22 Jan 2014

Transfer Tragedy: Man Utd sign €45m star BR tried to buy in Sept. Bad news for LFC...?

On transfer deadline day last summer, Liverpool reportedly tried to broker a surprise deal to bring Juan Mata to Anfield, and Reds fans have been hoping and praying ever since for the deal to be resurrected. In the first week of January, Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho admitted that he'd be willing to let Mata leave the club, which opened another avenue of opportunity for the Reds. Alas, it appears Mata is now a Manchester United player, which could ultimately turn out to be exceedingly bad news for the Reds.

On the 2nd September, Mirror journalist Martin Lipton posted the following update about Mata:

"Chelsea say that Liverpool have [today] expressed an interest in Juan Mata, but no bid received so far"

When asked about Mata's future earlier this month, Mourinho told reporters:

"I want to keep him [Mata]. I don't want him to go, but my door is open. The club's door is open too, so when a player wants to speak to us we are there waiting for them"

Clearly, an opportunity existed here for Liverpool - if still interested - to aggressively pursue Mata, but the club decided not to take it, and according to Sky Sports journo Guillem Balague this evening, Man United have agreed to a deal to sign the Spanish maestro:

 photo ScreenShot2014-01-22at204237_zps0b442122.png

The BBC has also confirmed in the last hour that Chelsea have accepted United's offer.

It's no surprise that Mata - recently described by Rafa Benitez as a 'very clever' and 'dangerous' player - has ditched Chelsea. He's been treated appalling, and reacted angrily to being subbed off in the Blues' recent 3-0 win over Southampton.

It's also no surprise that Liverpool didn't go in for him. At €45m, the deal is non-starter for the Reds, though I'm sure that if Mata had a choice between LFC and United, he'd choose Anfield. Man United are on a downward spiral into mid-table obscurity right now, and Liverpool are very clearly on the up.

Having said that, this deal could be extraordinarily bad news for Liverpool. A player like Mata is capable of galvanising a team, and after his treatment at Chelsea, he'll be chomping at the bit to prove himself, and consolidate his place in Spain's world cup squad.

Mata's prodigious ability to create goals could mean a Man Utd resurgence, putting David Moyes' team in direct competition with the Reds for fourth place in the Premier League. Liverpool are well-placed at the moment, but with the topsy-turvy nature of the league this season, nothing is assured yet.

One thing is certain: the pressure on LFC to finish in the top four just increased big time.



  1. What's more worrying is that Chelski are trying to guzump Liverpool's offer for Salah..... Come on reds get the deal done......

  2. I am not overly worried about this. Mourinho is just not the type of manager who will hand any kind of advantage to his rivals. He plays unashamedly dirty and talks like a mad man who, deep down knows perfectly well what he is doing.

    He has given us a trojan in Moses and at 45million, I cannot help but feel he sincerely feels he is ripping Man.UTD off like what he did to Barcelona with the Eto'o-Ibrahomivic transfer, the best ever piece of business in my opinion.

  3. FSG would expect a team for that money.

  4. Dalglish should have signed him instead of Downing! This nonsense of a foreign player can't play the premier league gots to stop!!!

  5. Its comments like, he clearly would go to LFC ahead of Utd. That make Liverpool fans seem petty. So unnecessary to add that. Surely with the history and achievements Liverpool have had (and in all likelihood will continue to have) why is there such bitterness? You would come across better to neutral fans without it.

  6. I think bitterness is not the word you mean but you do have a bit of a point. I thought that bit was a bit presumptuous and unnecessary myself.

  7. Let's just enjoy tonights result, two bald men arguing over a comb... And Man U lost :)

  8. Presumptuous? Jeez, with all due respect, get over yourself. It's my opinion that Mata would choose LFC over Man Utd, and I gave a valid reason for it. Is it okay with you if I have that opinion? Thanks.

  9. Livercunt will finish 6th at the end of the season.

  10. If you can't handle someone having an opinion you don't like, I suggest you grow a thicker skin.

  11. If someone else posted this comment you would remove it

  12. It most probably will happen but I cant remember Balague ever being right yet.

    Its a shame as would have loved to see him in a Liverpool shirt but its just not going to happen at that price

  13. Give over, that's utter nonsense. The only comments removed are those that contain insults and/or persistent sniping. Suggesting someone gets a thicker skin is not an insult, and anyone who thinks it is needs to get...a thicker skin!

  14. With the Mata cash banked & Mourinhos previous comments about Salah it won't be a surprise to see a Chelsea bid come in

  15. If Salah does go to Chelsea then he deserves the splinters he will get in his ass

  16. Can we really blame them? They did give a big wedge of money to a manager, that the fans made clear they wanted, and he blew it.

  17. Aguero instead of Carroll Mata instead of Downing and Donald Duck instead of Adam

  18. You are such a drama queen. Worse than the daily mail and the Sun.


  20. I think - as is widely reported - that Mourinho is really trying to derail our season. And is selling Mata so he can hopefully do damage to other teams around Chelsea - in particular - us.

    Which leads me to suspect he clearly has a massive problem with Liverpool. For one, in the game; I believe he set players like Eto'o and Luiz out to purposely target certain players - E.g. Eto'o on Suarez and Henderson and Luiz on Johnson and Allen. Not to mention hes had a few swipes at us recently like over the diving and the "crying". Hes really a pathetic man. I hope City demolish them. And I'm praying Real win the Champions League just to wipe that stupid grin off his face...

  21. Liverpool these days are a joke, from top to bottom. Mata should have been signed years ago. Also since hyppia left the defence has been a joke. On Saturday I could see the midfield was weak from the off, but the big ego waits til Villa overrun us in there for a full half before he changes it.

  22. Mourinho fears only one team and this is our team, Liverpool. He knows that Man U wreck cannot be saved by one player. United will be out of the next Champions League and then it will be the real big test for them, when their stars (and expecially Rooney) will try to get out. OK mancs have a giant team, but is time for them to decadance (like us in the nineties). Arsenal has Wenger who is a bless and a curse at the same time (amazing worker and tactician, but one who lost something of his winning spirit), Man City is a team similar to Chelsea (big resourses, but now they are creating history again after many years and they have to wait - expecially in Europe), but Liverpool is something else. We got amazing history and specific gravity (this is Mourinho's worst fear). Another team with our nightmares (Heysel, Hillsborough, Gillette - Hicks), probably it could play 2 categories below Premier League now, but here we are after 25 years of decline, without a EPL title, but with 1 Champions League trophy (and another one final), 1 UEFA cup, 3 FA cups, 4 League Cups, 2 European Super Cups and 2 Charity Shields. Mourinho knows better from anyone (with Fergie of course), that Liverpool his real enemy. If Liverpool make the same bid for Mata as United did, Mourinho will give him to MU, not to us...

  23. If Chelsea get Salah ahead of us, serious, serious questions would have to be asked about how we recruit players.

  24. Well I've been asking those questions for years now anyway.

  25. A ridiculous statement, "he'd choose Anfield"!United in their so called crisis and worst season for 20 years are still only 6 points from Liverpool. Man United clearly in a transition period and have missed there 2 best players for most of the season will bounce back. Juan mata joining along with the return of Rooney and Van persie will give a much needed boost in order for united to finish top 4. In my opinion Liverpool will finish 6th.

  26. Jose knows Liverpool couldn't afford Mata. They're far from Chelsea's real enemy given that In all his interviews he speaks about 3 teams fighting. Liverpool are an average team with one world class player in Suarez, who will leave when Liverpool once again miss out on champions league.

  27. Liverpool certainly need to sort out that defence, but have got the best striker in the league to paper the over cracks. I'd be more worried about other teams than United though.

  28. Mata is a quality player but let's hope he can't spark a United resurgence. Even if Mourinho doesn't rate him, I wouldn't sell to a direct rival.

    Liverpool have the second weakest squad in the top 7 (I've picked Everton as the weakest but that's honestly up for debate). We are really pushing our luck. Signings should of been prioritised months ago. All we need is a centre mid. Other issues can be resolved in the summer window.

    After all the effort, we are asking to get booted out of the top 4.

  29. You make it too simple and it isn't mate... So lets see what is gonna happen.

  30. Multiple times, you have replied to yourself as if talking to someone else and each time, contradicted your first post.


  31. Probably a Disqus glitch, makes people look crazier than they are.

  32. Now it fixed itself up. The usernames have changed. Unless I'm going crazy, and no one else :)

  33. I post only one text, one time and I don't see any contradiction to my post.

  34. i think your bang on. i cant believe we havent acted. this is one player who is guaranteed to make a difference. Imagine mata, rooney and van persie - yes trouble.

    For some reason we have stupid template that looks at mediocre players we can make better - which fair enough in the future may work out but not now.

    its another opportunity missed to make a statement of intent to the rest of the league.

  35. Everton have a much more settled defence - especially with their left and right backs. We have performed in the main to the SAS - i just hope we dont rue this lost opportunity - a man who can give you 15 goals from midfield and who probably give you another 20 assists.

  36. Makes me wanna cry. Mata was the player I most wanted to see at LFC. I would have been happy if he was the only transfer in Jan.

  37. It's a real shame, no doubt we all would have loved to have him here, but that kind of spending is not sustainable. I'm surprised the Glazers have sanctioned it, how do United maintain that level of debt? Maybe for a reasonable price more like 20 or 25 million pounds we would have been in for him, but at this price he's just not worth it.

    Indeed this could be bad news for everyone if United manage to get their shit together. Moyes simply has to arrange the team in a way that allows them to do what they already know how to do. The good news is that we've already got a solid points advantage over United and we can have a direct impact on them the next time we play. So long as we keep winning games they won't catch us so our top 4 finish is entirely in our hands.

  38. IMO, I don’t think Mata is the solution to their problems and I honestly think Moyes has caved into the pressure and bought big to get the fans on his side. They need someone in the middle who can dictate play; scholes, fabregas, yaya, etc but Moyes just can't seem to find anyone in that mould who'll go to them. They play a certain style which, as Gary Neville said the other day, doesn't fit with how Mata plays.
    There's the argument out there that UTD need to change that "old" style of playing and Mata is they key. Well, IMO, one person is not going to change how 10 others know how operate, especially when they've won titles that way.
    What their fans and Moyes don't understand in my view is that Arsenal was already moulded to accomodate Ozil and he was the missing piece. I would put money on the fact that Moyes has tried to be philisophical and seen Mata as a like comparison to Ozil and it will come back and further bite him in the arse.
    Lets not forget that they're forking out 40mil for him when, currently, he's nowhere near that valuation. Another Fellaini in the making

  39. You going to pitch in for the transfer fee then? As a club we only make around 200 million quid a year and very little of that could be considered profit. The amount united are paying for Mata is ridiculous, to me it seems like another knee jerk move by Moyes because he think he's now at a big club and has to make big club signings. He would never have sanctioned this kind of spending at Everton, even if the money was there for him to spend. This is United trying to flex their muscle and prove they are still a force in the PL. We don't want to get involved in stuff like that.

  40. Mido=dipshit

  41. Instead of Angelos it said Aj87, but it has been fixed.

    Signome :)

  42. I was being sarcastic...if you were a football player on 20k a week, minimum, would you be living in a 800 quid a month house? Don't think so

  43. Moyes is under immense pressure and a signing like this is either going to make or break him.

    £40m is just way too much for Mata and really cannot see what Moyes intends to do with him? Look at Fellaini? Moyes cannot even get Kagawa to settle into his style of play so not sure Mata is going to make any difference to their current situation.

    It is only a matter of time before the alarm bells start ringing for UTD and their massive debt. Failure to qualify for the Champions League next season will add further misery and when the hammer hits, it is going to cripple them.

    I am just happy that we have sensible owners like FSG :-)

  44. This mourinho is a jerk, so scared of lfc, wont let us buy anyone, hate him to death, hope salah already made his mind up, but money always talks these days, there im afraid. If we lose another target especially this guy, its a catastrophe

  45. Thats tragic really, since the last tw I was calling for a mata bid, but no one liked to hear anything, why did Br never make a bid, doesnt he rate mata? Oh yes he does rate moses instead, its a massive blow, mancs will get stronger now and rvp and rooney to comeback, fooked up big time, there could go our top four chance!

  46. I really believe that Rodgers has failed miserably in bringing the right players to Anfield following his arrival. Sure Sturridge and Coutinho have been blessings, but how about Allen, Borini, Aspas, Touré, Cissokho, Moses, Alberto, Ilori? None of them have showed anything on the pitch besides poor displays on a regular basis. I know that some of the players haven't been given a first team opportunity yet, but why then buy them in the first place? We still continue to bring in players on loan, why not pay the price for quality? Come on FSG! We need a classy LB, Cissokho is an embarrassment, he doesn't even look good on youtube. We also need to buy a World Class midfielder, and play him instead of Gerrard who has, to be fairly, struggled this season. I don't know exactly how good this Salah guy is - letting Mata leave for United without even putting in an official bid for the player is a joke. We need top players, but that will not happen with the current transfer strategy. Players are overpaid these days, face it! And get your head in the game

  47. This is absolutely sickening! How long have Liverpool Had to secure this deal really! Brendon will probably end up wasting on an unknown player in the hopes he will come good! And then when we dont qualify for the champions league YET again, we can say goodbye to Suarez and its all downhill from there, yet we have had an opportunity to strengthen but dont!

  48. Ok, so my post went for moderation again...

    UTD have just got themselves into some more debt now :-).When the hammer hits, it will cripple them. Good luck if they do not qualify for next seasons Champions League.

    40 million pounds for Mata? Where is he going to fit in? Fellaini looks out of his depth and Moyes cannot seem to get Kagawa to adapt to his style of play either. Cannot see how Mata is gioing to make any difference to UTD's current situation.

    Panic stations! UTD are staring down the barrel of a gun. It is only a matter of time before someone pulls the trigger...

  49. The filter on this site is really annoying Jaimie...

    UTD have just got themselves into some more debt now :-).Good luck if they do not qualify for next seasons Champions League.

    40 million pounds for Mata? Where is he going to fit in? Fellaini looks out of his depth and Moyes cannot seem to get Kagawa to adapt to his style of play either. Cannot see how Mata is gioing to make any difference to UTD's current situation.

    Panic stations! UTD are staring down the barrel of a gun. It is only a matter of time before someone pulls the trigger...

  50. Throw something into the ring for Discussion....Micah Richards....could be bought for a song right now with only 6 months left on his contract. A defender I really admire. Comments lads.

  51. Injury prone so no thanks.

  52. Easy to say when it's not your money they are spending. Do you have 35 million pounds spare? Liverpool as a club have revenue of around 200 million a year and a very small amount of that is spare. Owners can't (and usually won't) just give money to the club. City and Chelsea currently have massive debts with their owners, debts that can't be just written off. United have debts that you wouldn't believe. That's not the smart way to run a club, it's a way to run a club into the ground and send us broke. You would have us spend money we don't have and take that risk?

  53. As a LFC fan. I don't actually know how good salah is. However lets not blame Chelsea. We all know why they are putting in the bid. Let's blame Ian Ayre and the board. I am tired of reading about us losing player after player because we couldn't close a deal, because we are scraping the barrel of Europe for 8- 12 million quid players. If we believe the player is good enough and have aspirations of the European money pot and really believed that this guy could get us over the line, the price they were asking for at the end of last year and for the whole month of January should have been met. There are serious flaws in LFC at he moment, from scouting staff, to aquisitions, to defence coaching. I would nearly rather they sorted out these problems first..

  54. Its a joke that we are even talking about top 4. Spurs are the club in crisis/transition and yet they are level on points with us and we are supposedly having a great season. Shows the expectation of footballing world on Liverpool and Spurs. Same is the case with Man United who are going through disaster yet 2 good results away from us. We are Newcastle of 2011-2012 season. Only thing ticking for us is SAS right now. Jordan Henderson with his good progress and yet limited ability is our THIRD best player offensively. What is wrong with Coutinho? Why is BR telling him to score more goals? t has dampened his team influence considerably. We have good strikers, possibly the best finishers out there who only need supplies. Coutinho can't shoot, that's it. He should be a playmaker and provide those pin point passes as he did last season. BR is to blame here.

    Last year, BR made some terrible team selections and against Aston Villa last week, we saw a glimpse of it all over again. Even a nincompoop would have selected Lucas against Aston Villa because a) we were playing with cissoko, b) out of form GJ c) not a first choice CD in Toure e) we struggle against Benteke. Gerrard was closest to a defensive minded player out of all 6 players playing in front of defense, it was asking for trouble. That was 3 easy points given away and had BR started the match with Lucas, we could have won. Some of the optimistic LFC fans were talking about how we have all big teams coming to Anfield which is a huge advantage. Guess what? we can't win against Villa at Anfield!

    What is FSG upto in transfer market?? This is the closest LFC has ever come to challenge for top 4 in last few years and this chance won't come again. Every other big team can only get better. FSG should have signed at least 3 quality players this window, it was now or never for Liverpool. I don't expect much from this season now, we will fight with Everton and Man Utd for 6th/7th place.

  55. Absolutely right mate

  56. now we should bid for kagawa .......!!!

  57. Coutinho is as good as him, if not better.

  58. B R is making a complete mess of this January window - Chelsea are going to make him look like a JOKE

  59. if coutinho is in off form (so he is now) or injured who will replace him....??......allen..??....please no...!!!...............btw we should have back ups in every position as our squad is very thin......and i think this s a golden chance we can grab a very good player cheaply...........................so why not.....??

  60. B R needs to learn how to conduct transfers from EVERTON

  61. No need to get shirty Jaimie. That was just what I thought when I read it. Just my opinion, is that ok?

  62. IMO kagawa is not good enough for EPL. More I see of him, more I realize it. My opinion though.

  63. We must sign G.Barry as a backup for Lucas in summer only if he agrees to lower his wages.

  64. What do you mean "what is FSG up to"? They don't make transfer decisions, Rodgers does. In fact it's the club as a whole that makes these decisions. You should really say "what is the club up to"? It annoys me when people phrase it that way because it seems like you want an option to hold up FSG as someone to blame when things go wrong. It's just not like that. We make transfer decisions as a club with the manager having the most say. So if we're not buying players then it's Rodgers and his scouting network. All together they are nothing more or less than Liverpool Football Club.

    Enjoy your miserable second half to the season. Honestly, it seems like all you do is complain. We're 8 points off the top. How many times in the past 20 years has this been true? We're scoring bags of goals and playing good football, getting better all the time. If you can't enjoy this then I don't know what kind of life you must have as a football fan. Anything less than winning the league and you'd be having a whinge about it.

  65. Have an opinion in a public forum and have it questioned. How dare I be so bold!

  66. BR is not going to buy a player with the money from his own pocket. You really think BR or transfer team is holding back even after FSG has provided them with funds? Really?

    8 points off the top, good. We are playing good football, good. We are scoring goals, good. Lets just ignore rest of the season and a chance to make it into CL. Just relax and stop complaining about lack of transfer activity, clearly we have enough quality and depth.

    I wouldn't have complained if we were sitting out of top 4 but this time I have slight hope and I want the club to take an extra step to make sure we cross the line this season.

    And no, I am not having a miserable life as a fan but certainly I envy the joyful life you are having as a fan. I will only be happy if we actually do qualify for top 4 because otherwise our top goal scorer would leave and all the hard work till now would mean nothing.

  67. And one more thing, Liverpool haven't been in CL since I really started following this club, let alone winning the EPL. So, no, I won't whinge about it. :-)

  68. Well years have nothing to do with it as the whole process has apparently changed. My worry is it is no more effective and may actually be worse.

  69. Chelsea close to signing Salah, according to SkyItalia, Di Marzio. Good.

  70. I honestly think that if you go and check what is happening at Liverpool for transfers the most careful and conservative guy there will be Brendan Rodgers. I have no evidence of that, but it's just the way he talks. I think he takes the money side of things very seriously and he does indeed spend as if it's coming out of his own pocket. In a way it is, because if he keeps getting it wrong he'll be out of a job. But I'm totally guessing.

    I'm not joyful, I'm just realistic. I remember how much we took a top 4 spot for granted in the past but Chelsea, City and Spurs have taken that away from us. I just think football is a hard game and the PL is the toughest in the world. We should always aim high but sometimes things might not work out. We're up against teams with more money and more recent success. If all we do is improve season by season then we'll get there eventually. Top 4 this season seems like it must happen but to be honest I wouldn't be terribly surprised if we don't make it.

  71. Rodgers better stop his Mourinho love in and fight back, he is rubbish at defending LFC, he should have spoke about the deliberate elbow in Suarez face against Villa, and the tackle on Henderson and Lukas at Chelsea all here sending off offences.

  72. Chelsea can try .. if he wants to go there then I'm happy to see him go. Any player who would rather sit on the bench at Chelsea rather than be an integral part of LFC isn't needed here. That probably sounds bitter or like sour grapes but I think it's complete valid. You want players at the club who actually want to play here, not one who can have their heads turned by a rival or a higher salary offer. The idea that a player would be happier getting less game time for another team means he's not what Liverpool are looking for. On the other hand if Salah says no to Chelsea and indicates that he only wants to play for Liverpool then he's exactly the player we want here.

    It's a tough one for him because if he could make it with Chelsea then he'd be playing CL football and in with a really good shot of progressing deep into the competition. Most players should have good self confidence and believe in themselves but at the same time you have to know when you're up against the odds. Does he really think he can push out Hazard, Willian and/or Oscar? Maybe he does, and in that case maybe it's a sensible decision for him to go fight for a place at a club that frankly has a better shot at winning something this season.

  73. They're welcome to Mata for that type of cash. Mata or no Mata, their defense is still rubbish. It just goes to show that Moyes is completely clueless as to what his team needs. Sure the Nani's and Ashley Youngs aren't setting the world alight either but if I were to spend 45 million in his place, it would go towards the spine of that team. A CB or a midfielder. Anyway, if he needs to cost that much, I'm fine with us not going in for him. For 45 million, I'd expect the signing of a serious impact player.

  74. Wish BR showed such miserliness when he bought Borini, Allen, Ilori, Aspas and Alberto. Although, jury is still out on them but we could have been better off signing just 2 first team starters instead. Can't believe Aspas and Eriksen cost the same.

  75. If its true about chelski and they flog mata to the scum it shows they reallydont want us back in cl. Cunts

  76. oops mata has gone do they have a replacement? i bet they do.Mmoney talks (fees AND wages)


  78. I agree on several occasions it's been as clear as day that Rodgers has cost us points. His disappointing signings have also cost us somewhat. This season I believe we have really pushed our luck and now we need a few signings to push on. But overall, he deserves credit for his work and if things stay the same we are in the CL, where we all wanna be.

    It's easy to bundle up all of Brendan's errors and depress ourselves but I think Adam is right, there is positive progress happening, great if we get CL, won't be surprising if we don't.

    Having read that you're a pretty recent fan (I'm assuming several years) you wouldn't be too accustom to Liverpool success. You have a good point about our expectations and I understand the frustrating and annoying tone of your post but this is where we are as a club. I think you should try to be a little more optimistic, also, the window has not been closed yet, Rodgers should only get better as a manager and he will hopefully give under performers like Coutinho a kick up the back side.

  79. This shows some of the difficulties BR faces trying to reshape his squad. He is not allowed to compete at the top end on fees and wages and has to look for bargains which are often hit and miss or take time to deliver. Time BR does not have if he is to retain Suarez and start to replace Steven Gerrard. Also when he is trying to move players on if he does not play them their transfer value tens to goown while other players are reluctant to leave because they are on good money from previous contracts. I don't agree with everything he does but it cannot be easy .

  80. haha there's something in that I think. maybe its fate..?

  81. Lets hope we dont lose another class act because we have been dragging our heels and so let others come sniffing,lets not waste the best chance of europe and keeping hold of luis.

  82. Seriously, even if we tried to sign Mata, it wouldn't happen. Man Utd is way more convenient for Mourinho.

  83. There is still over a week left, anything can happen. If he wants to go to Chelsea so what, we can't do anything about that his choice, they are in CL we are not. I'd be more worried about man u going on a spending spree, can't believe 40 mil for Mata, just goes to show if you really want a player you have to be prepared to put the money down, this is not a gamble he's a proven player while we spend 13mil here 7 mil there on players that are a gamble and that's why we have so many squad players and lacking enough quality players.

  84. getting players to cement our top 4 place is CRUCIAL. Save a million or two now on Salah and lose out on £35m for CL and lose Suarez, and our ability to compete for the top players, even ones out of contract/free.
    |Match Chelsea's offer, and get him signed.
    Then Get M'Villa and Montoya and a new LB

  85. Agreed. Getting players to cement our top 4 place is CRUCIAL. Save a million or two now on Salah and lose out on £35m for CL and lose Suarez, and our ability to compete for the top players, even ones out of contract/free.

    Match Chelsea's offer, and get him signed.

    Then Get M'Villa and Montoya and a new LB

    CL qualification would pay for all of that.

  86. I don't think Chelsea need or want him but are simply bidding us up so we have less money available for other transfers.

  87. I think so too. Chelsea even bought Wright Phillips back in the day just to stop him coming to us, then he disappeared without trace.
    Salah. be warned.
    Look at De Bruyne at Chelsea, now looking for a way out after 1 year on the bench

  88. It's typical Maurinho's nastiness. He did the same to Tottenham (Willian). Both Maurinho and Abromovitch misunderstand sport. They think that by having more money than other clubs that they can 'buy' victory. But we all know that whatever they win (this also includes ManCity), they BOUGHT it, not WON it.

  89. Typical Maurinho's nastiness. Him and Abromovitch don't understand sport. Mauriniho did the same thing to Tottenham when he hijacked Willian for the sake of hurting Tottenham. Abramovitch and Maurinho both think that they (and ManCity) can buy victory. The thing is, whatever it is that they 'win' would not have been won but 'bought'.

  90. and think how much he'd spend on bus fare every day! :-)

  91. tut tut, Chelsea the new Spurs!

  92. mourinho is a dirty rotten rodent, hes giving utd mata to make them stronger as chelsea dont have to play utd again this season just all there rivals, hes goin for salah only because he knows liverpool are becoming a genuine threat now. its damn pathetic how mourinho operates

  93. Kagawa at Dortmund was great. I'm thankful that Ferguson and now Moyes don't know how to get the best out of him because he has proven in previous seasons in Germany and the Champions League that he is a quality player. Like most players of his ilk, he needs the trust of his manager before the best can be seen on a regular basis.

  94. We not including Sterling The SS & The SS

  95. We wanted Mata but had to settle for Moses as for Salah we might have to settle for ???????.Why not get Rodwell on loan from City .

  96. Welp. Looks like it is serious question time.
    What is the meaning of life?

  97. Be good on a free, but as has been said, too injury prone really. He'd probably command a decent wage. I'd expect City to keep him, just for the homegrown quota.

  98. I see the potential for his failure. As I pointed out on another thread, if they play him wide, then he could have similar problems to Kagawa.
    That said, his quality is undoubted and I fail to see how he won't prove to be an asset, even if he isn't at his best. Simply having him as an option is great news. Also, with Rooney probably going to Chelsea in the summer, then he will just take Rooney's place in the side behind RVP.
