22 Jan 2014

Done Deal? - Exciting €12m star flying-in to sign for LFC. Medical/unveiling on Friday.

After months of speculation, it appears that Liverpool have finally agreed a deal to sign FC Basel attacker Mohamed Salah.

According to reports in Egypt today:

* Salah will travel to Liverpool tomorrow.

* A transfer fee of £10m has been agreed.

* Basel’s initial asking price was £18m.

* Salah will have a medical on Friday, and will be unveiled soon after.

Several other reputable sources also confirm the deal.

Sky Sports Italy journo Gianluca Dimarzio claims Liverpool's bid is actually €12m, and suggests that Chelsea are also actively pursuing Salah:

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Filgoal, Egypt's biggest sports website (owned and operated by corporate behemoth Vodafone), also confirms the deal:

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Earlier in January, Egyptian star Mido also claimed that deal is done:

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If Salah had talks with Chelsea, then it means he's still open to persuasion. If he'd definitely decided to join LFC, why speak to other clubs?

With Willian, Oscar, Hazard et al in the squad, Salah would be made to join Chelsea. He won't get regular playing time at Stamford, but he almost certainly will at Liverpool, as the club is crying out for attacking recruits.

I'm sure there will be a few more twists and turns before this deal is concluded, but it looks like Salah could be LFC's first signing of the transfer window.



  1. I'm just now reading that Chelsea is trying to hijack our bid.. F! Chelsea.... I'm going to cross the pond just to throw eggs at the stadium. Dam this burns me up!!

  2. This is what happens when you drag your heels in a transfer. The window is for signing, the rest of the season for scouting. Be positive LFC. Now Chelsea are sniffing around. Hopefully he wants to play do will come to us.


  4. Great news although rumors are about that Chelsea have bid too, I guess we'll see if he's the real deal or just another Moses whos happy to sit on a bench in Chelsea and take the money or has he the desire to play every week with the SAS.

  5. When did BR told you or anybody he is after him???

  6. Mvilla right now would be nice

  7. It Mohamed Salah wants to see grass in England then Liverpool has to be his choice, Juan Mata has been binned because he can't get a game. The lad will play with a great attack at Liverpool but at Chelsea he might end-up on-loan next season, If he values his career he won't even think about joining Chelsea!!!...................Is it about money or progressing as a player??

  8. How does Mido add weight to the article? After stating that Sterling's off to Swansea, the guy has zero credibility!

  9. That tweet is 2 weeks old!!!

  10. Exactly!!!....................If Mata can't get a game how will he???

  11. Does he want the loot or does he want to play with the best strikers in England???

  12. Just because Sterling didn't go to Swansea doesn't mean there wasn't a possibility of that happening at the time. Things change regularly. For example, at the time of the Willian transfer, it was widely reported that he'd sign for LFC. He signed for Chelsea instead; does that mean the links to LFC were then rendered false and inaccurate? No.

  13. Of course hè won't go to Chelsea. Do you know how far a commute that would be from his 800 quid a month house in Liverpool :-)

  14. BR said there was absolutely no substance to the Sterling rumours - hence, in my book, there never was a "a possibility of that happening at the time"! But anyway, hopefully the deal will come to fruition!

  15. When you're trying to do what's best for your career, of course you will talk to other clubs!

  16. Then hopefully you realise what happens to most young players that sign for Chelsea!!!

  17. I just hope chelsea dont hijack salahs imminent move to LFC ,if he certainly wants to upgrade his career he should play for LFC not Chelsea,but y cant Rodgers buy M'villa on loan cause we desperately need a strong,quick and combative DMF before the window closes,

  18. I know. But it's like when you're buying a car. You want the best possible car for you right? So you find it by looking at as many as you can find, so you can make a good judgement. Just because he talks to other clubs, it doesn't mean he's easily swayed

  19. Chelsea don't even need the bloke. I bet Mourinho's just trying to be a shit-stirrer again.

  20. If I were BR I would be tempted to return Moses to the Blue C and allow him to pay his wages as well as Salah's. Why sponsor their recruitment of Salah when clearly Moses has cut no ice at Anfield and is not worth retaining.
    It will be interesting to see if M Sala is Willian (sic) to take a seat and watch his team mates perform at the Bridge or prefer to perform in every game for the Reds.

  21. Salah. If you value your career and credibility, come to Liverpool. FFS

  22. I hear you!!!!!...................... :-)

  23. The reason Chelsea want this player is to block us from being a threat to them in top for .
    Its worth it for them if we don't attracted great world class player then for years we are sitting in 6th in the EPL and they a happy in the top 4 and champions league football .

  24. What happened to our perennial thorn in the arse Tottenham.?

  25. I love the pace we are getting, too bad for coutinho he might now have to get comfortable coming off the bench unless he works on his finishing and passing.

  26. Good shout, he's been awful, he can replace Mata

  27. Mido knows Salah though but doesn't know Sterling. He just overreached. Personally I will take Rodgers claims over Sterling to be true in that the Swansea thing was never on the cards but will take Mido that Salah may well be coming to us. Simply because those are the people and situation they know about. Well hopefully re Mido Salah.

  28. Lucas has just tweeted that injury isnt as serious as first thought and he'll be back in a few weeks!!!!!

  29. i will believe it when/if he signs and is pictured shaking hands. if he has ambitions to sit on the bench...good luck to him at chelsea...no, not good luck, just rot in hell.

  30. I don't have a problem with a player weighing his options. If Chelsea came calling and offered me more wages, I'd certainly at least listen.

    But what's the point of going somewhere if he can't play... At Liverpool he'd not only play, he'd be a feature player for us. Basel has shown time and again throughout this month that they are shrewd and will do whatever they can to drive up the price. Just smart business on their part.

    I think when it's all said and done, Salah will be a Liverpool player... but Liverpool will pay more than they would like.

  31. make sure they are quails eggs. they are hammersmith you know!

  32. Sunderland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. tempted fate, well done...not!

  34. There is still hope :-)


  36. "With Willian, Oscar, Hazard et al in the squad, Salah would be made to join Chelsea".
    Neither of those fellas striker me as 'hard-men'. I don't see how they could make anyone do anything the wouldn't want to.

  37. It burns you up so much but you still didn't write 'Fuck'?
    You are a gentleman.

  38. I was laughing on a post, then United equalised. I was initially made up with the Sunderland win but more games means more tiredness and they still would have been battered by City. Ah well the United camp has got to start eating itself soon. Their will be tales of unrest soon. Definitely.

  39. I don't think he has to try.

  40. Man U!!!! Ha,ha,ha,ha:) pulling their guts out to make a league cup final & still blowing it, priceless! :)

  41. They'll just throw money at the problem and it will be fine. In spite of their debt, they are still commercial juggernauts.

  42. Yeah me mate had just been telling me that. Depressed me a bit. I was hoping they would just slide in to fighting for Europa for a while. Ah well, fun while it's going on. Plus Spurs have shown that throwing money at something won't necessarily mean anything is guaranteed. Hopefully it will be a building job that takes a couple of seasons while we cement ourselves in champo.

    I'm a dreamer Charlie.

  43. mikhtaryan .. willian .. gaston ramirez .. now salah
    we are scouts for other teams ?
    its embarrassing for me that we are in talks with the player from october and we will wait until the last minute of the window

    i am thinking what if we want to sign ozil or mata ... he will sign us when flano turn 28 i think

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  45. Very sensible attitude to have these days!

  46. Totally agree for too many years in the past LFC have suffered from severe lack of pace.

  47. if you think Chelsea are afraid of us then you are a little too full of yourself... maybe if Rodgers had gotten off of his a$$ and done business when the window opened this would not be a problem.. he is an average at best transfer manager and it's becoming a liability...

  48. Kudos for using the term Champo.
    I still haven't written them off for top 4 this season. We're too crap at defending, Everton lack firepower when Lukaku isn't on the boil and I think Tottenham will have the same problem if Adebayor drops off.

  49. only have our selves to blame we should of had the deal tied up ages ago so chelski scum dont steal our players , im sick of chelsea and the way they just hijack players from other clubs , cant build a history just bloody buy one ,

  50. Why we have always to be so late...

  51. Chelsea is doing it to scupper Liverpool from advancing in the league. Mourinho is wary of us and is doing all the mind games on BR now (note: He only does to teams that threatened his). Now he is trying to buy Salah and put him on the bench like Mata. If I was Salah, I would go for Liverpool. Mata was on the bench almost all the time and I'm sure Salah wouldn't get as much game time there, unlike Liverpool where he can oust Moses and Coutinho on the flanks. At 21, he should be playing more games.

  52. Mate, you are spot on there. Bidding 6m all the time and building interest elsewhere. Now whats the point of all this when we could have just went for 10m and seal it 2 weeks ago. As I have mentioned earlier, those 6m and 7m signings (not even on the bench) were the reasons we are stalling.

  53. In football, anything can happen. If Real comes with a 30m for Sterling, he could be off. May happen at the 11th hour. Who knows.

  54. If he is having a medical, make sure we chain him on the treatment table and Mr Bean (physio) cuts his finger and blood mark his print on the contract. That's how medical should be done from now on!!

  55. When you have a 26m striker on the bench, you add water to burnt area.

  56. Spot on....but money talks. Ask all the quality players on their bench; in rotation; out on loan (the list goes on)

  57. why always assume it`s liverpool being slow without any evidence of it
    It is just possible the selling club drags their heels waiting for someone else to come in so that they can start an auction FSG always get blame when their is a long list of signings not playing and some moved on already They maybe not big money signings apart from Carrol and Downing but signings the managers wanted nevertheless
    Carrol Downing Aspas Assaidi Illori Adam Alberto Borini Coates i have maybe missed one or two

  58. Exactly! I keep saying this... what if Liverpool are just being patient and the other clubs are taking advantage by waiting for better offers.
    I also have an explanation for FSG's reluctance to spend since Carrol and Downing:
    I mean, put yourselves in their shoes. You're new to football, and your club's "savior" (KK) comes in and says, "we NEED him, him and him, make it happen." Of course, you don't want to disagree with your club's savior, and you dish out big money to get these players. All of them turn out to be flops, you fire the coach, and take a huge loss. Wouldn't you be reluctant to spend big money on supposed "needs?" Especially since BR is relatively new to coaching, I would test his judgement in the market before giving him a substantial amount of money.

  59. i cant wait to see SASAS.................. :P

  60. Liverpool can offer him more game times.....at Chelsea, he will end up like Mata. What a waste...Beside, Chelsea don't even need him. It's clear why they want to hijack the deal...(remember Willian??)

  61. well said but to be honest i am not worried if he prefers money and the bench then we will have had a lucky escape i want players who want to play for the shirt

  62. In that case, pigs can fly too :)

  63. ..It's probably because Salah refused to shake hands with an Israeli team
