25 Feb 2014

Exciting Deal? BR plans summer bid for 'fantastic' £25m La Liga star, but only if LFC make the CL...

Liverpool are reportedly considering a summer move for Real Madrid striker Karim Benzema, who hinted this week that a move to the Premier League could be a possibility.

According to Spanish newspaper Marca:

* Brendan Rodgers sees Benzema as a 'realistic target' if the Reds qualify for the Champions League this season.

* One of Benzema's reps has allegedly 'informed' Liverpool that the French international is open to leaving Madrid at the end of the season.

Liverpool have pursued £25m-rated Benzema a couple of times in the past.

2013: According to an alleged exclusive in the Daily Star:

"Liverpool say Suarez can go for £50m but would prefer to sell him abroad. Real Madrid have been heavily linked with him and Liverpool would accept cash plus a player, possibly striker Karim Benzema".

2011: Real Madrid reportedly rejected an LFC bid for Benzema on transfer deadline day. Liverpool signed Andy Carroll instead, and, well - let's not go there (!)

When asked about his future over the weekend, Benzema seemed to reject the possibility of a move at the end of the season. He told reporters:

"I am happy here. I only think of Real Madrid and I consider that this could be my big year"

French legend Luis Fernández (part of France's 1984 European Championship-winning team) is impressed with Benzemals form this season, and tips him to be a major influence at the upcoming World Cup. In an interview with Marca, he enthused:

"Benzema is having a fantastic season for Real Madrid. He will be a key man for France at the World Cup. France does much better when it is the underdog"

I' sure many LFC fans will be excited by the prospect of this deal, but I've never been impressed with Benzema. For me, he is overrated, and he's a really infuriating player to watch. A prime example of this came during Euro 2012, when Benzema - who is supposed to be a striker - spent all his time outside the box, huffing and puffing, but making no impact at all.

It's frustrating watching a striker who seemingly refuses to enter the 18-yard box. To be fair, though, Benzema is much more effective for Real Madrid, especially this season, where he's notched-up 29 goals/assists in 38 appearances for Los Blancos.

I don't see how Rodgers will be able to keep Suarez, Sturridge, and Benzema happy, even with Champions League football. All three are high-profile first-team players, and all three will want to play every game, especially the European matches.

If Suarez stays, it will be a mistake (IMO) to sign another established international striker. Just look at the problems Rodgers has had this season trying to fit Agger, Sturridge, Sakho, and Toure into the team. If the Reds buy another striker, it should be a young, up-and-coming player, who won't expect to play every game, and will be happy to learn from Suarez and Sturridge.



  1. If Liverpool make top 4 and have a little centre half clear-out...would anyone suggest buying Vertonghen?

  2. for me Loic Remy is the perfect option. he wont want to play every game but will surely be in the side. at £10M and CL football next season, having Suarez, Sturridge and Remy as our forwards is enough. we need a another midfielder as well like Rakitic. at the end as long as we get CL football its all kushty

  3. I agree Loic Remy would be much better as he has done it in the PL, bring back Borini as a back -up striker too.

  4. We will need 3 quality strikers for CL - Sturridge also picks up injuries. Benzema's not the right player but he'd only come as part of a swap deal for Suarez who hopefully will stay if we get 4th or higher. We should go for Luis Muriel - he'll cost about £20m but is a talented Columbian who's not yet fulfilling his potential. But after our disastrous transfer dealings in the last 2 windows will FSG be prepared to pay what it costs for quality?

  5. im still a lukaku fan and would love him at liverpool. now for the defence ! we need a left back and coentrao is an lfc fan he is unhappy and i think he would be class 4 us rb flanno is doin great but still young so i would also get montoya in just incase (i no hes young to) i think glen j is finished and is gettin worse sell him and save a fortune on wages then let sakho agger and srktel fight it out between them and have either toure or give iilori a chance (he is playin superb atm) and gerrard (who is a beast and playin superb) but we need cover or to rest when we can and the only mancapable is mascha (i no he left under bad circumstances but he is world class and we need him)

  6. Definitely. Was thinking that myself. And Chiriches, he's good

  7. What I find a shame is the (apparent) increase in manhandling, shirt pulling and niggly little stamps and fouls that break the game up . That to me is worse than an over reliance on tackling.

  8. I guess you get the ball from the back of the net.

  9. No dont want him good player but the money needs to be spent on full backs and midfielders and i cant see the budget stretching that far.

    l would like to see someone like Muriel or Elshaarawy if they do splash out on a striker.

  10. Totally agree, Jaimie. Benzema has never delivered on his early promise. A classy player but not the kind of player a team like us needs right now; we can't afford luxuries.

  11. I agree with this, and it's tackling that made the English game the best to watch up until the last few years, because of the exciting turnovers of possession it made possible, and the emphasis on certain individual skills, especially in wing play, that it produced. The English game has improved tactically now, and we're seeing some new things, but it's less distinctive and joyfully frenetic than it used to be, that's for sure.

  12. Borini is not good enough to play for Liverpool. the players that exited the club has raised the level of the club. at least Remy has CL and PL experience. proven goalscorer. and extremely quick. can contribute to our pressing and incrediby quick players which is causing defences all over hella problems. for this summer i would take.

    Loic Remy- for the specific reason hes a proven goalscorer at high-levels and competitions were competing in. he has crucial attributes like lightnening pace which are essential and make alot of players successful in the PL. in terms of striking ability IMO hes better than Benzema and being a cheaper option at around £10M LFC should pursue him. - £10M

    Toni Kroos- its a far fetch but considering we reach Champions League football, and offer him the £120k a week that he wants, i dont see why he wouldnt join a world class massive team like Liverpool where he will be adored and allowed to show his true potential. we'd have to first stump up the £25M and then agree £120k in wages and convince him to come Anfield. but hes a genuine world class midfielder and has proved many times against top English opposition what hes capable of. £25M

    Fabio Coentrao- A left back is definately needed at LFC and Cissokho may try but he will not good enough and will return to Valencia. Coentrao would be a decent option. for around £15M i think he will be a good signing. having Enrique and Coentrao as LB options will get us through the season perfectly. £15M

    Marcos Reus-the rise of Sterling will probably make Rodgers abit shaky to sign another winger but its Essential we have great squad next season. we have magnificent players in Gerrard, Suarez, Sturridge and adding more quality will only do the club good. Reus is a proven star player and it would take some convincing but i think around the football everyone now knows LFC is back in business and alot of world class players will now join Liverpool. Reus would cost £25M+ but the club need to back Rodgers for the fantastic job hes done at LFC. £25M

    Remy, Kroos, Coentrao and Reus
    total: £75M

    sell Borini to Sunderland for £10M, sell Reina for £10M, sell Allen for £10M , sell Assaidi for £5M.

    total: £35M

    bring back Ilori and Suso and let Texeria learn from world class midfielders like Gerrard and Kroos.


  13. That's down to foreign players. Imports have increased the technical quality of the league but the nature of the English game and distinctive qualities you talk about have lessened. It's the same here in Australia. The only thing that beats a crunching tackle from Stevie G is a thunderbolt, from Stevie G.

  14. Ha! My feeling is it's as much to do with changes in officiating as anything else. I really like the cosmopolitanism of English football (and England generally). I think the best period in recent times was that period from about 1996-2006, when there were lots of players from overseas too, but the culture of the game was a distinctive blend. The teams that emerged from that combination, especially the Arsenal and Man Utd sides which dominated those years, combined pace, aggression, counter-attacking from turnovers of possession, with a new professionalism and tactical awareness which was completely new to English football.

    Officials customarily let players dive unpunished into "man and ball" challenges which would today warrant a yellow card. This meant a lot of impact injuries which blighted the game actually. But it had an upside; the skills of Giggs and Henry, and of Macca for that matter, were designed around evading aggressive tackling; hurdling a lunging player, the feint to draw a tackle, the change of pace. These skills aren't redundant now, but less-spectacular moves -- a drop-of-the-shoulder or stepover -- which look nice on tv in slowmo but not much to look at from the stands, are enough to beat players who simply can't go to ground.

    Oh look an essay. Obviously I should be working!

  15. Another exclusive from the daily star, why don't you just give up writing JK? I could read the star and re-write it in my words, and give my 2cents. Pure nonsense, the only reason people read this is because the one thing you actually can write is a headline. Something to suck people in, only to see it's another star or mirror quote. I know you can't handle criticism, so il prob only have this message up for a few mins if at all!!

  16. Bullshit moderation, cant handle criticism

  17. I'd rather read your essay than do my uni work :)

    Officiating is a good shout. I didn't quite think of the impact they could make. The "man and ball" idea is a good point too, now you can collect the ball and still see a red card. Even 50/50 shoulder challenges, the winner usually gets a foul against them. You get the occasional ref that allows the game to flow though.

  18. Agree Benzema is over-rated. But i disagree that three world class strikers would be a mistake. I would love to see another top striker at the club. They will be hard to keep happy all the time, but that's a managers job, and BR needs to be up to that. There will be extra games in CL and with Sturridges injury history it's innevitable he will be missing games during the season.
    Man City seem to be working well with Aguero, Negredo, Dzeko and Jovetic(injured yes). No interviews from Dzeko this year post game saying he was too good for the bench etc, has to be down to the manager. We would need BR to apply the same man management skills for sure, I hope we get the opportunity to find out if he is up for it.

  19. I wouldn't sign him then

  20. Benzema will demand massive wages and where exactly is he going to fit in at LFC? so cannot see this happening.

    Our attack does not need that many new additions. Borini will be back for next season and if we can go back and sign Konoplyanka then we will have a really good attacking line up. Plus Ibe will be getting some much needed experience from now till the end of the season.

    Suarez, Sturridge, Borini, Sterling, Ibe, Konoplyanka, Aspas and Coutinho. What more do we need?

    Ok, we do not know whether Aspas has a future at Anfield so there probably will be a replacement if he had to leave but doubt major money will be spent in this department.

    Two LB's, one RB, and cover CM should be priority!

  21. ha, don't jinx us with champions league ;)

  22. You should have heard the fuss about the 1998 rule change to outlaw the tackle from behind. If you google "outlawing the tackle from behind will ruin football 1998" the top hit takes you to a Mirror article based around some quotes to that effect from Arsene Wenger. Interesting stuff in retrospect!

  23. Where did you get the 20 mil from?

  24. never mind, I clicked the link. fluff speculation.

  25. Puts the whole "the baby's not yours" song in a whole new light...

  26. I can see where he is coming from. Purely from a purists perspective football is about passes, goals, technique, free kicks etc. The last thing on peoples minds is tackling - its the ugly thing but unless ur prepaid to wait for the opposition to make a mistake then its the only way to get it back of em. Ugly - but essential!

  27. I simply don't agree. The Spanish way of Tika-Taka is not my cup of tea. I much prefer the British style of play with great attacking play and a defence worthy of being called a defence. If a defender can't tackle, then he wouldn't be in my Liverpool team. Forget all this pansy stuff in Spain, give me the likes of Norman Hunter, Tommy Smith and Gerry Byrne.

  28. Tommy Smith would have a coronary after about 45 seconds of trying to keep up with the Spanish midfield.
