After a freak pre-season incident in which Fabio Aurelio was injured whilst having a back-yard kickabout with his son (!), Liverpool fans were looking forward to the Brazilian's return to action. Unfortunately, Aurelio's comeback is on hold yet again after another freak injury sustained at Liverpool's Melwood training ground today.
Liverpool-Kop understands that whilst preparing for the usual five-a-side game, Aurelio dislocated his shoulder whilst pulling on his five-a-side training bib.
It appears that Aurelio picked up a smaller youth team bib by accident, and the resultant tightness when trying to pull it on directly caused the injury.
Liverpool physio Dave Galley explained:
"The dislocation occurred because Fabio pulled the bib down at the wrong angle, and the consequent pressure exerted by the tightness of the bib unfortunately caused his shoulder to pop out of place.
"We had to cut the bib away, as trying to pull off something wedged so tightly against his body would have exacerbated the injury".
Aurelio was devastated by his latest piece of injury bad luck:
"Just when i thought I was out of this injury nightmare, it PULLED ME BACK IN!"
Rafa Benitez was unfazed by this latest set-back:
"It is not a problem, no? We still have Dossena, who gives us lots of options, no? Our idea is also to move Gerrard to left back, as he is very versatile, and perhaps use Mascherano behind Torres. For sure it is a short-term solution, but I think it will work, no?".
NB. I didn't think I'd have to put this disclaimer but it appears that I do: This article is just a bit of fun. it is supposed to be ironic, playing on the fact that Aurelio is constantly injured. It is not true (!).
EDIT: For those of who who still don't get it, THIS IS A BIT OF FUN TO WILE AWAY THE BOREDOM OF THE INTERNATIONAL BREAK. Get over it.
Liverpool-Kop understands that whilst preparing for the usual five-a-side game, Aurelio dislocated his shoulder whilst pulling on his five-a-side training bib.
It appears that Aurelio picked up a smaller youth team bib by accident, and the resultant tightness when trying to pull it on directly caused the injury.
Liverpool physio Dave Galley explained:
"The dislocation occurred because Fabio pulled the bib down at the wrong angle, and the consequent pressure exerted by the tightness of the bib unfortunately caused his shoulder to pop out of place.
"We had to cut the bib away, as trying to pull off something wedged so tightly against his body would have exacerbated the injury".
Aurelio was devastated by his latest piece of injury bad luck:
"Just when i thought I was out of this injury nightmare, it PULLED ME BACK IN!"
Rafa Benitez was unfazed by this latest set-back:
"It is not a problem, no? We still have Dossena, who gives us lots of options, no? Our idea is also to move Gerrard to left back, as he is very versatile, and perhaps use Mascherano behind Torres. For sure it is a short-term solution, but I think it will work, no?".
NB. I didn't think I'd have to put this disclaimer but it appears that I do: This article is just a bit of fun. it is supposed to be ironic, playing on the fact that Aurelio is constantly injured. It is not true (!).
EDIT: For those of who who still don't get it, THIS IS A BIT OF FUN TO WILE AWAY THE BOREDOM OF THE INTERNATIONAL BREAK. Get over it.
Not funny.
ReplyDeleteAnd Dave Galley is the Academy physio by the way.
You are joking right?
ReplyDeleteThis is the person that wrote a comment yesterday saying all you do is criticism the club.
ReplyDeleteStrike that, you just write non stop trash. Really, your stuff is nauseating claptrap.
total t w a t
ReplyDeleteNo, he's serious. Aurelio really did dislocte his shoulder pulling on a training bib. Ever heard of irony?
ReplyDeleteI think its rather amusing, you miserable sods!
ReplyDeleteYes, get a sense of humour already!
ReplyDeleteOh, and I also find it amazing that a disclaimer was needed at the bottom of the post. I came here via EmpireoftheKop's twitter feed - one of their tweets said:
ReplyDelete<span><span>Liverpool-Kop is reporting the Fabio injury , I doubt it is true however the picture shown is and old one</span></span>
Look at the comments from Benitez; look at the Al Pacino quote from 'Godfather 3'. It's obviously a bit of fun but I find it weird that people took it so seriously. And this is coming from someone who disagrees with almost everything posted on this site.
This blog just gets worse and worse, doesn't it.
ReplyDeleteHey Jamie/Scott, is there any reason why whois brings up the exact same details for this site as Republik of Mancunia?
ReplyDeleteJaimie, this is funny, but on another note, i have to ask why do you support LFC? Every article you have written has criticisms of the manager and the players. I am all for unbiased representation and points of view but you seem to castigate Benitez in every article. I am fair minded but can you not remember what our status was like at the end of Houllier's reign? We have had CL footie aince and re-established ourselves as a force in Europe. Yes the PL has been frustrating and mistakes have been made but these seem to be highlighted more than our achievements. I am just giving you some objective criticism.
ReplyDeleteEvery article I have written has criticisms of the manager and the players/ Don't exaggerate or anything! There are plenty of positive articles on this site. Only last week, I defender Rafa against his FA charge. Please don't make inaccurate generalisations. Look at the 'positive articles' tab in the labels section - click on that and you will see evidence of what I'm saying.
ReplyDelete"It is not a problem, no? We still have Dossena, who gives us lots of options, no? Our idea is also to move Gerrard to left back, as he is very versatile, and perhaps use Mascherano behind Torres. For sure it is a short-term solution, but I think it will work, no?".
ReplyDeletewhy did u write this and making fun of rafa?? where is rafa's fault in it if aurelio got injured again??
hardly the website of record.
ReplyDeleteAre you serious? It's called having a laugh; good-natured ribbing. It's not making fun of him. Achm forget it - I can't be bothered to justify myself over something so *obvious*. :-P If you don't get it, fine.
ReplyDeleteAre you serious? :-P
ReplyDeleteOkay, I admit it - I was really making fun of Rafa. That was my intention. having a good-natured laugh was the furtherest thing from my mind :-E
u are paid by man united fans to write these articles, ya?? admit it mate!
ReplyDeleteit's an appalling attempt at humour, but Christ your readers are thick!!
ReplyDeleteI cringed reading that shite.
This is humorous! Since when was Liverpool's training kit yellow? This must be one of the away match when Liverpool was using that jersey.
ReplyDeleteGot to admit every time I see an article on Newsnow that comes from Liverpool Kop I'm expecting Benitez to get slaughtered or an article that sides more to a negative/sarcastic slant,judging by the feedback left.There's nothing new about supporters of Taggart going on phone-ins and websites and spouting shite while masquerading as Reds.I'm wondering what part of the world you're from.I'm from Liverpool and would be surprised if you were as well,judging by the mentality of most of the articles.Always Believe!
ReplyDeletei never liked ur blog and i dont think ur a liverpool fan as u say u r. F**K OFF!!!
ReplyDelete... and just when i thought things had reached a plateu this was posted. haha, you had me for a while. it was so freakish i thought it was true.
ReplyDeleteJaimie, please run a bath, without removing the cables throw your computer in and jump in after it. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteEither way, stop blogging.
Okay. Since you asked so politely... :)
ReplyDeleteIt would be funny if posted by a Man U fan. As it is, it's yet another inexplicable piece that makes you ask yourself: "does JK really support Liverpool at all?"
ReplyDeleteNot funny, kind of shite Koptalk used to write. Grow up and fuck off.
ReplyDeleteMocking other people's misfortunes is not very pleasant or funnny
ReplyDeleteThis is getting pathetic now, Jamie. Your aim to try and stir things and make your name as a controversial journalist is see-through. Absolutely pointless article, agree very Koptalk-esque.
ReplyDeleteJamie, it is obvious that you are using several different user names to add comments to your own articles (obviously the ones that back up your views) I have never met a fan of ANY team that consistently takes the piss out of their own manager the way that you do. If the article had been about Degan then it may have been funny, but Aurelio played 32 times for the first team last season, and was a critical component of the defensive unit that nearly won us the league. Try supporting the team, you may end up enjoying your life
ReplyDeletealthough suggesting that Rafa plays Stevie at left back was quite funny
ReplyDeleteWhy is it 'obvious. Roadender? So every person who agrees with me must be me in disguise, right?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you and every other stiffs remove the collective rod you so clearly have lodged in your behinds and lighten up.
If you can't hack satire then it's you with the problem, not me. This was a very inoffensive article, yet the humourless horde has to try and turn it into something it's not.
You just make yourselves look bad - having no sense of humour is just sad.
Yes, that's what I was doing, mocking other peoples' misfortune. Get a grip!
ReplyDeleteWhy is it 'obvious. Roadender? So every person who agrees with me must be me in disguise, right?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you and all the other stiffs remove the collective rod you so clearly have lodged in your behinds and lighten up.
If you can't hack satire then it's you with the problem, not me. This was a very inoffensive article, yet the humourless horde has to try and turn it into something it's not.
You just make yourselves look bad - having no sense of humour is just sad.
I have to say, in addition to the article not being funny, that the picture you used is in pretty poor taste, The picture is from the PSV game where Fabio snapped his Achilles. He was in an incredible amount of pain at that point. To use that picture to illustrate a "funny" article is poor form.
ReplyDeleteWhat next, the italicisation of the quotes was in poor taste and hurt your eyes?!
ReplyDeleteGet a sense of humour and stop being such a killjoy. If you do't like this site, go elsewhere! I'm not interested in your po-faced pedantry.
Sorry, I unfortunately have something called COMPASSION. So to see that picture of Fabio, obviously in agony, makes me feel compassion for him and takes away what little humor there might have been in the article.
ReplyDeleteOh please. Are you kidding?! :-)
ReplyDeleteThe story is *clearly* a joke. The ridiculous nature of the injury; the Godfather 3 quote; Rafa's greatest hits in his quote.
Each to their own though.
Satire, my hole. It's pure shite.
ReplyDeleteI knew you were joking but Aurelio is so injury prone I nearly believed it for a second
ReplyDeletegrrr so annoying to always end up in this bullshit, among the real articles on Newsnow... I really hope they will get this crap in the "all sources" only section.
ReplyDeleteYou attention-seeking Tit! I haven't got time to be wasting on this...
ReplyDeleteA horribly poor attempt at humour from JK.
ReplyDeleteHe expects everyone else to agree othewise they are humourless or 'killjoys' - it couldn''t possible be because it is a piece of so little imagination, it special needs amateur.
Its not as if your serious stuff is any better, you really should retire that poor pen of yours, the crap it must have to sit through all day.
when are people realise that the purpose of this blog is to create and discuss critisism? - joke was quite funny fair play.
ReplyDeletewhat's with the attitude?
ReplyDeleteRule 1: "<span style="">This site promotes civilised debate. Anyone who cannot argue their points without resorting to sniping/derogatory comments will be banned". </span>
so if you gave this to aurelio, rafa or other members of the team, do you think they would say this is funny?
Jamie get back down the east Lancs you will fell more at home
ReplyDeleteYes, I think they would find it funny. I doubt they would get on their high horse and be all puritan about it. And my article is not derogatory or sniping; it is inoffensive ribbing. And if people can't hack it, tough.
ReplyDeleteThis is easily the worst LFC related website on the net by a country mile.
ReplyDeleteRashid is at it again....
Rule number one: When you have to explain your jokes they are rubbish.
ReplyDeleteyou have to be very careful with this. there is a fine line between humor and offense. how do you think fabio would feel reading this? and also dave galley being misquoted falsely? its funny yet its too ironic.
ReplyDeletenice one... but the yellow away jersey gave it away even before i read the "disclaimer". lol
ReplyDeletemore of such interesting stuffs pls! =D
Boy, what a stunning sense of humour, no? No. A waste of people's time. It is not funny; it is a piece of fake reporting to generate traffic in a quiet news time for LFC.
ReplyDeleteI really think you are only looking for hits from Nes Now. I have read a few of your blogs & I do not find them humurous or insightful. Count me as one that will never return to this site.
ReplyDeleteBan this site from News Now!
All i ever get when i come to this site are javascript errors and mindless rantings from someone who claims to be a "fan"
ReplyDelete<span>Jaimie if you have nothing worth saying then please say nothing at all, you are in danger of becoming Duncan Oldham mark II and i dont think that is a route you want to go down (not threatening or anything just a comment)</span>
HAHAHAHHA! It's so not funny. Get a life! Write about animal jokes and leave LFC for good please.
ReplyDeleteThis is halarious.. All the peeps that came on here to moan should really lighten up.. This is the classic line... <span style="">"It is not a problem, no? We still have Dossena, who gives us lots of options, no? </span>
ReplyDeleteGreat banter...
how very true, every article that i have read on this site is critical of liverpool, whether its rafa or the players or the board of the guy that does the little white lines on the pitch they are never good enough for Mr Jamie k. Lets be honest you don't really support liverpool. Benitez is our best manager in the last 20 years yet you constanly attack him. Dont you think there is enough anti liverpool stuff out there with the sun and sky not to mention all the united and chelsea fan sites. why are you adding to it if your 'one of us'? and as one of the people above me said, this was a crap joke used simply to drum up traffic at a time when there is little real LFC news, if it wasn't for news now i would never visit this site and would personally loved to see it removed from their database, rant over
ReplyDeleteJaime you are a pr1ck and I am surprised your views get any airing
ReplyDeleteJaimie, you are a pr1ck and I am surprised your articles get any airing. I for one will ensure that I never waste time reading one again. Not even funny, mug!
ReplyDeleteim a die hard liverpool fan and im still laughing now, keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteI see it's a joke but I have to admit that all's I ever seem to find on this site is pessimism.
ReplyDeleteWhat next?? Shock Horror - Liverpool leave a man on the halfway line during the opposing teams corner!!
(actually a pet hate of mine that one) :)
If all you ever find is 'pessimism' (not true but whatever), then with respect, why keep visiting? There are sites on the net I don't like and I just never visit them. Perhaps you should do the same..?
ReplyDeletejust a few minutes ago read that he was eager for his first team start nd then this nd i almost had my heart in mouth
ReplyDeleteso sad, get a life
ReplyDeleteLiverpool Kop - Critical realism about LFC
haha...u got too much time on your hands. get a life
ReplyDeleteBlimey, you should get a nomination at this years comedy awards for that effort....Bloody Hillarious...oh no, I think I did a wee!
ReplyDeleteLads, anyone who finds this even remotely humorous needs to get out more. Such an unfunny stupid article....and not to mention tempting fate!!
ReplyDeleteGrow up girls!
I think the problem is that many people come to this blog from a link via newsnow, a site that has become a brilliant source of instant information for football fans. If people were just checking this site as one of their favourites then they'd have nothing to complain about. The issue is when you go to a news site and you see the prefix "BREAKING NEWS" in prominant location. Of course newsnow is just an automated web crawler but you should know that it generates alot of traffic for this site. I can see, after some review, that you've tried to be clever and funny but when people are checking for actual news that's what they expect. Honestly, the joke is lost on most of us.
ReplyDeletePeople generally need to lighten up but the criticism is a fair one: if you put yourself out there as a news source you need to be careful to report news. If you're going to hold that you are purely a blog, a source of opinion (and attempted humour), then I think it'd be a fair call to have you removed as a source from newsnow. This will murder your traffic numbers and the consequences of that are obvious.
Fraggs - Your argument doesn't really hold water. Lots of official news sources post things that are not purely news. There top 10s, historical features, video features, opinion features etc. Very few 'news sources' post just news. Indeed, many of the newspaper that have online sites have sports blogs that are just opinion, and those stories go to the newswires too.
ReplyDeleteThere are hundreds of sites out there just repeating the same old news ad infinitum. The reason this site is accepted into Google News, newsNow, Topix etc is because we add a different spin to news stories. Instead of just regurgitating the same old stuff, we offer a different point of view. Whether you or anyone else accepts this or not, this adds value to the online news community.
The proof of this is the continued rise in visitor numbers of the site. If no one liked this site visitor numbers would just drop over a period of time, would they not? Furthermore, people have *choice* whether to click on the story or not. The source is clearly displayed on newsnow, so if people didn't want to visit, they wouldn't.
And yes, we get a lot of visitors from NewsNow but often, the majority of traffic comes from other sources, specifically Google and other newswires.
The fact is only a tiny minority of actual site visitors comment, and only a minority of those commenters are abusive. The silent MAJORITY of visitors read the articles and move on.
So quite frankly, I couldn't care less whether people were offended by this article. I doubt anyone really was, and as usual, the small minority I mentioned earlier insist on sniping.
If people don't like this site, they don't have to visit, it's that simple.
Fraggs - Your argument doesn't really hold water. Lots of official news sources post things that are not purely news. They top 10s, historical features, video features, opinion features etc. Very few 'news sources' post just news. Indeed, many of the newspaper that have online sites have sports blogs that are just opinion, and those stories go to the newswires too.
ReplyDeleteThere are hundreds of sites out there just repeating the same old news ad infinitum. The reason this site is accepted into Google News, newsNow, Topix etc is because we add a different spin to news stories. Instead of just regurgitating the same old stuff, we offer a different point of view. Whether you or anyone else accepts this or not, this adds value to the online news community.
The proof of this is the continued rise in visitor numbers of the site. If no one liked this site visitor numbers would just drop over a period of time, would they not? Furthermore, people have *choice* whether to click on the story or not. The source is clearly displayed on newsnow, so if people didn't want to visit, they wouldn't.
And yes, we get a lot of visitors from NewsNow but often, the majority of traffic comes from other sources, specifically Google and other newswires.
The fact is only a tiny minority of actual site visitors comment, and only a minority of those commenters are abusive. The silent MAJORITY of visitors read the articles and move on.
So quite frankly, I couldn't care less whether people were offended by this article. I doubt anyone really was, and as usual, the small minority I mentioned earlier insist on sniping.
If people don't like this site, they don't have to visit, it's that simple.
Fraggs - I don't think your argument really holds water. Lots of official news sources post things that are not purely news. They post top 10s, historical features, retrospectives, video features, opinion features, humourous stories etc. Very few 'news sources' post just news. Indeed, many of the newspaper that have online sites have sports blogs that are just opinion, and those stories go to the newswires too.
ReplyDeleteThere are hundreds of sites out there just repeating the same old news ad infinitum. The reason this site is accepted into Google News, newsNow, Topix etc is because we add a different spin to news stories. Instead of just regurgitating the same old stuff, we offer a different point of view. Whether you or anyone else accepts this or not, this adds value to the online news community.
The proof of this is the continued rise in visitor numbers of the site. If no one liked this site visitor numbers would just drop over a period of time, would they not? Furthermore, people have *choice* whether to click on the story or not. The source is clearly displayed on newsnow, so if people didn't want to visit, they wouldn't.
And yes, we get a lot of visitors from NewsNow but often, the majority of traffic comes from other sources, specifically Google and other newswires.
The fact is only a tiny minority of actual site visitors comment, and only a minority of those commenters are abusive. The silent MAJORITY of visitors read the articles and move on.
So quite frankly, I couldn't care less whether people were offended by this article. I doubt anyone really was, and as usual, the small minority I mentioned earlier insist on sniping.
If people don't like this site, they don't have to visit, it's that simple.
Fraggs - I don't think your argument really holds water. Lots of official news sources post things that are not purely news. They post top 10s, historical features, retrospectives, video features, opinion features, humourous stories etc. Very few 'news sources' post just news. Indeed, many of the newspaper that have online sites have sports blogs that are just opinion, and those stories go to the newswires too.
ReplyDeleteThere are hundreds of sites out there just repeating the same old news ad infinitum. The reason this site is accepted into Google News, newsNow, Topix etc is because we add a different spin to news stories. Instead of just regurgitating the same old stuff, we offer a different point of view. Whether you or anyone else accepts this or not, this adds value to the online news community.
The proof of this is the continued rise in visitor numbers of the site. If no one liked this site visitor numbers would just drop over a period of time, would they not? Furthermore, people have *choice* whether to click on the story or not. The source is clearly displayed on newsnow, so if people didn't want to visit, they wouldn't.
And yes, we get a lot of visitors from NewsNow but often, the majority of traffic comes from other sources, specifically Google and other newswires.
The fact is only a tiny minority of actual site visitors comment, and only a minority of those commenters are abusive. The silent MAJORITY of visitors read the articles and move on.
I doubt anyone was offended by this article, and if they were, then they need to stop being so stiff and humourless. As I said above though, the majority of people who read it just moved on. The tiny minority of idiots decided to snipe.
If people don't like this site, they don't have to visit, it's that simple.
You've kind of missed my point. You posted an article that was labelled pretty clearly as NEWS. It was picked up on a number of news feeds and displayed as NEWS. Your attempt at humour may partially vindicate you, but you're sorely mistaken if you think it was obvious enough. We're not idiots, we're just Liverpool fans, and when you make something up that is capable of misleading people you need to take some responsibility for that. For someone who claims to attempt critical realism you don't seem to take actual criticism very well.
ReplyDeleteI take criticism fine when it's warranted. The whole point of the headline was to make people think it was a real news story, and then when they read it they'd see it was a joke. What should I have done, have a headline like this:
ReplyDeleteBREAKING NEWS: Aurelio injured again (By the way, this is just a fun article and is not
actually true)
Such a headline completely defeats the object.
It's like when people post joke articles on April Fools Day - they try and get people to think something is real and then they realise it's a joke when they read.
The article is clearly ironic and incorporates good-natured ribbing. I can't even believe I have to explain this. People have no right to be upset/offended. If they are then they seriously need a sense of humour bypass.
On the day I posted it, the news was full of stories about Aurelio's return from injury. Given the farcical nature of his last injury, I saw the opportunity for humour and took it.
What is so wrong with that?
Nothing is the answer. Why must everything be so deadly serious? This is almost as pathetic as people moaning about my 'Nelson Mandela' article. Some people actually believed that I was blaming Mandela for Liverpool's failure to win the title. It really is mind-boggling silly.
Criticism is not only warranted when you agree with it. People have different points of view Jamie, you tell us that all the time, and yet you're quite consistent in rejecting comments that suggest you've made an error in judgement. It's pretty obvious that plenty of folks didn't appreciate your efforts on this "article" and that you can't see why that has happened is testimony to a pretty stubborn ignorance on your part. I suspect that at some level you know very well that your article was a misplaced and lame attempt at humour but it's not in your nature to admit that, even to yourself.
ReplyDeleteNo - as I said, I accept criticism (and there are plenty of examples of this littered about the comments sections of varous articles) when it's warranted.
ReplyDeletePlease explain:
* Why this article was an 'error in judgement'? * Why is gentle football humour wrong?
* What is offensive about the article?
And when you say 'plenty' of people didn't like the article I would argue that you're wrong.
Going by the number of comments posted (including the many sniping comments I deleted), only a minisule percentage of overall readers of the article complained.
What about everyone else who just read and moved on?
What about the similar number of emails I received being compimentary?
You can't please everyone all of the time and if some people think this is 'lame' attempt at humour then that's fine, they're entitled to their view.
Conversely, there are those who think it was funny and can see it for what it was: a lighthearted diversion from boredom of the international break.
As I always try and explain, I do not write stuff for validation; I do not have this site to make money (hence zero ads); I write it becuase I enjoy it and I like reading other peoples' views on the club.
If people don't like it, they don't have to visit, do they?
Ultimately, this kid of stonefaced reaction to humour is nothing more than po-faced pedantry.
No - as I said, I accept criticism (and there are plenty of examples of this littered about the comments sections of various articles) when it's warranted.
ReplyDeletePlease explain:
* Why this article was an 'error in judgement'? * Why is gentle football humour wrong?
* What is offensive about the article?
And when you say 'plenty' of people didn't like the article I would argue that you're wrong.
Going by the number of comments posted (including the many sniping comments I deleted), only a miniscule percentage of overall readers of the article complained.
What about everyone else who just read and moved on?
What about the similar number of emails I received being compimentary?
You can't please everyone all of the time and if some people think this is 'lame' attempt at humour then that's fine, they're entitled to their view.
Conversely, there are those who think it was funny and can see it for what it was: a lighthearted diversion from boredom of the international break.
I do not write stuff for validation; I do not have this site to make money (hence zero ads); I write it becuase I enjoy it and I like reading other peoples' views on the club.
If people don't like it, they don't have to visit, do they?
Ultimately, this knid of stonefaced reaction to humour is nothing more than po-faced pedantry.
Look, for me this comes down to you being included on While there are other blogs and opinion sites included in that feed, I don't see them trying pointless stunts like this outside of April fools day. Those that do tend to get removed from the feed. The reason is that when you publish a story with the title "BREAKING NEWS" and instead offer up something that you just made up, that's considered purposely misleading. You say we don't have to come to your site, but it does appear as if your very intention was to lure people in and then reveal your "joke". Again, purposely misleading. That's the problem, not the article, not the way you write it or if we think you're funny or not. The issue is that you set out to decieve people and when they didn't see any humour in that, as is their perogitive, they probably felt like their time was wasted. Consider the massive audience that has access to the internet and it stands to reason that you haven't really understood the potential impact you can make with articles like this.
ReplyDeleteIf you really can't understand that, not even a little, then I have little choice but to consider it likely that you'll try this again in the future. If that's the case then I'd consider it important that someone at newsnow be informed in order for them to decide if you should be included in future feeds. Call it pedantic if you like, but I'm not being petty or vindicitive, I'm just trying to make sure that internet services like newsnow are not swamped by web sites that don't report any actual news.
Fraggs - get off your high horse. What is this obsession with newsnow? Do you run NewsNow appreciation society or something?
ReplyDeleteThere was no malicious intention to deceive as you seem to suggest. I've explained my position on this endlessly and I'm not wasting further time.
And who are you to decide what is and is not acceptable on the net?!
You still do not get the concept of how to effectively present an ironic/jokey article. The whole point is people expect one thing and get another.
And for your information, I've already been in contact with NewsNow over this issue, and everything is fine.
If you want to join the hundreds who've tried to have the site removed, go ahead! NN are aware of people maliciously trying to censor the site, so knock yourself out.
And you are being petty and pedantic. Big time. You've turned something that was innocent and lighthearted into something heavy and serious.
It's humour. There is plenty of room for humour in football.
Get over it.
What is this obsession with newsnow? Do you run NewsNow appreciation society or something?
ReplyDeleteThere was no malicious intention to deceive as you seem to suggest. I've explained my position on this endlessly and I'm not wasting further time.
And who are you to decide what is and is not acceptable on the net?!
You still do not get the concept of how to effectively present an ironic/jokey article. The whole point is people expect one thing and get another.
And for your information, I've already been in contact with NewsNow over this issue, and everything is fine.
If you want to join the hundreds who've tried to have the site removed, go ahead! NN are aware of people maliciously trying to censor the site, so knock yourself out.
And you are being petty and pedantic. Big time. You've turned something that was innocent and lighthearted into something heavy and serious.
It's humour. There is plenty of room for humour in football.
Get over it.
the thing that gets me with you Jaimie is you constantly make references such as the below -
ReplyDelete'I doubt anyone was offended by this article, and if they were, then they need to stop being so stiff and humourless.'
the inference being that any attempt you make at being funny is always going to be funny, and anyone who disagree has n't got a sense humour, which is arrogance beyond belief. Could it be that what you wrote clearly wasn't good enough or imaginative enough to be classed as humour? Do you think you might be able to answer that rather than delete posts such as this as you seem to do on a frequent basis?
Good luck with your site Jamie, as with everything it has it's place on the internet, I just don't think it should be classified under "news".
ReplyDeleteThe inference you make is not correct - it is not about whether the article is actually funny, it's about accepting that the article is an attempt to be humourous and, objectively, it is not offensive in any way.
ReplyDeleteDo you see the difference?
People can and will find it unfunny because everyone has a different sense of humour. Fair enough. The issue here is people trying to make out it is offensive. It is NOT in any way, and any fair-minded person can and will see that.
If I write something that people think is not funny, so what! Move on. Go and visit another site. Don't waste time sniping and exaggerating about how the article was an 'error of judgement'. I could understand such accusations if the article was in offensive or controversial in even the tiniest way, but it IS NOT, which is the point.
And I'm not getting into the deleting posts debate again - read the comment policy below; it is very clear. If people choose to ignore it then that is their problem.
you seem to be tarring me with the brush your using to paint everyone else with.
ReplyDeletemy issue is with you saying people are 'humourless' because they don't find your article funny.
Do you see the difference?
you also give the game away with this comment -
'If I write something that people think is not funny, so what! Move on. Go and visit another site.'
what your saying is that you don't want a debate, you want people who don't agree with you to go to another site! Ha, debate?
will this post escape deletion i wonder?
What an idiot u are Mr Kraptalk.
ReplyDeleteThis is the best thing you've ever written. Maybe you should turn to comedy?
ReplyDeleteNot a hint of irony at all in this comment ;-)
ReplyDeletesounds like I touched a raw nerve there, Jamie, you old fruit cake. Most satirist are trying to destabilise or bring down the object of their mockery and as you think that your childish ramblings are satire then, QED, you are deliberately undermining LFC and have exposed yourself as the Manc we always knew you were
ReplyDeleteno need to take the mickey out of the way rafa speaks english. it's not his first language.
ReplyDeleteYour ignorance clearly knows no bounds. here is the whois for this site:
Here is the whois for RoM:
Wow! We both share the same domain name provide - Godaddy - which just happens to be the biggest domain name seller on the planet!
Sterling work, Sherlock. I wonder what the odds are of two people buying domain names from the world's biggest provider.
Get a grip. Anyone who seriously believes I run RoM or vice versa needs a reality check. Rom and Liverpool-Kop are too different entities, and one has nothing to do with the other.
What's next? I run both and I don't know about it?! Is it a Tyler Durden-style situation?!
Why all the over sensitivity? Bloody hell is the recession taking away your sense of humour or something? It was a laugh. Fucks sake