22 May 2014

We'll Sell: BR in talks with Barca over signing 'incredible' £20m star. Lallana Fail?

The Pedro transfer saga rumbles on, and amid reports that Liverpool's move for Adam Lallana is 'stalling', Reds boss Brendan Rodgers has reportedly made contact with Barcelona to explore the possibility of a summer move to Anfield.

In December, The Guardian reported:

"Liverpool and Manchester United are interested in introducing Pedro to Premier League football, while Monaco are also on red alert"

This week, The Mirror claims:

"Liverpool are preparing a bid for Barcelona winger Pedro. Brendan Rodgers has made a discreet approach to Barca for and has been told he is available at the right price"

When asked a few days ago about his future, Pedro - known as 'the silent superstar' by Barca fans (on account of his humble demeanour) - still seemed a little bitter at his perceived lack of playing time. He noted:

“Things have to be evaluated every season. When you play less you do not feel less important, but it is true that you notice playing fewer minutes and it is different"

What would Pedro - recently described as 'incredible' by Spain boss Vicente Del Bosque - bring to the Liverpool team? In a recent interview, the forward outlined what he perceives his role to be for Barcelona. He told reporters:

"My job in the team is to free up space on the pitch for my teammates, to build moves, to turn certain episodes into goalscoring chances or to get assists for teammates in better positions. These are my responsibilities during the game. Everything I do must benefit the team."

Barcelona launched their new home kit on Wednesday, and Pedro was missing from the launch, which suggests he is definitely on his way out of the Nou Camp this summer. Cesc Fabregas, Alexis Sanchez, Javier Mascherano, Daniel Alves, and Cristian Tello were also missing.

Despite the ridiculous competition at Barca for attacking places, Pedro's stats over the last few years are creditable:

2013-14: 20 goals/10 assists in 52 apps (so far)
2012-13: 10 goals/7 assists in 48 apps.
2011-12: 13 goals/6 assists in 51 apps.
2010-11: 22 goals/8 assists in 52 apps.
2009-10: 22 goals/4 assists in 50 apps.

Pedro has a €125m buyout clause in his contract, but Barcelona will reportedly accept £20m, which is the same price Liverpool are prepared to pay for Adam Lallana.

At least one of the aforementioned Barca players has to end up at Anfield this summer...right?

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  1. Pedro will send shock waves to our rivals, knowing we can attract and compete at the highest level. Add Lovren, Caulker,Tello and a quality defensive midfielder in the mould of Carvalho and we are good to go

  2. Mark Clutterbrook8:50 pm, May 22, 2014

    if you think youll get lovren for 8 million when saints paid 8.5 only a year ago, then your team is very much deluded, saints have slapped 25 million on his head to fend off parasitic teams trying to break up saints fc. according to media bullshit,liverfool wants 3 of saints players, much as saints are entertaining, there not exactly champions league material.YET

  3. i would definitely take pedro for 20m rather than lallana for anything over 15m. i like lallana and his stats this season have been good, but pedro has better stats in most of his campaigns, so this should be a no-brainer for me. a bidding war, and perhaps the players choice of club may work against us though i feel.

  4. I really think we need someone like Pedro to provide competition and cover for SAS. Given Daniel's injury record, and our busy schedule next year, I believe he will have more than his fair share of games.

  5. We also have Borini coming back which will provide more cover and a different dimension. Adding another quality attacker would surely put us up there with the best in Europe in terms of attacking options.

  6. Reports say that Lallana could cost up to £30m with add-ons. I say forget him, if we can get Pedro, but it is silly season time, rumours everyday, that will never happen.

  7. those players being brought in,would be just what we need.I would like to see rakitic instead of tello though,and we will be on our way to going one better next season as well as leaving our mark on the champions league.

  8. Johnny I think the term silly season is spot on, by all the rumours on our sites we will have to play our under 18`s next season as none of the first team will still be at Saints.

  9. Pedro would be a fabulous signing. I think we need additional quality in the wide areas and through the middle. With that in mind, Pedro's signing might not spell the end of a deal for Lallana.

    Defence needs to be sorted first and foremost, but I think 2 quality attacking signings will be needed too.

    I don't usually go in for this Football Manager style speculation but to give us an idea of budget, I think these are realistic fees for players we would sell:

    Reina - £4m
    Assaidi - £4m
    Coates - £3m
    Coady - £1m
    Aspas £5m
    Agger - £9m
    TOTAL = £26m

    I think we'll get £30-40m on top of this, so I could imagine a scenario similar to this:

    LB - £15m
    Caulker-profile CB - £6m
    AM - £20m
    FWD - £20m
    TOTAL = £61m

    We just seem intent on neglecting the defence. I rubbished the Cole move initially, but could see it happening out of desperation.

    Still early days though. Very little business has been done. A player of Pedro's experience and profile for £20m would be very welcome indeed. As would Sanchez, though he seems to struggle with fitness. He'd probably adapt better to the Prem though, I think.

  10. David Amon Dahl10:09 pm, May 22, 2014

    I certainly hope Italy gets a hammering, as they were responsible for my country Denmark not qualifying. We almost did and was so close to beating Italy. But none other than Alberto Aquilani ruined it, with a shot at Denmark's goal, which was right into a crowded box, and hit a couple of players before the ball ended in the back of the net, and at the same time, ended Denmarks chances for qualificating. - Not that we would have had more than three matches at the most, but then again..!

    At least neither Sweden or Norway is going, - though I would have loved to watch Zlatan in Brazil. - Norway on the other hand, is still a joke! - When Ole Gunnar Solskjær started at Cardiff, and brought some Norweigian players with him. I knew Cardiff would be relegated.

    And I only feel sorry for the Cardiff fans, that they have to stick up with Vincent Tan. He reminds me of when Liverpool almost went bankrupt under the ownership of Hicks & Gillet.

  11. What are you going on about...

  12. This seems to be building momentum. I'll be very excited if we land this guy. I thought Lallana was more realistic but the price that's starting to be banded about for him, if we're gonna spend big I'd rather it was on pedro. A player like that attracts other top players too. Suddenly if you've got the prospect of playing with Suarez, gerrard and pedro along with our other S's it's starting to look like quite a tasty team. However, DEFENDERS! Lots of them

  13. Lallana isnt fit to tie Pedro's shoe lace. Its a no-brainer. Dream transfer if it were to happen

  14. No please to Pedro, Tello or Sanchez

    Lallana just needs to force the move, forgo his loyalty payment etc. Liverpool seem to have offered a decent fee, and we haven't heard of counter offers.

    Liverpool should not pay a premium for Bournemouth's sake (25% sell on clause)

    One possible solution, it's a little sly, £35 million for Lovren and Lallana, value Lovren at £25 million, therefore reducing Bournemouth's slice of the pie

  15. Why would LFC want Pedro,or Lallana,when we have Aspas,Alberto,Lucas,Johnson,HaHaHaHa.
    Hurry up and sign Pedro as well as other class players LFC.

  16. If Lallana puts in a transfer request and no team offers 30m then the real valuation will start.

  17. they're not champions league quality, you got that right. which is why i feel 25 million is waaay too much for either lallana or lovren.

  18. I like Pedro. Don't want to see us wasting time over Saints players. They don,t want to sell their star players and who can blame them for wanting to build a team there. I also don,t think they will lose their manager if the owners show intent by retaining and building. I'm glad to see LFC not wasting time trying to push transfers that are unlikely to happen.

  19. Mike Aitcheson1:22 am, May 23, 2014

    I hope BR gets asked about OGS going down
    And returns his 'Couldn't care less' answer....
    Any player happy to stay on the bench for 70% of his career is a prat in my book

  20. Let,s see how Coates goes in the WC. Seems he found some form last season and came to LFC with big wraps.

  21. I never thought he was the train-wreck that some made him out to be, but I'd be very surprised if his days aren't numbered at Liverpool.

  22. Mike Aitcheson1:36 am, May 23, 2014

    Love Pedro's attitude, real team player. Give Barca £5m plus Dagger for him, then get
    Alves for Johnson, Can, Shaqiri and Lovren. That should leave us with £20m plus sales to try to get a TOP quality statement signing like Pogba (unlikely) Rakitic (possible) or Hummels (also possible, and we would outwit Utd for a change)

  23. would give my left arm to get alves. too bad he's going to psg. it seems rakitic will also be tied down to a new contract at sevilla. i just want us to try to purchase world class talent. no more albertos and aspas please.

  24. Mike Aitcheson1:42 am, May 23, 2014

    PSG will have to be very careful about signing expensive players both in fees and wages. France is an inferior league to the Prem. They should at least try...

  25. bill the drill1:44 am, May 23, 2014

    Meaner anyway.....lol.

  26. bill the drill1:49 am, May 23, 2014

    Let's see will the take Joe off our hands........or would that push the price up yet again?

  27. Pedro aside, I hope we can take a good look at Cesc Fabregas, Javier Mascherano and maybe Alexis Sanchez. If we can get the first 3 of them, plus keeping our first team intact, I think we will be a real force in both EPL and Europe. Of course, I maybe having too nice a dream.

  28. In my opinion, Barca would be mad to let him go, but, if they do, surely he has proven over a number of seasons to be consistently excellent. Spanish players generally have better technical skills and game intelligence, and as much as I rate Lallana, Southampton's reluctance to sell and for a ludicrous price ought to make it clear who the more viable option is.

  29. If we've bid 20 million pounds for Lallana and that's not enough then I think we should just walk away now and be done with it. Southampton and perfectly within their rights to insist on a high fee for their captain but the fee they are asking is intended to be prohibitive. They don't want to sell and the price is set accordingly. Let's take the hint and just forget about it. He's simply not worth what they are asking. If someone like Pedro was available for the money we're willing spend then it's a no-brainer.

  30. I think you might have just about nailed it. I can't see us selling Johnson so fans just better get used to him for another season at least. We don't need to sell Coady but it's not big money anyway. If we do get a good price for Agger then I'd sanction a bit more on the replacement. It's nice to get a bargain but we might need to pay a bit more. That 40 million you speak of will come from increased TV and CL revenue so the club won't continue at a big loss. You get my stamp of approval for an excellent post.

  31. I think Saints won't sell anyone, although United are the team likely to fork out stupid money for Shaw. And look, that's how it should be. The prices are huge because the club doesn't want to sell, and they shouldn't if they don't want to. They should look to improve next year and that means keeping these players. Liverpool should look elsewhere.

  32. Every transfer rumour is over hyped when it comes to our club and finally we end up paying inflated price for a panic buy

  33. The one stumbling block, for me, is that he's been quoted as saying he would prefer to go to Utd, so I'd rather have Lallana.

  34. Apparently PSG are signing David Luiz for 50mil...

  35. Actually I think the complete opposite. I think Liebherr Family is out to make as much cash as possible, as fast as they can.

    They will sell the likes of Shaw, Lallana, Lovren and anybody else for as much money as they can, then spend a fraction of those transfer fee's to replace them.

    Give them a few years and they will then sell up.

  36. Its not that Southampton do not want to sell, the fact they are talking to Liverpool means they do want to sell, they just want a stupid amount of money.

    I guarantee that Southampton will sell Lallana and Shaw as well as a few others this summer. Maybe not to the clubs we think, but they will sell them.

  37. If you ask me Pedro or Lallana. I can say without a moment Pedro. British player being sold at inflated price is always the case and if you are getting a world class proven player like Pedro for same price or even a few million more should go for it. Lallana is a very good player would be great addition to the team but no comparison with Pedro.

  38. I admit I have an odd sense of humour but at least I have it.......Lighten up fo goodness sake and read the flow of the posts.

  39. Sounds a little hateful to me..... but pehaps you'e only joking:-)

  40. Not sure Pedro is the answer if he needs someone to tie his laces for him.:-)

  41. Too slow to fit Rodgers style and not comfortable enough on the ball. Coates will 100% be sold/moved on this summer.

  42. Well if the believed transfer kitty is true (60m plus sales) then i do not see why we could not sign both. 45m on lallana and Pedro/Sanchez. 5m backup keeper then 15-17 million for a CB and a LB.

  43. I think 20 mil plus Agger might do it. However, I get the feeling the press are just working their way through the Barca squad for stories. I get the feeling the press dont have a clue who our targets are.

  44. Would love to get Pedro it would also be great if we can get Sanchez sadly though I can't see us getting either of them.

  45. So many things to discuss, where to begin.

    Karma - yawn. Suarez handled the ball, got sent off, Ghana missed the resulting pen and the penalty shoot out. Those are the rules. It wasn't as if Suarez pretended to not handle the ball. He did. He knew what he was doing. He made a personal sacrifice for his team and for his country - the equivalent of jumping on a grenade hoping your mates survive. The media (including you, JK), complained. But if everyone is so upset, why haven't they changed the rules? This was 4 years ago.

    I'm English and an LFC supporter. I hope Suarez recovers in time for the WC. I hope this for his sake, for Liverpool's sake, for England's sake, and for the sake of the tournament. Suarez should be one of the stars of the WC, hopefully he'll recover.

  46. David Amon Dahl6:21 pm, May 23, 2014

    Actually it's quite funny (my remark you're refering to Stuart C.) - But first I want to apologize for coming of so harsh on you. Please don't take it personally as it was not meant that way at all.

    I think it was me who didn't quite get that you were joking. And the thing I wrote about 'drinking poison

    and hoping the ones you hate will die from it' is actually a quote from Buddha, - but the irony of me totally misunderstanding you, is also that, the quote relates to people seeking revenge, such as wanting to hurt other people, who have hurt them, or someone they cared for.

    So in the end..Well I can only laugh at it, at my own misunderstanding, and then trying to sound as 'the wise one' by quting Buddha. With a quote that makes no sense at all, - in this situation, even if you realled did hate all Englishmen ans Scots, which I seriously doubt you do!

    It's okay if you want to hate me! - I wont hold it against you, or even hate you back!


  47. Thanks for the explanation but the apology is not necessary. I do humour (well I try to) - not hate.

  48. Has it actually been confirmed that Suarez has a 70 mil release clause or is that just media speculation being reported as fact?
