7 Feb 2014

'Quadrupled his price': Prem hero claims 'sensational' LFC star is worth £160m.

It's widely known that Arsenal put in a £40,000,001 bid for Luis Suarez over the summer, and if Liverpool had accepted the bid, Arsenal would probably be 10-15 points clear at the top of the table right now. Will Arsene Wenger go back in for Suarez this summer? Gunners legend Ray Parlour doesn't think so, and believes that the North London club should have put in a higher bid to push the deal through.

In an interview this week, Parlour argued his old club would've been guaranteed a title win with Suarez in the team, but believes that Arsenal now have no chance of ever signing the Uruguayan. He observed:

"He [Suarez] has been sensational for Liverpool and probably quadrupled his price. I don’t think Liverpool will ever sell him to Arsenal after the way they put their bid in. If they had bid £50m maybe they would have got their man, who knows?”

£50m probably would've sealed the deal, but I still don't see what all the fuss is about re the extra £1 in Arsenal's bid. If Suarez had a £40m buyout clause, why would Arsenal offer anything higher than that? Would Liverpool act any differently? Why offer £45m, when the the buyout clause stipulates that talks can begin if the £40m minimum is met?

I don't see how that's rude or disrespectful; it's just the media blowing it out of proportion (as usual), and people jumping on the bandwagon. If someone can actually explain why it's disrespectful to LFC for a club to offer the asking price for a player, then I'm all ears. If Liverpool didn't want Suarez to leave for £40m, then the club should've inserted a higher buyout clause!

As a comparison: if a house is for sale by auction for 'offers over £200k', and some offers £200,001, is that disrespectful? No, IMO. The seller can simply reject the offer, no hard feelings.

As for Suarez allegedly being worth £160m - no club is going to pay anywhere near that figure for him, even if he is worth it (which, IMO, he isn't). Suarez reportedly has a £70m buyout clause in his contract, which is a realistic amount, but for me, if Gareth Bale is worth €100m, then the Uruguayan is worth the same (or more).

Realistically, how much is Suarez worth?



  1. maybe it's the cheeky nature of adding the extra pound that seems to rub people the wrong way. It's like, if he did have a 40 mil buyout, why add the extra pound.
    Personally, nothing really wrong about it. I'm, just happy we didn't have to sell to Arsenal, hopefully if we get to that point, not to any Premier league team.

  2. The reason the Arsenal bid provoked so much anger was that they knew a supposedly confidential clause in Suarez's contract (or thought they did) and made it clear by bidding the minimum amount needed to trigger the clause.

    Their bid was basically a tacit admission that some subterfuge had occurred. The fact that they wrongly believed the same thing as Suarez suggests that Suarez's agent probably informed them of the clause, which is improper practice.

    I don't think the nature of Arsenal's big is a major issue, but do you honestly think that if you had some asset that could be sold for any offer exceeding a secret pre-set amount and a party made the minimum offer to take advantage of that, you wouldn't be slightly annoyed? It is a very smug approach. As I say, not a major issue, but if reports are to be believed, Dick Law's ways of doing business seem to rub some people up the wrong way.

  3. Because adding 1 pound like a cheeky bastard makes you look like a c***.

  4. suarez is worth 80 million pound of anybodys money if he keeps up his form messi and Ronaldo will be looking over their shoulders waiting to be
    unseated from there positions at the top

  5. Love this article. definitely Suarez's value had increased quite a lot ever since he came back from his ban. I have no problem with his performance. He had given his all to Liverpool in every game he had played. I hope the other Liverpool players will learn from Suarez's professional attitude.

  6. I'd say Suarez is at the very, very least worth the same as Bale or more. I think Suarez has improved and will improve further, hopefully Liverpool can help him realise his aspirations of playing in the champions league but more importantly bring in more quality to help the team advance further.

  7. LFC fans should have a wip around and buy him hahhahaha

  8. then loan him back to the club.

  9. Should have signed Rojas from Melbourne when the chance was there. 200,000 only and the best player by far in the A-League. Now he's playing for Stuttgart and will cost 5-7m after a season or 2 there. He will end up in the EPL I believe.

  10. my god,, forget the need to be right ,, the manager wanted players it is the club who has failed to get them for him!! he hasn't asked them to go out and get a messi or Ronaldo,, he has asked them to sign cost before he became a massive hit,, michtaryan before he has become massive hit in the bundesliga and I re-iterate 15 million is the most he has been allowed to spend on one player!!! 15million spurs have players worth players twice that sitting on the bench arsenal spent 90% of liverpools total transfer budget on one quality player!!! Rodgers had to spread that money to get rid of the crap he inherited which everbody agrees had to be gotten rid of and needed 5-6-7 players just to strengthen squad and replace ones that left. it doesn't matter if you use words like veracity you are not dealing with the facts he hasn't been given not just serious money to buy quality players but even half decent money while inheriting a midtable team. charitable? do you know anything about lfc,, Rodgers has worked on a shoestring with all the issues ive raised you cant just pick and chose figures you like he's had to shift out rubbish players on high wages and been screwed over in three of the four transfer windows,, he has cut wages,, strengthened terrible squad and had to diveide out the 40 mil or so in summer between half a dozen players which is why he can't get quality,,i was a defender of fsg but after the summer and this transfer window with all the new corporate sponsorship cutting back on wages with Liverpool being top of the table at Christmas with legends of the club backing Brendan with what he has done and dalglish saying that he's done fantastic,, and you say Rodgers wanting real money to bring in the quality players he wants that fsg would be charitable oh my god man!! go back and check the figures of the last 20 years of all managers of Liverpool,, check the league position of where they were when these managers took over compare that to large amount of money nowadays with far more competition than ever for top four while getting massive money this year for tv rights that fsg did not reinvest in team and while our top spend on one player is 15mil same as aston villa who spent same amount on one player!!!!,,,YOU can look at manager and say he spent 60 mil but he has had to,, had to spend to bring that on 10 or so players now divide that into 50-60 mil and see the average spend he;s allowed,, we're fourth inspte of all this. charity are you nuts,, they are not even reinvesting the money from the tv rights under Rodgers nothing has come from their own pockets.. wake up and consider all the variables before such nonsense remarks not just ones that suit your argument.

  11. Think he meant Suarez's original fee, the one Liverpool paid, has quadrupled.

  12. I like Omar. Capture him in summer.

  13. If I remember correctly, Arsenal made 2 bids, the first was like 30m, then 40m +1. Which might mean they knew a clause, or were guessing, and adding the extra 1 in case the clause stated "anything over 40m". Not a bad tactic if indeed was going to lead to talks.

    Value, well I have to say got to be worth more than Bale, he's good, but how often is he in the treatment room? Fair value in the current market aprox 80M.

    It's too bad he doesn't have an Ozil or Cazorla playing around him - in a red shirt.

    I really hope Arsenal show up in Canary yellow - this colour is like red to a bull for Suarez. If the team play (press and concentrate) like they did for most of the Everton game - it's ours.

  14. Had it went through it could have been like 40 mil in club's account and £1 on our faces to watch the ignominy of Suarez tearing away defences in Arsenal shirt. More over it's Arse who are used to such things ,trying to turn the table against us by flaunting a bid to exploit a confidential clause . It is provocative and disgraceful atleast for people like me who know the difference between a football club and an auctioned property

  15. Who needs a scouting department when LFC is doing it for free.

  16. same as bale 85m

  17. He will cost huge money that's for sure!!!

  18. Because he's done so well in the 0 matches he has played this season?

  19. Nice post. It's also the case that we're not familiar with minimum fee clauses in England, they aren't part of the football culture. They are rarely included in contracts; clubs are supposed just to deal fairly with each other.

    You agree the *right* amount of money because it represents an appropriate valuation of the player by the clubs concerned, not because it was decided by his agent or whoever that he was worth some arbitrary figure.

    So there's a sense in which Arsenal treated Liverpool like a two-bit Spanish club which needed to protect its contracts because it couldn't command loyalty or even guarantee the payment of appropriate wages. It's just... ugh.

  20. In saying that, Jaimie needs to find material, and sometimes the only material is stacks of transfer rumours.

  21. To value Ozil at £42m and Suarez at £40m, is disrespectful, to Suarez.
    I agree the league would be over had they prised Suarez away, and his value is at the very least equal to that of Bale.

  22. Barca, PSG, Monaco.

  23. he worth 85m honestly

  24. I don't know enough about buy out clauses to understand whether they are supposed to be secret or not. It seems neither did Suarez his agent or Liverpool given the circus that followed. I think Suarez is worth more than the supposed £70M buy out figure but wonder whether we have to sell to the first club that offers that amount or if we can negotiate with them and other clubs to push the price up? And does Suarez have a say in things? - Presumably it all depends on the exact nature of the clause which I assume is known only to the player himself, his agent , LFC,. lawyers friends and famiy the newspapers, other potentially interested football clubs etc etc..............

  25. Moan moan moan jamie k the truth =you are not a lfc fan

  26. I'm getty giddy trying to work out who has what to spend

  27. Shane why on earth would FSG supply funds to a manager who shipped out a host of players because they didn't adhere to 'his style' of play and "philosophy" only to replace them with others who he then also moved out. Clearly you will never agree with any point I make so just ignore everything I have said and read again JK's article and let everyone who visits his site know where he has got it wrong. I don't think he has! But please, please, please don't respond to my views. Best wishes.

  28. Would it be illegal if Suarez or his agent had approached Arsenal ....just asking 'cos the whole buy out clause thing confuses the hell out of me.is

  29. Left foot only, pay attention!!!

  30. I agree entirely. In fact, given Liverpool's track record of reportedly dragging out negotiations by haggling over price, which has reportedly resulted in other clubs stepping in and getting the player, then the club would have few grounds for suggesting Arsenal were cheeky

  31. bo he's been injured and just back from that. He is a class player a bit like Coutinho

  32. That's sound thinkin'

  33. I believe the reason it is disrespectful is because they assumed the clause in Suarez's contract was an out and out release clause, They didn't show the respect of doing the hard yards into the details of the contract. Many people will probably disagree, but that is my personal opinion.

  34. On another note, fantastic win by us today, Raheem Sterling just keeps getting better and better, could easily have had 4 today and that strike by Suarez, an inch away from being the goal of the season in any league, unbelievable 20 minutes.

  35. It will be much easier if we qualify for CL simple as that.

  36. Abdulrahman is as good as Silva from what I saw in Confed cup. Hope we sign him

  37. because they were shit players,, that's why he got rid of them and clearly we are playing the best football since the 80's oh and we've just beaten Arsenal 5-1! clearly you don't like the facts ive present as opposed to your ridiculous opinions. Facts,,, ill go through them one more time,, we have scored more goals than any other team bar the machine that is man city. fact our top 5 or 6 players have been injured for long periods this season. fact her inherited a midtable team. fact he has cut wages brought in and coached young players. fact he has been only backed in one transfer window to get the players he wanted. fact our net spend in summer was around the 3-5 mil mark. and one more time so it might sink in this time,, HE HAS ONLY BEEN ALLOWED TO SPEND AT MOST 15 MIL ON ONE PLAYER! fact we have never beaten Arsenal, Everton And Spurs like that in the last 20 years!! FACT. 5-1 today best wishes!

  38. Good point about how it is alien in our culture.

  39. Hate this site, pure rumour mill. Used to think it was good, but now he just re-writes shite that "the mirror" are spewing out. Very reliable sources indeed!! Il be very surprised to even see this message left up for 5 minutes if at all. The superior knowledge of JK knows best...I Suppose it was a mediocre win/display today again??

  40. There was no buyout clause in the first place. Get your facts right

  41. I don't mind the guy in Liverpool shirt. I hope the summer will improve our transfer activity too. And hopefully we will be getting ready for CL this summer. So come on Liverpool!!!

  42. That was NIOT tghe Uruguay NT that was playing in the Olympics. It was a bunch of Under 23's playing behind Luis and Cavani........who, besides Gaston Ramirez, Lodiero and Rios...never even suit up for friendlies for Uruguay.

  43. Congratulations to you Brendan Rodgers and your team on an a truly outstanding performance at Anfield today. All Reds supporters 'are over the moon' and look forward to you doing that again and again. If you can continue that until the end of the season we will be delighted to see you bring home the Champions Trophy again. I know you will enjoy witnessing that for your the first time Shane. Hope to see you at Fulham on Wednesday for a repeat performance. Best wishes.

  44. nah,, seen em do it before,, be league champions that is. to Brendan Rodgers,, may the force be with you what a wonderful win!!

  45. You must have been a very wee boy when that happened. Not going to Fulham on Wednesday!? It will be a walk in the park - going to the Cottage I mean. Good morning - time to dream sweet dreams.

  46. But he hasn't done anything at Stuttgart to prove that yet.

  47. I've wanted this guy to sign for LFC since watching him decimate Uruguay at the Olympics. He's got real class; he's got that arrogance about him that BR talks about. This would be a real treat.

  48. He will. His A-league form was outstanding. My point was LFC looked at taking him but in the end didn't. IMO he was a good punt at 200,000

  49. Last Kiwi to play in Germany (Wynton Rufer) was the key player in the best team of the time which was Werder Bremen. Australian and New Zealand players do play well at the highest level when given the chance and their style of play does suit combative leagues such as England and Germany.
