6 Feb 2014

'I will not hide it' - €19m star admits he feels 'resentment' over LFC transfer.

After last week's deadline day transfer collapse, Dnipro executive director Andriy Rusol claimed yesterday that he is 'one thousand per cent sure' that €19m-rated Yehven Konoplyanka will sign for Liverpool during the summer. Whether that will actually happen remains to be seen, but how does the player himself feel about losing out on a move to Anfield?

When asked if he was upset about the failed LFC deal, Konoplyanka told reporters:

"Not at all upset! Well, I will not hide it, there is a little resentment, but life goes on.

"I will search for the next dream, and I hope that everything will turn out okay."

Konoplyanka's comments seem to suggest that he wanted the move, but by saying he'll 'search for the next dream', it sounds to me like Konoplyanka has given up on the Liverpool move, and will consider different options in the future.

Seriously, though - after all the hassle, recriminations, and tit-for-tat 'explanations', what are the chances that the Reds will go back in for Konoplyanka in the summer? Returning for players after failed deals doesn't generally seem to happen that often, especially at Liverpool.

The only recent example I can think of is Sturridge, who Liverpool pursued in the summer of 2012 before he eventually signed in January 2013. Unlike the Konoplyanka deal, though, there didn't seem to be anything official - or approaching official - between Chelsea and LFC.

Konoplyanka would've been a handy option to have against West Brom last weekend. The unfortunate reality is that if Sturridge and Suarez don't score and/or have an off-day, there's no one else in the squad who can consistently pick up the slack.

SAS have failed to score in only four league games this season, but the Reds lost three of those games, and only managed to average one goal a game. Clearly, midfielders who can score goals consistently are - or should be - a priority for LFC this summer.



  1. I know it is a little pedantic but he said he was 100% sure we would try to sign him rather than would definitely sign him.

  2. it would be good to have him but i dont think he would be an upgrade on our current wingers. Assaidi could contribute as much as konoplyanka. he is showing that at stoke. i'd prefer Lallana as we know he'd guarentee PL standard impact. i am upset we signed ZERO players despite BR constantly saying he cant wait for January to come to sign players. i think were in desperate need of a world class midfielder to replace the glory days of Stevie G, so if the club is genuinely interested in Toni Kroos we need to make a statement and bid the £25-£30M required. having Kroos on £100k a week wages is not an issue if were in the CL. SAS are becoming an extremely deadly duo and its crucial and evident they need world class support.

    in the summer, if we get CL football, we must remember we are a genuine world class club and we will have the luxury's of signing CL players.

    My personal choice would be
    Toni Kroos - £25M
    Alex Song - £20M
    Carlos Vela - £15M
    Adam Lallana - £20M

    total: £80M

    Iago Aspas, Fabio Borini, Seb Coates, Pepe Reina, Joe Allen try to get £40M back on all of them.

    My CL squad for next season


    subs: Jones, Sakho, Johnson, Lucas, Gerrard, Coutinho, Sterling


    --------Sterling-------------------- Song--------------------------Enrique

    subs: Jones, Flanno, Agger, Lucas, Henderson, Coutinho, Lallana

  3. another 19m sub just what we needed

  4. Toni Kroos. All day, every day if he'll come to LFC.

  5. Carlos Vela has actually become a truly class player. he looks like a player that will fit in perfectly at Liverpool. just watched this video, he looks a beast, like Hulk. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jdVtAOjw-Y

  6. The writer here is just trying to create something out of nothing. Do you think he actually remembers the comments BR and Stevie made? This fella on here analyses everything he can to criticize LFC or blow smoke where there is never actually any. Using quotes from Steve 'thick' Nicol is just pathetic. Nicol was a great player but coach and pundit? He's awful.
    Jamie son, follow the team instead of being someone who just looks for negative stuff to write about!

  7. It's good that he has been perceived as such otherwise he would not be wearing our colours and cheaply for that mattter.

  8. sturridge is selfish n scores a goal in many chances he has wasted

  9. he is self centred wen with the ball unlike suarez n gerrard perhaps n his petty mistakes may lead us nit being in top four although he is da best on ine ine games coz he scores on every match bt ask urselves how many chance of scoring sturridge gets or he is at times not able to giv ball wen a player is onside rather tries to score wich he mises

  10. Konoplyanka was a summer target anyway so there is a very good chance that we still are very interested.

    What we need is a proper box to box midfielder. If only Henderson can contribute with more goals then we have exactly that! Henderson does everything well except for putting the ball into the back of the net.

    If we are going to sign a proper midfielder then it has to be a top notch one. In order for us to get 'the best' we need Champions League footie and right now we are well on track to finish top 4. Now we just need to keep on averaging 2 points per game and it will be job done!

  11. In one article I saw he suggested that if he'd had his way he would already be at a big club. I cannot remember which clubs he said but they weren't Liverpool. From that and some other articles I got the impression he did not much care which big club he went to as long as it was in one of the top leagues. So I don't feel that our bid in January will have much influence if other clubs start bidding in the summer. Agree the main area to lok at ismidfielsd and depending on what happens with Enrique and Johnson possily thosea reas too. Leaving aside of course the Suarez issue.

  12. Christian Eriksen, Victor Wanyama, and Dejan Lovren for a start. All three would (IMO) make a big impact at LFC, and would play regularly:

    * Coutinho injured earlier this season = Eriksen playing.

    * Wanyama: Perfect competition for Lucas, and would be ideal to have now that he's inured. Plus, Allen/Lucas injured earlier in the season too.

    Lovren: Excellent defender for Southampon, and an everpresent until his injury. Much better value - and more solid - than Sakho.

  13. in the form of his life so being questioned by those around him has worked - stuff what other people make of it - life without questions above your head is rather dull

  14. I think Hodgson had more to do with the signing of Suarez, it's just that Kenny had just taken over from him.

  15. Sturridge is class. Stats prove that !!Apart from his heading and maybe which dont really matter as our style is mainly fast football on the deck so we dont really miss that aspect anyway. Fast as most , one of the quickest feet, skill, passing and awareness and mainly his finishing is as good as anyone's in europe . All top strikers have that arrogance in the final third Henry, cantona, van Persie, drogba , Ronaldo ! Arrogance is proof after they score the way they just stand there like they are the top boys and don't even smile just nod there head or point to the name on the s shirt !!! Suarez, aguero, Zola , fowler etc are more just happy to Score and less big headed about how great they are so u dont see that from them when they score !!!! Anyway just enjoy Sturridge it's about time he gets the recognition he deserves .

  16. Yes, you look at the players Rodgers has bought in, most are of no use to us and can't see us getting a return on them. Rodgers could have put the money to much better use, we could have had three £20 million pound players for that, straight into the team, not warming the bench. Rodgers can't really complain about recent transfer failures, when he's had enough of his own.

  17. I like Ander Herrera of Atheltic Bilbao. They have a number of very good players and we know the Basques take as a fish to water to the Premier League...well except for maybe Asier del Horno and Xabi's brother ;-)

    Out the door I expect:
    Touré (off to the middle east or china somewhere)

    I don't think we should expect a great deal of money from those deals. 20 million tops.

    To come in I would like to see:

    Ander Herrera 30 million
    Ben Davies 10 million
    Fernando Reges FREE (plus sign on)
    Konoplyanka 15 million

    To line up:






    I'm sure our other youngsters can cover the full back positions when needed and Agger and Ilori can backup CB. Allen, Henderson and Lucas are able backup in CM. Coutinho, Sterling and Alberto can play around a central striker. The one thing missing would be a seasoned striker who has never played in the big time but who would be willing to be behind Suarez and Sturridge and can come off the bench and score. I never seem to come up with any other names than Ricky Lambert but maybe someone else has an idea?

  18. I think Borini can be a very useful player for us next season. He seems to be a better option than Aspas. Borini is gaining some valuable experience at Sunderland and seems to be in good shape since all the injuries he has had.

    Toure signed a two year contract so sure he will stay till it is up in 2015. Moses and Cissokho will not be made permanent, as soon as the season end they will return to their respective clubs.

    When Suso returns, it is going to be an interesting situation. He will want regular football but whether he is going to get is is another thing.

  19. If If If if, we didnt buy them so stop moaning and actually support what we have not what we could or couldnt have

  20. suso has got something in him to be a success, if he truly wants it.as for the rest, too old, too bad , too moses.

  21. suso could be very good. the rest of that list, minus cissshocko and moses (loans), wouldn't get anywhere near 20m!!! with that collective valuation, do you work for lfc!?

  22. Again the most liverpool "fan" airs his overly positive views once again

  23. I think what they said was run of the mill for a dressing room, but it was interesting to see those things said publically. I wonder if BR senses Sturridge thrives on attention, even negative attention, and is trying to give him that F-U edge which a lot of top strikers, especially have -- even need.

  24. Henrikh Mkhitaryan hasnt set the world on fire.... i'd say willian and eriksen have been average at best for their respesctive teams....costa hasnt gone anywhere yet lovren and wanyama are 2 good strong players but i think if liverpool got involved there fee would have gone up at least 25% due to the fact they see us as a big club with more money, i could be wrong but thats just my opinion unless they had a release clause written in their contracts..... we have been buying within our means for the 1st 18 months of rodgers management so we wont take £30 million risks unless rodgers really pushes for it in my eye... look at spurs £100 million investment and where they are in comparison... he got rid of some deadwood and high wages already and brought in some cheaper options and a few for the future, moses and cissoko will be gone at the end of the year.... sahin again was a loan so not devasting in financial loss and he was a good shout from previous form and would have been a £20 million pound player if wed bought him but luckily we could send him back as he didnt cut it... allen and borini were a little expensive but both have time to put that investment to good use.... same goes for illori and sakho years ahead of them to pay off that investment.... alberto could also fall into that bracket.... aspas for me hasnt been given a fair crack of it, but if rodgers doesnt rate him then that is his own fault so for me wasted money comes in at 7 million for aspas.... hey we could have bought Lamela for £30 million and been no better off.. or torres mark 2 for £50million.... its a gamble like all transfers.... the benefit of rodgers transfers is they all have long enough to come good and repay that faith.... only time will tell...also on another note... can we stop with the people wanting ayre sacked.... i agree he should have someone else that sorts transfers and thats it but the investment he's helped bring in with all these latest sponsorship agreements more than outways the bad transfer negotions hes been hammered with...who here wouldnt want to be in 4th place from this time 18 moths ago... rodgers has managed that.... might have done it with different players or such but he's where we wanted him to be at this moment in time....well done mr rodgers!!!! lets see what happens if we finish 4th and we have the lure of champs league...signings then might be more in the bracket most fans want.... ie £25 million a pop...even that doesnt guarantee success...just makes the gamble even bigger

  25. Yea because Rodgers sign all those players thinking "Oh man I can't wait for all these guys to be mediocre."

  26. When top current and past pros speak the same language, only a fool would question their views in this manner. Given that all in the report are pro Liverpool further underlines this. My guess is they were right to question an attitude which has indeed been adjusted, perhaps naturally with his maturing. Perhaps the big club came too early for him and we've profited.

  27. Only thing I would say is that it took man city over 500m to win the league and we have been shopping in the bargain bin since rodgers came. The story is told by the players he TRIED to sign like costa who is now rated one of the worlds top strikers

  28. This is just bull...you are moaning for the sake of moaning .This year we have injuries to johnson enrique agger lucas allen coutinho sturridge if we had better luck with injuries we would probably be 5 or 6 points better off..Rodgers is dping a great job lfc are only 10 goals behind city and everyone is saying how great they are banging in 4 or 5 every game .You claim to have an alternative view to some of the "all is good " lfc supporters but putting a negative spin on every subject does not mean you have an alternative view it just means you are being negative.Not once have i read an article by you where there is not a negative vibe.Do you support lfc ?

  29. Fluke - defination = "a stroke of good luck".

    The answer to your question is whether you believe in luck or not and what part of the transfer was fluke.

    Is it fluke that the club employ scouts that built Man City's title winning squad?

    The fact that we identified quality under appreciated players that were not getting game time - is that fluke?

    Is it fluke that Inter allowed us to buy Coutinho for £8m as we paid all the cash up front as opposed to in installments (most transfers)?

    Is it fluke that Sturridge's scoring record when played as a central striker (for Bolton) was brilliant and Rodgers new this and had scouted him since he was a wee boy?

    The fact is we don't know entirely what goes on behind the scenes and so everyone judges LFC and Rodgers (and Ayre!) prima facie and on the balance of probability we all get it wrong and most of the opinions are biased or with no concrete evidence.
    But everyone can have an opionion so lets just say its a fluke! Ayre out, Rodgers out LFC out!

  30. Fluke or any transfer is a gamble? We can see those players as flukes bu only if we see as many of the other signings as poor. Not many do.So fluke? No just examples of doing it right. So too would Costa, Konoplynaka, Willian and Mhkitarian. The scouting and players being identified is not really the problem, it is getting those players you want. We just had less competition and did the buisiness the right way.

  31. Lovren yes, Maybe Erikson too but Wanyama? All I have heard is he is not that good? Poor passer of the ball. Surely he would be in the flop category if we had of signed him. If Sakho and Allen are then he would be too.

  32. Wanyama has been poor and Willian was one of the differences between us and Chelsea and was also in the City games too. Myhkitarian is doing well too.

  33. Sorry to disagree KB but I only see a future for Suso from your above mentioned players. Why the L Rodgers sent him back to Spain is beyond comprehension. Alberto and IIlori have not yet had enough play time to assess. The red pencil should be put through the rest and forgotten about. How any Liverpool manager paid £15m for Allen is beyond belief.
    Your article JK is a good, positive and incisive analysis of the failure of Rodgers to gradually assemble a team worthy of the name Liverpool and the sooner John Henry relieves him of his pain the better. Liverpool must do everything in it's power to make Marcello Lippi an offer he can't refuse and everything will fall into place. His status and presence will tell the football world FSG is a serious Company who mean business and all top players will become available whether we're in the 'top four' or not. I believe Mr Henry has witnessed the continuing waste of money by KD and a 'tenderfoot' manager and is not prepared to finance this any longer. Forget about recruiting players for the future - the future is NOW!
    PS A win against Arsenal tomorrow would be nice but would only serve to delay the inevitable decision Mr Henry needs to make. Forget about the immediate funding of a new stadium we need a top manager with a proven record who can put players on the green stuff who are able to bring home 'the bacon'!

  34. Sop you've just got rid of 10 players and signed 3, what if 2 get injured do the U/15's fill in, hence having a squad.

  35. The key thing is that LFC needs to be decisive-period.

  36. If we do win, you really are a genius.

  37. That's the Fergie influence right there.

  38. Its hard to make an impact when only 2 subs are being given 10 minutes a game because we are only in (essentially CL being primary target, not FA) one competition.

  39. Allen doesnt score goals, neither does Jordan. Both are very adequate midfielders but if they arent contributing goals then we need to find two midfielders that can. Gerrard will still score around 10 goals a season with penalties and free kicks. But Allen and Henderson dont offer an attacking threat. Both can have futures for Liverpool if they learn how to score goals. It's like Sterling, if he can develop a final product he will become a LFC player for many years.

  40. Hardly a fluke, they're more of the ilk of a 'MONEYBALL' signings. The team needed pace (which Danny has), we needed a creative passer in the final 1/3 (Phillippe clearly has). Plus they are both players that are technical and good in possession in tight spaces. Even the Sh*tty bench player are good technical/good in possession players like Aspas, Asaididi, Joe Allen.
    They were calculated signings, you deem it a fluke cause of their low price tags. But the impact they have had has probably suprised the manager, more so with Daniel Sturridge (as he's more consistent).

  41. Everyone says that managers all have a list of players they want to go and buy. Then if you dont get your first choice you work you way down that list. So Rodgers clearly didnt have Aspas as first choice or second or third. I think Allen, Sakho, Toure, Coutinho were all first choices.
    The man we need to look at once again is Ian Ayre. Just because he is Scouse doesnt mean he has a right to be our MD. We need the best person in the job. Some say Billy Hogan but if he is doing a good job commercially then why move him? I think David Dein would be a good shout

  42. I have criticised a number of his articles in the past and some have been expunged within about a minute of delivery but (IMO) this is the best analysis he has provided to date. - Not sucking-up Jaimie. As you know I am very uncomfortable in that role.

  43. I have to laugh at this. BR also wanted to sign Salah, Kono, Costa, Mhit, Willian. I'm sure these players would have been a success but the club failed to sign them. Not the fault of BR. If BR is forced to sign players under £10M then we can all still expect them to be average at best with the odd success amount them.

    This thread is only here to have a dig at the manager. Poor form really, but I wouldn't expect anything else from Jamie ( chip on my shoulder) K.

  44. I agree that millions are squandered but no managers are free from errors. BR got some correct and they are contributing to the team. I wonder why Sakho is consistently mentioned as a failed transfer. Allen, Lucas and Henderson were playing some of the best football in the middle of part for us when Gerrard was injured. So I don't think Allen is a fail transfer. Borini and Assaidi are playing well on loan so they have a chance back into the team. Aspas, Moses, Sahin and particularly Cissokho were disaster but if we had no Cissokho who is going to play on the left now? Moses and Sahin were thought to be good loan signings as they were pretty good especially Sahin (didn't work out). If we had a chance to turn back the clock everyone can be a manager, it's so easy to look back and say we had signed the wrong player. Sturridge and Coutinho are one of the best signings. Have a look at Henderson and it took him 3 years to see what he is about and he is still growing. Some players like Iloris and Alberto will take time so the debate is whether BR should have dumped his money on players who can contribute now, not in 2-3 seasons time.

  45. Coutinho may not be scoring or getting that many assists, but he is still playing a big part I believe.

  46. Sterling can't play at right-back. He is a 5ft 5in winger.
    If we're going to spend £80 mil, getting some decent full-backs seems a good idea.

  47. I don't think his reaction after the penalty showed arrogance, it showed desire and a little selfishness because he wanted the hatrick. Desire and selfishness are 2 qualities all the top strikers have and need - they all want to be number one and they thrive off the adulation they receive when they score goals, which is their primary function and the yardstick by which they are all measured. I do agree that BR saw this and that is why he subbed him, in order to remind him that it is not all about him but the team. By the time the game was over he realised his error and apologised for it, thus displaying contriteness, the very opposite of his arrogant image.
    If another of our much loved strikers had shown this contriteness instead of arrogantly sticking to his misguided guns then LFC wouldn't of been tarnished in the way it has been during the last 2 seasons.
    I agree with VermHat that the cocky black guy thing is prevalent in the media and is a reflection of society to some extent.

  48. Transfer business requires a lot of luck. Not all costly buys were hits either. Look at other signings (not just LFC) Chicharito was a hit, while Anderson wasn't; similarly Ramires/Ba, Nastasic/Sinclair, Arteta/Bendtner, Park...
    Although I agree with wasting too many of the transfer funds on such players. We did not need Illori with Kolo and Sakho coming in and could have spent that to get better version of Aspas or Alberto. I wouldn't blame him for loaning Moses, Sahin and Cissokho (they had performed at the biggest stage before being out of favor in their respective teams) but it was better that they were loaned in duds rather than bought in duds.

  49. Wanyama has been 'poor'? Please qualify that statement as I don't believe it's true. Two of my friends support So'ton, and they rave about him.

  50. The comments by Gerrard and Rodgers were counter-productive? oh really jaimie? his form has been sensational since he joined,you're a man of stats,you'll know that. if anything the comments spurred him on to prove himself as his goal scoring record has shown. Sturridge has barely put a foot wrong since he joined. I can't see the counter-productivity you claim the comments have caused. making a mountain out of a molehill as usual.

  51. Unlike Suarez? Bizarre and ignorant comments.

  52. Doesn't make sense challenging him as he hadn't even kicked a football for us yet! Unless they assumed he was trouble by believing unsubstantiated negative hype.
    Why don't they do that for every signing? Doing it in public was out of order too! Who is Gerrard to suggest this is last chance saloon in terms of a big club? Fast forward, we now know Sturridge is a top top player & worth his weight in gold. It would interesting if DS said "Well Stevie, this club is only big in history besides these top players you've mentioned, where are they? I see you & Saurez that's it! I'm off!"

    I only hope that by now LFC & the fans realise Sturridge is innocent until proven guilty & not the other way round!

  53. Does Sturridge owe you money?

  54. Thanks! I do feel that this is where English football is atleast 30-50years behind the top footballing nations. In England confidence = arrogance, we love losers more than we like winners.
    I hope it won't be too late before we realise that Sturridge is one of the most well rounded strikers England have ever produced! Shearer/Lineker great strikers, ok footballers!

  55. Rogers made what happen? Evidence please! Most fans can read between the lines:
    1 Sturridge was a huge talent as a teen- see youtube clips, Roberto Mancini has said publicly he regrets his sale to Chelsea.
    2 When he played for Chelsea he did well & was joint top scorer with lampard a few seasons ago . Chelsea old boys & Mourinho again have voiced regrets on him leaving!
    3 When given a run at Bolton scored for fun & rescued Owen Coyle.

    So my friend there is ample evidence to suggest Sturridge was very good BEFORE he came to LFC.
    This "reputation" do you think Danny deserved it?
    IMO these are indicators of attitude problems in a footballer:
    1. Lazy in training.
    2. Bringing profession into disrepute eg drunken disorderly, fighting in public etc
    3. Poor physical conditioning eg yo-yo weight
    4. Poor relationship/arguing with team mates &/or manager on a consistent basis.
    5. Being a professional sub & just collecting a paycheque.
    6. Not working for the team
    Every accusation levelled at Sturridge are opinions which cannot be substantiated.

  56. A year down the line whether you agree or disagree with the approach Brendan and Gerrard took is personal opinion. Look back on the return LFC has gotten from Sturridge since the move, he has proved how stupid Chelsea were to have let him go or not play him in his right position!
    Perhaps it was what he needed to hear at that point to just ignite the potential that I thought he had even as a youngster at MCFC?

  57. I really don't see what your getting at, again... Any new player is going to have is position explained, and what is needed to maintain that position,,, They have said nothing any manager wouldn't have said to his face let alone anyone else... Making an issue where there is none.

    Sometimes I wonder if you are just writing such things to get people to read this garbage... It's worked.. but it is garbage.
