21 Jun 2014

Great news: BR confirms LFC will make a 'number of signings', and reveals the 4 'key' qualities he's looking for

Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers has once again reiterated the need to sign proven players this summer, and in a new interview, he's outlined the four qualities he's looking for in potential new recruits.

Speaking to the Liverpool Echo today, Rodgers confirmed that that LFC plan to make a 'number of signings' during the upcoming transfer window, and explained what the Reds need to do to 'kick on' from last season. He noted:

"We just need good players, [and] those coming in have to be at the level that we require to perform. That is absolutely key for us this summer."

Rodgers also revealed the four qualities he's looking for in new signings:

* Willing to improve and hungry to improve.
* Ambition to want to come in and succeed.
* There must be 'no doubts about their quality'.
* Must be 'capable starters'.

So far, this summer's transfer business looks distinctly similar to last year, in that lower-cost squad players are signed first (Lambert and Can), with potential first-teamers coming later.

As for being 'capable starters'? Lambert certainly fits that description, but it remains to be seen whether Can is 'capable' of going straight into the first team and making an impact.

With the two additions so far, I'd argue that Liverpool's squad is only a tad stronger that last season. Rodgers needs to make 4-5 top quality signings over the next two months to really raise the bar.

Of all the players linked with LFC, who fits the Rodgers template? I'd personally like to see the following four players at Anfield:

* Dejan Lovren
* Roberto Firmino
* Alexis Sanchez
* Guillermo Ochoa

The club needs full-backs too, but I don't see any outstanding candidates right now.



  1. just wondering jaimie, in regards to your comments on no suitable left backs, what your reasons against signing Ricardo Rodriguez are? With Moreno I understand the fee (a pet hate of yours I am aware) but with Rodriguez having a year left on his contract and *reportedly* available for 12m just curious as to why you see no candidates in the role. He also has tangible stats (9 assists and five goals) which are phenomenal for a LB. Just like to hear your thoughts.

  2. I have read info from a pretty reliable source that LFC did agree terms with Moreno's agent weeks ago so if true then that would mean the player does want to join LFC but the payment terms with Sevilla need to be sorted out. With the transfer window not even open yet I am pretty Sevilla's demands will be met before the window has closed.

  3. Ricardo rodriguez is of the quality needed, the perfect left back, he excels in so many aspects. would also like to see someone who can play in the left centre mid, the role has been shared between Coutinho and Allen but I'd like to see someone who can do all the midfield and defence work as well as contributing in attack, l(ike how Vidal plays, but I suspect he'd be out of our reach) . A quality CB is needed, lovren looks good but if we really want to show our new exalted position, Varane, Hummels or Bentaia would be really good. Hopefully we can get those positions sorted before looking at the attack (like Sanchez)

  4. IMO Bentaia is grossly over hyped although i agree with the rest of your post. The defence is where we were let down last year aswell as possibly the depth of the squad in midfield and attack. In attack we have the starters to challenge anyone but no depth and in defence we have options galore but not enough genuine quality. Not trying to say this is BR's fault, just an observation.

  5. Also in terms of attack, my candidates would be : Firmino, Depay, Sanchez, Griezman, Calhanoglu, Muller and Shaqiri

  6. You make a strong case for Rodriguez. I have to confess I haven't watched him play that many times, so it's hard to form an opinion. The stats are encouraging, though, so he looks like a good option.

  7. I think we need to see what Iloris is like seeing we bought him last season and I would like to see either Lovren (£15/18m) or Caulker(£8-12m) come in. Toure and Skertle to leave. Giving us 4/5 Central defenders.

    I think Lallana is being priced out which is a pity so Firmino (£20m) may be an option as he may be around £10m less in price, if so I would get either Tello or Meyer with the saving, or invest a further £5m and secure Shaqiri.

    Regarding Left Back, Blind, Rodriguex or Rojo (£13m) in that order, don't think we should be spending £20m on that position, apparently Caner Erkin is available on a free, that would give us good cover.

    That would total a spend of around £100m which means we would need to recoup around £30m to balance the books, this may mean that Sanchez (£25m) can't happen which is a pity, or we drop Caulker or Lovren and Shaqiri and go for Sanchez and trust some of the youth coming through. Total spend then would be (£76/£70m), still a lot but more realistic price wise.

  8. pretty confident rodriguez's contract runs till 2016, remember an article somewhere about it I think on Sky. also from what ive heard it will likely cost closer to 25 mil to sign him, so id much rather go for Moreno for around 16-18 million

  9. I haven't seen Bentaia play very often so I can't really say but heard he had a great season , also hoping for a defense overhall this summer, Kolo, Kelly, Johnson, either Agger or Sktrel to go, as much as Sktrel does well, I think he isn't suited to our play and I'm not sure he really fits. Then we can rebuild the defence with an injection of quality.

  10. He looks a good option, but the Echo suggested (today? last couple of days at least) we're not interested in him because he is expected to cost a ton. I don't think Wolfsburg would be desperate to sell either since they're building something decent (Mandzukic is on the way, De Bruyne, Luis Gustavo, Perisic and Rodriguez himself).

  11. Personally JK I would love those players, but I don't think we have the finances to sign them all, with us losing money every year and with FFP to worry about more now. Id think next summer or the year after with continued CL qualification we would be in a much healthier position financially to sign top players like sanchez, But he is likely to cost around 30 million, Firmino around 20, and Lovren around 15-20 as well, plus the likely 100k plus wages sanchez is on, so I cant see it myself. Also I don't think we need both a winger and an AM, id rather one person who is very comfortable in both, as from what ive seen sanchez is really best as a striker, and not particularly good at attacking midfield, whereas firmino is much more effective through the middle than out wide

  12. On players we have been linked with I would go for Moreno, Lovren and Shaqiri. If Reina manages to find a new home then I would start looking at goalkeepers

    Sanchez would be a super signing but I can honestly not see Sanchez joining LFC unless Suarez leaves and who knows how much he is going to cost when Juventus have failed in their attempts so far to sign Sanchez.

  13. Gentlemen, I think you are forgetting one thing, I feel Suarez will go to Barcelona and Sanchez will come in our direction with around 40 million and bring the players suggested in, a couple of Blind,Caulker,Louvren, Moreno or Bertrand. Remember Can can play at the back.
    Also bring in Shaquiri and Lallana.
    Let the gaffer turn Sterling into a forward playing behind Sturridge and Sanchez.
    We keep talking about wingers but Ibe is very capable of moving into the first team, he is as fast as Sterling and nearly as good, also he is bigger and not easily pushed off the ball.
    I think we will have a good season next term.

  14. I sorted our problems. Get Wolfsburgs scouts and negotiation team. Done. Another cup of tea for Greg after a job well done.

  15. You can have a biscuit as well

  16. you say jamie at the end of your piece you dont see any outstanding candidates for full backs right now.have you not seen serge aurier at all imo in afew years time this young lad will be the best rb in the world also there is rodriguez of wolfsburg all be it at this world cup he aint been at his best especially against france.but there is just 2 out of alot thats out there and i really hope br try's to sign aurier only 21 maybe pay around 10-12mil for the lad and is going to as i said imo the best rb in world football also rodriguez is another that is only going to improve and also with the way the br plays these 2 lads would b gr8 for us cause the have great speed to get back and cover the cb's if the go forward br sign these lads if you can especially serge aurier.

  17. I agree that we need another goalkeeper. I hope we'll get:

    GK - Muslera
    LB - Davis
    CB - Lovren
    CM - Griezmann
    AM - Sanchez

    And if we get rid of Johnson, Debuchy at RB

  18. Unfortunately "capable starters" sounds less promising than previous comments about competing at the higher end of the transfer market and "top players".

  19. Loved the following commentators gaffe in the Argentina Iran match.

    A lot of the Iran players choose to have their "Christian" names on the back of their shirts .

  20. Hope you are wrong regarding Suarez, you would like to think he would give us 1 season in the Champions League before leaving, I do however feel he will go 2015/16 season unless we win Premier League or Champions League which is a tall ask.

    I agree about Ibe, and this is why I would like to see some youth come through so we can get the 2 or 3 real quality coming in, my fear is we are so keen to get a bargain we will not buy the quality we truly need.

  21. But what is defined as "top player"

    Soldado came with a big reputation from Spain and was a top player there. Spurs apparently are trying to offload him. If he is classified as a top player then should LFC sign him...Meh.

  22. Pooladi anyone?? Iranian LB

  23. Perhaps he's chosen his own name and is trying to tell us something?

  24. Do you really think we can compete with all the free Volkswagens and Volkswagen paraphernalia that Wolfsburg can offer!?

  25. I'd be happy to have Soldado as a rotation option.

  26. GK: Keylor Navas

    CB: Lovren
    LB: Rojo (who can also play centre back)
    AM: Sanchez would be a dream signing. Otherwise Lallana or Griezmann.

  27. What about centre mid? Keep Allen there? Play Coutinho deeper? Or change formation?

  28. In that case I would rather keep Aspas.

  29. Really? Soldado underperformed but, if money doesn't come into it, you'd prefer to have Aspas? Soldado didn't score many, but his link-up is still very good and he suffered personal problems that may have effected his performances.

  30. This is why. What would an acceptable price be for Spurs after one season when they signed him for £26m. Now I am going to say that I would rather overpay for Lallana.

  31. Shit. Looks like warm pass for me again.

  32. Someone said Christian name the other day and I thought that will probably mean a wrist slap and make sure it doesn't happen again. Can't believe they made that blunder.

  33. 40 million plus sanchez for suarez, buy Jackson martinez for 40 million, sanchez plus martinez won't make loosing him so bad.

  34. Aurier and Rodriguez Rb and LB Lovren CB Alexis Sanchez ST/Rw/Lw Max Meyer or Firminio CAM/CM/CF and Lacazette and i will be happy

  35. rudedog and the dweebs9:01 pm, June 21, 2014

    our defence let us down yes. but wouldnt that be more due to the attacking style of football we play (which as we are still a team in transition then its something theyre not quite accustomed to just yet) rather than the quality of defenders we have as other than the additions of toure, sakho and cissoko (who all didnt play the entire season) we have pretty much the same defence that we have had for a few years now and weve never been known to just leak goals left right and centre. i agree we could do with the addition of a left back for sure. And even though skrtel scored as many goals as he did he also scored 4 own goals and is a liability when it comes to corners and free kicks. how he didnt give a penalty away this season ill never know so whether we bring another centre back in to replace him or try illori is something different

  36. I wouldnt swap suarez for anyone in the world like or reply if u agree

  37. rudedog and the dweebs9:22 pm, June 21, 2014

    wouldnt getting rid of 4 defenders and replacing them in 1 season do more harm than good? look at tottenham and how their signings struggled to gel. As bad as our defence looked it will only get better with more time working at our attacking style. a new lb is a must but even losing toure and skrtel i wouldnt say a new cb is essential so long as br is happy illori can fill the gap. otherwisd a new cb will be needed too. yes johnson hasnt had the best of seasons but theres no better going forward in what he can offer us and that fits our style better than his defensive frailties. i think if he goes it will only be due to saving on wages

  38. rudedog and the dweebs9:25 pm, June 21, 2014

    i wouldnt want to lose suarez but everyone has their price. if we were to get say £40-50m with sanchez and tello that would go a long way to easing my broken heart were he to go.

  39. I was just wandering was Ochoa part of your list before The Mexico v Brazil match ?

  40. I think we will get Sanchez and give Barcelona first option for next season to buy Suarez, firmino is a better option than lallana, an I hope we get either Moreno, rojo or Rodriguez, as any are a huge improvement on any left back we have at the club, moving the scouse cafu to right back, Johnson has just lost a yard of pace. Lovren is solid, but we have solid defenders, we need a bit of pace. And llori has that, and has had a good season on loan this year.

  41. I'm not sure Ilori is ready just yet, also Man City play equally as attacking football but have quality at the back (kompany) to make up for it. About the complete defensive overhall, I would say keep some players at the back but I don't actually think they have much natural cohesion anyway so I would argue it's better to replace them than try and work with something that doesn't work just to keep the "gel". But your point is very valid. Interesting debate

  42. A back line of
    Rodriguez_Sakho_new CB (varane, lovren, Ilori, Hummels, Benatia) _Aurier

    Would be great to take into the future, not necessarily represent a quick fix but insane young quality. The full backs being of such a great quality should also help us in attack as well as defence

  43. I've posted articles about Ochoa for the last 18 months, and stated the view that he'd be a good signing for LFC, so yes.

  44. Free Subway rolls and as many dunkin donuts as you can stand?

  45. This just in: BR reports that excellent, fantastic top quality players will be signed: Carvalho, M'vila, Di Maria, Sanchez and Lionel Messi. Additionally, LFC reported today that Twistadee will be the new general manager replacing Ian Ayre. Mr twist first actions are reportedly the fire sale of Assgas, Alberto, Coates, Johnson, Assaidi, Reina and Agger. Promotions will be IBE, Texeira, Ilori and Smith.
    Source: Daily Mirror UK and Sky Sports........

  46. Our defense suffered because the midfielders. Didn't always back check consistently except Henderson.

  47. Puke on both Aspas and Soldado...

  48. First i thought 4 more player then when looked at more closely saw 4 qualities and jumped straight to comment section cutting through BS

  49. Your list of targets would represent an amazing summer of transfers Jaime. But to add to that is a LB... I'd go for either Ricardo Rodriguez, Alberto Moreno, or Marcos Rojo.

  50. Well financially a deal couldn't happen, but I was just giving an opinion of him as a player. I'd be happy to have him in the squad.

  51. Can't compete with the golden carriage of the autobahn.

  52. We Already signed 2 players.....but we still need Top Players, so for me I'd like Liverpool to Sign Lovern, Sanchez, Rodrigues, "Navas or Ochoa", Firmino, Griezmann and "Fernando or Lars Bender"

  53. At the moment he is top of his game, I think that is because he is wanted by the club, players and fans so is showing on the pitch.

    My worry is that either of the 2 big Spanish club can come in and pay very large money which is hard for a club to turn down, especially if there is a clause in the contract.

  54. My 1st choice defence would be Johnson, Sakho, Lovren and Blind.
    Back up would be Flanaghan, Agger, Iloris/Caulker and Enrique(if ever fit again), if Enrique is not fit then would look at Caner as he can be got on a free and has Champions League experience. Wouldn't have an issue if Moreno was the LB but that deal looks like it'll just drag on and on until the 2 clubs can sort themselves out.

  55. Jaimie K always enjoy your posts, Agree with all your pick of players but I would add Ajax's Daley Blind to that list for LB to make the perfect summer

  56. innocent ogbonnaya8:11 am, June 22, 2014

    Jamie K those are very ok plus Blind,Sissoko of Newcastle.

  57. innocent ogbonnaya8:26 am, June 22, 2014

    Roncanifornia u are right.just d reason I made a case 4 ncastle Sissoko who can do all dirty job in d dm,very physical n balanced.shaun hate him or like him skrtel is a rock.sakho is always tiring n loses concentration after every 25 mins.his quid could have bn spent on lovren.

  58. Heartening comments from BR. Same thing to last summer, though, and we then witnessed a spectacular failure to land any of our first-team attacking targets. So I live in hope.

    I agree with all of those suggested players, JK. As for fullbacks, the reported prices are a bit silly, but maybe not signing the ones that will improve us most will be even more silly.

    We need another midfielder with a bit of experience too, methinks - a grizzled pass-master that can play box-to-box or in the hole. Valbuena springs to mind, but even somebody a bit younger like Banega or Benat could do. I'd suggest a star defensive midfielder like Matuidi, but I suppose Emre Can is already here.


  59. Neymar, Messi, Ronaldo, Varane.

  60. Ha ha ha Bro, You forget to put B Jones, S Coates, M Kelly and K Toure in that fire sale list. Players who are simply injury prone or not good enough to play for our club. And have been on good wages sitting on bench, offering the team rarely anything when they do come off the bench.

  61. Then we need a centre mid to company Gerrard and Henderson in midfield trio, gotta be able to track back, keep the midfield solid and also contribute in attack, not sure I can think of many? Someone like Vidal but maybe not so expensive

  62. The class quality players B Rodgers should be looking to bring to club this summer are as follows: GK RB CB LB DM AM 2 CM RWF

    While having fire sale and shipping out all the dead wood average or injury prone players together, instead of just keeping them on club on nice wage warming bench for another 6mths or year.

    Outs: 12 Out :

    GKs: B Jones(32) P Reina(31)
    CBS: S Coates(23) K Toure(330
    RB: M Kelly(23)
    DM: L Leiva(27) CM: J Allen(24) AM: L Alberto(21)
    RW: O Assaidi(25)
    FD: Yesil(21) FD: F Borini(22) FD: I Aspas(26)

    Ins : These 4 Defensive players below have been solid in World cup:

    GK: G Ochoa(28) who is Free Agent or M Vorm(30) Of Swansea for 3-5M

    RB: S Aurier(21) Of Toulouse for 6-8M
    CB: D Lovren(24) Of Southampton for 10-15M
    LB: K Asamoah(25) Of Juventus for 6-9M

    One DM Lynchpin: Y M'Vila(23) Of Rubin Kazan for 8-11M

    Attacking class creative players:

    CM: M Sissoko(22) Of Newcastle for 5-10M
    CM: A Herrera(24) Of A Bilbao for 20-27M

    AM: Firminho(22) Of Hoffenheim for 12-16M
    RWF/LWF: A Sanchez(25) Of Barcelona for 20-26M

  63. JK, what Dya think of Blind of Dutch for LFC LB position?

  64. I'd be wary of signing a player just because he had one great game in the World Cup. He does have great pedigree, though: Ajax-trained; experience of winning trophies etc.
