26 Mar 2014

Confirmed LFC XI vs. SFC: Surprise line-up from BR as £17m star escapes the axe...

Despite the fact Liverpool have three games in eight days, Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers has named an unchanged team for tonight's Premier League game with Sunderland, which means Raheem Sterling is (surprisingly) on the bench for the second game in a row.

FULL TEAM: Mignolet, Flanagan, Johnson, Skrtel, Agger, Gerrard, Allen, Henderson, Coutinho, Suarez, Sturridge

SUBS: Jones, Sterling, Aspas, Sakho, Lucas, Cissokho, Moses

SUNDERLAND: Mannone, Bardsley, Dossena, Brown, O'Shea, Vergini, Cattermole, Bridcutt, Giaccherini, Altidore, Wickham

After the defensive shambles against Cardiff - combined with the club playing three games in eight days - Rodgers had the perfect excuse to make changes in defence, but he's surprisingly decided to keep faith with Daniel Agger, who had a shaky game, and Jon Flanagan, who arguably put in his worst performance in a Red shirt.

It should remembered, however, that the same defence kept two clean sheets in a row against Southampton and Manchester United, so the solidity is there, just not the consistency.

Given the line-up, it looks like Rodgers may stick with the diamond formation, which will probably mean another ineffective performance from Coutinho. I'm sure Gus Poyet has done his homework, though, and he'll probably send his team out with the same game-plan as Cardiff.

Sunderland are in the relegation zone right now, so will have extra motivation to get a result, but I can't see anything other than a comfortable Liverpool victory.



  1. So what has sterling done wrong to be axed from the first team like this? I think this is the fourth game BR does that and with the world cup coming up, sterling should be devastated. Wasnt he one the best this season for us, what happened, BR just realised allen is better? Come on. Anyway lets hope for a win!

  2. I really wanted to see sahko today but its important BR shows faith in Agger if he bottles this then he is out next match.

  3. Agger had some dodgy moments positionally mostly cause he was so anxious about Flanno, I'd guess. But funnily enough when I watched the game again I thought we weren't as bad at the back as I remember... but what did you think the problem was?

    I am worried about tonight, hoping to be wrong. Early goals please!

  4. Agger doesnt deserve to keep his place. Sakho should be coming in to replace him but other than that I can't complain much. Agger has been rather poor in the past few games IMO masked a little by how poor our opposition has been.

  5. 9-0 I tell you. No Johnson, No borini, no goals for sunderland. Suarez has scored 28, Sturridge 19 - Sunderland's total is 26. Get ready!

  6. Conceding 3 goals vs a team who scored 1.34 goals average prior to the weekend match is a clear indication of how bad our defence is.

  7. Wes Brown is a dirtbag!

  8. Hate 352. Come on Sunderland.Play football.

  9. Stevie G has still got it!

  10. They should be down to 9 men. Dirty dirty. Ref aint making himself popular.

  11. Friend is not friendly to us

  12. All Sunderland are doing is to make sure we do not score.

  13. Sunderland doing a good job of parking the bus. What cracks that open? A set piece. Need to stay tough in midfield. S'land will have to loosen up if they want back in this match and when they do the mids better be ready for a counter. SG gets it that this match might just be a close call with S'land packing the box so every opportunity is crucial...clear head, not too aggressive and curls it in beautifully...might just be it.

  14. This referee seems determined to go against us. Total red for Verghini, all the off the ball pullbacks and the initial time wasting.

  15. Introduction of Sterling could change the game for us. Pace, pace, pace!

  16. Plus...when he brings Raheem in, Raheem usually changes the game with pace and strength. We're doing ok the last couple of months so I'm inclined to go with BR's plan.

  17. time for 4-3-3

  18. how is it that sunderland are still havin 11 men out there?

  19. Sunderland have now been owned. Game over.

  20. did the real philipe couhtino just stand up :O

  21. Worried about what?


  23. rodgers subbed the best player on the pitch out. Suarez remains.. really greedy and really poor touches today.

  24. suarez with the man of the match clearance to get that throw in what a game never give up guys

  25. That was really scary!!

  26. u mean scouse cafu flanno performed today till he lost his man for that goal sigh but all in all decent shift

  27. I wasn't far off was I? Suarez wanted a goal too much I think. He had Sturridge free and clear at least twice that I saw but chose to run the gauntlet on his own. Nice win though. If Sunderland were a better counter-attacking team....

  28. Was worried that Sunderland would keep things tight and then look to raid for something late. I thought their big strikers would cause problems. I thought they would be motivated and organised and hard to beat.

  29. Disagree totally. I thought he played a head's up match. We got jittery late and SG went back and settled things down. I was cringing every time SM dribbled the ball around ...now that was scary.

  30. I don't know...Suarez was clearly in the way but I think the GK gets that easily

  31. Yeah not bad. He's got to have some doubts now though; he knows he can be exposed for pace, by skill, and movement. If his confidence starts to suffer he could get into real trouble. I do think he's performing above his level, raised up by the players around him. If he starts to feel that way too, he could go backwards pretty fast. Anyway, yeah he did a bit better today, and I love the lad, but...

  32. Yet he still worked his socks off and has such high standards that a performance like that would be seen as good by some players but for him is just average....wouldn't begrudge him the odd 'average' day,

  33. I also think he played a great match, but once again his thought process on his final touch let him down a couple of times when he didn't have a clear plan for that final touch.

  34. lol still he has age on his side which can work in his favor i still believe liverpool need better full backs but as it goes if he continues improving he can become first choice RB (note he played out of position again today)

  35. I thought they played well. I was a bit surprised when BR didn't match S'Land with a set of fresh legs or two. He had subs to use.

  36. my comment didn't go through hmmmm but i was saying if he continues improving given that he was playing LB today he could become first choice RB still hm think i would prefer a new RB *cough* montaya though lol

  37. tried to hard to score sigh thats his problem sometimes

  38. Daniel Sturridge Man of the Match! Class performance. That finish.

  39. Yeah they should of started Ki and Johnson, two decent players would have given us problems over the ninety...wins all that matters at this stage.

  40. I do feel that goal would have been stopped on first post if Sakho was there. The chance O'Shea had? Who the hell was marking him? I love Gerard and think he has done well recently but when those players came in they found space between the lines quite easily. Feel that Lucas cuts out those passes a bit more and is aware of those men. Not saying I would play him over Stevie but just an observation.

  41. I think they benefitted from those players coming on and changing things around. A different story if we see them playing from the start. They lack that surprise.

  42. Agree about O'Shea...Every human being on Earth saw both him and the guy in front of him totally unmarked...everybody...except our guys. That was woefully lucky we didn't limp out of there with a draw.

  43. True, but bringing on some fresh legs might have kept them in check too...but we won so let's be happy about that..and a Gunner draw...get's us some separation.

  44. Yeah I was thinking Lucas may have come on and sured things up a bit more where they were getting some joy between the lines.

  45. Definitely. I know Flanno lost his man for the goal but at least he was sort of on him. Who was even near O'Shea and Altidore?

  46. That would have been a good choice because I could see SG tiring. He lost Adam Johnson on the right which led to a dangerous ball in that came to nothing...but he lost him.

    On another note I see the ManU fans have turned on SAF for bringing on Moyes...nice to see those smug b@$t@rds eating their livers for a change.

  47. Coutinho was outstanding tonight

    We had multiple chances to walk in a 3rd, but a hint of greed almost cost us dearly

    We need to win all 7 remaining games and need City to drop points in at least one other game besides us

    Chelsea have tough games coming v PSG, hopefully they progress to a semi v Real, Bayern or Barca either side of Liverpool v Chelsea at Anfield

  48. Yeah it's better them having a go at Fergie. Like what have you do for us recently kind of mentality. It is still a bit funny isn't it?

  49. Yes...I allowed myself a cruel chuckle.

  50. It was a beautiful strike, but MOTM is SG. His cool head and calm leadership kept a lid on the match when it was in danger of getting out of hand.

  51. When I found out their score at Olympiacos I made a gleeful noise that I didn't know how to describe. It was just the audible embodiment of schadenfreude.

  52. good word schadenfreude.

  53. The strange thing is this was a close game with majority expecting an easy victory whereas the spurs one is seen as tight but might end up easier. This will probably encourage spurs to have a go and will most probably result in a very open game and that will suit. Main thing is getting the wins, strange feeling having to hang on given the recent results....sure they'll be a few more nailbiters between now and end.

  54. Yeah it is. Dunno what I would have said before knowing the word. Well in to our Germanic brethren.

  55. We don't have to worry about Arsenal anymore, looks like Everton might steal 4th. Unbelievable.

  56. An Ugly win is still a win.Great goals, but the rest wasn't coming together -still dominated possession, took piles of shots, but wasn't to be the 9-0 I predicted LOL.

    Bring on Tottenham!

  57. Now that we are (most probably) uncatchable by the blues and are fighting for the league I would be happy to see them get Champo. Always as long as we were doing better. There are some blue bell ends that would be too annoying.

  58. i think BR feels the midfield is more secure with allen in it. Hence if sterling does make it, it will be at the expense of coutinho. so more than likely sterling will be used as a surprise factor with his speed.

    With it getting so close to the end of the season BR is favouring allen instead of probably the more gung ho method of going one light in midfield.

  59. I think our defensive issues are tactical. All of our defenders are capable of being better, they just get stuck in the wrong position or don't maintain concentration at the right times. I would lay a significant responsibility at the feet of Rodgers, but at the same time he is making decisions that allow the club to score goals. Maybe as a group we'll learn and get better, but I'm not at all convinced we need new players, just a better way of getting them to work together at the back. With such an intricate way of working together there are still plenty of small details to be worked out.

  60. Greed is the right word - or put otherwise, shoot instead of playing the final killer pass.

  61. Difference is last year we were drawing or losing the nail-biters and this year we're winning them.

  62. Saw a laugher on another site. 'Moyes spent 11 years trying to get Everton to finish above ManU and it looks like he's finally managed to do it.'

  63. I wouldn't mind seeing Ki in a red jersey.

  64. Wholeheartedly agree. I don't like how people have carried on about us needing even more CBs and etc. The same two centre backs made us one of the best defensive teams in the league under Kenny. It's all obviously down to the different systems, inconsistency of defensive pairings and so on. Flanagan's marking in that corner was really poor though.

  65. His shots go straight to the keeper nearly every single time! I maintain that he looks at the keeper when he shoots, not the corners.

  66. I wanted to slap Suarez when he shot instead of passing back to Sturridge. They are absolute hypocrites to each other when they throw their arms in the air!

  67. Liverpool fans have been starting to take our big wins for granted, and I sense real complacency and hubris (not in the actual team). We can't just keep continuing to predict at least 4-0 every game, because it just won't happen. Tight home games are inevitable, and it's fantastic that we're winning them. So fellas, let's not spit the dummy when we don't win 4-0, it just means that sometimes we're actually normal!

  68. If Coutinho providing an assist is considered "ineffective", I hope he's "ineffective" more often

  69. I'm referring to his recent performances as a whole, not just one game (including the Southampton game)

  70. Also, the cliche of 'Liverpool can't perform like that against the big boys' is irritating. Well durr, of course they can't. But you're pretending that Liverpool are expected to be in blistering, supreme form every single game. It just ain't gonna happen. City and Chelsea have had more than their fair share of average games too, but people conveniently ignored that same cliche to apply to Liverpool; "oh gee, if they play like that against Liverpool they'll be well beaten". Liverpool are just as likely as Chelsea or City to have an average game when we face off.

  71. to me he doesn't even look up only watches the ball like coutinho pull up your head but still he's only 20 or 21 one for the future that lad

  72. i think its a tactical plan in that coutinho for the compact teams where we need that killer through ball, trickery or pass and sterling for an open game where the team comes to attack i think sterling will start against tottenham especially with that high line BR is going to take advantage of that

  73. It worked though didn't it? They couldn't get a look in until we scored. And then something happened we saw last year and before that under Benitez and Houllier that I was so happy about wasn't part of our game this year. We took our foot of the gas. All year long when we went 1-0 up we pushed for a second and a third and and and. I really hope that was an incident because trying to squeeze out 1-0 victories, especially against bottom of the table opposition, will cost us the title eventually.

  74. Another 3 points, still unbeaten in 2014, 2nd and 1 point behind Chelsea :-) although City have 2 games in hand.

    The visit of City and Chelsea to Anfield will decide where the title is going to...

  75. Flanagan was bound to hit a form slump. No matter that we think these guys are professional, it's still immensely difficult to maintain that kind of standard over a long time and he's really just a kid. He was always going to have a period of time where his concentration started to lag. He'll learn from it and come back a better player. He clearly has the talent and the ability.

  76. If you concede 3 and score 6 that may be related to the way you are attacking and exposing the defence. Woukd you prefer a soliddefence and 0-0?

  77. B Rodgers needs to stop kissing ass, out of both our strikers yesterday, L Suarez(27) should have been taken off instead of Sturridge(24). As no matter how greedy L Suarez was last night, it was one of those nights that he just was not going to score. Where as Sturridge's pace and trickery caused Sundeland problems and he looked like he had a goal or two left in him if he had of stayed on the pitch and taken off Suarez instead.

    B Rodgers needs to stop playing J Allen(24) ahead of R Sterling(19) in our home games, away from home J Allen(24) should start. But he should not at home, Sterling(19) pace, skill, trickery and intensity in attack with Coutinho(21), Henderson(23) ,Sturridge(24) and Suarez(27) is key to us taking the games to teams at Anfield.

    Last night, J Allen(24) was the least effective midfielder in side and he lost the ball the most last night. At Anfield, we are taking the game to the opposition. R Sterling(19) puts more fear in oppositions than J Allen(24) does and offers the team more of a threat than J Allen. So i don't get why R Sterling did not start the game last night.

  78. Sure, but it was just disappointing, given that it gave Sunderland a chance to hurt our title chances.

  79. I think overall I'd rather stick with what BR is doing thanks. But no doubt you will please "someone" with your criticism of Allen........:-) Oh and we won. What we don't know is what might have happened in matches had BR followed your directions. You'd have had to go some though to beat recent performances and, most importantly at this stage of the season, the results

  80. Yeah I was surprised Swansea loaned him out. I always liked the look of him. Apparently couldn't score to save his life last year though.

  81. Did you not know that managing one of the biggest football clubs in the world is as easy as taking candy from a baby? Well guess what, some fans seem to think so :-o

  82. People tipping City and Chelsea to beat us...seriously, those games will be like cup finals. Form goes out the window for both teams. "Liverpool's defence bla bla bla, Chelsea's great defence bla bla bla'.

  83. Well at Anfield, we should not be struggling to beat a team in the bottom three. And for the last 20mins us struggling to get out of our half, J Allen(24) Offers nothing in attack. Especially at HOME, when we need to take the game to the opposition, J Allen(24) is not the player for that.

  84. What do you mean by "offering" something in attack for a midfielder? Allen offers support play, pressure inside the opposition half, entries to the opposition penalty area, transitions... do you think midfielders should all be wingers or number tens? What does Busquets "offer in attack"? Is he a good midfielder all the same?

  85. "Another ineffective performance from Coutinho". Two assists last game anyone? I for one was not surprised at all that Sterling was left out. I admit I would have liked us to play our 4-1-2-3 for the game, but it was an easy guess that we would stay with the diamond and a no-brainer that he would stick with Coutinho, which is the right decision. I've given this analysis on two other threads and have yet to get a response from you JK, but I think reading it would help you with your own. BR has said publicly about the reason why he switches Sterling and Coutinho at the tip of the diamond. Sterling to use pace and get in the spaces and behind the CB's, a la v. Man U, and Coutinho to pass through them, e.g. Southampton Cardiff Sunderland. So when the 19th ranked team comes to Anfield, do we think they're going to leave a lot of spaces? Seems obvious that we'd need to pass through them. Coutinho has not been "ineffective" at the tip of the diamond...he played it for the first time ever at Southampton, then when he played it at Cardiff he got two assists, and I thought he was good again v. Sunderland.

    For those out there calling our performance vs. Sunderland bad, and individual players bad I would remind you that it can be incredibly difficult to beat a team that plays not to lose. Sunderland played with 5 at the back and two defensive midfielders and that is incredibly difficult to break down, remember the West Ham / Chelsea game? We gave up a stupid goal from a corner because Flanagan got caught ball watching, and honestly they should've scored from Adam Johnson's free kick near the end, the replay showed we just didn't defend it.

    On a final note, I'd love to hear an explanation from the author about why his articles keep focusing on the surprising nature of Rodgers team selections regarding Coutinho and Sterling when Rodgers himself has said in interviews exactly why he interchanges them, and laid out clearly the circumstances under which one or the other is the best choice - I'm genuinely curious because I've been making this point in comments consistently of late.

  86. Agree with nearly all you say though I think he could have given Sterling a bit more of the game as he can also beat players close up with speed and trickery. Also not sure Agger has the speed necessary for left back these days

  87. I'm with you - would've liked to see Sterling earlier. As for Agger at LB...Flanagan doesn't have the speed either, and has been so shaky the last few games. He's come in and done a great job for us overall, but that lack of experience might be showing through down this home stretch, and the last few games he's offered very little going forward. Based on that, I'm not sure we'd lose anything offensively from the switch, and I think we'd benefit defensively. Just please god I hope we don't see the return of Cissokho...when he came on v. Cardiff my gf asked me how long until we saw him misplace a pass, and his first touch of the game was a terrible pass right out of bounds haha

  88. Regarding Sterling v. Allen...different opponents call for different strategies, you can't run over a team with 5 at the back and 2 DM's the way we did v. Arsenal, etc. We needed a different gameplan, hence Allen not Sterling.

    As for kissing ass, I'm with you that Suarez was not going to score last night, but I still think the substitution makes sense. Did you notice how deep Sterling played on the right wing when he came in? He was brought on to do a job on both sides of the ball, not just replace Sturridge going forward. And when you get to the point in the game where you need to see out a win and maybe do a little defending for your life there's no one I'd rather see defending from the front than Suarez. That dude never ever gives up, did you see him sprinting across in the last minute to intercept a throw in and kick it out off a Sunderland player? BR was thinking more about getting the win than adding to it, so he brought off Sturridge, who isn't as effective as Suarez under the circumstances I just described.

  89. I don't think he's been relatively ineffective though.

    There's been a dip from last year's blistering form for sure, but not so much that I think the team is winning in spite of him.

    I think he brings a particular skill set of working well in tight spaces, as well as putting balls through creatively to put our strikers in excellent positions.

    He plays a high-risk high-reward type of game with his advanced passing.

  90. Yesterday Allen(24) lost the ball the most, when we are the home team we should take game to opposition not other way round. J Allen(24) when we have to take game to opponent is not the player needed.

  91. If Suarez hadn't of been so greedy at times, we would have wrapped the game up 3 0 by the time they scored. But as he did not, and it was one of them days he just wasn't going to score on night. Sturridge should have been kept on to kill the game off, Sunderland were pushing for the equalizer for last 20mins. Sturridge pace speed and trickery would have been better on pitch than J Allen(24). After 1st half performance he should have been taken off

  92. You're right in some ways, but none of what you said really counters what I said. Whether we agree with it or not, BR made substitutions with the main goal of holding on to the lead, not adding to it. If you had to choose Suarez or Sturridge to stay on the pitch when that is your goal, Suarez is the obvious choice because of his work rate. If BR was making a purely offensive move then yes I am with you, Suarez could have come off, but that's not what was happening.

  93. How does replacing Sturridge with Sterling help LFC to 'hold onto the lead'? It's basically like for like: one speedy attacking player for another. If the goal was to keep the lead, Lucas would've come on.

  94. Sturridge was playing as a striker with Coutinho in the hole. Sterling came on for Sturridge, Coutinho went out left and played as a winger with responsibilities on both sides of the ball, and Sterling did the same on the right - it was visible from the first moment that he was playing defense too. So rather than being a substitution geared towards scoring another goal, it was a substitution geared towards holding on to the lead while still keeping personnel on the pitch that COULD score another goal. Taking off a purely offensive player for one that is playing both defense and offense is, by definition, a defensively minded substitution, thus it was at least partially geared towards holding on to the lead.

  95. Wingers always have responsibilities to defend and attack, so I'm not sure what your point is. And Sterling was still bursting forward into attacking positions. Additionally, after Sturridge went off, Sunderland increased the pressure and ran roughshod through LFC's midfield. Having Sterling on made no difference to that whatsoever. With Sturridge off the field, LFC also lost his prodigious ability to hold-up the ball.

    This kind of reasoning smacks of trying to defend an obvious mistake by Rodgers. Again, if he wanted to defend the lead, why would he not bring on Lucas, which is the obvious change to make in such a situation?

  96. Haha first of all I'd just like to point out that in most of the comments I read by you you seem to violate your own comment policy. You don't just respond to people's arguments, you try to crap on them..."this kind of reasoning" etc.

    Now as for the actual point. You claimed that it was basically a "like for like" substitution. Sure they are both speedy attackers, but a winger, with responsibilities on both sides of the ball, came on for a striker, who had responsibilities on only one side of the ball. I'm not arguing whether or not Sterling made a difference, I'm arguing that Sterling for Sturridge was a defensive minded substitution, which it clearly was.

    I'd also encourage you to read what I said more closely. My other point was that Sterling coming on was meant to achieve two goals. 1) the point was to help defend the lead by bringing on a player who would play offense and defense for one who was just playing offense and 2) Sterling would still offer a threat going forward, giving us a better chance of getting a third than if we had brought Lucas (or someone like him) on for Sturridge.

  97. How exactly would you have liked them to take the game to the opponent? The same way we did against Arsenal and Everton? Those were two teams that played to win, and we nailed them on the counter. Sunderland came in with 5 at the back and 2 DM's. We needed precision passing, not speed, to break them down, and that's why BR played the way he did, that's why it was so difficult, and that's why the win wasn't as impressive as others have been. As I said above, it is extremely difficult to break down a team that comes in looking not to lose. Nervy finish thanks to a poor goal from a corner, yes, that's regrettable, but overall I don't have any complaints with the formation, selection, and especially result.

  98. Did you delete part of my post where I said that you should stick to your own comment policy because you were sniping and often do the same to others in your posts that I've read? It's gone, and I certainly didn't delete it...

  99. expecting to go through a season winning 5-0 and 6-0 all the time is nigh on impossible. With our focus being on attack and goals - i.e playing to our strength maybe we are not as tight at the back as we could be. Remember this is the same defence barring flanagan that under dalglish was one of the tightest in the league. But we only score 40 odd goals in the whole season and finished 8th. Though to be fair it doesnt tell the whole story - we have to be careful what we wish for.

  100. Thought you and Stuart C might appreciate this based on what I've read of your comments (I'm relatively new to the site so I haven't had much back and forth with you guys or anyone else yet) haha...JK has been deleting certain posts I've made recently. He was sniping at me, and I've seen him snipe at other people plenty of times...I've also seen him call out others for sniping. So I called him out for sniping in a post and he deleted that section, so then I called him out for deleting it and he deleted that too.

    The mod will brook no slight to his fearsome authority. Join me in my crusade to let the world know of this hypocrisy until reasonable challenges to said authority cease to be deleted!
