28 Nov 2013

'We've had enquiries' - BR admits 'sensational' star could leave LFC. Let him go...?

Earlier this week, Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard heaped exaggerated praise on Reds defender Jon Flanagan, comparing him to Jamie Carragher, and hailing his performance against Everton as 'unbelievable'; 'brilliant'; 'sensational', and 'one of the best derby performances' in years. Gross hyperbole aside, Flanagan appears to have played himself into the starting XI, but Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers has hinted that there's still a possibility he may be sent out on loan.

Speaking to Sky Sports this week, Rodgers admitted that Flanagan's 'brilliant' performance against Everton gives him 'something to think about', but added:

"He needs to play football. We've had a couple of enquiries about him, but nothing concrete. We will always facilitate the wages, but we have had just one club come in for him, and that was a League One club. He's a young player that needs to play"

It seems that Gerrard and Rodgers just never learn. The praise they're heaping on Flanagan after just one good game is (IMO) irresponsible and counter-productive. They did the same with Raheem Sterling, and it went to his head, and arguably affected his development. John Barnes warned about LFC's proclivity to overpraise recently, when he told the 5-Times Podcast:

"He [Sterling] wasn’t handled right by anyone. He had 7-8 good games and was then catapulted into the England set-up. His Agent then wanted more money. Is he any better now than when he made his debut? He needs to work harder, but we’re guilty for overpraising him"

If I was Flanagan, however, I wouldn't read too much into these comments. The same things were said about Sterling, Wisdom, Suso, Ibe, and Shelvey, and where are they now? Out on loan, at a different club, or stuck in benchville.

Flanagan may have a chance to keep Aly Cissokho out of the team, but Rodgers will almost certainly sign another left-back at some point over the next year, and then Flanagan will be back to obscurity, toiling in the reserves until he's farmed out on loan. Indeed, in an interview yesterday, Rodgers basically confirmed he'll try and sign a new left-back in January. He told the Liverpool Daily Post:

"We brought in a cover one in Cissokho and you have the likes of Jon Flanagan who can play on both flanks comfortably, but if Jose is going to be out for a long time we would have to look at it [in January] for sure".

Should LFC keep Flanagan, though, and develop him as the club's first-choice left-back? That would be good, and it would save the Reds money on transfer fees, but I just can't see it happening. A mere FOUR appearances since Rodgers' arrived doesn't suggest that the manager trusts him, and as soon as he makes any kind of mistake, he'll vanish from the first team. That, plus Enrique will probably displace him when he returns from injury.

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  1. I think Flanos performance was good against Everton but I agree, BR is surely looking for another player to provide real competition for that left back place. Cissokhos surely not going to be at LFC longer than his loan spell and I can even see BR doing a Nuri Sahin and getting rid of him in January if he gets cover. The recent rumours are BR's looking at Bertand from Chealski. But with the Sturridge issue looming over their heads not sure if that will happen.

  2. Am I the only one that remembers most of the praise for Sterling being heavily caveated with things like "if he keeps his head on the game" and "if he tries hard" or one "one day in the future if". I remember there being lots of this personally. Thats what I always took from those compliments. I think there is something in giving players praise because it can help their confidence. I can see the alternate argument too though.

    I think Rodgers would prefer Flanno going on loan and us getting a first choice player. But for now if Flanno is the best we have we should get behind him.

  3. Mirallas ghosted past him like he wasn't even there at one point.
    He had some decent moments in the game. But wasn't exactly memorable.

  4. Flanagan is a right back but If he can produce performances like the one vs Everton on a regular basis then I would rather have him ahead of Cissokho and Flano now has a chance to prove himself while Enrique is recovering.

  5. You are making the assumption that JE is good enough for us to make the next step up to CL and PL challenging standards
    I don't. Not with the way we're setting up the side.

  6. I voted yes. I think he has it him to become a top defender, with experience. It's about attitude and determination, and he seems to be right in those departments. Now Sterling....I'll stick my neck out here and say I don't think he will ever live up to the hype. I watched a lot of him on LFC TV before he can through and people were raving and didn't really see why. If the decision to call him up for England at this stage wasn't laughable, it would be a joke But LFC fans know first-hand the qualities of Hodgson's judgement

  7. What's so bad about Jose? He is part of a team which is currently 2nd in the league. You could argue that there are only 3 better left backs than him in the league. He has all the attributes required and the only thing lacking is his final third delivery.

    We will see how Flanno goes. Fair play to him though if he's showing he wants it more than Cissokho anyway. We should give him a chance before we write him off, and if he does perform then there is no reason to go out and sign someone.

  8. Enrique may not be the best but he is far from the worst. His biggest problem is concentration. Other than that he is what it says on the label = attacking full back.

  9. What does given praises to a player has to do with his growth. You are the only one that think given positive feedback to a player is counter productive. Sterling is a kid man! He has the opportunity to grow his craft if he CHOSES same with Flanagan.

  10. I've watched lfc u18s and they seem to have gone backwards lets hope the other management changes don't make the u21s and u16s worse not better.

  11. 'plus his team aint doing that great'

    Bayer finished 1 point behind the fashionable team of Dortmund. Currently are second in the league. He has done a very good job. Got to be pretty damn special to win silverware in Germany, when Dortmund and Bayern dominate that league. Considering that, he has done a very good job indeed. Certainly proven far more than Carrager. Surprised you bring up Carra, when you pick on Hyppia for his so-called unproven ability, whilst Carra has done nothing.

  12. Rather a manager prove himself in League 1 or Championship, instead of Bundesliga? Odd

  13. I voted no as he hasn't done anywhere near enough to base a future prediction on, especially when at left back. He played well in the derby but he is a local lad and is Liverpool through and through, so it was bit of a special game for him to say the least. His career could easily pan out like Neil Mellor, who had some good moments for us but in the long run, wasn't good enough, nowhere near.

  14. He's certainly not good enough at the moment, but he has plenty of time on his side. Could become a solid squad player for years to come, like Ste Warnock.

  15. True carra doesnt have any experience as a manager but hes been here for a longer time than hyypia knows the club way better I think, gifted on leadership and would be backed by fans more than hyypia, worked under several managers never won the league therefore he should be knowing wheres the area lfc need to improve, stevie would probably be his assistant thats massive etc. I wouldnt go for carra to be the next manager after rodgers just said who would I picked between him and hyypia.

  16. I'd like him to learn his trade for a few more years. Liverpool cant waste more time with managers that are still green. When it comes to the boss you want the finished article.
    Even Rafa had a lot to learn about the premier league when he first arrived.

  17. Mmm..last night's set piece defending wasn't hectic

  18. I used to think that exaggerated praise given out a will would lose it's value but I have now seen that people have an amazing ability to think it is hyperbole when applied to others but true when applied to them. I voted maybe but proably not

  19. Would prefer to see him develop in his natural position...defenders regardless of sport generally take longer to mature.
    With our current position in the table, its critical we make good signings to reinforce the squad and keep the momentum rolling. Hopefully we can come out of December unscathed.

  20. I don't really put much onus on length of time at a club as a player or player characteristics when it comes to what makes a good managers. I don't put much onus on what a person has done as a player, when it comes to judging whether they would be a good manager. It is one thing being a player, another being a manager. Two different roles.The likes of Tony Adams and Roy Keane were great and better leaders on the pitch but they aren't anything to write home about as managers.

    There may well be a few examples that have shown such a risk can pay off, in relation to picking a person with no managerial experience to manage a big club but it is a bigger risk than going for someone who has actually tested himself as a manager.

    I'll always go with someone who has shown a promising managerial record to date over someone who has no managerial record. Neither are my ideal choices but out of the two, Hyypia all day long, unless Carra tests himself in a managerial role in the near future.

  21. I personally think he is a liability and would sell. If someone comes in with a suitable offer.

  22. I know mate I have just read about the goals. I didn't see them myself. A bit of presumption on my part.

  23. Doesn't offer enough offensively... but defensively, he's reliable.

  24. Ya i think he can be a great player. All he needs is the right playing time and the right mentality to surround him. Mostly just playing time.

  25. I think it's more complex than that. Every case is different. In this one it has lot's of value as I see it for it mark's out the 'mysterious' missing, at the after.
    So, he can but most likely that he won't.

  26. Hoped KD will last long enough for him to get experience and take over, but now I am confidant of cl so...

  27. I remember us playing without Suarez,Coutinho,Glen Johnson,and it turned allright. January can be great for us if we stay in top 4 till than- look at the schedule,count in cl- and it is very much possible.Just be positive when you have a reason,or at least don't put me down.. I don't mind,of course, but I just don't get it from a fellow Liverpuldian..
    Keep the faith.

  28. He got overrun two times. he was only good when he deals with the attacker straightaway- he's got great first impulse, but fast players easily drrible him.
    Should get few more chances here, than a loan to bottom team in Epl, becouse he is EPL level in development..

  29. Next year Liverpool will be in CL, and so will Austria Wiena probably. If they get in the same group, at what side will you be?
    By the way, Zenit and CSKA are two most disorganized teams in cl, so there is a chance for the first win..

  30. One or two good games and some other bad games, are not enough for us to say what Flanagan can do with his Liverpool career. But I have the feeling that he is not something more than a bench player - maybe less... We don't have good alternatives right now, so he will play some games. This is his chance to impress. If he can do that he will gain confidence and our respect as well.

  31. Just because Barnes comes out and says a few things about the praise given to Sterling, should not be deemed evidence to suggest Flano will be affected by the acknowledgement he received after the match. Credit where credit is due.
    Also, Flano and Sterling are 2 very different players, in their mentality and how they carry themselves. You only have to see that Sterling has 3 little ones at the age of 18 to know that things were not so stable at home.

    But nevertheless, we do need a left back as cover, and I'm hearing rumours about Montoya (Barca U21) and Bertrand (Chelsea).
    I'm not sure who is available in the market in that position that will be value for money and help us progress.

    In Brenden we trust! YNWA

  32. Ok, so by your reasoning, Flanagan's reputation is rock bottom too because he was only in because Enrique wasn't fit. Suarez always makes those sort of reactions when players miss a chance, if you had seen later in the game when Sturridge was on and Suarez chose to shoot and didn't score, Sturridge gave a similar reaction. You can't read into the reactions of players, especially strikers who have a touch of selfishness to them. If you had also taken notice of the Allen chance, when he got to the ball, Suarez was slightly ahead of him, therefore in an offside position, so he couldn't have passed to Suarez anyway.

  33. totally agree , there was a few occasions he was caught flat footed , and lucas had to cover for him , you get a winger like walcott or valencia on him they would tear him apart , definately cant rely on flanagan to be the player to fix our right back problems , need to look at other options

  34. If you remember Flanagan went down the pecking order after a horror performance vs Blackburn towards the end of Kenny regime. So he has had to wait a long time to get his chance to impress in the first team. So just because Allen is at his lowest point of LFC career he still has a chance to make an impact but for me he has a short space of time to do that because Liverpool will be looking for at least two top class midfielders in the next couple of transfer windows.

  35. Jaimie K , a ques for you ..... My opinion is plain and simple..... Is Flanagan or even Henderson ever gona have the required and the essential Technical ability, the required flair or skill level in their respective positions?? I cringe wen players and managers go on about a players heart, determination, courage, hard work blah blah. These qualities r for championship or football league level. Players playing for teams like LFC, Bayern, Barca, Man city, Arsenal etc have got to have a certain level of skill, some technique, great one touch play, being brave in tight situations, these are what's required wen playing for the elite clubs. Heart, determination etc r Wat henderson, Flanagan posses, the question is .... Is that good enough?Wheres the required skill or technic in these two players for example. If we had a team full of hard workers and determined players, but no technic or skill , is that ever gona b good enough? I rest my case.

  36. True, but if he get's to play more I don.t think that will be the case. He will come good in the next few seasons just need more game, consider the fact that he played out of position I think he was exceptional if he can keep up his performances , who knows might even keep Johnson or Enrique on the bench.

  37. Cissokho seems worst than Dossena. Too slow to cover fast wingers and zero confidence going forward

  38. ummm... compare Ozil's chance creation in the Premier league to Henderson's.
    Not saying that Henderson is as good as ozil but just pointing out that he does have some measure of technique/skill/potential. Oh and by far the most important thing that top teams have, more important than skill and technique combined is FITNESS. That is what great teams like Barca and Bayern have in abundance and at least henderson has that (his decisions are bad in the final third but im sure that will improve over time).

  39. The only reason he was called up for England was to tie him up and make sure he didnt play for Jamaica

  40. Get all the game time he can at LB and develop into an all round defender then even if BR signs a new LB he can fight Glen Johnson for the RB spot.

  41. Two words: Graeme Souness.

  42. Because you think there are a lot of narrow minded supporters the club should aim for mediocrity is that right?

  43. Can someone please tell me what's the situation with Kelly? Cos a while back there, I thought he was being lined up as a decent right back, before maybe moving into a centre back position?

    Also where is Wisdom in all of this? Was he not made Eng U21 captain?

  44. I forgot to say you are the best journalist I have come across and the posters n here are the wittiest, most intelligent and best looking on any site I have been on.

  45. I thought so too. He is recovered,but so far other full backs were givenchances...

  46. Gibbs is amazing with the ball in his feet,and so was Gatusso.. Not all the players must be technical wanders for a team to be successful.
    Plus,at the moment we are uppermid-table team aiming the top4. When we get there and set the new goal- title and quarter final of cl, we will get new, better players.

  47. I very much doubt that Carra or Stevie will ever manage Liverpool and if that did happen they would need to be successful at a smaller club first.

  48. I agree. Given game time he will improve. Yes, he isn't the player to solve our problems right NOW but in the future he could be. It's ok slating him but the lads barely had any experience why should he be a world beater. Yes there are other right backs his age out there who are probably better but they've had a damn sight more game time than he has. It's ok people to say he had a poor game against Arsenal. No (excuse my French) shit. He has barely played and you drop him in against arguably the best team in the league right now and if I'm honest he wasn't that bad considering. He played better than Cissokho that's for sure.

  49. That's what Carra did. He spent a lot of his early days at left back. Unless I am mistaken?

  50. Maybe Rodgers is just taking it easy with Kelly. The amount of injuries Kelly has had at his age is not good at all. Look at what happened to Rob Jones. Rather play it safe then be sorry.

  51. Fingers crossed for Sturridge now, let's hope it's just severe bruising.....
    Shows how quickly things could change. Skrtyl might be ok, but what do all those people who said we shouldn't have signed Sakho say now?

  52. With Sturridge out, this could be Ibe's chance to prove himself against Hull.

  53. Sakho is a beast. He should have played in the derby. Lukaku would have been taken care of every time!

  54. Liverpool! without any doubt!!

  55. Cissokho plainly needs patience and support to restore his confidence. He has the athleticism and experience to be an elite footballer again but he's probably going to have to drop down the pyramid somewhere to get the games he needs to start to come back to something like the level his early career promised. Maybe he never will.

    Yes, a big disappointment, not least to Cissokho himself I suspect, so let's not be too harsh on him. Something's clearly gone horribly wrong for him to go from being one of the new Thurams, chased by the big clubs, to what looks at present like a lower league journeyman.

  56. I think you make a valid point... but I think that his positional awareness makes him more reliable. Where you have an enrique who can make up for his mistakes because of his speed, Flanagan will not make those positional mistakes often, but at the same time, when he does make the mistake, he doesn't have the athleticism to make up for it.

  57. I just can't see what anybody is getting excited about with Flanagan. Whether in the reserves or in the first team, he has never impressed imo and I'd hope these first team appearances is just to raise his profile ahead of a transfer elsewhere sometime soon

  58. Wisdom is out on loan. I have the same thoughts about Kelly though - he's been back for a while now, but looks to be well down the pecking order.

    I'd have him well ahead of Flanagan though, irrespective of how Kelly may perform initially as he settles back into things. Only one of them has any chances of being a top performer for a top team, and it sure isn't Jonno...

  59. Henderson doesn't have any flair but he does have the level of technical ability required for a good central midfielder, if not for an elite one.

    Flanagan though doesn't look to have the technical or physical capability to be anything more than a middling player for a middling team. It's just like Spearing previously - everybody can hope for the little guy to make it, but at the end of the day it just isn't what is best for the club.

  60. Tbh I wouldn't be concerned about bending to the needs of on-loan players, if they aren't clearly outperforming their permanent LFC counterparts, as it's all about securing the long term future of LFC rather than developing a player so that he can improve the fortunes of our competitors.

    Particularly n the absence of Sturridge however, Moses should be played in his natural position - as a wide right forward, using his pace to ensure we can continue to stretch the team vertically and horizontally.

  61. Totally agreed mate - everybody loves to make excuses about the Europa League, ignoring the fact that it was typically used to give fringe players the opportunity to play themselves into form, rather than being a massive burden on the key starters

  62. I've got that wager on with a few guys already, so fingers crossed!

  63. Today could be his big day- Hull plays awfull lot of crosses, and with us probably dominating the field their chances will be short actions..
