Liverpool legend John Aldridge has revealed that he is worried that star-striker Luis Suarez could leave Anfield as a result of the 8-match ban he's received over the Patrice Evra situation.
Speaking on Liverpool-based Radio City a few minutes ago, Aldridge argued that Suarez 'could walk away from the club' after being labelled a racist by the FA.
Suarez's ban will not come into force until an appeal has been held but the pressure on the Uruguayan from this point onwards is going to be immense.
Suarez now holds the dubious distinction of being the first top-level player in the entire history of football to be 'convicted' of racial abuse by the FA, and the Press will is going to have a field say sticking the knife in.
Elsewhere, Lucas Leiva joined Kenny Dalglish in offering his support for Suarez:
"I feel very sad for you my friend but we are here to support you".
Jaimie Kanwar
Speaking on Liverpool-based Radio City a few minutes ago, Aldridge argued that Suarez 'could walk away from the club' after being labelled a racist by the FA.
Suarez's ban will not come into force until an appeal has been held but the pressure on the Uruguayan from this point onwards is going to be immense.
Suarez now holds the dubious distinction of being the first top-level player in the entire history of football to be 'convicted' of racial abuse by the FA, and the Press will is going to have a field say sticking the knife in.
Elsewhere, Lucas Leiva joined Kenny Dalglish in offering his support for Suarez:
"I feel very sad for you my friend but we are here to support you".
Jaimie Kanwar
Aldridge has always been a reactionary. He get's emotional over the slightest thing. Think about it rationally. LFC back their man, they are going to support him 100% as his teamates and supporters will. Suarez is a strong character. In my opinion the lad will get through this, LFC will win their inevitable case against the fa and Suarez will have a long, glorious LFC career.
ReplyDeleteHope your Right Harry, the FA have this completely wrong given the evidence or lack of it. The 8 match ban is a side issue, being labelled a racist is far more concerning.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of this Evra situation I have always maintained we are on limited time with Suarez. He will play for Barcelona at some point... and the stigma of this racism conviction and his treatment from refs and fans in England may just bring it about sooner rather than later.
ReplyDeleteAldo's some man. He should stick to growing moustaches and leave the football talk to us grown-ups.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree with you more Harry. And in any event, wherever Suarez goes in the world, this tag will follow him. He therefore might as well stay at Liverpool where he will at least be protected and supported by the club and the fans. There is no-one better for him to have at his side at the moment than KK and the team mates with whom he has developed a close bond, ie Lucas, Maxi & Dirk in particular.
ReplyDeleteI haven't posted in a while here but this topic is worth talking about
ReplyDeleteThis entire situation is unfortunate and was totally avoidable
Racism is a CRIME. It should be dealt with in a court of law. Not by a panel of "independent" FA representatives
If you are going to label someone as a "racist" or of casting a "racial slur" then you better be damn sure, beyond reasonable doubt that this is the case
The 8 match ban is irrelevant. Surely it should be an extensive ban if proven. This sentence does nothing except save face for the FA and show that they are doing something about it
1. Every club should have, as part of it's induction process for new employees, sessions which highlight sensitive aspects of the society - race, gender & sexuality based references are rightly taboo
2. Suarez has been found guilty by his own evidence, Liverpool's statement makes no sense in this regard which claims that Suarez has been found guilty by Evra's evidence alone, Suarez has corroborated Evra's claims - Suarez DID use a term that distinguishes / refers to the colour of
Evra's skin. This is irrefutable and breaks the rules, maybe decision
was made along these clearcut lines. The panel seem to have ignored any "nuances"
3. Suarez would surely not have confirmed that he said such things if he felt that this very evidence would be what condemned him - He obviously felt that the phrases he used were not racist, he thinks they are purely descriptive
4. It is reported that Evra said that the referee booked him because he is black - He has accused the referee of racially profiling him - official report will confirm / deny this
5. Evra also referred to Suarez in derogatory terms with regard to his place of origin - South America. This is not "racist" per se but is surely discriminatory and ethnic profiling. It is certainly "insulting". Why is not being pursue?
6. If a court of law found Suarez guilty of racism, Liverpool would have to sack him. 8 matches is a total farce. He either did it or not.
This will drag on until the summer. Liverpool cannot accept that Suarez is guilty of racism or he will have to be sacked. SIMPLE
Expect Court of Arbitration for Sport, European Court of Justice and High Court to be involved
Then Liverpool will be disciplined by FIFA for going outside of footballing authorities, just like FC Sion
This is an apocalyptic situation for Liverpool. We are F**KED
A get out clause would be for Liverpool to have a press conference,
ReplyDelete-Luis Suarez clearly states the context and thought process behind the comments made to Evra and that they were in no way intended as being racist
- Suarez acknowledges that Evra could easily have misunderstood the intention behind the use of certain words
- Suarez acknowledges that he now understands the cultural differences between England and his homeland and pledges not to use the same words again to avoid any furture confusion
- Suarez accepts some sort of ban as a warning
Seems like Suarez had some very poor legal advice. Why admit to anything. Deny all and let the FA prove it - which would've been extremely difficult. If his defence was "Yeah I said this ...but its not that bad where I come from guv honest" then he loaded the gun for the FA.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the statement released by the club last night....Wow where to begin with that. Looks like some whiny fan wrote it. Embarrassing.
The whole thing is just STUPID!L.Suarez can only speak in Spanish and in Spanish this is not a racist remark case closed.I personaly think a hefty fine would have been sufficent with a leaflet listing offencive words that will not be exepted.
ReplyDeleteEither because they truly believed that Suarez was not being racist OR didn't know what testimony other players or referee would have AND what TV cameras would turn up
ReplyDeleteThey had to be open, or the entire club would end up being indicted
One more thing
ReplyDeleteThe attack on Evra from Liverpool's statement is very ill advised
Evra heard words being spoken in Spanish, that he could identify as some derivative of "Negro"
Surely he has the right to complain about it, regardless of supposed previous unfounded allegations
The problem here is that racism is a crime and should be dealt with legally, like in Terry's case
blackie evra should banned too for telling lies!
ReplyDeleteevra is an idiot!
ReplyDeleteGood post,
ReplyDeleteNot really apocolyptic though, is it?
Accept it, sit out the ban, forget about it, shit happens, move on...
This'll be forgotten about by the end of the season
Slightly related issue, expect John Terry to be receiving a Knighthood any day now...
My last sentence was OTT :)
ReplyDeleteFolowing scenario - JT legal charges dropped, FA don't investigate as a result would be a complete cop out
THat's plain ridiculous. The FA are biased. 1) Suarez doesn't speak English and in Spanish and in Spanish Negro or negrito means mate in common parlance therefore not racist Suarez has only admitted to using the word in a common and not racist context. Both A guilty act and a guilty state of mind need be proved to reach the guilty verdict. Here that was not the case. 2) no other united player except Evra heard the comments.
ReplyDelete3) Evra has a history of casting racist
Since several seasons. 4) Liverpool should challenge the ban on appeal as the ban
apart from penalising the player also harms the team whereas a different
penalty like a fine would work just as fine
A 1981 Irish Republican Army poster read, " THE SUN DOESN'T SET ON THE BRITISH ISLES BECAUSE GOD DOESN'T TRUST THE BRITS IN THE DARK", This is the classic reference to the England 's FA handling of Suarez issue, a kangaroo court par excellence!
ReplyDeleteI think its time I gave up on football, the ruling bodies are a disgrace. There is no consistency in there decision making.
ReplyDeleteIf the FA think it is ok for JT to be investigated by the police over his supposed comments with out bringing charges, then why was LS not offered the same?
The FA could of went to the Police and said, we have had a report of a racist incident by a player, could you investigate.
That would have shown some consistency in how things are dealt with regarding certain incidents.
The FA panel know about football but are not competent to give legal rulings let a Judge be the decider instead.
ReplyDeleteOn the contrary it's time LFc showed some balls for a change.Either back the man or sack the man and if you think LFC should sack one of the top five footballers in the world you are in a minority of one
ReplyDeleteneither Evra or the FA accuse Suarez of Racism so what is the real agenda here ?
ReplyDeleteYeah attending all those Hillsborough funerals must have addled the poor guys brain. He clearly knows nothing compared to an intellectual titan like you
ReplyDeleteFA have stated that
ReplyDeleteMr Suarez used insulting words towards Mr Evra during the match contrary to FA Rule E3(1);
the insulting words used by Mr Suarez included a reference to Mr Evra’s colour within the meaning of Rule E3(2);
The investigation was sparked because Evra, on French TV, accused Suarez of racism, after also reporting the matter to the ref, so the FA investigated
Liverpool F.C. should lodge an appeal and use the lack of substantive evidence to reduce the match ban, the F.A. will not back down on this issue as that would be an admission of their mis-handling of the case. To take the word of one man on such a serious charge is idiotic in the extreme......
ReplyDeleteThat would be the wisest course and this may be over sooner rather than later. LFC will never win an appeal. FA will not back down from this. Especially now that they have the players union behind them. Not to forget Sepp Blatter and FIFA whom may be the sole reason that FA´s cracking down so hard on this incident. FIFA wants definite results when fighting racism in football and FA´s giving them results.
ReplyDeleteSo, never mind how much it´s hurts. Make a public apology as stated above and move on. It'll be for the best.
Probably preferential to go the FA route if any danger of guilty verdict in court of law, Liverpool would have to sack him if found guilty
ReplyDeleteSuarez admitted using the words that Evra accused him of
ReplyDeleteIt's the interpretation of the words that there is disagreement on
FA obviously going by letter of their laws and disregarding any cultural explanations
If we are to believe all the hyperbole issuing from the hovering jackals of the press, Luis Suarez has committed the most henious crime in the annals of English football. He hasn't murdered anybody, he hasn't raped anybody, he hasn't robbed anybody, so why all the stupid suggestions that Liverpool she sever their relationship with him and terminate his contract. I seem to recollect that they suggested the same thing to MUck after Cantona committed GBH on a spectator, and they stood by their man. If the FA have charged Saurez with offence language then they had better appoint a full time committee, because the amount of foul and sexual language used during any game would fill a charge sheet! I am also heartily disgusted at the comments from PFA chief Gordon Taylor. On the day this little creep dodged driving offences due to tying errors on the documentation, he is hardly in a position to pontificate on Saurez for not complying with rules and regulations !
ReplyDeleteI just want to say that Liverpool stated that in no premeditated action or intention was Suarez racist. It was a misunderstanding, who is dumb enough to say something racist 10 times intentionally. And get this, Evra said in a written statement that he doesn't think Suarez is racist, which means he obviously overreacted to the whole situation. He used a word that is commonly acceptable in Uruguay. So don't worry mate he ain't racist and he certainly won't be kicked out of Liverpool for that.
ReplyDeleteThe FA have picked on a Johnny Foreigner to prove they are tough on racism and a player who his from a real multicultural society were they don't have to preach about racism and tolerance because a lot of them have white, black or brown parentage in them already!
ReplyDeletePut yourself in his position if you can. He thinks what he said shouldn't be taken as racist because he grew up using this figure of speech in Uruguay, he might have even heard it from his black grandfather the first time. So being accused as a racist, labelled it by the FA, would you graciously accept defeat? Obviously you would, because your not in any way similar to Luis Suarez's character. As for your opinion on the statement, think about it realistically and not like a insecure twat.
ReplyDeleteFA votes unanimously that Suarez is guilty because Evra said so. Evra feels guilt-ridden to the point where he tells the FA he doesn't think Suarez is racist but is too deep in this to admit that he might have misunderstood instead. Suarez is just sitting there thinking what can I say to these people to make them understand that I was not being racist, I'm telling you the truth here. If that is not victimized then I shouldn't even know English. This whole thing is all down to Evra's initial reaction, he reacted in a way where he was convinced it was racist without ever thinking where Suarez was coming from.
And judging by how strongly Liverpool are defending Suarez, they do not think Suarez is a racist for what he said. They are also saying Evra is not creditable because if you put a black person from Uruguay in his boots he would not have reacted in a defensive way and there would never have been a hearing or a cry baby interview in France. If the FA are judging Suarez over his character, then why are they not judging Evra for overreacting to the the word negrito is which is used commonly in Uruguay.
Farcical couple of days for Liverpool. No need for them to make any comment about Suarez until they lodge the appeal, the wearing of the T-Shirts is childish and provocative, how will that help when the appeal is in front of the FA. Whoever at the club decided this was a good idea needs to think seriously if he's in the right job. Worst, Dalglish seems to be sanctioning it all and frankly is just making a total prat of himself. What he should have been doing was working out how to beat one of the worst teams in the premier league which is his day job, unfortunately he's not really up to it.
ReplyDeleteHopefully,Suarez will get justice as he seems to be being punished for actually telling the truth. If he'd denied it nothing would have been done as there was absolutely no proof but in the meantime the club would have been far better served acting with a little restraint. I'm afraid its too late though now the FA will go out of it's way to ensure that the punishment isn't overturned after all this was their way of posturing to FIFA after the total balls up they made of the world cup bid.
The FA think they are being the flag bearers of combatting racism when i can assure them this will backfire bigtime.Gordon Taylor couldnt contain his delight in saying how racism would never be tolerated and this penalty is justified.Suarez is honest hes told the truth.Like i say this will backfire bigtime I for one will try to avoid ever speaking to black people again just in case i get villified because i unintentionally upset them.In fact if you had a poll in england now about wether to bring segregation back i homestly believe the majority of England would vote for this as it would mean getting some of our lost identity and freedom back.
ReplyDeletecalm down calm down, the player the club and the fans have suffered an injustice but callng for the restoration of aparthied is a bit overboard, relax fellow supporter, direct your justifiable emotion into motivation for liverpool fc,,,,,,,ywnwa......
ReplyDeleteThe FA have picked on the whole of South America and Latino countries just to try and make it look like the country is against racism because we have a problem with it in this country we are isolated in Europe with UEFA, FIFA hate us and now CONCAF and CONMEBOL can be added to the list !
ReplyDeleteDon't expect anything honourable from Evra.
Apartheid has been restored in England. Now it just applies to Latin Americans instead of the Negro race.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand how "Negro" is racist. Isn't that what the race is called. Has anyone ever heard of the United Negro College Fund. Negro is what they call themselves.
ReplyDeleteThe English FA is clueless from day one. A blatant racism remark that is caught on camera and been heard by many from the England captain is "conveniently" passed as a Police case. When a foreigner did it, they are fast at their feet to charge him. Come on FA (For Alex or For AVB) having balls is not enough, you need to have a brain as well. And of course the English media is no help at all, as usual...
ReplyDeleteSo is that a reason for not banning him? Could you be that pathetic Johnny?
ReplyDeletecoudn't feel more sorry for you guys. Win their case against the FA ?? I don't think so ?? Plus Suarez is not racist, the ban wouldve been much longer had that been FA's findings. He uttered a racist slur. There is a difference. He's getting punished for his thickness, which is nothing new to the scouse. As for the media, nobody will dare call him a racist. He could sue them dearly. Because technically he has not been branded a racist. The terrace banter will exist but that wouldve existed even if he hadn't been 'convicted'. Love it when Kanwar says, no top flight player has ever been convicted of racism.
ReplyDeleteBefore Suarez, it was true: no top-level player had ever been convicted of anything race-related.
ReplyDeletePatricia should get an 8 match ban and a hefty fine just for the being a knob in that video. i didnt realize how much more i could hate Evra until i saw that video. what a wanker!
ReplyDeleteLol. Now its not. Plus the point had no significance. Lower league players have been banned before on racism charges. when has there been such a case at top level anyways? Plus Liverpool's statement keeps banging on Evra's credibility when he has NEVER accused anyone before and even if he did it should in any case have no bearing on this case. Also Suarez ADMITTED to have used those words. Jaimie you keep banging in the 'Liverpool Way' but after reading that atrocious club statement would you still say the club is right ? Liverpool's achievements make it an elite club and with it comes responsibility. An idiot on your website sullying Evra's reputation is one thing, Liverpool football club doing it is a completely different matter. Its a sad day for Liverpool football club. A player is bigger than your club. coudn't feel more sorry for you.
ReplyDeleteHe's getting punished for his thickness,which is nothing new to the scouse.
ReplyDeleteThis is an insult and racial slur Jaimie why haven't you banned him?
Why would he want to leave Liverpool for breaking the law? He broke the law and was punished justly for doing it. He has to learn from this error, serve his ban with dignity, and move on with the greatest football club on earth; namely Liverpool FC.
ReplyDeleteBut hear me out .. thats how I affectionately greet my friends ...
ReplyDeleteIsnt that what your friends call you too ?? Surprising that you reacted like that.