1 Dec 2013

Prem Raid: LFC want €10m star BR hailed as a 'top talent'. Next Signing...?

Prior to the summer loan signing of Aly Cissokho, Liverpool were linked with a surprise move for Chelsea left-back Ryan Bertrand, and it looks like the Reds are set to reignite their interest in the pacy full-back.

In July, The Mirror reported that Liverpool 'made an enquiry' about Bertrand, and according to The Telegraph this week:

"Brendan Rodgers is ready to make a renewed bid to sign Ryan Bertrand in January.

"Chelsea rejected an approach from Liverpool in July, and Rodgers [has] reservations over Aly Cissokho"

Brendan Rodgers worked with Bertrand during his time as a coach at Chelsea, and he also signed the 24-year old on a season-long loan whilst at Reading, where he made 51 starts during his loan-year with Royals, which clearly shows Rodgers' faith and trust in the player.

The Reds boss also showered Bertrand with praise, predicting a bright future for the defender. Indeed, during one particular 2009 interview, Rodgers told GetReading:

"He’s going to be a top talent. He’s one of the few left-sided players who is good defensively and can go forward. I know what he can do and he’s 100-per-cent committed and is a big possibility for the future"

Bertrand - who signed a new 5-year deal with Chelsea in 2012 - is certainly highly regarded at Chelsea, especially by English stars John Terry, Frank Lampard, Gary Cahill, and Ashley Cole. After the defender's Champions League debut against Bayern Munich last season, Terry enthused:

"Young Ryan was thrown in at the deep end, but he did really well. He is excellent and he didn't show his inexperience at all."

Lampard raved:

"He's clearly a player with a massive future. He's a 22-year-old with a Champions League medal who came in and did a great job for us, you can't ask for more".

Cahill observed:

"People are just starting to sit up and realise how good he [Bertrand] is. He has got a great reputation, especially at our club, and is going to have a massive future, that’s for sure"

After signing his new Chelsea deal in January, Cole told the club's official website:

"I didn't just sign because I wanted to play. He is a great player and hopefully I can help him. He deserves to be at a big club, and he has improved a lot in the few years I've seen him"

Given Rodgers' history with €10m-rated Bertrand, and his high regard for the player, this link seems credible enough, and if it comes to fruition, it could spell the beginning of the end for Enrique AND Cissokho.

It's hardly surprising that Rodger has 'reservations' about Cissokho. He's done nothing so far to suggest he's a long-term solution for the club, and as far as I can tell, it's difficult to see what the French defender actually brings to the team. The pursuit of another left-back also proves that Rodgers still doesn't truth Jon Flanagan enough to give him an extended run in the team.

Bertrand has made just five appearances for Chelsea this season, and - like Juan Mata - he seems to be another player on Jose Mourinho's ignore list. Be that as it may, I can't see Mourinho allowing this deal to go through. Liverpool are serious contenders for a place in the top four, and the Portuguese will not want to strengthen the Reds even further.

Mourinho has already made clear his anger over losing Daniel Sturridge to the Reds, and given the huge competition for Champions League places, it's conceivable that Liverpool could squeeze Chelsea out of the top four at some stage.

If that happened with THREE former Chelsea players on LFC's books, then the London club - and Mourinho - would look pretty stupid.



  1. Looks a decent player from what I've seen, and reasonably versatile to boot. He's no spring chicken though, and for a 24 year-old, he doesn't have an enormous amount of experience. Just playing every week at our level alone would probably be a minor culture shock to him.
    It depends on price. Less than £8mil, certainly. We do need a left-back though. Cissokho hasn't looked up to it (he has until January to prove otherwise). Flanno has done well, but we shouldn't neglect other options because he surprised a few people in one game. Flanno, from what I've seen, should never be more than a committed and reliable squad player. That can go a long way if we start competing at a higher level. People like John O'Shea have been a vital part of Ferguson's success at United.

  2. Definitely a decent player but I'm worried of becoming over reliant on other club's cast offs to do the business for us. It's worked for Sturridge but not so much for Alberto, Sakho and Cissokho. I'd say go all out and get Shaw or even Boilesen at Ajax although he has injury problems to take into consideration. Good news though, we've paid even more agent fees than ever before last year so that part of FSG's plans is going very well...

  3. Give the players time to prove their worth, the 3 players mentioned are all good players. Look at Demba Ba, Cisse, Jelavic, etc, who started very well but now look average.......judge them over a season at least.

  4. Sakho has been a very good signing. Not sure what some people's problem seems to be with him and how can you say it has not worked for Alberto when he has not even played all that much.

    It is like saying the car does not work when you have not even bothered turned it on.

  5. Can't see Mourinho selling to us in January. He has even said that they will most likely not buy any players so selling would weaken their squad.

    What about Neil Taylor from Swansea?

  6. Little bit off the topic, Bale scored his first hat trick for Madrid. He has 9 in 13 matches for them. Spurs sold Bale for whack load but have failed to get a decent return on the players they bought to replace him.

    FSG did the right thing by standing their ground and refusing to let Suarez have his way and hopefully we make CL and he stays!

  7. Rodgers has reservations over Cissokho ! this is why we have scouts. It looks like he has reservations over Aspas and Assaidi as well . Check them out first Brendan. These players could have amounted to one decent player.One good player over 3 no good players is the way.

  8. Remember when Arsenal got Henry and Bergkamp they didn't exactly have big reputations.Henry didn't make it at Juve and it was the same at Inter for Bergkamp.

  9. I wouldn't rule out Aspas just yet.
