30 Jun 2014

Sign Him ASAP: Lawro urges LFC to buy 'unbelievable' €33m World Cup star. Agree?

Anfield legend Mark Lawrenson has urged Liverpool to dump controversial striker Luis Suarez and replace him with Barcelona star Alexis Sanchez.

Speaking to The Mirror last night, Lawro slammed Suarez for his 'shameful' Chiellini bite excuse, and insisted that Liverpool are 'better off without' the Uruguayan. He added:

"Alexis Sanchez plus cash for Luis Suarez? I’d take that all day long. Sanchez would leave Liverpool in great shape for next season"

I totally agree with Lawro here. A TV audience of millions witnessed Suarez bite Chiellini, yet despite the overwhelming evidence, he still refuses to take responsibility.

It's hardly surprising, though. Just look at the embarrassing hysteria in Uruguay. Liverpool fans have endlessly encouraged and condoned Suarez's behaviour in the past, but that's nothing compared to the shameful enablement and staggering victim complex of his fellow countrymen, who continue to screech about improbable conspiracy theories.

Uruguay is clearly in the grip of a concept known as 'groupthink', a pattern of collective delusion characterised by self-deception and conformity to group values and ethics. It's a damaging mindset, and as the current situation perfectly illustrated, groupthink often leads to irrational decision-making, outlandish conclusions, and a pigheaded refusal to accept reality.

It's basically a form of brainwashing, and those within the group are so vehemently and militantly defined by the group that it becomes impossible to see things in a rational manner. Everyone on the outside looking-in, however, can easily see the insanity unfolding. Suarez is clearly emboldened by this unhealthy environment, and that makes it easy for him to delude himself into believing that he did nothing wrong.

This is what happens when individuals are put on pedestals and worshipped like Gods, and Suarez's blatant, unrepentant lies over the bite incident must surely be the final straw.

As for Sanchez: earlier this week, Italian newspaper Tutto Mercato claimed that Liverpool have put in a €33m offer for the exciting attacker, who representing Chile with distinction during the World Cup.

Additionally, during an interview with Newstalk on Wednesday, Reds legend Phil Thompson claimed:

"Even just yesterday I had things from people, newspaper guys with their ear very close to the ground at Liverpool, saying that the Sanchez deal is done".

I really hope Thommo is right on this. Sanchez - recently described by Per Mertesacker as an 'unbelievable' player - is proven quality, and he'll definitely go a long way to filling the Suarez void.



  1. Suarez insistence that it was an accident is embarrassing. You're on film from a million different angles BITING someone for the THIRD time. The entire nation is in complete denial about it. Diego Lugano's comments after the match were a prime example just straight denial.
    I don't really have an issue with the ban, FIFA had to take a strong stance although I think not even being allowed to train with the team is a little harsh as it will totally isolate him from whoever his team mates are next season be it barca or Liverpool and I don't think isolation is the best way to deal with Suarez. Saying that he's brought the whole thing on himself and it's difficult to understand how he can be worshipped for effectively ending their World Cup. He's lucky he's not English. When beckham got sent off for a petulant flick out at simeone, people were burning effigies of him in the street. It seems to have made Uruguay love him more.
    If we can get Sanchez plus cash I would bite their hand off. I think the biggest obstacle to that deal being a reality is whether he wants to come to us. Hopefully the club can convince him that we're a good career move for him. I'll be very excited if we land this guy

  2. I would bite Barcelona's shoulder off for Sanchez + 30m for Suarez. The moment he bit Chiellini his value dropped by at least £20m and it is too much of a financial risk for us to keep him now, because if he does it a 4th time then he isn't worth a penny. I remain a massive fan of Suarez, but the best interests of LFC must come first

  3. Alexis Sanchez actually has a street named after him back in Chile...

    If Suarez cannot admit that he has done wrong then he will never learn. It will only be a matter of time before he does it again. Something is not quite right in his head.

  4. I've got a cat named after me in Liverpool :)

  5. All Suarez's sponsors are pulling out too which will have an effect on LFC's sponsors too so LFC may have decided that it is time to get rid.

  6. Its being reported in Spain that Sanchez said he prefers Arsenal, but who knows how true it is.
    Also, I hear reports Suarez has this biting problem, since he was a boy, and the Uruguay FA destroyed these records, during the inquiry of the Ajax incident, again I cannot confirm any of this.

    BTW, John Cross of the Mirror, who singlehandedly led the Suarez to Arsenal campaign last year, using his paper as the vehicle for the shitstirring and the move, is reporting Suarez is going to Barca for a 5 year £40m contract, at £150k per week, which is rubbish considering he has £200k + bonuses at LFC, I cant see him or his agent losing £10m to go to Barca.

  7. Sanchez has a street named after him, big deal,
    I have condoms named after me.

  8. Tabby or not Tabby.

  9. Supposedly prefers Arsenal, hope not.

  10. John Cross talking through his behind again.

  11. B R will sort it cause HE IS THE MAN

  12. yes yes yes, perfect replacement for nosferatu ;-)

  13. Conspiracy? Jaime are you trying to tell me there aren't giant interdimensional shape shifting lizards on the Face board? In fact none of us have seen you in person!?!

  14. I agree Suarez needed to be punished but four months for club and country is totally disproportionate. If some defender clobbers into an attacker and gets a red card he gets three games. How is biting someone a worse physical offence than kicking the shite out of someone? I agree biting is a bit weird and girly but it's not like you can end someone's career with it.

  15. If we just cannot get Sanchez because he doesn't want to come to us or wants to stay put for another year as has been reported , which would be a great shame , what do we do then ? What offer would be acceptable from Barca .... supposedly LFC are still holding out for 80 mill ! Who else is interested ? We might be forced into taking the hit now or keeping him and taking even a much greater hit later on ! More Shite and the next ban will be for at least a year .........

  16. To say his bite reduces his value is complete and utter nonsense. Suarez's value is determined by his skill and not by his behaviour. If that were the case, PSG should have been able to snap up Ibrahimovic for ten quid. It's one thing that Barcelona seem to think it works this way, but our own supporters shouldn't buy into this rubbish. And if Lallana is worth 25 million to Southampton (which basically implies he single handedly is responsible for people watching Southampton on the telly) then Suarez is worth at least three times that for us. After all, we made 50 million in tv money and qualified for the CL because of him.

  17. Adidas pulled out and Adidas no longer sponsors LFC

  18. It's either 50 million plus Sanchez or 80 million take it or leave it. If no one buys, we don't sell and hang on to one of the best players on the planet.

  19. Mr. Point Of View9:21 am, June 30, 2014

    hahaha does any1 had a tot that sanchez want coming or not ??

  20. Standard Chartered are not very happy about the situation and they sponsor LFC.

  21. I am also with you on this. We can see leg breaking tackles and all the defender gets is a red and few games. How can be bitting more dangerous and worse offence/foul then, how Jamie would say, the carrier ending tackle? Simply illogical.

  22. It is hard to understand your point-of-view when you spell like a toad. lol.

  23. Jaimie, Liverpool fans don't encourage biting. You're acting as though there's all these Liverpool fans right now saying, 'good bite Suarez! Solid effort!'

  24. Who , regardless of his undisputed footballing ability , is toxic and can seriously damage the integrity and global respect of our great club

  25. Reports say Sanchez would prefer Arsenal to Liverpool but ideally wants to stay in Barcalona, so despite my desire to see Alexis in the red of LFC I'm now less convinced it will happen.

  26. I fear we will be like spurs last season, sold their best player, brought in so many that everybody thought they are going for the title then we saw what happened as they never replaced their best player sold! Its simple we will never be able to replace suarez quality, he is what he is, but cant find one like him apparently!

  27. the difference is that spurs were never going to sign a star like sanchez, whereas liverpool are trying to do that.

  28. JockInTheKop. Saying "If we can get Sanchez plus cash I would bite their hand off." is comedy gold.

  29. OT but really impressed with the high standard of goal keeping in WC .... hope Simon has been taking notes ;-)

  30. Completely off topic.. But what happened to the regular poster who went by the name Jason or something? Used to always see his comments on these LK.com posts and have a little chuckle to myself.

  31. If LFC have made a bid for Sanchez, well done indeed. Its another matter whether Sanchez is coming or not. But we really need to go out and try for world-class players.

  32. Ah but hear Puma wants to sponsor LFC shirts .......with Luis's teeth on it

  33. Haha pun not intended

  34. My dog gave a grunt of approval at the technique used

  35. Spurs weren't in the champions league, had AVB in charge and they over loaded on attacking midfielders. I hope we'll be a little more savvy than they were

  36. What we'd really miss if Suarez was sold is pure and simple creativity in the final third. Suarez doesn't just score, he creates and it's even beyond his record scoring and assist count. Suarez can beat players and deliver a brilliant pass or finish. So while Sturridge and some other inbound striker could help with the finishing we desperately need to have someone produce those key passes, creating actual goal scoring opportunities from advanced positions. I think someone like Sanchez will do that. He's got that same control, close ball skills and ability to get out of tight defence that beats defenders. As far as I'm concerned he's a ready-made replacement for Suarez, if not quite as good. Rodgers could even play him in the same position, essentially convert him to a striker, although that also depends on who else we would buy.

    What we would still miss however is the full package that Suarez provides. He's a better player than Sanchez, that's just obvious. He's one of the 5 best football players in the world and no one else provides everything that he does: durability, scoring, passing, dribbling, vision, pressing, determination, desperation ... there is essentially no one on the planet like Suarez. If we let him go we will not get a player who can do as much as he can, that's just beyond question. The only way we can hope to recover from that is to improve in other positions to a level that exceeds what we lose from selling Suarez. If I was to put a figure on it I would say Suarez is worth 140% of other top drawer players, Sanchez included. Keeping him means we get that ability all in one position, one player, and we can improve other positions while keeping that existing advantage.

    If an offer comes in and the money is right and we have clear targets then it could work. Suarez could miss something like 13 games for Liverpool, that's a lot to cover for, and it goes almost all the way to making whatever advantage he normally affords us negligible. A 140% player only available 80% of the time suddenly isn't such a hot asset. We should also expect that this won't be the last long term suspension for Suarez. Something will happen again in the future, why not? He might even do something worse and face a more severe penalty. There might even come a point where FIFA believes enough is enough and he cops a 2 year or career ending ban.

  37. Why do you go out of your way to twist a situation and disparage an entire nation?
    In case you failed to read the articles properly - the defense (shoddy as it is) that he fell and hit Chiellini with his teeth, is not new, but was submitted less than 24 hours after the incident. Poor defense, I know - but it was the only defense that had any chance, even a 5% chance that it could allow him to play on. This was the defense that appeared to be in the country's best interest, and not his.
    Let's be real - it's been less than a week. The team had less than 24 hours to mount a defense, punishment came within 48 hours - and the country had to play within 96 hours. It's not exactly a well thawed out plan.
    Give it some time, let the appeal happen, and I'm sure there will be acknowledgment of responsibility and apologies to follow - and hopefully a reduced sanction.
    As far as I can see, the only quote from Suarez on the matter (not the letter to FIFA) was neither confirmation or denial "these are things the happen on the pitch". Since then, he hasn't made any public comments.
    Uruguayans aren't in denial over the incident - what they are incensed about is the treatment they and their countryman are receiving - mainly from the English press. Sure, some of it is over the top, but at least we stand by our players.
    It's not a consipiracy, but a matter of fact that Suarez consistently receives harsher treatment than others.
    It would be nice if Liverpool fans would let the dust settle, and support your player - who has played a large part in achieving Champions League, the most goals the team has ever scored, and the highest TV revenues in the Premier League.
    Sanchez is a great player - but by no means a replacement, he would do nicely along side "El Pistolero".

  38. I'm not twisting anything, and your attitude to Suarez - now and in the past - is indicative of what seems to be the prevailing view in Uruguay. You constantly make excuses, and come up with lame rationalisations, which basically trivialise Suarez's behaviour.

    There is a singular failure on Suarez's part to take responsibility, and Uruguay - represented by its president, who called FIFA 'sons of bitches' - have enabled that behaviour by refusing to accept that Suarez did something wrong.

    You should read this article from a native Uruguayan to understand why I'm not 'twisting' anything:


    And please give it a rest with the 'British Press' conspiracy theory. It doesn't even make sense. The evil British Press named Suarez 'player of the year' last season. Clearly, they don't like him.

    Since arriving in the UK, Suarez has brought ALL the negative publicity on himself. No other player has been involved in as many controversial incidents, so obviously, his PR is going to be negative.

  39. Seriously, some Liverpool fans really need to emotionally detach themselves from Suarez. Their argument is, 'we need Suarez to win the league'. Well, it's not going to make any flippin' difference when he's out of action for the first TEN league games! Over a quarter of the season already gone! I will say this again- because of this ban, Liverpool will be far better off, and so will Suarez, if he's sold to Barcelona. What would you rather: Sanchez, plus some other great players signed with the Suarez money in those ten games (which could make a difference between 1st and 4th, or even no UCL)? Or no Sanchez, but no Suarez either in those ten games? Once you use logic you'll know which one.

    It's also better for Suarez to leave because Barca are basically guaranteed to progress beyond the group stage of the UCL. He's nagged and nagged for champions league, well here's his opportunity. Liverpool could be knocked out before he even comes back. He's also got a huge chance to win the La Liga next season. But if he stays at Liverpool and misses 10 games, then his odds of a league title are definitely slimmer.

  40. Why the hell are arsenal more attractive...

  41. What should the punishment be then for a third offence for something which whilst not career threatening is totally socially unacceptable?

  42. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycf2pfidQzY

    I dont agree with what suarez done either but when you think Pepe got a 10match ban for the 1st part of this video against getafe. I think i would rather be bitten on the shoulder.

  43. Hence reach for the Starrs?

  44. Keep Suarez AND get Sanchez. Even if he misses the first 9-10 mayches, he's there for the rest and the CL if we don't exit early. Sturridge has shown he is more than capable of being the goal scorer. And I have a feeling that Sterling is going to have a whale of a season and that Coutinho will play like Sterling did last year.

  45. We could have done that, and should have done it. But after the bite? And after saying I fell on his shoulder?!?

  46. It might have gone over his head

  47. First off, FIFA are undeniably "Sons of Bitches", and the president should be commended for calling a spade a spade.
    Second - nobody is denying that he's done something wrong - we might not see the gravity of the situation as the holier than thow pundits on your shores, but we know it was wrong.
    And it's not consipiracy, but factually, irregardless of how many controversies he's invloved in - his treatment in the Press and by the FA is far harsher than anyone else receives. For instance, everytime I quote the BBC, I don't say "The BBC, who employed child molester Jimmy Saville for decades". Or when talking about Terry. "Terry who racially abused Ferdinand in 2011, and slept with his teammates wife in XXX. Or Jermain Defoe "who bit a Javier Mascherano".
    I can understand he's a badboy, he'll have that bad boy image - it comes with the territory. But it is completely disproportionate. The same publications have written dozens upon dozens of articles on this incident - several times more than on the FA and country's failure at the WC, doubt Robben admitting to diving will last much longer than a day.
    But heaven forbid Suarez do something - it's endless.

  48. How could anyone take seriously an acknowledgement of responsibility and apologies after the line that has been taken and the reactions of the Uruguayan football team

    I agree that the heartfelt apologies will probably come, not because he means them but as a further cynical attempt to lessen the penalties and clear the way for yet another fresh start

  49. Sons of bitches?

    It's beginning to turn into a spaghetti western only without "the good"

  50. I don't know. I imagine it's a combination of London and more recent/regular participation in the CL, also some footballers still don't rate Rodgers but Wenger is very well respected on the continent so that might be a factor in it as well.
