3 Feb 2014

Aldo raves: 'Superb' LFC star had his 'best game for Liverpool'. Take note, Coutinho...?

Liverpool's burgeoning inconsistency continued yesterday with an underwhelming performance against West Brom, but despite the failure to win three points, Reds attacker Raheem Sterling continued his impressive form, and according to Anfield legend John Aldridge, it's the best he's ever played in a Liverpool shirt.

Analysing the game on LFC TV last night, Aldo admitted that he's 'absolutely gutted' with the result, but found positives in the performance of 19-year old Sterling. He enthused:

"Sterling had his best game for Liverpool. He was superb.

"He twisted him Ridgewell inside and out. He couldn't handle him, and I'm shocked he wasn't booked earlier.

"I don't we gave Sterling enough of the ball in the second half"

I don't think too many people will argue with that assessment, it's just a shame that Liverpool couldn't utilise Sterling's skill and industry to engineer a much-needed win.

The youngster is currently having his best run of form since breaking into the first team, and one of the main reasons for that appears to be his increasing body strength. Last week, Rodgers hailed Sterling's 'incredible physique', and this definitely helps him when going up against big, strong, rough-and-ready Premier League defenders.

In his first season in the first team, Sterling would regularly be outmuscled during games, but these days, he's the doing the outmuscling, and the likes of Philippe Coutinho and Iago Aspas could learn a thing or two about strength on the ball from their younger colleague.

Rodgers is full of praise for Sterling at the moment, but he's also reiterated that his end product has to improve. Last week, he told the Daily Post:

"Mentally, he [Sterling] is very strong. He is improving his technique and he needs to improve his goal return but that will come"

It's not 8 games without a goal for Sterling, and he currently averages a goal every 5.5 games. Not the worst return in the world, but definitely a rate of return that can be improved. Rodgers' observation goes for all of LFC's midfields, though, not just Sterling. For example, Jordan Henderson has only ONE goal in the last TEN games, and this season, he's averaging a goal every 13 games, which is just not good enough.

Sterling, and particularly Henderson - who is much older and more experienced - need to chip-in with goals on a more regular basis, and if they did, draws against the likes of Aston Villa and West Brom could be converted into wins.



  1. AGREE, need more energy, dynamo, and GOALS from midfield. Nuff said.

  2. a lot of people were arguing why we weren't going for a DM and going for Konoplyanka in the transfer window but yesterdays game showed why we need another goal scoring attacker. There's just not enough goals from other areas of the pitch. Other than SAS no one else is chipping in enough,they chip in when we are already 2/3 goals up. We need our midfielders to contribute goals more regularly. Defensively we weren't troubled much until the mistake that led to their goal but we didn't play well at all.

  3. Brendon dented this lads confidence but he is a strong character, he is the same player he always was he is just used more effectively and credit for this goes to Rodgers.

  4. Agreed that all the midfielders need to contribute offensively more than they are currently. However, I have seen opponents bounce of Coutinho in the past (more last season). He seems to be lacking in confidence. I think that his decision making and execution in the final 3rd is the area of his game that he is letting him down. Last season he was so effective and ruthless in choosing the right pass and executing it to perfection, or shooting and scoring. This season, his shot accuracy, conversion rate and assists are shocking for a player of his ability. I think a spell on the bench may be what's needed. The fact that he is a 1st choice pick despite playing below average all season won't help him or the team.

  5. Most of the Liverpool fans will not agree with me but I believe we have to sell Luis Suarez and use the money to buy strong midfielders and another striker because suarez can't deliver on big days when we need his magic, he moan and complaining too much, with sterling, sturridge and Coutinho's form plus one good striker trust me we don't need suarez, sturridge can deliver against any team and Suarez never delivered, it my opinion and is true

  6. and as for coutinho,i've always maintained that we need a more experienced player in his position,someone who won't rush their decisions in the final third. he is young and has a tendency to rush passes and shots. A player like Mata would have been ideal,that way Coutinho can get rested on the bench or play out wide.just gives us more options and makes us stronger in that area of the park

  7. Take nothing away from Coutinho though,he was brilliant went he joined us last season and brilliant against Everton. But this season has been a bit stop start and i believe he could benefit from better competition and also a rest.

  8. LFC wanted some1 to chip in with the goals, so why we never went for Andriy Yarmolenko is beyong. Sterling already consistently provides goals. we needed a winger who likes to score goals. we missed out on Salah obvious choice was Yarmolenko. last resort was Ince. the deal for the other Ukraine guy didnt go through, whilst Ayre was there he should have got Yarmolenko. he would command the same fee £16M, and would slot straight in on RW. we also should have guarenteed we got a CM. in the summer i would sign Yarmolenko, try £25M for Toni Kroos and Roberto Firmino and Fernando on the free. Kroos can be our marquee signin and he wants his wages doubled to £120,000 from £55k a week. we can offer him that at LFC

  9. Has anyone seen sterling without his shirt off? he may be smallish, but he's super shredded and has some muscle on him!

  10. What I like about Stirling at the moment is his attitude - he is not scared and he has the enthusiasm to take defenders on . He also seems hungry for the ball unlike other players yesterday ! Considering his build he is also not afraid of a tackle.
    Brendan seems to be obsessed with this idea of building attacks from the back which is fine if you have defenders who have the skill and are comfortable enough on the ball to be able to do this ....... sadly we haven' t and they lose possession or give the ball away to easily as was shown yesterday against WBA ....Probably this is why Migno persists with just giving the ball to deep defenders when it would be much more sensible to distribute further up field .... Cost us dearly yesterday !
    Time to be more flexible BR and play to our strengths not weaknesses and play the sort of football shown against Spurs and E ton .

  11. RS has been in the weight room as his performance demonstrates. Now...if he can do film study to help him decide when to take that final touch and what to do with it: pass, dribble, shoot then his goals/assists will rise sharply. Both he and PC need to work on this.

  12. I'm not sure there's any obsession with possession in evidence at all. I'd say we go direct at least as often as we build on territory and possession or try to strike with team movements from deep. A direct pass to Suarez has been a hallmark of recent performances and has led to several chances.

    The team is tactically flexible, more so I think than any other side in the league. That's one of the beneficial outcomes of playing a stable side whenever possible, even when it seems wiser to rest players. There's a growing and substantial understanding among the team.

  13. I agree most of the Liverpool fans won't agree with you and they are right. Players like Suarez are virtually irreplaceable they can make an average team good and a good team excellent we need to build a good team around him - if he stays.

  14. To be honest, I think it's more down to the coaching vs. the need for another attacker. To explain further, our mids are not scoring because they're not shooting, they look like they've been told that their primary job is to get SAS into those goal scoring positions. Over the last couple of games there have been numerous times our mids have opted to try the killer pass for SAS or restart the attack with a back pass vs. taking a pop at goal or look for another mid in a better position (hendo was free a couple of times outside the box on Sunday but the ball never went to him). What another RM would have done is add more opportunities for SAS but not necessarily add more goals to our game.

    So when SAS aren't scoring 4 goals a game, our mids are still trying to force the ball into their paths rather than take a chance themselves. Sterling didnt take a shot on Sunday and I believe it's because the instructions are "look for the pass first". I think the lad would have a couple more if our coaching staff encouraged him to start shooting more, whether that be from his mazy runs has the defence retreating or from one-twos in more thretenting positions.

    BR has previously said that he wants them to score more goals, but clearly the message to shoot more hasn't been communicated clearly to the players IMO

  15. It seems like once gerrard is in the game players like hendo and sterling dont score. Im not saying we r better without stevie but i think the different flow of the game results in less freedom for hendo etc to attack the final third and score goals.

  16. I commend Sterling for his performances this season and I hope that he continues to push on and increase his level. He definitely has gotten stronger. He mentioned in an interview that his teammates have given him the confidence to run at players and try things as before he would mainly just take the easy option.

  17. I think all game we were in 2nd gear. Sterling was good but at the moment like hendo has to develop an end product. After the high of everton this certainly felt like 2 points lost - especially the way we gave the goal away.
