28 Jun 2014

'It was ugly': Has £15m LFC target talked himself out of a transfer to Anfield?

Chile star Mauricio Isla is currently linked with a summer move to Anfield, but after his comments about Luis Suarez on Friday, it seems unlikely that the Juve defender will end up at Liverpool.

When asked about the Suarez/Chiellini incident, £15m-rated Isla scathed:

"It [the bite] was an ugly gesture that has no place at a World Cup."

"For Fifa, for everyone watching, it's something you don't want to see"

Most players don't have the balls to publicly criticise fellow professionals, even when it's warranted, so it's refreshing to see such candid public comments from high-profile footballer.

Given his antipathy towards media, and his repeated claims of unfair treatment, I'm sure Suarez is aware of Isla's comments, and if a transfer to LFC ever goes through, it could make for an uncomfortable atmosphere between the two (!)

Isla's comments remind me of the Ashley Williams situation in 2012; Liverpool were heavily linked with a move for the Swansea defender, but in the midst of speculation, Williams released a book, in which admitted that he 'truly dislikes' Suarez; ridiculed his 'shocking' diving, and accused the Uruguayan of treating Swansea with 'utter contempt'. He further noted:

"He [Suarez] dived more than any other player I've played against before — it was so bad I was genuinely shocked. Throughout the game, he just dived down and screamed at any given moment. A couple of times I'd hear the scream, see him writhing on the floor and for the life of me couldn't see where the contact could have been."

Funnily enough, Liverpool's interest seemed to tail off after that, and it wouldn't surprise me if Rodgers vetoed the deal in a bid to avoid disrupting team spirit/togetherness.

As for the current Isla-LFC speculation - Reports this week claim that:

* Liverpool and Arsenal are preparing to bid for versatile defender.
* Brendan Rodgers sees the Juve star as a replacement for Glen Johnson.

Liverpool's interest in Isla is long-standing, and prior to his Juve move in 2012, his Agent - Leo Rodriguez - told BK Sport:

"He [Isla] is being tracked by Liverpool and other Italian clubs like Juventus and Roma. I'm not sure that these clubs have already initiated contact"

As noted in a previous article, though, Isla has a horrible injury history, and signing him is arguably a massive risk.



  1. We are stuck with Glen Johnson for one more season unless we can find another club willing to match what he is earning at LFC which is highly unlikely. Can't see us signing anyone for the RB position until Johnson leaves on a free at the end of this coming season..

  2. OT Suarez has returned to Uruguay accepting the adulation and hero worship and failing to accept any responsibility or apologise . Through his actions he has not only let himself down but LFC when on international duty showing total disrespect for our great club . If he continues to show lack of contrition and an apology is not forthcoming to his club and supporters LFC should not only discontinue paying his wages whilst not playing but sue the chomper for breach of contract and loss of earnings etc. No one player is bigger than any club .

  3. Well thank God for that. I don't want to see us linked with any defenders this transfer window. There's no call for defenders at Liverpool. I think we should utilise a 0-0-7-3 system next season, with 7 attacking midifelders behind a front 3.

  4. Juventus fans would kill him for going to Liverpool...

  5. As a Liverpool fan I can't believe there are some fans and people in football making up excuses for Suarez's biting! Firstly he hasn't said sorry which means he doesn't think its A problem! What kind of role model is this, especially to his kids? How would he feel if someone bit his son in the playground will he just say"its OK son that's what happens in the playground" bet he won't! He is spoilt brat when frustrated resorts to this behaviour. I see it everyday as a primary school teacher maybe not biting but kicks,punches etc when kids don't get their own way. And what's even scarier these same kidsthougt it was funny when we were talking about his biting incident and how wrong it was. The normal sane kids thought it was unacceptable and the spoilt brats thought it was funny. One kid said to me that the headline on the article should be changed to "Dracula Suarez at it again!" So to all those defending him think about the poor role model he is providing for the future generation. When he bites again, an d he will he should have his teeth extracted!

  6. of course he isnt going to appoligise thats how they got him last time

  7. I'm leaning toward the side of selling Suarez for Sanchez and maybe Pedro too. Is it really worth it to miss our biggest star player for the first 13 games, when we can have Sanchez (and maybe Pedro too) instead? I don't think so.

    If Liverpool want to win the league, they need to start off strongly and steadily. It's hard to do that when you're missing your best player, and seriously, what are the odds of us actually winning any appeal that we lodge?

  8. May as well waste the clubs money on a crocked player who is nothing special look at the 25 million for Lallana what a waste that is cant even make the England starting eleven and wont be in Liverpools best 11 either.

  9. Not necessarily. Coutinho wasn't so impressive last season that his spot in the team is absolutely cemented. He needs to be more consistent.

  10. Regardless Nick is not worth 25 million and we all know who will end up the better of the 2 .

  11. Losing Suarez's ability as a player could be damaging but we got off to a very good start without him last season.

    Sanchez is the type of player that I would sign to take up Suarez's spot and would suit our style of play without a doubt and there should be no issues adapting to the EPL's physical demands so call Pedro a miss, take Sanchez plus some cash and use the money to by a CB and LB. Done deal!

  12. So we get extra ripped off because Bournemouth want money if thats the case then we are more than petty stupid.

  13. Do you think we are going to settle for small change even with Suarez dropping his transfer fee after yet another biting incident?

  14. So you don't think he should apologise to LFC and the supporters ?

  15. Makes me wonder how he squares it with his kids especially if his son gets bitten or bites another at school ....... just like his role model dad !

  16. The difference is Logan that we'll miss him for 4 extra EPL games. Teams also know a bit better in how to work us out.

  17. I dont know about you but my guess is Suarez is as good as gone do still think they need another striker when he leaves having Sanchez play wide,.

  18. Most were worried when Torres left but LFC have coped and moved on without him. Suarez goes, he goes and we sign someone else hopefully Sanchez!

  19. Muhammad Ibrahim11:09 am, June 28, 2014

    We need to convince and sell G. Johnson to someone like Queens Park, they would be able to give him high wages and Prem experience would be a key for them. I would like us to get a RB but only we can get rid of Johnson and for me Mario Fernandez of CSKA Moskow is a very good option.

    I am also making myself available, should Glen Johnson be on verge of moving clubs, to pack his bags and drive him to another. This is a one way journey only.

  20. I do not think Suarez will play for LFC again.

  21. Look i understand the plight of the smaller clubs but its still no reason to over pay for anyone.

  22. Seriously, what the hell is with this 'downing feeling' everyone is getting? They're both a little overpriced, and that's where it ends. Lallana is a far better player than Downing.

  23. You make a good point about Bournemouth and everything, but Bournemouth aren't Liverpool's concern mate!

  24. What do you mean regardless? You're saying he won't start for us to amplify the point that he's overpriced. There's no way you can say that he definitely will be a bench warmer, because like I said, Coutinho didn't impress enough to engrave his name onto that starting line up.

  25. Yes they are not our concern but if we have a sell on fee on let's say Suso should we move him on then LFC are going to expect that cash to be paid over and the club that is selling Suso will include that sell on fee in their asking price. Does that make the club selling Suso or LFC rip offs?

  26. Of course he will apologise and show his genuine deeply felt remorse for the shame he has brought on himself, his family, his team mates, country, club and especially dear old Uncle Tom Cobley.

    The PR men are all over it as we type.......

  27. To be honest if you were to compare the 2 price wise during Downings Villa days there isnt a real lot of difference.

  28. I am having very similar problems with my dog (Luis) so any tips on how to deal with it would be very much appreciated.

    He shows no sign of apologising either ......

  29. There is one not so little problem - his wages!

  30. Well if its 25 mill for Lallana or 30 for the calibre of Pedro or Sanchez i know who i want.

  31. Here's the thing. Nobody is having a go at Southampton for all this. The point is that, on pure face value, 25 million for Lallana is excessive. It doesn't matter a single bit how it came to 25 million, because in the end, Liverpool are paying 25 million.

  32. As I notice has already been said by Logan

  33. Sanchez prefers Arsenal.

  34. I agree with you mate. For 25M I can't help but be critical. What exactly are we getting? A one season wonder who did nothing of note for England. It just seems like a needless, massive rip off. Look how long it took for Henderson to justify his price in the minds of most LFC fans. In a central attacking role, I'd prefer Hendo.

    I'm happy to be proven wrong with this deal but it just seems like Rodgers/the club is once again focusing on the wrong areas. We must focus on priority areas like LB, something which would actually improve the quality of the team, not signing another Joe Allen.

  35. Sounds like he prefers Juve from what I've just read.

  36. Looks like I'm wrong and it was all a simple accident.
    The stick he got for biting will be nothing compared to his (reported) explanation to FIFA.

    It seems he can't even "man up".

  37. I don't know Jaimie why are you worried about those two together , Suarez ain't staying..

  38. You have several options 1. Pull his teeth out. 2. Take him on an ESOL course, I hear they can teach anything to speak. 3. You can apologise on his behalf as at the end of the day you are his master!

  39. Yes, but for Liverpool? It remains to be seen. Downing was great for Villa, Lallana was great for Southampton. At this moment in time you do NOT know if Lallana will be more successful than Downing at LFC. Stop assuming you do!!!!

  40. And you can assume he won't be good enough for Liverpool?!?

  41. I think that f---ing Ashley Williams ruined his chances of playing for a top top club

  42. Gee, calm down! It's perfectly okay to make a judgement on Lallana, even if he hasn't kicked a ball for Liverpool yet.

    When Downing signed, about half of the fans even questioned his quality, let alone his price tag. On the other hand, most fans actually rate Lallana as a player, hence why I don't understand the Downing feeling. The Downing feeling is signing a mediocre player for a big price tag. Lallana is not mediocre, and you don't need to see him in an LFC shirt to say that.

  43. depends who you listen to

  44. If Jaimie is listening to what he's been saying all this time Suarez is past.

  45. Sounds like we're all reading speculative bull from based on what we all read

  46. Suarez stated he FELL on Chiellini?!? grow some balls...

  47. I wish. Someone suggested a muzzle but I tried that and found it muffled my voice so the dog couldn't understand my instructions.

  48. Talk about extracting the urine ....

  49. The fee is £23m. The wages are £75k a week

  50. Big call by Rodgers to spend so much on a 26 year old player with such an average career so far. Looks like another Downing folly to many people but only time will tell.

  51. I think lallana is an okay player worth 18m max, if he is coming thats fine but we need shaqiri and Alexis then a left back then we are good to go.

  52. Hope Brendan are watching Chile ..... we need Sanchez and copy how they defend . Brilliant !

  53. Nicolas Chamberlain7:08 pm, June 28, 2014

    Nothing but speculation. Its nice that you keep comparing transfers sums to proof some point, but without including wages and the length of contracts, you don't proof a thing...

  54. Well, BR has been fighting nail and tooth for him. there must be something special he sees in him that many people, including me, can't see. Hopefully he is not a "Downing" in the unfolding.

  55. Nicolas Chamberlain7:10 pm, June 28, 2014

    I agree but the 25% for Bournemouth made him more expensive.

  56. Jaimyvitvid not bbc it is the scum. Once again it is called a rumours page and it references that lying paper. When the bbc reports something it is on the football home page. This is a very important point as the bbc are a decent source of of information whilst the paper that story is on is the worst kind of joke. Once again the bbc are reporting that that particular newspaper are claiming something rather than reporting it themselves. This is not pedantry it is important especially considering the deplorable nature of the actual source.

  57. Zlatan was 30 when he moved, of course he didnt cost 30 or 40 million....cost a fortune a few years previously though. Thiago Silva cost £42 million btw.... So if Shaw and Lallana cost more than Silva and Zlatan, so what? They cost less than David Luiz, Fernando Torres and Mesut Ozil....we can all name random players.

    Eden Hazard cost more and he had done nothing in the game too....a couple of decent seasons in France. Lucas Moura, Axel Witsel, Asier Illarramendi, Mario Goetze all cost the same or more than Shaw, what had they done? Its not only young English players that are expensive....

  58. The comparison with Thiago and Ibra is ridiculous, as the situation is completely different. Milan were in a dire financial situation and had to sell their best assets. Southampton have just sold Luke Shaw for big money and have no need at all to sell Lallana.

  59. Sanchez is amazing. Quick feet, top mentality, strong like a bull, totally composed. Only reasons he cannot get in the Barcelona team are Messi and Neymar.

  60. Götze at has won the German championship three times already, being integral to success in all three cases with 10 goals and 15 assists in each season.

    Agree though regarding Shaw, Witsel et al.

  61. Where is my post?

    Bulk of it is it is thevscum saying hundred k not bbc. Bbc are only reporting that the scum are claiming that. It is from the rumours page! Not home page!

  62. You could get a "dog and owners" muzzle and look cute together!

  63. The price keeps coming down. At this rate they will be paying us to take him

  64. David Luiz cost as much as Shaw and Lallana combined. Chelsea are laughing all the way to the bank!

  65. Are you a Man Utd fan in disguise? Don't read too much in to every detail. If the BBC report its 100k a week then it hardly gospel and therefore not worth you making a fuss. I don't want the club wasting money but don't worry too much about the bottom line. He's a good player and if he turns up for us thats all that matters.

  66. Now that Chile's WC is over things may start getting really interesting regarding Suarez, Barcelona and Sanchez.

  67. Lets make sure we get him...they'll be a few clubs in for him.

  68. I really like him. He was great in the match today: composed, fast, smart. I think he would dominate the PL.

  69. That something special is a host of different pluses. He's fast, smart, plays the attacking style BR loves, has leadership ability and he's English.

  70. Quality player say he'd get a load of goals for us....Arsenal are one of those sniffing. Have to convince him we are the ones to join...dvd of our attacking play last season should help.

  71. Still to much for him lallana is worth 18-20m and his wage must be 65k because Skrtel is only 70k

  72. You're right the price for English players is an absolute farce. Andy Carroll cost more than David villa in his pomp, absolute joke. I have no doubt the hold up will indeed be agent-related greed. Agents are one of the scourges of the modern game

  73. It's not bbc. Bbc rumour page. It's actually the scum that are reporting it bbc are just reporting that the scum are saying it is 100th. I have written this three times now.

  74. Why is that relevant to LFC? He's said to be with the Saints since age 12, how imaginative of Bournemouth to insert a sale-on bonus for a 12 year old! It's just someone getting a cut otherwise Lallana, even with the British premium should not cost over 18m max.

  75. He prefers Bayern from what I just read, a swap deal for Kroos, we will all have to start reading from the same page.

  76. In fairness, when we signed Downing he had just come off a great couple of seasons and I don't remember too many people criticising him as a player at the time, more the fee. If he had done the business for us on the pitch, his fee would of been forgotten.
    Also remember that Downing isn't really a BR type of player and more your old fashioned winger so he was always going to struggle to adapt - Lallana is a BR player in that he is adaptable, technical and has a good work ethic so I think he'll do well for us. If he does we will look back and be pleased that the board backed the manager and paid just that little bit more for someone he wanted rather than complain that they never make realistic bids for good players, which often happens.
    As for the wages; I'm pretty sure that he won't be coming in on 100k because that would immediately mean that Johnson, Henderson, Sterling and Sturridge, who were all England internationals before him would also require pay rises. I think the finer details being ironed out are more to do with the performance related bonuses that we now, rightly use to structure contracts.

  77. Is there a reason my posts keep disappearing?

  78. You need to give more information if you want to make a comparison like that. I wonder where you get those numbers from and if they are correct? I'd like you to make a reference so i can see for myself. Are you including agent fees, taxes, wages, signing on fees...? Or with other words are we talking the true cost of the deals over the contract period?

  79. English players are PATHETIC - they will NEVER win anything again - laughing stock and we still pay them mega bucks - what IDIOTS - English referees are crap 2 - BRAZIL had a certain penalty disallowed and certain goal - shit ref


  81. 3 times? I do not agree with Gavo33 on Götze. But 3 times... Really? What did i miss?


  83. I see now that you are talking about today - yes he does have 3 german championships to his name - but that is not relevant. What is relevant is how many times he won it when he moved.

  84. DITCH SUARES A S A P - Even a scoolboy can see that - GET SANCHEZ

  85. If we had their defence we would be serious contenders for EVERYTHING

  86. With Downing no hindsight was needed, when we bought him he'd only had two seasons worth remembering despite being 27-28 years old at the time.
    Remember the last Euros, even Hodgson dropped him for an untried & untested Oxalaide-Chamberlaine. Downing has always been a frightened, paceless, no tricks winger with an okish left foot!

    Where I agree with you is that Lallana will make a difference, he's two footed with much more skill & critically seems mentally stronger. I guess only time will tell!

  87. Lallana will do the business for us, absolutely no doubt it!!

  88. Correct, he is special. saints don't need to sell hence high price. Lallana signed a new 4 year deal last season.

  89. So presumably now when I say that it is not bbc who reported that figure but rather a despicable paper that shall not be mentioned. BBC only reported that that is what that paper claimed. It was on the rumour page. If it was actually reported by bbc then it would be on their football home page. This is a very important definition as the newspaper in question is very hated amongst lfc.

  90. So how many Uruguay toothless headlines will adorn back pages tomorrow?

  91. I'll tell you Cavani's stock has gone way down in my eyes. He just disappeared today.

  92. average career...you obviously haven't been following him past the premiership

  93. Unless you have boardroom insight Jamie, this is just guesswork. We have no idea what the holdup is and must trust the club to do what is right. I agree that Lallana isn't worth £26m though.

  94. Jaimie Kanwar = Man United fan in disguise. While I don't condone biting or racism in any shape or form, how can you have that picture of Suarez as your Facebook profile picture? A true supporter backs his/her team and their players no matter what, and I believe Suarez can be reconciled and have a great impact for us next season. If he leaves, then he will go down as one of the most naturally gifted players in our history. I will remember him as the striker that fired 31 goals in 33 games to give us Champion's League football for the first time in five years.

  95. All the biting aside, I have not seen a player in this WC that was more creative, tenacious and tireless that Suarez. I don't and can't defend the stupidity (biting) but on overall skill and difference-making, I see no comparison. That said, I am praying we get Sanchez, a ball winning attacking mid and a fast and cranky DM and two nasty central defenders a then chop off the deadwood. We will need all that just to keep pace with top EPL teams with or without Suarez. This last episode shows that our MVP was our psychologist !

  96. Just about everything Jamie K touches has a negative conotation, eternal pessimist, but can't say i disagree
