20 May 2014

'BR knows him': LFC make official offer for 'absolutely fantastic' mercenary. Mistake?

Last week, the Liverpool Echo claimed that Liverpool have no interest in signing Chelsea mercenary Ashley Cole this summer, and for a fleeting moment, all was right with the world. Alas, Cole is once again heavily linked with a move to Anfield, and ex-Red Jamie Redknapp believes the 33-year old could be a great acquisition for the club.

According to The Telegraph today:

"Ashley Cole is considering offers from eight clubs including Liverpool and Real Madrid".

When asked about the possibility of a move to Anfield, Redknapp hailed Cole as 'the best left-back the Premier League has ever seen', and further enthused:

"He's an absolutely fantastic player and a serial winner. Where will he go? Liverpool probably need a left-back. Brendan Rodgers knows him well from his time at Chelsea so that might happen"

Urgh. I'd hate it if this happened. I don't want to see Cole within a hundred miles of Anfield. I don't care how good he is - Cole just isn't (IMO) a 'Liverpool-type' player; he doesn't fit the LFC player template, just like his namesake Joe, another ex-Chelsea man who didn't belong at Anfield.

Simply ask yourself the following question: Why would Cole come to Liverpool? Is it because he loves Liverpool? Has an affinity with the club? Has a burning desire to play for the Reds? NO. He'll come to Anfield for the money, and the chance to play in the Champions League.

In other words, Cole will sign for selfish reasons, and like Victor Moses, he'll have no real vested interest in the club's forward progress. It's just a nice retirement plan for a player who is (arguably) one of the biggest mercenaries in the game.

On a related note, if Liverpool were not in the Champions League right now, would Cole even give the club's offer a second thought? No chance. Unless, of course, the club offered him a ridiculous salary.

Signing Joe Cole was a massive mistake, and he basically got paid big bucks to sit on the bench (or convalesce on the treatment table). Ashley Cole is a similar waste of money (IMO), and I'd rather LFC signed a player who will be part of the club's future for more than a year.

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  1. Yeah but nah but yeah he's a good bloke though

  2. still one the best left backs in the league and most of the time consistent, we only have one consistent player in flano. would be a good signing regardless. then we just need a couple of decent centre backs

  3. i can only hope he chooses one of his other suitors. part of me thinks his experience and ability could help us in what could be a tough season i.e. as a short term solution, but for me i don't like his character or his no doubt ridiculous wage demands. i would much rather we get in someone younger, on less wage and who will fight for liverpool rather than get one last big pay packet. coentrao is definitely available and is one of many better options we should pursue.

  4. I remember watching Carroll beast pretty much every defence he faced and thought "what a monster" we signed him and everyone questioned the fee but was united in saying he will be a quality player for us, just because a player looks quality for one team it don't mean he's going to be for us, if he has a good second season then fair enough as if nothing more he has shown consistency, I just think we should learn from the mistakes we have made and buy proven for a change rather then potential

  5. dont agree about flanagan. he is good against pace because he dives in recklessly and most of the time (through sheer luck as much as anything) gets away with the ball. every time he is up against someone remotely strong or intelligent though he is caught out too easily because they can turn him and he is totally out of position. just re-watch the likes of diame or sissoko against him. definitely shouldnt be our left back. back up right back at best. (though i even prefer mclaughlins ability particularly with the ball)

  6. Chris Rossington12:26 am, May 21, 2014

    Even at his age he has proved to be a top quality player, i dont understand why we wouldnt want him on a free for a couple of years, certainly an upgrade on what we already have.

  7. Chris Rossington12:30 am, May 21, 2014

    ha, sorry i dont mean to snipe but someone who wins the ball more often than not, surely this is not down to look but quick speed of thought when a winger hesitates, yes he has a mistake in him but he is still very young and will improve, i for one didnt think he would improve as much as he has done, every credit to the lad

  8. If we had a younger left-back prodigy who was right on the verge of breaking through I think this would be a great signing, but I don't see any of our young LBs fitting that particular bill.

    I don't see this being true. I don't think it fits our profile and the Echo has rubbished it too, so hopefully we're looking for something a bit more ambitious.

    He's been a great player over the years though.

  9. I think you make a fair point. There is shades of Carroll in this deal. I think you've got to judge each case individually though and I think Lallana would be a success.

    The biggest question is the quality of his mentality and that is difficult to discern at this juncture.

  10. Last chance in his career to play overseas. If he does indeed have offers on the table from big foreign clubs, I reckon he'll do just that.

  11. everyone's entitled to their own opinion, i just don't think he will ever be better than an average squad player at best. i feel as though he is a fraction of a second away from a yellow card every time he flies in and his crossing and final ball is generally woeful. heart and desire are good traits to have but not much use on their own. imo cissokho (for all the criticism he got) could have done absolutely no worse than flanno and yet he would have got beaten down for no end product etc. i think its double standards in favour of homegrown "talent".

  12. NFW for Cole. Ship to the MLS or to Italy. WE don't need geezers, let along self-absorbed geezers. At least Toure is a team guy. There MUST be better chemistry fits than him. By the way, is he the former lead singer of Fine Young Cannibals?

  13. thank goodness Madrid want him> His ego will take him there if it's not just a rumour

  14. we got to sign top class young defender. A.Cole is good and proven but i dont prefer him to be at anfield.

  15. I really don't think a club in the thick of a relegation battle where in this day and age is huge set-back in financially if they were to drop would rest their future on a 20 year old.

  16. People said the same thing about Carra in his younger days. There is a lot to be said for passion and commitment I think Flanno could turn out to be another Carra.

  17. I agree but £25 million?? british or not .. you have to assess his talent. And im afraid Lallana, as good as he is, does not compensate that much money. What people have got to remember is the Rafa era and Houllier where we have been runners up but failed to kick on from that the season afterwards. We just cannot afford to fork out money and be held to ransom by the likes of southampton. Cazorla was £15m for god sake! and he's as two footed as you can get.

  18. Good point! but disagree with one thing .. there is no way you can sell borini. The lad's got heart and immense talent.

  19. This is just more tosh, it's pure speculation. I really can't see why Liverpool would be interested in a 33 year old who would almost certainly be looking to pad-out his bank balance and do something different before he retires. None of this is a good match, not for us or for him, I just don't see it happening.

  20. I wrote a response to you about all these rumours - but of course, it never made it past the filter.

  21. I can't agree with that one although quite amusing. Where he is from does not concern me but the content of his character does. JK is right in that his profile does not fit the clubs ethos and with being said I can't see him at the club given his age although he is technically great.

  22. Honestly, it'll be a quid pro quo relationship. Yes, we want players who'll bleed Red. End of the day, however, you need to perform on the pitch with skill and professional commitment. Ashley Cole has demonstrated this time and again. Yes, he may be Cashley Cole...but he doesn't just sit on his arse and not earn his paycheck.

  23. Honestly, it'll be a quid pro quo relationship. Yes, we want players who'll bleed Red. End of the day, however, you need to perform on the pitch with skill and professional commitment. Ashley Cole has demonstrated this time and again. Yes, he may be Cashley Cole but he doesn't just sit on his bum without earning his paycheck.

  24. Honestly, it'll be a quid pro quo relationship. Yes, we want players who'll are Red through and through. End of the day, however, you need to perform on the pitch with skill and professional commitment. Ashley Cole has demonstrated this time and again. Yes, he may be Cashley Cole but he doesn't just sit without earning his paycheck.

  25. I don't think we should spend £25m. I said £20m doesn't represent terrible market value considering how he's played the past 2 years.

    I think for £20m there are other targets we should consider first.

  26. Borini(22) is a good class striker but he is not a top 1- 5 club striker. He needs 5 chances before he scores one, we need L Remy(27) Or W Bony(25) to compete with Sturridge(24) and Suarez(27). We need goals goals goals from forwards and i think Bony(25) and Remy(27) are better strikers and goalscorers than Borini(22) .

  27. I think he'll have better retirement options than Anfield to be honest. There are bound to be some US or middle eastern clubs willing to sign him for big money. The way I see it, Cole is a far better option than Enrique. It would allow us to sell Enrique and get in another left back who is younger and first choice to Cole.

  28. Me neither, I thought he was gone. Right now, I still prefer him to be a right back option rather than a left back one and if we can get a quality right back in, I say sell Johnson and work with him and Flanno.

  29. What is this alleged lack of character he has? Is it because he left Arsenal, where he had been grossly underpaid, to go to Chelsea? I know the Gooners like to call him Cashley but it's not like he's the only player on the planet who makes far too much money for what he does. We have a few of those in our own squad.

  30. Considering the tone of the article (which must be a major factor) the voteissurprisingly close. I doubt it will happen but for footballing reasons I think it could be good .

    The clincher though is that he has the same surname as another player who did not do very well AND came from the same club. What more proof does any oneneed that it's abad idea? So for me it's a definite no...:-)

  31. He upset Saint Cheryl of the North East don't forget

  32. Big difference is Ashley Cole is still a top player, Joe Cole was on the wain and a sick note. He would be good for Flanno, like him or not, he is a world class left back, still has pace and can read the game. worth it for 2 years

  33. Whilst he is a (was) a great LB, I don't see why we would want to sign a 33 year old, who will probably want one of the highest wages at the club. I'd much rather see someone younger and hungrier come in.

  34. i would prefare lukaku for 20 mill same kinda player but i think he will be great. plus i hate buying people who have one good season and there teams put stupid prices on there heads ! i just hope that if we get bony and lallana they prove me wrong. Y.N.W.A

  35. I'm with you I don't care how good he is he's one of the last players in the world I'd like to see at Liverpool

  36. Yeah Shelvey is no Michu. I would be interested to see how Michu does when injury free. That first season was obviously brilliant but there is that worry he won't replicate it again. I have a Swansea supporting mate and always enjoy watching the Swans.

  37. It says '27 starts' not '27 appearances". 34 apps overall; 27 *starts* in the league. I just focused on starts in this instance. Plus, I don't use whoscored.

    Sent from Samsung Mobile

  38. I am just making a point that Sturridge and Suarez when fit would have always been first choice.

    Next season there will be many more games to contend with so next season our backup striker/s will have much more game time compared to what they had this past season.

  39. Fair point but seems a very grounded individual.

    Sure he would love CL and would now suit the Swansea style you play ;-) With the Liverpool rep and on the up with confidence would no doubt be a big draw. One of the main reasons he came here was because of Europe and he certainly got his share of that.

    However he is happy here and although that counts for little with burning ambition, I think he is far too wise to get himself bad press by throwing a hissy fit.

    I desperately want him to stay as his goals could prove essential to us, but at the end of the day for our Chairman if Bony really wants to go, I imagine it will be down to receiving an offer that reflects the importance of his worth to us. .

  40. Ashley Cole, to me is an arrogant d**k, who is only interested in making as much money from the game as possible and think's he a god.

    Other than that, he is one of, if not the, best left back in the country, if not world football. Even at 33, he still showed desire, technique, pace and a fitness level of a man 10 years younger. His tactical awareness is spot on and, for a couple of seasons, he could come in and do the job for us in our, arguably, most problematic position.

    I say sign him up. If we did and he put on some vintage displays, then we'll have a new Kop hero!

  41. haha surely that's a joke? Although he's an arrogant little twat, I think if I saw him lining up for Liverpool, I would feel very confident with him facing other world class players in the Champions League, against the likes of Bale, Robben, Ribery etc. Surely signing him for 2 years is ok, even though he isn't a typical Liverpool player. But i really do want Liverpool to sign him, for the main reason that Liverpool could spend the 15M pounds on another position for more depth.

  42. Slipperie_Slope11:46 am, May 21, 2014

    No thanks.
    I really don't see this one happening.
    I would say America is where he's off to. Big bucks and an easier time of it.

  43. And how is that worth 7 million? Who's to say Bony would not have displaced Sturridge? Sturridge had a couple of injury niggles so what if Bony had stepped in then and scored a hatful?

  44. Ahh my mistake. I'll get the hang of this reading lark one day. I assumed whoscored as that shows 27 (must be starts too) on the summery but when I counted up league games played there were 34. Seems like I made an ass out of you and me.

    Who do you use if you don't mind me asking? You paying the necessary funds for opta?

  45. Ridiculous article. Why is he a mercenary? Because he left a club who grossly undervalued his services? Time has shown that arsenal were wrong in not offering him a similar contract to some of the poorer performing players in their squad at the time. The guy has been world class and barring a couple of relatively minor incidents of stupidity, has been a model professional and a winner throughout the entirety of his career. Another example of a player incorrectly labelled, just as Sturridge was, through ignorance and lazy journalism.
    Some commenters are even crying on here about how much he earns and him not being born a Liverpool fan; cause all our other signings were all boyhood fans earning minimum wage!

  46. Nah, reasonable assumption to make, as I usually include all apps in stat breakdowns. Re Stats - yes, I pay for one of the Opta packages.

  47. Yes but not for the reasons you'd think.... Be nice to have a shirt with my last name on it! However, I'd rather it not be this See you next tuesday's though...

  48. The 'Geezer' comment implies that if your a geezer then you cannot be apart of LFC. Ashley Cole is not a geezer but he is from London. So I'm saying I don't judge people on where they are from I judge them on their character. In regards to Cole I can't see him at LFC for a few reasons but where he's from is not one of them.

  49. unplayable in that players have trouble playing against him. ..worth £30 million to us at least so anyone who wants him will have to start there. I doubt we will sell this season as we are recruiting and not selling our best players...

  50. ironically by liverpool getting aspas meant we recruited better. so thanks for that lol

  51. I cannot see how Sturridge would have been displaced by Bony. Not with the form Sturridge has been in since joining LFC.

  52. Oh I see, thanks.

    If other players have trouble playing against him even £30M doesn't sound half enough to me.

  53. Like I said. He got injured. So what if Bony comes in and scores a goal per match too? Would he be dropped when Sturridge returns. Not sure

  54. I also think he could be a success its the fee been discussed that's of concern to me, as I really don't think he is a £20 mil player yet

  55. It's not the best for a player with no experience at the top level, but isn't so bad if you consider the factors that determine market value:

    *Age: He's 26 and in the prime of his career
    *Status: He's club captain & a full international
    *Contract: It isn't running down to the end
    *The general premium on English players

    I'd like to think we're looking at other options if that is the money they want, but I wouldn't be outraged if we paid £20m.

    I reserve the right to be in retrospect though!

  56. Sanchez is the best attacking midfielder/winger that is apparently on the market atm - he would be a low risk, massive reward type signing, and even though I like the idea of having the best of the British in our team, if the fees involved are remotely comparable then we should be targetting the Chilean over Lallana.

  57. If he wasn't English he would be a £10 mil player but we will no doubt pay over the top
