28 Mar 2014

Crisis at Old Trafford: I hate Man Utd, but this spiteful idea is absolute genius

Bitter Man United 'fans' are planning yet another protest this weekend against struggling manager David Moyes, and whilst their latest anti-Moyes action is tasteless in the extreme, I have to admit, it's pretty damn funny.

A group of United season ticket holders have reportedly paid almost £1000 for a light aircraft to circle Old Trafford towing a banner, which will read:

'Wrong One - Moyes Out'

The group of fans responsible for the protest are members of the Red Issue fan forum, and one of the season ticket holders who came up with the scheme explains:

“The forum is made up of hardcore fans and 90 per cent have had enough of Moyes. It’s not just results, it’s the excuses and the way we are playing. We don’t care that Sir Alex Ferguson says we should get behind him”

The Red Issue released the following statement to explain their action:

"David Moyes isn't up to the highest standards required to manage Manchester United Football Club. Manchester United fans have had enough and unequivocally want David Moyes sacked.

"A banner erected by Stretford End flags, that dubs David Moyes the 'Chosen One' (ludicrously prematurely into his career at United), suggests that all Manchester United fans are supportive of Moyes which isn't accurate.

"We cannot have a manager who thinks it is acceptable to call our major rivals 'favourites'. It is a betrayal of the club's ethos, a betrayal of the players and a betrayal of the fans support.

"We want a manager who understands and embraces our attacking traditions and has a vision of confidence for the future, not a manager who seems to be completely disassociated and visibly uncomfortable with the fact that he is the manager of Manchester United".

As I argued strongly at the time, a large section of Liverpool fans treated Roy Hodgson with disgraceful contempt, but the acrimony provoked by his perceived failure to grasp the concept of LFC is nothing compared to the loathsome lack of class being displayed here by United's alleged fans.

It's pretty embarrassing for Man Utd...but long may it continue! Anything that destabilise the club and aids its long overdue self-destruction is fine with me. The simmering fury of the United's fans will almost certainly have an impact on the players, and if that leads to (more) poor performance on the field, then bring it on.



  1. Has anyone got onto Republik of Mancunia for the laugh , it's a bloodbath over there

  2. Agreed. DM should strive to be at Liverpool's level. Not city. Silly man...

  3. Ferguson come in for a lot of criticism when he first took the reigns at United my advice be patient your team is out dated anyway, and even with Ferguson wouldnt be anywhere near top.

  4. In all honesty I never fathomed how good of a coach SAF truly was until last year. I looked at the team and thought I might take Rooney, van persie and de gea. But that is it. no one else really does anything and I never understood how they kept winning. SAF saw a team that pulled off an amazing feat and then walked away so the fall wouldn't be on him. That was probably the worst team I ever saw under SAF and somehow he got them to win the title with games in hand. the horrible coaching(city) and owner(chelsea) helped SAF last year, but SAF saw his ship was about to sink and bailed. Just hope the same happens to Chelsea now.

  5. as your boss said we are "favourites" ..... i am very very sorry becouse it hurts you

  6. Says it all ;)

  7. I feel some sympathy for Moyes, trying to follow an icon. What makes it worse is that the tunnel vision Man U fans are not pointing the finger at the man mainly responsible for what is going wrong - Ferguson. It isn't Moyes' fault that he inherited a team that had been allowed to age with no effective steps to renew it, perhaps because Sir Alex was mentally winding down. Yes, Man U had won the league, but the opposition were not well organised that season. If he'd stayed, and with this team? I'd still put City, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal and probably Everton, above them. Ferguson jumped a sinking ship

  8. They are only 8 players short of a title competiting team...

  9. Naw man its all good. We needed a little lesson in humility anyway. And we needed most of our plastic fans gone anyway.

  10. I think we sang it pretty clearly the last time you were in town. But this isn't about Liverpool bashing for me. My point is I wouldn't mind losing if we played serious, attractive football with some desire. Probably what you guys thought too until you got Rodgers. My point was not about clubs but about the man who has been at the blue side of Merseyside for the longest time and cant understand what a Manchester Derby stands for.

  11. I personally thought David Moyes can make a transition from Everton to Manchester United and improve as a manager himself. But I just don't see any hope when I watch you guys play. Its good enough for teams like Everton and Aston Villa but not for the great club of yours. This has changed my opinion on Moyes and United should move on IMO but this idea of plane and stuff is very disgraceful. No United fan should support it.

    I thought SAF took a huge risk with Moyes and he should be responsible. Mourinho was available, Klopp would have jumped the ship (not anymore), maybe even Pep? Moyes was a huge huge risk and its not paying off. He is a mid table manager, I must say. Everton is doing even better without him.

  12. Chelsea? They are not even at their peak. Liverpool and Chelsea transition is quite similar but obviously on a different level when transfers are compared.

  13. As a United fan, I agree. I also think the way the fans behaved after the City game was not good at all. I'll stand by the team, manager and players always but hopefully there will be changes soon. Goodluck on all your title hunt this year.

  14. Mr. Point Of View8:16 am, March 28, 2014

    We been thru that b4. N now let them taste it

  15. And £30 million to screw Manure ..... Who cares ?

  16. Personally I want a strong Man Utd. They are a really important club and English football would be a less exciting place without them. Leeds, Forest, Derby: I miss these clubs in the top flight, their deep traditions and passionate supporters. We've had a situation where clubs like Wigan have, just by private investment, by financial doping, cut a figure in the top flight of the game as more important (expensive) clubs have declined. It's a real shame. And as much as anything, when we win the league, I want us to be able to say we beat some decent opposition on the way there.

  17. Perhaps i did not makeit clear but I followed the link you gave and and those quotes are all i can find from the article. It may be me missing something of course or as I said perhaps the article itself has been altered :-)

  18. I have never seen a united team so poorly,they are a shambles and long may it continue... In David we trust, the chosen one!! LOL...

  19. Jamie, have you read about the offer from a games chain store that you can swap your OT season for a game, bloody hilarious, you,ll be able to trade them at poundland & McDonalds next

  20. Fair play mate, true fan

  21. The quotes are also here: http://www.theguardian.com/football/2013/aug/01/liverpool-luis-suarez-steven-gerrard

  22. Hi are you sure he's born in London have you heard his accent plus I remember a story I read about his parents tragically dieing Nd his family sent him to the UK for his safety

  23. Moyes reminds me of Hodgepodge a little. They are not getting the best out of the players they have, they are playing negative football and possibly worst of all he is saying all the wrong things. Talking of "containing" Liverpool when they are at home and saying we were favorites, talking of emulating City or the need to. Hodgeson desperately needed to go for many reasons and Moyes is looking like the same. Or worse.

    I have no respect for United fans after a bunch of them sang a Hillsbourough song at me and my girlfriend when we were in a Chippy in Manc a few years ago. Despite this being just a disgusting minority, I hope there horrible time continues.

  24. Cheers. I can see the quote in the Guardian. At the time of that articleI think SG was just trying to pile the pressure on Luis to stay. Had he gone I am sure he would have responded with the sort of rallying cry you were looking for from the Captain. Fortunately though he stayed

    I agree though that BR and SG seem a bit extreme in their praise of Luis but it's clearly self interest. They both know they are better off with Suarez in the team and perhaps he responds to such praise. Most people seem to no matter how OTT it appears to others.

  25. you are a rare united fan ...coz most of them support winning not the club.... #TrueFan

  26. I don't think Joe Allen's primary job, or his natural game is as a defensive midfielder. Nor is he a game-owning box-to-box midfielder. I think he has been tasked with simply linking the play between defence and attack and pressing when not in possession, which in my opinion is not enough from a Premier League midfielder - he should be providing more going forward than what he does.

    We have Sterling, Coutinho and Henderson all playing well now and providing an attacking threat combined with a good work ethic when we don't have the ball. We've been linked with some really good midfielders like Rakitic and Turan over the last couple of windows and they are both combative and attacking and would be an improvement in my opinion on Joe Allen. I would rather spend our money there.

    We've also been linked with M'Vila which doesn't particularly thrill me either. We have Stevie and Lucas in the defensive midfield role. Ilori (if he comes back) can play there in the league cup so that Stevie and Lucas can concentrate on the Premier League and Champions League. If they get injured I believe Agger could play there if necessary, with Skrtel and Sakho behind him. If we have money to spend, I don't think we should be wasting it on a defensive midfielder.

  27. It is OTT, but I'm aware that I'm in the minority re my view of excessive praise.

    It also seems to breed (what I perceive to be) distasteful arrogance in Suarez. A couple of weeks ago, he said:

    “I’m one of the best players in the world. He [Gerrard] said I was the best forward he’d ever played with. In those moments I forgot that he was ‘world football great’ Gerrard, but as a humble person who spoke to me with all his heart for hours"

    Who actually comes out and says in public 'I'm one of the best in the world'? Messi's never said that; nor has Ronaldo (to my knowledge). Suarez clearly believes his own hype, which is fine as he lives up to it, but I find it off-putting that Gerrard et al have to constantly subjugate themselves to massage Suarez's ego, just in case he'll leave.

  28. Yes, but DM is a role where poor play can kill you. Lucas is injury prone. SG is also injury prone if only because of his age. After that we have a list of guys who 'could' play there if required, I think it is a position that needs to be shorn up with one strong candidate who specializes in the position.

  29. Stevie's played all but 4 games in the league this season and his fitness and conditioning, as well as his new withdrawn role makes me think that he'll last a little while longer. I think he's not as injury prone as he would be if he was still trying to run up and down the pitch all game. Lucas I agree could do with toughening up a bit. They are both good at the DM job though.

    I think if we had City or Chelsea's budget I would agree with you: yes let's go and get another DM and another centre-back too while we're at it. But with the amount of money - the 'warchest' - at Rodger's disposal I think there are other positions we should be focusing on.

    Left-back for a start. We have no idea how long Enrique is going to be out for, and what kind of player he'll be when he gets back. Flanno has played admirably but we definitely need another player with more experience in there, especially for Champions League nights when Spaniards and Italians are diving all over the show.

    Right-back. Will Johnson accept a paycut and sign a new contract? And if he does who will his back-up be? That's another position that needs addressing.

    In attacking/central midfield we have 3 good players as I said above, with Allen and Alberto (if he ever gets given a chance) as 2nd-tier players for the cups etc. I think we need 1 or 2 really strong, statement-making signings in midfield.

    So I've probably just spent about 40mil before even thinking about what to do if Suarez leaves...

  30. I agree the fawning is difficult to take and on one level I still wish the club had stuck to it's principles and moved him on.

    On the other hand I am really enjoying the resurgence of Liverpool and am sure in my own mind that this is in large part due to Luis and I have to acknowledge and admire his skill.

    Mixed emotions for me.

  31. Ha...the traditions of Man U football. There was spotty tradition before SAF anyway...what kind of tradition doesn't exist past one mgr? Besides...SAF didn't win the title for 6 years after he got the job. This just shows what classless boobs ManU fans are.

  32. Unfortunately in today's football success is very dependent on the so called plastic fans. No team can compete at the highest level without the income they provide or generate.
    I admire your views though but you are a rarity amongst fans of any club

  33. Chelsea won't be going away soon....

  34. JK dude, I don't know why you're being so defensive? Of course it's okay! I'm just disagreeing with your opinion that it's mystifying...

  35. Tongue in cheek jamie....

  36. Very well said. This season at ManU has been a testament to what a great manager SAF truly was. Moyes has essentially the same players, and has done significantly worse.

  37. Man City & Chelsea, today, are two of the most resourceful and financiially backed football clubs this country has ever seen, so I don't buy the whole "we haven't beaten the best teams because UTD are on the slide".

  38. Has any actually seen this guy? I've seen very little of Lazio this season and can't seem to remember this guy from those glimpses.

    I wonder if he is a defensive mid or the latest in a long line of players of African heritage who people just assume are defensive mids (Moussa Sissoko style).

  39. And Rooney is not a top, top player.

    While Fellaini has a weird running style. Could affect his long term health!

  40. Like I stated before, this United team wasn't that good last year, but SAF raised the level of their game in an amazing way. Comparing Moyes to SAF is unfair, especially considering that the team is essentially the same players, but a year older.

    They don't have the late RVP goals saving points like last year.

    If Moyes can spend this summer and build his own team, I think that he can turn it around. I don't think he's that bad of a manager. The team wasn't that good to begin with.

  41. Rakitic, Marchisso, and Tony Kroos are 3 players id rather be linked with, yeah a defensive midfielder we could do with, but in my opinion it aint priority, Box 2 Box midfielder who has the ability 2 create and score plus a descent left back as Enrique for me aint up 2 it. Ashely Cole would bring experience and a winning mentality, also a top quality winger Shaquiri, r Konapyanka would fit nice. If this Nigerian turned into another Essien then bring it but we have cover in this position.. Lucas when fully fit is underestimated big time and Stevie G well don't need 2 say much der YNWA

  42. Also Turan would be a quality addition but he won't come cheap!!

  43. Or was stevie g just using reverse psychology
