for us?
    Change your own CLub.
    Pls, pls, support Man City!!!!!!!!!

  19. Are you on drugs?! Torres wouldn't come anywhere near us after the way our fans treated him when he left. Add to that the fact that Chelsea are better than us and I'm surprised we're wasting time on this.

    He probably should have given us another 6 months, but he didn't, and that's just another in the myriad reasons why we still haven't sorted the club out.

    He's quality and he'd arguably be better at Anfield, but that ship has well and truly sailed. We need to stop torturing ourselves and splash similar cash on a similarly world-class centre-forward.

  20. after the way the fans treated him?????????????????????????????? isn't he the one that said he was staying a week before asking to leave?fuck torres his goals record diminished year by year any way

  21. Wow lfc fans are a bunch of hypocrits(By the way i am a liverpool fan)

  22. SO many great players, far far better than Torres, left the Club but Liverpool are still there.
    So called fans persist to think that individuals are over the Club but They missed the point.
    Liverpool did his business without Kevin Keegan and I can guarantee that Torres is miles away from the level of football that Keegan could field on the ground.

  23. Good point well made. I must have imagined the shirt-burning in January, and the constant chants of 'Chelsea rentboy!' during the following fixture. Or the fact that John Aldridge still refuses to even call him by name - 11 months after he left. Or Phil Thompson's obvious disgruntlement with him every week. 

    And all because he jumped ship from a club that he never actually said he supported - a club that wasn't in the CL and was obviously unable to match his ambitions. 

    Yeah, you're right - that Torres bloke is a RIGHT prick. Treated us like shit. What was I thinking?

  24. What are you saying? 'Liverpool are still there'.
    By 'there', I'm presuming you don't mean 'in the Champions League'. Or 'challenging for the Premier League'.

    So are you saying that it doesn't matter if we sell our best players, just so long as we still exist as a footballing entity?

    You're acting like selling Torres had no affect on us. Regardless of what people think, a Liverpool team with Torres in it is currently better than a team with Carroll in it. But it's obviously a moot point so we should probably just move on. This article is an odd one at best.

  25. So Is Torres over Liverpool Football CLub? Is this a position of common sense?
    Liverpool are still there literally means what it means: simple as that.
    Liverpool will back in CL at the right moment, when the rebuilding will be finished and there's life without CL.
    If You can't accept the lack of wednesdays's night football, You can change your own Club and support another Club.
    That's no problem.
    And in add: the most important thing now is end the trophy drought of the Club.

  26. no thanks, still hope he breaks a leg, then breaks it again. 2000 is a small minority wat ever 70% is off that. those players who left and came back, showed a lot more respect to LFC and in better circumstances.
    torres is past it, will never be the same (as good)
    may as well have owen back then, alls forgiven. he was awsome for liverpool most the time. think all your morals and dignity are in question.
    all you people want is instant success, its sad. it wont happen. so just carry on slagging off the people wearing the shirt, who havent had half a season yet.
    fickle as #uck springs to mind.
    go jump on the chavski city band wagon those who constantly bitch about how bad it is.

  27. Torres + Carrol as strikers = complete disaster !

  28. No I'm afraid you're not convincing me there. And bringing Keegan into it is merely muddling matters.

    Both Keegan and Torres have played in the European Cup and Champions League, so quite how you expect me or anyone else to blindly accept that your argument is valid by not backing it up with anything more concrete than 'Liverpool will be back in the CL at the right moment' suggests that perhaps you haven't really grasped the concept of 'reasoned fact-based analytical debate'.

    But, to paraphrase you (if I may?): if you can't accept that your baseless comments might receive a degree of criticism and analysis, you can change your website, and visit another website.

    That's no problem.

  29. Do You want seriously compare Kevin Keegan, twice times European Champion and twice times rewarded with the ballon d'or, with Torres?

    You can't be serious...looooool
    NO NO my point is strong firm and valid: Liverpool are in a transitional phase of rebuilding and wuill back in CL at the right moment.
    If we can't accept that, if You think there's no life without CL, I insist that there's always room for so called fans like You at the Etihad Stadium.

  30. haha £25-30m to buy back torres?! you wish, i wish.. don't think abramovich would sell him back for anything less then £40m - at least. bottom line is i don't think abramovich would sell him back period.

    i never thought i would say this, but torres is the only man that broke my heart, im so confused

  31. no CL=no suarez,reina, it would be chaos if we dont get CL i personally think that if we dont start playing kuyt bellamy maxi coates more often we wont get top 4

  32. Look at all the plastic scousers commenting.

  33. look at the sad fan with no life commenting on a team he does not even follow

  34. I am sure in 10yrs from now when the Torres affair is water-under-the-bridge (no pun intended) we will see Torres on LFC TV and an autobiography later admitting he was wrong to leave Liverpool when he did. But were Liverpool wrong to let him go? In every deal there are two parties that need to decide on what's best for their as well as everyone else's interests. Kenny and the LFC board could have decided not to sanction the transfer to Chelsea and let Torres sulk for a few weeks in the reserves and/or on the bench, let him lick his wounds and then bring him back into the first team with his tail between his legs once all parties (fans included) and the man in question had decided it's time to move forward. But Kenny and the board didn't do that and there must be a reason they didn't. You can say that once a player has handed in a transfer request his days are numbered so you might as well sanction a transfer, but I don't believe that's the case. LFC were his paymasters and could decide alone to keep him however unhappy he may have been at the time. They didn't because Torres - as great as he was - was/is not the same player we bought in 2007. At the time we bought Torres he was in his prime. At LFC he became one of the most lethal strikers on the planet arguably played some of the best football (if not the best football) he has ever played in his career. But after winning the Euros and World Cup and then suffering a career changing injury he not only never recovered physically but mentally he appeared (and still appears) to have lost his appetite for the game. He's since become a father, he has all the medals he could wish for barring the CL, which is the only reason he moved to Chelski.  (The Prem is a nice-to-have but for most foreigners it plays second fiddle to a CL winners medal). Torres is no fool, he recognises that his days at the top level are finite and he can't be chasing a top four position at his age or condition. He needs to know he's guaranteed to be playing in top competitions because he doesn't have the fight in him or ability any longer to take LFC from a non CL status side into a season-on-season Prem league top four/title challenger side. We will see glimpses of greatness again from the man (in whosever shirt he plays) but it will never be on a regular basis and for this reason spending big money on him to bring him back would be a waste of time and money. Suarez on the other hand is younger, fitter and hungrier......like Torres was 5 seasons ago. We need to stick to the blue print and keep buying young as in time we will reap the benefits.

  35. Dreamer! Wake up!

  36. No other manager would have let torres go not even WOY..and that's saying something.

    Only kk could let him go and sign a donkey instead

  37. Hey Jaimie, is it true that you promised to pay £500 to a Hillsborough charity but you never donated?


  38. Mohammad Yullahstan1:41 am, November 15, 2011

    torres is a c*nt just like someone else

  39. Well said, Lucas is not a Liverpool level, but his fans are adamant lot, never able to see wahat rubbish Lucas is.

  40. He can come back but at what price? May be 25 million pounds.

  41. Jaimie, is it true that you promised to make a £500 donation to Hillsborough but never did?


  42. Is it true that you promised a £500 donation to Hillsborough - but then refused to hand it over?


  43. F%$k Nando, he made his bed. He can lie in it. He insulted the club, the fans and Kenny himself by allowing the new regime hardly time to get their feet under the table before he f####d off down to London to take his Russian blood money. Good riddance. The Fernando Torres' and Chelseas of this world are ten a penny. There's only one Liverpool Football Club. We'll be here a long long time after his career is finito and a long time after Roman has rode out of West London too.

  44. I suppose Rafa, Kenny, Brazil National Team, Inter, Bayern and the rest of the top clubs who want him also don't think Lucas is Liverpool level???  Do you know ANYTHING about football??  I guess you know more than they do!

  45. It's a pity really.  If Torres could swallow his pride and apologize and likewise, if Liverpool fans could swallow their pride and accept his apology, then we could have a match made in heaven with Suarez.  My only concern: strikers by their very nature have big egos.  Would there be harmony between Torres and Suarez or would it be a "Messi vs Villa" or "Torres vs Drogba/Anelka" clash of the egos?  Personally, I would welcome him back for the greater good. 

  46. Any Player but God is replaceable.

  47. He is clearly not happy in London but for me he is finished as a top player!!!!

  48. Mega intelligent comment.............ha ha ha

  49. God's a tennis fan.

    And you're totally missing the point of the Keegan/Torres thing, but I suppose that's not surprising, considering that YOU'RE the one who brought it up and you seem incapable of offering anything of rational substance to the argument.

    From what I can gather, you're suggesting that we should harbour zero ambition for the club in the short-term whatsoever, whilst simultaneously suggesting that Fernando Torres wasn't up to scratch - and you're basing this on the baffling assumption that I was comparing Torres to Kevin Keegan.

    Please re-read the above comments and apologise for your crass remarks. Implying that you're in some way a better Liverpool supporter than I am purely because I believe that we should be challenging for honours this season due to the money we've spent, as opposed to your own confused stance: "Liverpool are still there literally means what it means: simple as that" - shows a rather skewed and paradoxical perspective.

    In fairness, it seems obvious that something is being lost in translation here and that English isn't your first language. That's fair enough, obviously. But even just dissecting the blind myopia of your comments shows that you're in way over your head and you're trying to defend yourself without logic.

    As 'dont return nando' says - "no CL=no suarez,reina, it would be chaos if we dont get CL". The players make the club. If you're happy enough watching our quality players walk away from the club and watching us drop down the League table, then I insist that there's always room for so-called fans like you at Goodison Park.

  50. Stop wasting this space with utter wishful thinking... i simply cant understand how fans(or so called fans) can simply say sign this one... or sell that one... there are so many factors to take into account and i know that sometimes these posts are just that wishfull thinking... its just so frustrating....

  51. Lucas was lastnight named Player of the Year at the MBNA awards. It was held at Lancashire County Cricket Club, all north west players were involved but Lucas won yet again!!!

  52. For that kind of money there are better younger Strikers...Edison Cavani just an example...

    We lack pace and a clinical finisher, like a Hernandez/Ole Solskjaer.

    Right now i think the best low budget options...

    Loic Remy          $15m
    Luuk De Jong      $10m
    Stefan Jovetic    $20m 
    Marvin Martin would be nice, tho not a ST  $18m
    Shaqiri would add pace and creativity. 10m
    Marcos Reus reminds me a lot of Modric & is gr8 value at 18m Euro
    Iker Munian is 1 for the future 18 -22m
    Javi Martinez is a big favorite of mine , shows as good as Lucas has been; he is still not in Javi's class. 22m

    In a perfect world in Jan i would like to see

    Reus      AM
    Shaqiri   RW/LW
    Jovetic  ST 
    All 3 would push for starting places....But I'm just dreaming here 

  53. Because it's really easy to sign these players on FIFA 12, isn't it you simpleton!

  54. Let's not forget that Kenny didn't let him go, he wasn't putting in any effort and handed in a last minute transfer request, basically giving him no choice, get yer facts straight!

  55. Newsflash guys - to all of you howling your glee that you don't want him back - he does not want to come back. He has not said that he does. He has made it clear that he moved to play Champions League. Whether Chelsea win or not he has got what he wanted. To play against the best. Deal with it.    


  57. Lovely Post mate, lovely.

  58. Torres is paying for his betrayal with the way he keeps missing!
    Most of the fans here seem to forget the reason we signed Carroll was because Torres going and again leaving us with 1 striker, Kenny tried for Gomez but Bayern would n't sell and we ended up with one of the premier league leading goal scorers for the season,all those fans blaming Carroll need to remember why Carroll is here because Torres left us in the $££$!

  59. NO THANKS - he's not worthy ! His way of leaving + he's not same level as when he was at his best 1,5-2 yerars ago = NO NO NO THANKS.
    He can leave Chelsea and join the other one at scum ! 

  60. What are you smoking? 72% of LFC fans surveyed want Torres back? They must be Everton fans in disguise. No way should he come back...He has lost his one true asset...his pace and turn of foot. Tough s**t if he has regrets...he walked out on us so he should live by his decision.

  61. It seems like we just got a new member in our group...

  62. By the sounds of it you are from the riches of the middle east so maybe you are assuming that one of your princes will have bought the club also??

  63. Who says he has any regrets - he has'nt. I'm sure that he is quite happy to live with his decision. He is average at Chelsea as he was average in his final season (and a half) at Liverpool. His injuries have probably finished him at top level so what are you all whining about. You got 50 million for a player past his peak. The fact that dopey Comolli chose to spash it on Carrol is not Torres's fault. Torres put his transfer request in a full 2 weeks before the end of the window (this from the mouth of Gerrard himself). Torres was trying for force through the Suarez buy but it never happened. So he called Comolli's bluff and got Chelsea to get him out. Another half season carrying the team when he was not palying well perhaps did not appeal. Only then did Comolli up the bid for Suarez to get him. The only person that got Liverpool in the **** was Comolli. He has caused upset and mess in all the clubs he has worked at.

  64. Yeah you are right....Our squad is really lacking in quality. KD and DC should buy a couple of real world class players in january. He should also remove the remaining deadwood left in the club and lucrap is one of them. As for torres he is not the same player he used to be. Since his injury his scoring ability has diminished from season to season. He can`t score anymore and gets easily bullied by defenders now. We don`t need another donkey we already have caroll...

  65. Hey come on dude, its not like he won the golden ball awards...This NBMA awards must be a joke otherwise there is no way Lucrap would have won. Look who got nominated for player of the year:

    Nemanja Vidic (Manchester United)Carlos Tevez (Manchester City)Lucas Leiva (Liverpool)Leighton Baines (Everton)Stuart Holden (Bolton Wanderers)Paul Robinson (Blackburn Rovers)Ali Al-Habsi (Wigan Athletic)David Vaughan (Blackpool)

    Among all those good players in the EPL look who got nominated for this stupid award! Lucrap is not even the besr player in the list...

  66. Yeah that is why brasil struggled during the competition, played the worst football a brasil side ever played since the beginning of the world cups and was an insult to the previous squads that played in the competition before...Same thing with liverpool, thats the reason why we struggled to beat week newly promoted teams like swansea severly beaten 4-1 by chelsea and 4-0 by man city...In both cases the manager failed to realise that far better players could be played instead. Wrong team selection cost them big time...Like my friend ashfah always try to tell you guys lucas is a handicap. His shitiness must be like a disease, a contagious one at that, spreading to his team mates making them play like crap also.

  67. who suarez? another muppit. in theory we got suarez for torres, and  big english man thrown in

  68. no shite sherlock...........why dont you jog on back to your little boring two team league where its always cold and raining. and most of predictable.

  69. apply for job within!

  70. yeah torres is used to being carried by better players around him who speak spanish...........nice one

  71. at last a liverpool fan.......................few!

  72. are you lost or something? dont you funny talking people have a web site of your own or something? i know we have one thing in common..........you copy our song. luckily scousers are better singers lol.

  73. I think he can be close to the player he was at Liverpool if he came back. But he will never hit the form that named him arguably the best striker in the world because he isn't as young and scar free as he used to be. Some players fit in well with certain teams and not so well with others. He thought he could replicate his form but he just can't. He left Liverpool on a goal scoring run, and how many games did it take to get his first goal for Chelsea? I would still take him back to Liverpool because he is still the striker that will get you close to 20 goals a season no doubt, but he can only do that for Liverpool and not Chelsea. If he hasn't come good now when is he going to come good? Its the same with Henry when he left Arsenal. The same with Quaresma when he left Porto. Shevchenko when he left AC Milan. Owen when he left Liverpool. I think Van Persie will be the same also if he ever decides to leave. Some players get ruined when they leave the club that they played well for. 

  74. You lost credibility with here "Lucas Leiva (not a liverpool level)" Lucus has been one of the more consistent players over the last year or two. I didn't like him in the beginning but his ability to break up play in Midfield is brilliant. Look what happened to the MF when he was suspended this season. He won't light up the score sheet but that's not his assignment. Lucus is a ball winner and has good short range passing ability.

    As for Torres, her lacks the burst he once had and he actually started playing poorly 8 months before he left Liverpool. He maybe playing worse at the moment but he was in decline at Liverpool and were making excuses for him before he left.

    Liverpool's current team is bad. You can't succeed with those British players he bought. They aren't very talented and came at a hefty price.

  75. Are you dyslexic.......DUDE!!!!!!

  76. How galactically dumb is that!!!

    Are you going to transport these players back in time to when the "foreign player" rule was more lenient???

    Do the world a favour and stay asleep from tonight!

  77. FUCKIN' GET IN!!!!
