2 May 2014

'He's not worth it': LFC hero slates 'desperate' Man Utd over sickening £85m deal

Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney recently signed a new contract at Old Trafford reportedly worth a sickening £300k a week, but is he worth that much? Absolutely no chance (IMO), and Liverpool legend Ronnie Whelan agrees.

Speaking to 5-Times this week, Whelan - who won 13 major trophies during his 15-year career at Anfield - scathed:

"Wayne Rooney is not worth £300 grand at any other club than Man Utd. They were desperate. If they can crawl back into the top four next year, they'll have done well".

Rooney's contract is one of the reasons I hate modern football. £300k a week - or £85m over the 5.5 year duration of his contract - is absolutely sickening, and just shows once again how football is woefully out of touch with the average fan on the street. The Glazers have bought Rooney off for now, but if things go down the pan, his 'loyalty' to Man United will quickly disappear (just like United's title challenge this season).

Since grossly disrespecting Man United in 2010 with his nakedly self-serving attempt to ditch the club, Rooney has brazenly courted speculation about his future, and Whelan's former team-mate, Jan Molby is also sceptical of the new contract, and believes that it could ultimately end up being worthless. He recently told ESPN:

"What’s to say he [Rooney] won’t become unhappy a third time, even after signing a lucrative extension? Rooney’s tendency to rub the wrong people up the wrong way leave me fearing it will all end in tears. Very expensive tears".

Like so many other players in Europe's elite leagues, Rooney doesn't give a toss about the Man Utd's fans, or the club itself; all he cares about is money. If that isn't the case, why did it take £300k a week to convince him to stay at Old Trafford? Granted, similar accusations could be made against LFC players like Luis Suarez, but even with all his past indiscretions, I'd take the Uruguayan over Rooney every day of the week.

All's well that ends well, though - with Man Utd's £307m debt level set to rise after the club's failure to make the Champions League, they'll also be hemorrhaging money paying Rooney's ridiculous salary every week, and anything that causes United financial distress is fine by me :-)



  1. You are obsessed with United...title slip, slip, slipping away...

  2. tbh its hilarious there paying rooney that just imagine if ryan giggs says he will play 1 more year and coach got to be worth 350k a week lol most united fans I know are hoping van gaal gets rid but no 1 will take him with them sort of wages it smacked of desperation good

  3. Rooney is injured AGAIN - What a waste of money - WE WANT GIGSY - AND ONLY GIGSY

  4. Title still all to play for, any liverpool fan would have taken this situation at the beginning of the season, and be careful not to come across as snide ;-)

  5. and george saying hes obsessed with utd smells of hypocrisy as your on a lfc website whos obsessed with who

  6. I'm surprised at United taking this from Rooney for the second time. If we choose to admit it or not they are a big club and to bow and scrape to a player after he's done it before is a mystery to me. In my opinion he's vastly overrated, I'd rather have RVP in my team than Rooney. Would he get in Barca, Madrid or Bayerns team? I don't think so.

  7. ferguson slatted chelski and city.saying they were trying too buy the league fellina 28 mill, mata 37 mill and 200 mill to spend in the summer ?

  8. Let's hope Van Gaal agrees with you re RVP, and marginalises Rooney.

  9. Money United earned themselves by dominating the english game for 20 years my friend, not the same thing :)

  10. I'm sure his massive ego comes from his over praise from the English media. His recent goal at West ham was a great strike but, the way the media straight away named it goal of the season was over the top. Shelvey scored a similar goal but one that in my opinion required more technique and skill a few weeks ago and barely anything was said. Rooney for me doesn't even get in the top ten of strikers in world football.

  11. 5_European_Cups9:19 pm, May 02, 2014

    If they earned that money then why are they still so much in debt? Keep telling yourself that it's different because everyone but you manures know it's the same. Trying to buy a place back in Champions League. Too bad United is just a mid table club without Fergie. That ship has sunk

  12. Van Gaal is well known for being a bit of a hard-ass who does things his own way. It would be highly amusing to me, and no great surprise, if the first thing he does when he walks through the doors at Old Trafford is to tell the class of '92 and Wayne Rooney to f*ck off. Perhaps that's exactly what they need.

  13. lol here we go again - Suddenly the distraction of trying (!!!!!) to win the league to realising that their best opportunity in 24 years to win it is going down the drain! (Awwwwww). So now it's back to slating Man U because they had a bad season? Yeah well it's obvious that now you've nothing to look forward to, You go back to childish ways. All I'll say is - enjoy the Champions league next year. It'll be a while before Liverpool get in it again ;). Oh, & you won't make it out of the group stage :))))))))))))))))))))

  14. Slipperie_Slope10:29 pm, May 02, 2014

    Desperation is exactly what it was. They were in a terrible position in the league, on a woeful run of games and stuck with a manager who was glaringly out of his debt. They needed a good news story to wave at the fans and unbelievably somebody somewhere in the Utd hierarchy thought this was one!
    It's not like he was having an incredible season a deserved to be rewarded. He scores against Fulham and suddenly Wayne Rooney is back. Everybody scores against Fulham!
    Long may they suffer the pain of that contract.

  15. YAWN !!!! You seem to be overlooking a 600 million kit deal about to be signed. If you also look at United a bit more closely, you will see they do loan their trophy out every now and then. As for how a player behaves ??? Suarez doesn't care for Liverpool. Watch how this summer unfolds ... Let's see where the money leads him

  16. and what a slip from gerrard! to think that cnt could've cost the scummers the league! the season might be a good one after all

  17. The debt belongs to the Glazers Mr European Cups and until their takeover in 2005 the club was completely debt free. United are essentially paying off the Glazer's debt. In the last 9 years (including Mata) Utd have spent less than City, Chelsea, Liverpool and even Tottenham (winning more than all of them :)) Do a little research next time and dont embarrass yourself. We will be back to the top soon :)

  18. But I agree with Ronnie Whelan that they would have been better off showing Rooney the door! Hope Van Gaal does just that

  19. Lets just hope they pay RVP an obscene amount to keep him that will dent they 150 mill they need to spend.

  20. More on wages though dont forget that.

  21. And long may the Mancs slump continue.

  22. Van Gaal will do what all good coaches do when entering a team thats on the decline. Get rid of the has beens. He needs to also get Giggs off. Clean Slate. Will take the mancs 2 seasons before they challenge again.

  23. @Daniel, the debt is levied with the club, it is effectively a mortgage on United. Over the last nine years United have on average spent between £30-£50 million on players with Moyes spending near enough £60million this year alone. If you are going to tell people to research it would be wise to follow your on advice.

  24. Philip Keating9:14 am, May 03, 2014

    Pure desperation on Utds part, Pure selfish opportunism on Rooneys part. Its bodes so well for the future ha ha.

    Out of Europe, over paid under performing "big stars", 65 mill thrown at two players. Huge debts,

    For me Utd are over the crest of the wave, and to believe there will be some miracle come back is cloud cuckoo land.

    I sincerely hope the Glazers throw 200 million at this, and it sends Utd into liquidation ha ha ha ha.

  25. Agree 100%!! The days of football being a working mans sport are long gone,if i was to take the wife and three kids to a game,it would cost a small fortune( I live in Ireland) The disparity is mind blowing! I wonder what Shankly would make of it all?! No doubt all the aging, obese, toothless prostitutes around manchester are rubbing their grubby little hands at the prospect of shrek making an appearance or two... " there's only one wayne rooney" THANK GOD!!!!

  26. Typical liverpool talking about united again, never do they ever talk about liverpool because fact is liverpool dont even care about liverpool....you lot rather talk about everton, united or even tranmere....anything so you dont have to give one second of care to your murderous club

  27. man city for the title

  28. liverpool....bottle, bottle, bottle, choke, choke, choke...lol title slipping away to man city.... gerrard lol what a choker

  29. Albert Nana Hagan11:31 am, May 03, 2014

    U really think so. So then y was your greatest ever manager obsessed with lfc. Even writing chapters in his books dedicated to lfc. The only reason people are really talking about mufc z your pompous a$ses thought it'll last forever. Before Ferguson Manure where irrelevant now he's gone you'll sink back to where you
    belong. No more intimidating of officials and look where u are hajahahahah

  30. I find it hard to understand why Red's supporters on this decisive day for all fans on Merseyside are even thinking about those near-do-wells on the other side of the Pennines. Their "nasty neighbours" maybe but none else.

  31. You say Suarez is as bad as Rooney but you'd still take him over Rooney. What's the difference (apart from £100K a week)?

  32. I didn't say Suarez is as bad as Rooney. I said I'd take Suarez despite his past indiscretions. Rooney is a terrace thug in a football shirt.

  33. I must have misunderstood your penultimate paragraph.

    I don't really follow Rooney that closely but I have not heard of any particular thuggish behaviour on his part. On the contrary I have only heard of his charitable side especially in respect of care for the elderly. :-/

  34. And for that, he deserves great credit, for sure.

  35. pot calliing kettle, ask yourself this, "why are you on an lfc website discussing LFC" typical hypocrite...

  36. What charity was that? I heard he donates to save the aging prostitute fund (best not to say what he donates) They say that charity should not be seen or heard, I would certainly advocate that in this case!!

  37. I am a Man U fan I couldn't agree more with Wheelan regarding Rooney. He's vastly overated and they should have sold him! That said, City 3-Everton 2 = the title is slipping away!!

  38. Don't just focus on outgoing sums paid to bring in talent, look at what is received when they sell players, such as the 80millon received for Ronaldo. When you look at the NET, Man U have done very well in the market place. Also, have a REAL look at the money spent by Liverpol over the past several years

  39. Liverpool will never win the premier lge fact what a load of sh""""te

  40. City are debt free, Utd are not. Buying the league is buying the league whether the money comes from Shirt sales in japan or donations from the owner, no difference, you are delusional. You are embarrassing yourself with this fantasy that Utd are not buying a place in Champs league...it's obvious to everyone else. To be fair to Utd I do agree that you will be back, you will BUY your way back.

  41. With We you mean You, don't want Giggs anywhere in the coaching staff of united. He's not cut out for it plus he's a greedy person thinking only about himself instead of the club.

  42. Ecky thumb, thanks for the advice. I know how much United spend and it has still been less than City, Chelsea, Liverpool and Spurs over the last 9 years, my fact is not wrong.

  43. I never said they werent buying the league, you are the delusional one, reading comments that don't exist. I simply said that they spent less over 9 years that the clubs i listed and won more :) Obviously every top club has to buy players
