4 Mar 2014

Game On: LFC favourites to sign 'world class' £20m star who snubbed Reds in 2012

In August, Anfield legend Jan Molby bemoaned Liverpool's failure to sign Belgian star Jan Vertonghen, describing the former Ajax defender - now at Tottenham - as a 'no-brainer' transfer. Vertonghen's move to Spurs seemingly hasn't worked out the way he'd hoped, and reports this week suggest that the Reds may be back in for the classy defender. Second time lucky...?

According to the Daily Mail:

"Liverpool lead the queue to sign Jan Vertonghen in the summer.

"Rodgers who will also seek to sign Ashley Cole, should Chelsea fail to offer the England left back a new contract"

In August, Molby told the 5 Times Podcast:

"The one thing we missed, and I’ve said this before, is Jan Vertonghen last year. Why did we allow him to go to Spurs? That was a no-brainer".

At the time, Vertonghen admitted it would be a 'dream' to play in the Premier League, and when quizzed about Liverpool's interest, he said:

"I can’t say anything about whether there has been contact about a transfer but It’s flattering to be linked. The rumours give me confidence, but I just try to do my best every game".

Spurs ended up paying a reported €10m for Vertonghen, which is (comparatively) chicken-feed for a top class defender, and was definitely within Liverpool's budget. The Belgian is now valued in the £20m bracket, with Barcelona reportedly willing to spend that much during the last transfer window.

Why didn't Liverpool pursue Vertonghen more vigorously? In my view, it was a lack of effective forward planning. In February 2013, Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers admitted that he had to persuade Jamie Carragher to play on for another year, which means that he knew that Carra would almost certainly retire in the summer of 2013. Rodgers told reporters:

"Jamie thought about this [retiring] last summer [2012[ when I first came in. He and I had some good conversations, and I persuaded him to stay on."

That - plus the ongoing ineffectiveness of Sebastian Coates - should've been enough for Rodgers to prioritise he signing of a central defender in the summer of 2012. Alas, it didn't happen, and the Reds lost out on a top quality player.

Vertonghen - described in February by Spurs captain Michael Dawson as 'world class' - is currently playing the typical elite footballer game of using the media to make subtle threats to leave, and - by extension - alert interested clubs that he might be available. When asked about his Tottenham future over the weekend, he told the Evening Standard:

"What I want is to be playing in the Champions League with Tottenham, so I hope we get in this year. Do I have a decision to make if we don't? I can't say anything about that. Let's see after the end of the season, after the World Cup."

That's one of the worst examples of naked self-interest this side of Luis Suarez's 'I'm a Superstar, Get Me out of Here!' schtick from last summer. Clearly, Vertonghen has zero loyalty to Spurs, and he'll go wherever there's Champions League football.

Do LFC really need yet another player with that sort of attitude? What happens if he signed for LFC, and the club fails to qualify for the CL next season? Will he then start to make the same kind of statements in the press?

Mercenary tendencies aside, it would be incredibly satisfying to turn the tables on Spurs and steal a player from White Hart Lane for a change...



  1. Is he really that good? He's certainly got all the basic qualities required of a good defender but so do Agger, Skrtel and Sakho. I'm not convinced he's better than any of them. What does he have that they don't? Despite often playing conservative football Spurs have at time conceded buckets of goals. Liverpool are all out attack but have never leaked 4 or 5 goals in a game. I see little to suggest that he's any better than what we've currently got.

  2. another left footed centre back?
    where does that Leave Agger and Sakho?
    if we are signing a CB, lets have a Right footer.

  3. you poor deluded souls! Spurs will not sell him to another prem club!

  4. Sure Spurs will sell him to a rival...Like Mr Griffin, I do have my doubts about him sometimes. He has been caught napping on more than one occasion when Spurs play a high line. Clearly lacking in the speed department - an issue that has been highlighted by the even slower Dawson. Unless he is playing next to the super fast Kaboul, I think he can be found out. But, all told, I see him heading to Barcelona. Bigger stage than Liverpool and they need a long term solution to the ageing Puyol. Not too worry. I think we have too many "cute" defenders. Wouldn't mind seeing Ryan Shawcross come in to replace him - especially when one considers how much this will piss off Arsenal fans; remember his horror challenge on Aaron Ramsey. I think Shawcross, together with Begovic to replace Lloris (who will probably also head to one of PSG, Monaco or Barcelona this summer with or without CL football) will add some much needed "mongrel" to our back four.

  5. The guy is a beast. In terms of his heading ability and ball playing there is no match for him, he is better than Agger in both departments is quicker and can even play defeinsive mid role if needed.
    The only issue is that he is left footed and no teams plays with two left footed centre backs - no idea why as plenty play with two righties.
    I would not play Jan at left back, and I would only buy Jan if we could sell Agger, but who would want to sell Agger? It would be a very bold decision as Agger lives and breathes Liverpool Football Club.

  6. Hes the best defender in the league, he would cost minimum £35m. You have absolutely no chance anyway so who cares!

  7. IMO Vertonghen has always had a sense of quality about him. But I do agree with you, if he were to join us he would complement the team rather than directly improve the quality of defending. He is just like Agger.

    Spurs at times have been pants, one single defender can't stop that. It's the same for us, Skrtel has been on fire but we still concede often. We shouldn't be looking to sign any central defender, no individual will make a difference. IMO Rodgers needs to tactically address the issue.

  8. Spurs are in big trouble aren't they. Could almost see them doing a Leeds, if it wasn't for the big money air-drop next season. They're going to have to tear up the squad and start again, for what feels like the nth season in a row; a club can only take so much of that until mediocrity beckons... Liverpool fans know all about that!

  9. Can LFC "steal" in Christian Eriksen?

  10. Apart from the fact that they are one of the best run clubs financially, whereas Leeds had all their players on the never/never, you mean LoL. Oh, and the fact that Levy has specifically stated several times that none of his future forecast planning is based on the attainment of CL football...or that Spurs still have an outside chance at CL.

  11. No, not a chance...no more chance than of actually getting Vertonghen, which is zero.

  12. Why are they in big trouble? They have a great squad that are all new faces, next season will be better than this season with some small additions once everybody gels. A new manager will get them playing smarter football. They made a profit in the last summer transfer window (yes despite spending 100mil) so finances are not an issue at all. Still knocking on the door of 4th spot in a transitional season... stop believing the media hype, Spurs are on the up.

  13. Between the press and Vertonghen a blind man can see what`s going on here Spurs could clam him up but that would only harden the case for Vertonghen , i believe Vertonghen has his mind made up long ago and is using Spurs as a stepping stone the waster , and now with a mouth as big as the Mersey Molby is stirring it up as a Spurs supporter i don`t think we Spurs can crash into the top four we have dropped to many points and Vertonghen is causing waves cough up £45,000,000 Liverpool we intend to make you pay or deny Vertonghen his selfish wish.

  14. Britishnesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss...........Ask Hogson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Not impressed by him. Plus hes too dirty and arrogant, you saw what happened with torres and that dnipro player, disgusting! Dont want him here, and is he better than agger and sakho? Agger not sure, sakho no way.

  16. There's as much chance of Jan Vertonghen joining Liverpool as there is of Luis Suarez joining Spurs.

    Silly story.

  17. Too dirty and arrogant? You do realise who your top scorer is don't you?

  18. United are a team of too old or not good enough players they are in strife and unless a oil baron buys the club then you are dreaming.
    They will have to sell most of their older fringe players just to buy a few established stars and not huge stars at that its rebuild time and its going to be slow so suck it up.

  19. But you are happy to have Saurez though

  20. So they're not allowed on here then?

  21. Yes don't use profanities - use asterisks. Everyone understands the meaning but for some strange reasion you don't get f*****g banned!

  22. Don't want him anyway. I honestly think he's trash...like most of the Spurs players with Soldado leading by example. Peace :D

  23. It wasn't those words. It was something along the lines of "We rely to much on Giroud. Look at Liverpool Suarez hadn't scored for 4/5 games no one said anything because they had Sturridge banging them in as well" and some more which I can't remember and can't be bothered going through that video again.
    To be fair to the guy who broke down, we've all felt like that at one point or another. Probably didn't start crying but gutted nonetheless.

  24. We dont want another one, do we? Thats the idea lads. Plus suarez's worth it! Vertonghens not!

  25. Not sure but it was some commenter. I copy and pasted it.I remember at the beginning of that season a lot of Liverpool fans believed we would have a good season. I mean why shouldn't they look at how we ended the season before, we had every right to be optimistic and then it all went wrong.
    One of my friends brothers said (back in 2010) Liverpool will win the league in 2014 or 2015. I even thought no chance and now look.

  26. Here's some news. Mourinho says he doesn't have any strikers...not Torres, Eto'o or Ba. So guess what he's going to get this Summer? Who? One of the two guys he keeps yapping about. If he doesn't get Cavani, you're going to have a lot of money because he will come calling for RVP and Ambramovich will make sure he gets him.

  27. Hey pal, left the "Men's Shit United" fan talk about he believe (or dream?). Dreams are free to all!

  28. As a Liverpool fan I'm loving the negativity coming out of utd's fans/players. Long may it continue. Happy happy days. I hope we stuff them at Old Trafford. I'll be there to bottle the tears as they fall down their faces. Long live Moyes.

  29. Hodgson looks as a King Kenny?

  30. Cisse had pictures taken with Benitez but is widely regarded as. Houllier signinf? Where's the difference?

  31. World class??? I don't think so. We already have better

  32. Wouldnt swap him for any 3 spurs players.

  33. I totally agree. I think it's entirely a tactical problem and Rodgers will either address it or get someone in his coaching team that can. Buying and selling defenders will just make that harder.

  34. Always nice to get a balanced point of view from a Spurs fan. So refreshing to come across a set of supporters who are not quite as one-eyed as the rest of us.

  35. Hodgson was sacked 8th January and Suarez was signed 31th January. I am almost 100% sure, Luis wasn't Hogson's signing. There were a lot of speculations during that time, but Ajax didn't want to sell him. So Ajax accepted to sell Suarez only late of January and Hodgson was out already...

  36. Yes the deal was done after he was sacked but the fact that there speculation and then the speculation became a fact then that shows Hodgson got the wheels in motion.

  37. Hodgson played a major part in signing Suarez. He scouted him months before leaving, and Dalglish also admitted recently that the deal was done before he took over:


  38. Kompany's the best defender in the league IMO. Agree there's no chance of this happening though
