26 Mar 2014

Possible LFC XI vs. SFC: 3 big decision for BR; Aldo warns Reds to stop making 'sloppy mistakes'

As expected, Manchester United endured further humiliation last night at the hands fierce rivals Manchester City, and whilst it's always supremely satisfying to watch the Mancs languishing in abject mediocrity, the victory means that City have usurped Liverpool to snatch second place in the Premier League table. The Reds can, however, regain second spot tonight with a victory over relegation-threatened Sunderland, and based on current form, Suarez et al are clear favourites to win the game. Can LFC handle the pressure, or will defensive mistakes arise to sabotage the team once again?

On the injury front, Rodgers has close to a full strength squad from which to choose, with Jose Enrique and Sebastian Coates being the only senior absentees. As I see, Rodgers has three important decisions to make:

* Stick with Daniel Agger/Martin Skrtel, or bring Mamadou Sakho back into the starting line-up.

* Raheem Sterling vs. Philippe Coutinho: Who gets the nod?

* Joe Allen: Keep him in the team, or return him to the bench?


It seems likely that Rodgers will 'rest' Agger for tonight's game, and start Sakho. After conceding three goals at the weekend, the manager has the perfect excuse to shake things up, and with three games in eight days (Sunderland being the second of the three), Agger can't really argue with taking a break. Jon Flanagan also had a nightmare game against Cardiff, and could be switched-out for Aly Cissokho.

Sterling vs. Coutinho

For me, this is no-brainer. Sterling is playing consistently well this year, whereas Coutinho's form continues to be patchy. Granted, the Brazilian grabbed an assist against Cardiff, which should boost his confidence, but when it comes to the merit system, Sterling arguably deserves the start more.


Allen made little difference to LFC's defensive solidity against Cardiff, and I don't recall him producing anything of note during the game. If Rodgers ditches the diamond, and reverts to 433, we could see Allen back on the bench, with Coutinho and Sterling in the team. Alternatively, Rodgers Lucas could come back into the team, and if the Brazilian is used in the same position as Allen, it will be interesting to see what he can do.

My preferred line-up:

------------------- Mignolet

Johnson ------ Skrtel --- Agger ------ Flanagan

------------------ Gerrard

---------- Henderson ---- Coutinho

----- Sterling -------------- Suarez

------------------ Sturridge

Probable Rodgers line-up

------------------- Mignolet

Johnson ------ Skrtel --- Sakho ------ Flanagan

------------------ Gerrard

---------- Henderson ---- Allen

----- Sterling -------------- Suarez

----------------- Sturridge

Pre-match analysis:

Dietmar Hamann

"It will be like a European night at Anfield against Sunderland, even though they are facing a team facing relegation, it might as well be Real Madrid. Once the team...gains momentum it is very hard to stop [and] I could see them winning it [the league]"

John Aldridge

"Some of our defending [against Cardiff] was sloppy and it needs to be addressed [against Sunderland]. I’m sure Brendan Rodgers will have analysed the game and will be determined to stop those mistakes happening again. You can’t always rely on scoring four or five goals".

My prediction: 4-1 to LFC



  1. absolute win this game….. if we win i think champions league is pretty much guaranteed, then we can concentrate on pushing for the title.

  2. Rodgers will stick with the diamond formation away from home and go with an attacking 4-3-3 at Anfield.

    Does not matter who makes the starting eleven tonight. The win is all that matters. Sunderland are in for a hiding!

  3. Mr. Point Of View11:01 am, March 26, 2014

    I prefer play glen at LB more experience to handle Johnson.

    I will start Coutinho then Raheem at 2nd half, bcoz with lack of stamina of our opponent at 2nd half may find it very difficult to chase Raheem pace !

    I goes for Allen bcoz lack of fire power from opponent so defensively is not my worry and we need more control tempo/game instead (especially at home)

    If 2nd half result is good then get in Lucas ! Resting Gerrard is needed standby for coming games is more IMPORTANT

  4. 4-3-3 keep defense as is.It's Sunderland without Borini and Fletcher. I'm sure SAS Defense can deal with that.

  5. adam johnson is a speedy customer.....so i think flano should deal with him....

  6. I dont know why is allen starting now, I know hes improved a bit but still not good enough for me, and BR plays him at left wing, weird isnt it? Bring sterling on and sakho for agger, but even sterling plays now as a cm, I wont complain as long as we winning but really thats very strange from BR. I insist gerrard should get that tactical yellow and then be free for city and chelsea, cant see him not getting booked for 4 games more! The world expects us to win just like they did with arsenal last night, could sunderland cause a shock tonight?!

  7. 4-3-3 for me sakho for agger and couts in for allen with sas and sterling front 3

  8. We can't play both coutinho and henderson. Henderson isn't a defensive mid.

  9. Just explain to us how you have come to the conclusion that Allen has been playing left wing?

  10. We played both Coutinho and Hendo in the 5-1 thrashing of Arsenal...

  11. Yeah like Logan said it's not left wing mate it is a diamond formation so he played left sided Centre. There were no wingers.

  12. If Altidore plays tonight then hopefully Skrtel and Agger have overcome their fear of big centre forwards.

  13. It looked so at united and cardiff. Even if not, this diamond formation looks very weird but I said I wont complain as long as we win, but surely sterling deserves to play way more than allen.

  14. You need to go do some research on how all the different formations work.

  15. skrtel looking ruthless atm im sure he has overcome that but agger im not so sure of that's why id play sakho ahead of him tnyt

  16. Why would we need two defensive mids? You want to attack Sunderland with four? All we need is Gerrard breaking up the counter attack and the CB's behind him to cover the space there. Everyone else should be ahead of him pressuring them.

  17. You don't want another vs Swansea or Southampton first half performance. Allen does defensive duties better than Henderson. He reads the opposition's attack better. With Allen in the side, Gerrard's duties become a little easier.

  18. Skrtel has been more consistent this season.

    Suarez and Sturridge are ruthless. Skrtel ruthless? Do not think so.

  19. Allen's tackling and ball retention have been excellent this season, and I'm talking stats not just my opinion. He might not be showing us what we'd like in terms of going forward, but he's been doing his job very effectively (helping to boss the middle of the park). If we keep the diamond I think Coutinho will stay at the tip and Sterling will be out, for the reasons BR himself gave us about why one played against Southampton and one against Man U - Coutinho against teams that need to be passed through, Sterling against teams where his speed can be used to exploit gaps. Sunderland will be defending for their lives not attacking, so Coutinho will be needed to pass through them (provided we go to diamond).

    Honestly though I'd like to see Henderson and Allen switch sides. When we do the 4-3-3 Hendo plays on the left, and v. Cardiff Flanagan and Allen's communication, at least early, was abysmal. The fault could lay with either or both of them I don't know, but it wasn't pretty, and I don't think that adjustment would cost us anything.

  20. and you need to stop 'fangirling' allen. lets call spade a spade...are you allens' agent/lover or something...your preaching about the welsh x___is way more than your support for lfc..me thinks..

  21. Ha, you just said what you did with a straight face!

    Me thinks you are the one with the issue here. Cry me a river :-)

  22. Gus Poyet believes title-chasing Liverpool would be 'mid-table' were it not for top-scorer Luis Suarez.

    He said: "It's not about how they play, it's about having a player who is going to be voted the best player of the year by everybody.

    "Without Suarez, they would probably be in mid-table."

    To be or not to be, that is the question Mr Poyet.

  23. I can tell you this much, if Sunderland lose to a bunch of goals by Suarez - Poyet will have a bittersweet moment in that his team lost, but his countryman is excelling. He's just giving a big-up to Suarez whithout making his team look entirely hopeless.

  24. 9-0 5+ goals by Suarez, a couple by Sturridge, Henderson to get on the scoresheet too. heard it hear first.

  25. I'd keep the back 4 the same. Maybe some consistency will help for the rest of the season, and not a knee jerk reaction. Keep chopping and changing (for different reasons) hasn't helped so far has it.

  26. Speedy customer surely Johnson or Cissokho? Flanno isn't the quickest off the mark he conceded a yellow against man united when Rafael beat him for pace, Mutch continued to beat him on the left flank all afternoon against Cardiff.

    Saying all that however I wouldn't be surprised if Rodgers stuck with him on the left for this game, Johnson likes to cut in onto his preferred left foot which would give Flanagan the advantage, it's a tuff one.

  27. Agree Flanagan and Allen did not seem to be singing from the same song sheet :-)

  28. Confirmed #LFC team v @SAFCofficial: Mignolet, Flanagan, Johnson, Skrtel, Agger, Gerrard, Allen, Henderson, Coutinho, Suarez, Sturridge

    Confirmed #LFC subs v @SAFCofficial: Jones, Sterling, Aspas, Sakho, Lucas, Cissokho, Moses

  29. prediction 1-2 sunderland

  30. Looks like Rodgers is sticking with the diamond formation.

  31. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMpXAknykeg

  32. Unchanged lineup. Didn't see that coming but I guess I'll go with what the guy who's got us challenging for the title thinks is best...

  33. Well, the tactics worked. Completely dominated the game from midfield the first 40 minutes. Then we scored and did a Houllier/Benitez. I really hope that was an incident.
