13 Oct 2011

INJURY UPDATE: Latest on Aurelio, Johnson, Agger, Kelly and Suarez

In his weekly press conference a few minutes ago, Kenny Dalglish provided an injury update on his players, and for once, the news was 100% positive.

Liverpool are injury free!

According to Dalglish, there are no current injuries to deal with, and that includes Fabio Aurelio and Daniel Agger, both of whom are back in full training.

The manger also revealed that Luis Suarez and Sebastian Coates had returned from South America completely unharmed, and are ready to face Man United on Saturday.

No injuries? When did that last happen?

Jaimie Kanwar


  1. Importantly, what about Kelly...

  2. can any1 answer us about kelly

  3. yeah kelly is not injured

  4. Kelly is fit too. No injuries at the club right now

    Sent from iPhone

  5. Don't speak to soon, got to get through training today. Pass me my Half empty glass!
