15 Sept 2011

INJURY UPDATE: Latest on Gerrard, Johnson, Kelly and Aurelio

In his weekly press conference earlier, Kenny Dalglish provided an updated on Liverpool's current list of injured players.

Ahead of the (arguably) must-win game against Spurs this weekend, things seem to be looking good on the injury front:

"We’ve only got Glen Johnson really. We’re just waiting for some tests to come back; we’re waiting for some results, and we’ll take it from there. It’s only Glen.

"Steven’s progressing very well...We’ll pick and choose whatever fits Steven; whatever games suits him best.

"We’ll analyse the same as we do for everybody – how his progress is, and his recovery. There’s no rush for us, and there’s no rush for him.

"Martin Kelly is back training; Fabio is close to coming back and joining us also. Everybody that’s asked to play [against Spurs] will be fit enough to play.

"We'll just wait and see - there is no rush. We've just got to use common sense".

I would much rather see Gerrard return against Brighton than Spurs as it's theoretically a much easier game in which to return.

Jaimie Kanwar


  1. If Stevie comes back and breaks down again, someone needs to be sacked

    Was Glen rushed back v Stoke? Ridiculous that he could succumb to the same injury immediately

    There is no panic at all to risk these players before they're ready

  2. After the fanfare and hype over Liverpool's new team doctor, it seems a little strange that Johnson would get injured again on his first game back...

  3. I agree with your pointabout bringing Gerrard for brighton game instead of Spurs.

  4. The comment about brighton is a bit disrespectful. I know you didnt mean it so. They are unbeaten top of championship playing a competent attacking style whilst being responsible at the back. Their scottish international striker mackail smith could cause us problems. I think unless we take them as seriously as we would wigan, west brom or that level of team then we could be in for a shock. They beat a prem team to get to this stage so dont underestimate.
    On the other hand i agree i would rather gerrard be brought back in this game. Coates could also get a Game

  5. The Campionship is a tougher brand of footie than the EPL. I think it'll be safer to bring him on against the Spurs fairies. ;)

  6. is this the team doctor that has now been at the clubfor 14 months .......he is hardly new and its not the same injury and you dont rate him anyway so its no problem

  7. yea, I did notice that after all that big talk last year we then saw pretty much all of our technical players (Gerrard, Johnson, Agger, Aurelio etc) barring Torres suffer just as much if not even more injuries as usual.

    It's notable that from our senior team, only Reina, Kuyt, Skrtel, Lucas & Meireles were relatively injury free all of last season when the new regime was supposedly going to eradicate our injury woes.

  8. Yes, and of that list, Meireles has also got injured over the last couple of months...
