21 Feb 2014

'He's failed miserably' - Jan Molby in scathing attack on 'childish' £42m star. Harsh...?

Liverpool legend Jan Molby has launched a scathing attack on Arsenal midfielder Mesut Ozil, accusing him, amongst other things, of lacking the mental strength to perform in big games.

Ozil is enduring a miserable time at the moment, and after missing his third penalty of the season against Bayern Munich on Wednesday, it's clear that the £42m summer signing is undergoing a crisis of confidence.

In his column for Eurosport this week, Molby completely eviscerates Ozil, arguing that his performance against Bayern was 'embarrassing', and that the German is 'not a team player'. He scathed:

"Mesut Ozil is childish, lacks confidence, leadership and mental strength. [Bayern] was supposed to be his game. But so was Manchester City away, Chelsea at home and Liverpool away. That's why they bought him. In all of those games, he has failed miserably"

Strong stuff from Molby; perhaps even a little over-the-top. Ozil is obviously going through a bad time right now, but he has repeatedly proven his worth in the past, and a player of his quality doesn't just lose his effectiveness overnight.

I'm a big fan of Arsene Wenger, but it's his job to prepare, develop, and motivate Ozil, and he doesn't seem to be doing a very good job of that right now.

Of course, it's possible that the physical nature of English football is just not to Ozil's taste, and that's understandable. In La Liga, the focus is a much more technical, which suits the German down to the ground.

All great players go through bad spells, and Ozil is no exception. He'll come good again, and I'd still love to see him at Anfield.



  1. Man ur an ass, period. Get the hell outta here discussing gooners players.

  2. Hilarious from Fat Molby!
    Especially as Ozil was heavily involved on the goals the knocked Liverpool out of the FA Cup - ending their season! - and also the win at the emirates in the prem. 2 out of 3 was enough to dump LiverFool out of the only trophy they could win and have them scrapping for europa Cup with Everton & Spurs.
    How can mouthy Scousers still kepp being mouthy.
    Dust your VHS's down to watch the last time you won a title.
    Once big - now very very small!
    No wonder Suarez was DESPERATE to leave

  3. Dust your VHS down so you can see the last time Arsenal won a trophy

  4. I wonder what technology we'll have by the time Arsenal win anything again

  5. maybe the prem is just a little to physical for him and he doesn't seem to have any bottle when its needed, at this moment id pick coutiniho over ozil

  6. Jk can I ask you something? Are you black? (no racist) just curious!

  7. Ur ass has a period? I've heard that abut u Scouse boys. The 'commaraderie' is very famous amongst your own.

  8. Title in 2003 - INVINCIBLES actually.
    Got it on DVD.
    Was there DVD when you last won a title???? No??
    Wasn't even the back-pass rule!!! LMFAO!
    'Nuff Said.
    Enjoy Thursday Night Europa next year. That's your level now! And even that will be an improvement on last year!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
    Saddest club in england still dreaming of Dalglish & Souness!!!!

  9. How utterly clueless!
    How and why are these so called 'experts' handed money in exchange for their opinions when it is clear as day that they have not a clue about a game they spent their life playing.

    Anybody questioning Ozil as not being world class is biased, drunk or just plain stupid!
    I would paint Molby as all three. Oh, and a fat shit also. Can't forget that.

  10. Coutinho over Ozil?
    Don't stop there - how about Joe Allen over Wilshere?
    Scousers questioning Ozil who has the BEST stats in Europe - and yet they spunked £55m on Carroll & Downing!!!!
    You can't make it up folks!!!!

  11. lol, you or your manager will never get the choice, Ozil would not go to Liverpool, why are you even talking about Coutinho, are you confused ? This is about an ex footballer ( a good one might I add ) having a dig at a current footballer, not a coutinho wankfest.

  12. I'm not sure if you was at the games Sunday and Wednesday but if you was you would clearly see that ozil was shocking, I'm a Liverpool fan but i am a Londoner and got tickets to both games for nothing as my mate is on holiday, I would like to point out that the fans that go to ur games don't look like football fans to me mate, even gillingham sign more than you lot and are louder. Arsenal may have money in the bank now but u have out priced ur real fans from going. Such a shame

  13. honestly mate what the hell have you been smoking, yes indeed he has the best stats in Europe for missing pens

  14. Well do his performances in those big games suggest he looks like a world class team player at the moment? Don't think so. There's something wrong when your midfield partner resorts to screaming at and shoving you to get your head screwed on in defence, instead of just watching the player you're man marking simply run away into free, dangerous space numerous times.

  15. And what does being fat have to do with anything?

  16. That was the lamest attempt at being funny I've seen in a while.

  17. Oh, another Arsenal fan trying to run the rule over us re: champions league football.

    Did you know that Forest and Villa have each won at least once champions league, and you haven't?

  18. Your a big fan of any team barring Liverpool.

  19. If they do, it's a recycled Arsenal version of a generic football chant in England...

  20. You support Ozil while having the cheek to call the likes of Aspas a flop.. Interesting!
    Ozil cost what most teams only dream of spending on all their transfer business. He is a massive disappointment and I can only assume Real are feeling smug right now..

  21. Wow, your arse boys really are bitter.. bless you, you poor little lambs...

  22. yeah and Carroll and Downing even won a trophy at LFC, Making 2 finals.. compared to Arsenals money spent to trophies won ratio I'd say thats still approx £500m less then you morons...

  23. best stats in Europe while at Real isn't something you can lay claim to, idiot

  24. best stats in europe while at Real,, not Arse, not something you can cling onto..

  25. until you have been and done and won like Molby your opinion is worthless...

  26. Kid its 2014 and we have plenty to shout about between then and now.. If all you can cling onto is a team from 2003 I pity you..

  27. Only dickheads laugh at there own comments ! I wouldn't mind but you never even got a thumbs up only your own vote ! Go crawl back in the closet do play with your computer yeah fkn weirdo ! 9 years almost without a trophy and your a big club ???

  28. Ozil world class !!! He is shit thought arsenal fans had a bit of clue what football is about ! The only thing ozil is world class at is missing pens , arguing with team mates and making every one laugh at him ! The phrase " WORLD CLASS " is givin out these days like MBE,OR OBE's and candy on a playground !

  29. so harsh.Even if ozil got no goals or assists for the rest of the season it would not be awful.He has 10 assists at the end of the day and that's more than any of our players got.I think ppl don't understand how hard it is or someone of ozils stature to adaptt

  30. I remember Gerrard Rooneyand Beckham miss penaltys as well. What about Englands crap record in penalty shoot outs? The vast majority of people criticising Ozil are ignorant idiots.

  31. Are sure that Ozil has 10 assists in EPL this season? last i checked it was Rooney and Gerrard at 9 each get ur facts straight Dude

  32. It's a new league and he's adjusting to the physical aspects of the game. As for your pathetic comment about team mates screaming at him, SO WHAT! I have seen players at other clubs over the years scream at a team mate on the pitch, without dick heads making a big deal out of it.

  33. If you think Ozil is shit, I wonder what you make of your embarrassing English national football team. To many English people like to marvel at others failures..I wonder why English people love to build players up to bring them down, it must be the inferiority complex they have about themselves, so criticising others might make them feel better about their sad pathetic loser lives.

  34. England have never had a world class player, they are all overrated by you English but around the footballing world, they are seen fir what they are, which is poor and avarage.

  35. Apparently Ozil has always had a hard time keeping going for full 90 mins. No half season break in a notoriously faster league is what I am sure our north London brethren will be saying and there will be some truth in it. As for me I couldn't possibly comment to a degree of presenting actual first person knowledge but I am sure Jan is being very harsh. First season in the prem and the "doesn't turn up in big games" shout is in itself a misnomer. I mean you have a first season in a different league, what games ARE going to be the hardest? I bet would be the HARDEST GAMES!. It's obvious those will be a bit of a struggle. Especially those later in a season, without a winter break in a faster league.

    I am glad Ozil is having issues (and he is) because that is a major player in a team we want to be bettering. Do I have doubt he is a class player? NO. None.

  36. And voting yourself up is dead cool??!! Is 2003 the last time you won a trophy?

  37. No I think you will find Englands national footbalk team is the laughing stock for penalty taking. When will overrated England ever win a penalty shoot out? What about Beckham missing a penalty at a world cup tournament? What about Riiney missing penalty's for Man Utd? What about Gerrard and Lampard, havent they ever missed penalty's? The answer is YES! Pathetic ignorant hypocrite.

  38. Easy to criticize from the sidelines. It's somewhat discomforting reading ex players lambasting current ones. Seems they don't remember their own dips in form or poor games they played.

  39. Ozil has less assists in the the prem than Gerrard but if we are including a competition that Liverpool are not in then why not include goals too? Ozil 8 assists in prem 2 in CL and 4 goals in prem and 1 goal in CL. Gerrard has 9 assists in the prem and 7 goals in the same comp.

    Personally I do know how hard it could be for Ozil to adapt (see earlier post and time) but that is no excuse to make misleading or erroneous references to player stats. OH and Luis Suarez has 23 goals and 8 assists in the prem. Just in case you were wondering.

  40. Never? So none of the world cup winning sides? None of the English players who have won the champions league? So Xavi has never talked about Scholes? So Zidane has never talked about Gerrard? Do us all a favor mate, go away learn some things then come back.

    If you were not so reactionary you would have seen plenty of English Liverpool supporters coming in in favor of Ozil but instead you jumped in with you half baked, half witted comments. Now you look a fool as well as incurring the stick form many people who know you will jump to their trolling tune. Enjoy your evening, or whatever time it is wherever you are.

  41. Well he was adjusting just fine before boxing day. Yes, the screaming does happen, usually just to get the defence re-organised; but Flamini had to go out of his way and actually shove Ozil so he would put more effort in.

  42. I am not English but id bet you hate almost everybody and are seemingly racist there is good and bad everywhere.
    You would see that if you would like to step outside your living room and check.

  43. I see iv hit a nerve, never mind the pain will ease in a day or two

  44. Ozil isn't the problem but a victim of an insane club, at least by definition of one Albert Einstein who once said "insanity is trying the same thing again and again while expecting different results". Arsenal board should get that too. You will never be able to beat the likes of Chelsea and City (nor Bayern, Real and Barca) in all fronts, so stop trying. Try win one trophy instead, maybe two.
    Give the guy the break he deserves, all players have ups and downs during the season, and resting him for few weeks seems like a good idea now. Anyway, remember week one? Without Ozil I think we wouldn't have discuss Arsenal right now.

  45. Don't you mean this year? We were in the Europa League last year...

  46. Ballon d'Or winners
    Sir Stanley Matthews ENGLISH
    Sir Bobby Charlton ENGLISH
    Kevin Keegan x2 ENGLISH
    Michael Owen ENGLISH

    Ballon d'Or runners up
    Billy Wright ENGLISH
    Sir Bobby Charlton x2 ENGLISH
    Bobby Moore ENGLISH
    Kevin Keegan ENGLISH
    Gary Lineker ENGLISH
    David Beckham ENGLISH
    Frank Lampard ENGLISH

    Ballon d'Or 3rd place
    Johnny Haynes ENGLISH
    Jimmy Greaves ENGLISH
    Alan Shearer ENGLISH
    Steven Gerrard ENGLISH

    Plus many more who never got in the Ballon d'Or top 3. but no, you're right England has never had any world class players...

  47. Yes Robbie savage is getting fat but he is now a far better footballer than he was when he was actually playing

  48. That would make Jan Molby equal to Messi now...

  49. Robert Pires went through the same thing first season, adapting to the pace and physicality of the league. In his second season he won writers' player of the year despite missing much of the season with an ACL.
