2 Feb 2014

Carra Surprise: LFC hero admits 'outstanding' Prem star is a 'better version of me'. Agree...?

Liverpool legend Jamie Carragher is undoubtedly one of the greatest central defenders of the Premier League era, but in a surprising admission this week, the now-retired star insists that he pales in comparison to controversial Chelsea defender John Terry.

In his column for the Daily Mail on Friday, Carra gushed over Terry's ability, and hailed him as a 'consistently outstanding operator' in the Premier League.

Carra also claimed that when it come to the art of defending, he is very much in Terry's shadow. He raved:

"Terry had this ability to draw the ball to him like a magnet, always getting his head or his foot in the way just when it mattered. John was a better version of me and his form was one of the main reasons I retired from England".

That's quite an admission from Carragher, but is he doing himself a disservice? Is John Terry really a 'better version' Carra?

Despite the problems he's caused over the years, no one can deny that Terry is - and continues to be - a superb central defender. In many ways, there are parallels between Terry and Suarez; both have been involved in their fair share of controversies, and although there are many out there who dislike Suarez, his prodigious talent cannot be denied, and the same applies to Terry.

Terry has had some dodgy moments over the last few years. Indeed, in November 2011, Reds legend Alan Hansen described Terry's defending as 'catastrophic', and accused the him of 'making more mistakes in the last 8 games than he has in the last 8 years'

A few months later, Hansen changed his tune, and hailed Terry for turning things around. He told the Telegraph:

"He [Terry] has been incredible over the past six weeks with his performances, but the way he has organised his team defensively has been crucial. He always knows where the defensive line is and he organises everything"

Terry's form seems to have improved exponentially since retiring from the England squad, and this season, he has played every minuted of Chelsea's 23 league games.

As for Terry being better than Carra - I'm not so sure that's true, but Carragher would know better than anyone, so I guess we can take his word for it.

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  1. Terry in his prime was the best centre-back in the world.
    Unfortunately, like Ferdinand, his prime didn't last very long due to injury. I'm talking about 2005-7 as Terry's heyday.
    He has still been an effective defender for much of the intervening, but not as dominant. Also the loss of Carvalho and the constant changing of managers at Chelsea are also factors in his decline in quality.
    Terry at his best was better than Carragher, in my opinion. Great anticipation, organisation and bravery, like Carra, but far more physically and aerially dominant. Surprisingly decent passer too.

  2. Terry has been , probably, one of the best CB that the premier league and England has ever seen. If he had pace he probably wouldnt be just as good as he is. He is one of the most two footed defenders in the world. He just never seems to lose the ball when intercepting, it a head, a chest, or a right of left footed pass to someone. Funny thing is I'm a Liverpool fan of 40 years. Long live the Cara king.

  3. Have to agree mate, both have great hearts but Terry edges it for me

  4. AndWithSuchSimplicity11:18 pm, February 02, 2014

    Didn't his dodgy spell coincide with all the shit surrounding his personal life and the Ferdinand case?? It's no wonder he couldn't concentrate on his football.

    I always thought Terry was a colossus for Chelsea - positionally aware and hard as nails. I remember a block he did for England once when he decided to dive head first at the ball about a foot off the ground instead of just using his foot!!!! Completely bonkers, but a born leader.

    Pity he's such a nob.

  5. terry can tackle,block and great in air, and scored an amazing amount of goals for a centre back. great leader like carra.
    those 2 would of made a great pairing
    terry better than carra, but not quite as good as hypia !!

  6. As a defender they are both similar, but one thing that Terry has done is score goals. Something Carra hasn't. almost 60 goals, is pretty impressive for a central defender.

  7. I read an article today @footballfancast.com/ukrainians-blame-liverpool-for-botched-transfer that Liverpool were to blame for the transfer failure to land Konoplyanka.The blame game starts .

  8. Fine...except Terry's an a*****e which makes Carra preferable in my mind.

  9. As players I'd probably have to give it Terry, even if only for his goals....as individuals Carra takes it hands down.

  10. Forgot about Terry's goal input.

  11. Can we count OGs?

  12. Nah. I don't think Ice T and the like are relevant.

  13. I think Terry a good defender but I'd rather have Carra. Carra is more versatile for me as he can play right back when required.
