3 Jan 2014

Angry Carra blasts: Spurs should 'get rid of' €14m 'disgrace' in May. Grudge...?

Liverpool legend Jamie Carragher has launched a scathing attack on Tottenhan Hotspur striker Emanuel Adebayor, basically accusing the Togolese star of being lazy, and only putting in the effort when it suits him.

Since Daniel Levy scrapped Andre Villas Boas, Adebayor has contributed four goals and one assist in five games for Spurs, and played a major part in pushing the club back into contention for a Champions League place.

None of this cuts any ice with Carra though. In a recent discussion on Sky Sports, the retired defender dismissed Adebayor's resurgence, and urged people 'not to get too carried away' with the striker's new-found form. He barked:

"For me, a player like that is a disgrace. He comes in for a few games, does well and everyone's saying how great he is, [but] why isn't he doing it every week? Why isn't he like Didier Drogba? Wenger got rid of him, Mancini got rid of him, AVB tried to get rid of him, I'm sure Sherwood, at the end of the season, will try and get rid of him".

Ouch! I doubt Carra knows the ins-and-outs of what went on at Spurs under AVB, so this diatribe seems a little harsh, overly judgemental, and downright hostile. It's also arguably hypocritical. Luis Suarez has committed infinitely worse football-related crimes than Adebayor, but I've never heard Carra label the Uruguayan a 'disgrace'.

Could Carra have some kind of grudge against Adebayor? It's certainly possible. During Arsenal's 1-1 home draw with Liverpool at in 2008, Adebayor received a second yellow card after an altercation with Alvaro Arbeloa, and after the game, he publicly slammed Carra for his rough tactics on the field. He told The Telegraph:

"I was kicked a lot but I tried to stay on my feet. I can show you the marks on my legs. I don't think I deserved a red card but at least one of the Liverpool players did; Carragher was always fouling. I made two fouls and got two yellow cards, which is not fair"

Granted, Carra would have to hold a grudge for five years, but anything's possible (!)

Looking at €14m-rated Adebayor's Spurs record, his problems certainly seem to coincide with the doomed tenure of AVB:

* 2011-12: The year before AVB. 30 goals/assists in 37 apps for Spurs. Whatever way you slice it, that is a superb return for a striker.

* 2012-13: AVB's first year: 9 goals/assists in 34 apps. A massive drop in creative productivity. Adebayor has to take some of the blame, but surely man-management must also be a factor?

* Between 2007 and 2011, Adebayor was also pretty prolific, grabbing 87 goals/assists in 153 apps, which is a goal/assists every 1.7 games.

* In the same time period (2007 to 2011), Drogba notched up 123 goals/assists in 167 apps, which is a goal/assist every 1.4 games. Slightly better than Adebayor, but not the massive gulf in output suggested by Carra.

Prior to his move to Spurs, Liverpool were tenuously linked with a move for Adebayor, but I doubt there was any real interest from the club. In any event, I'm sure Carra would've had his say at the time, and judging by his recent comments, I doubt he would've been impressed to see the ex-Arsenal man turn up at Anfield.



  1. why the hell did man city let him go and avb not play to his strenghts he has to be one of the most underated strikers in the premiership i would have loved to see him at liverpool even if carra doesnt rate him

  2. Adebayor is a very good player but would he fit in with our current style of play?

  3. sometimes you need to change approach in games when things are not working and he can mix it up good on the deck as well as the air

  4. Not sure how Adebayor will be able to keep up with a partner like Suarez though. Just cannot picture a player like Adebayor in our setup.

  5. I would not of minded seeing Adebayor at Liverpool over Caroll any day. Both tall players but Adebayor has a great touch, movement and can score a goal. His doesn't fit that obvious stereotype of a 'target man' that players of his attributes are labelled with.

  6. Carra is not the only person to have mention how Adebayor only plays well when seeking a move or when he has a point prove. It seems like he is a player that can rub people up the wrong way, so strict managers like AVB and Mancini wont get the best out him long term. Sherwood sounds like he will be in the Redknapp mould of man to man management so it will be instreasting to see if Adebayor can keep up him form.

  7. I understand where Carra is coming from. Wenger and Mancini certainly aren't mugs and both of them tired of him. When he did well for Tottenham, I said there is no chance of him repeating that next season and, regardless of whether or not it was down to AVB, I was right. I made the same prediction when he started well at City. For context: I'm not one of these people who makes 30 or 40 predictions a week just so I can go "as you can see, I was right" but tend to reserve my judgement unless I feel quite secure in that opinion. I think that he ultimately lacks the desire to be a top professional, despite the fact he clearly has the ability to be one.
    If anyone read Avram Grant's comments about Anelka the other day, I reckon they could just as easily apply to Adebayor.
    On the other, Carra and myself are relying largely on conjecture which arguably is unfair on Manu. I can understand his failure at certain clubs for reasons partly beyond his control. At Arsenal, when he lost form the fans turned on him and I think he is one of those strikers that needs to feel the love. Yes, if you want to be a top striker you need to be able to generate your own self-esteem but players are only human. Also RVP's newfound ability to avoid injury and ultimate usurping of him as main man made things worse. At City he was cast aside in favour of newer more glamorous recruits and at Tottenham he was never really fancied by AVB. I think he is a striker who needs to know he is THE striker and will be trusted through good and bad form. I think Torres is the same in many ways.

  8. I think Sherwood's more British, more matey man-management will suit Adebayor.

  9. This is not a good look for Carra especially when you consider how he crowed about Joe Cole and never came out strongly against the performances of his former England team mate for his Liverpool and subsequently the Hammers performances while on big wages.

    It is also strange why he chose to compare Adebayo to Drogba out of the many strikers in the League. Is comparing 2 Africans the common theme here or is it about comparing strikers in which case he could make a direct contrast between 2 former Chelsea team mates in Torres and Drogba.
    Torres could do well to do what Drogba did for Chelsea and we all know he has the talent to do it.

    If getting £25 million for a player was an act of Wenger getting rid of a player, I would love Rodgers to get a similar bounty for getting rid of Brad Jones or Reina.

    Mancini could rightly claim he got rid of Adebayo but he would hardly have started ahead of Aguero as Dzeko has also gone on to do bench duties even though he was bought for a lot of money.

    Adebayo had a great season on loan at Spurs helping them push for a champions league spot which prompted them to buy him but a change of management did him no favours.

    His 4 goals in 5 games now prove AVB got it wrong given he spent £26million on a striker who has 1 goal from open play out of his 5 league goals in 18 games.

    Adebayo has his faults but many other players who do worse get better treatment from the press and their management.

  10. Carra actually said something negative about Joe Cole the other day on Sky. I think he was talking about how he often wouldn't turn up for games.
    I can't remember the specifics unfortunately, maybe someone else can?

  11. I think a football coach/manager's job an amalgam of that of the jailers in the film Cool Hand Luke (who insisted Luke had to get his mind right) and an engineer who tunes his racing car to perform at near peak efficiency for each race. All the managers who moved Adebayor on could not succeed with the first task so there was no possibility of achieving the second.
    You cannot compare Suarez with him because even those managers who vilified him most for his excesses would jump at the chance to have him in their teams - because he gives 100% and is an outstanding footballer.
    That would include Alex Ferguson if he was still in charge at Old Trafford!

  12. He certainly has the talent, but his mentality is up for debate at the very least.

  13. Great points. Agree re the Torres and Adebayor comparison. if they're both loved and adored by the fanbase, and trusted by the manager, they'll deliver the goods.

  14. Yeah, definitely would've taken EA over Carroll. Would've cost a hell of a lot less too.

  15. Yep, I imagine as a fellow professional someone like Suarez would be easier to take than someone like Adebayor.
    Theophrastus said that in comparing sins, the ones committed out of desire are worse than those committed out of anger. Suarez's major indiscretions (the Evra incident, the biting) are crimes that are provoked by rage. Adebayor's so-called crimes are ones of desire in that they appear arise from a lack of desire. or so it seems to the observer.
    Marcus Aurelius noted that the man who is at the mercy of his desire is "more self-indulgent, less manly in his sins". In the masculine mentality of football, you can understand why a pro like Carra would rather deal with Suarez than Adebayor.

  16. Carra's just trying to be controversial,trying raise his profile as a pundit. He's made a few harsh/controversial statements on moses, and Suarez - saying Aguero was the better player, etc. Par for the course for a pundit.

    All good - hope Adebayour drops in form, and Tottenham burn out by the end of the season - don't know why, but I get a sense of arrogance from the team/ players, kinda like united and Chelsea.

  17. Very interesting post. It would great if you'd write a guest article sometime :-)

  18. Such an idiot kanwar.... I wish you would just keep your ideas in Bristol your not wanted in liverpool

  19. I'll write a bitter hindsight post if we don't get top 4 and it will read like Richard Nixon's list of enemies..

  20. he was all over manu - he's a beast when he wants to be - just hope he keeps it up. coys

  21. Carragher speaks the truth!
    Adebayor is a DONKEY chasing his next contract.
    Money is his God.
    He doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself.
    Hilarious Spurs are singing his praises. He's already fucked them - where was he when they were chasing 4th last season? He was INVISIBLE. And he'll fuck them again.
    Watch him try to prove himself to Arsenal again - and lose again.
    100& TWAT!

  22. underrated????
    He's been dumped by Arsenal, City, Mardrid. and spurs DESPERATELY tried to sell him in January and couldn't even get £5m for him. You're deluded son if you think he's so good!

  23. Carragher's just a bit peeved that someone has finally surpassed his goal-scoring record for Spurs :)

  24. underrated!!! ha, thanks I needed a really good laugh...

  25. Jamie I agree more with carragher than u. I read from a few sources that he grossly disrespected avb that's y he froze him out ..if u do that to Jose u work the bench ,wenger will sell u out and fergie will put u on the bench .listen Jamie the reason wenger as patient as he is of all managers sent him away speaks. Volumes .so did Mancini ..please I agree with carragher unlike Suarez it is his attitude towards his managers .note that .if you fall out with three of your high school teachers the u must be a verrrrry special student.

  26. Then you can join my fellow Gods in the divine guess columnist club.

  27. Adebayor Is World class..

  28. Ade is a good player but only when it suits him. it almost seems like so long as he's number one etc he'll carry out his task. The moment he is less than he tails off. Under Redknapp he was sensational because he knew he was number one. AVB made it clear he wasn't and he didnt perform. Attitude is the issue

  29. If Liverpool could have a hoofer impersonating as a footballer in their setup for almost two decades, then Adebayor is very definitely good enough to for the Merseyside club.

  30. Gods!?
    No, no, no, my good man- that simply wont do!

  31. Yes very good and thought provoking points mate :)

  32. Mate, you gotta earn your right to be top dog

  33. Do not be fooled. Adebayor tries only when he has something to prove. He will end up lazy again like usual.

  34. This is exactly why selling Torres was a mistake. Just before he left, he began to gather some form, since he scored a few goals; as I particularly remember against Blackpool and Wolves. At that time, he was still loved by the fan base, and still had the backing of the manager.However, he's ultimately gone off to Chelsea, where the fans are very impatient with him, and IMO which greatly contributes to his roller coaster form for the club.

  35. If Carroll cost 37m on deadline day, then EA would have cost at least 50m. But yeah I still get your point :P

  36. Saying Aguero is better than Suarez is not a controversial statement, its an opinion.

  37. It's close to fact.

    Aguero has proper competition for his place in the best squad in the league. The team isn't just set up for him. He is a model pro.

    None of those things can be attributed to Suarez.

  38. Like Suarez playing for his post world cup move?

    If he isn't sold in the summer I will offer odds on his production being 50% at best of what it has been this season.

  39. "It's close to fact" - this is again an opinion. Suarez has scored more goals than Aguero this season and last season with a very average (at best) squad. You can come up with several arguments to support your opinion and there will be set of people supporting both of us. I wouldn't be bold enough to call my opinions as a fact or close to it.

  40. Guess we can play Smith. You do not want to leave all the responsibility to Gerrard in midfield so that is why i went with Hendo.

  41. Hendo, Suarez and Coutinho need to be rested because all three of them have been working a lot so I don't think it'll be good for them. I think it'll be a lot better if Gerrard does the defensive work and Alberto & Texiera/Rossiter do the attacking work. I'd love to watch them.

  42. Well i just hope to see some youngsters in the team. How would you feel if we lost the match?

  43. Re Henderson, he is one of the most robust playres we have. He just goes and goes and goes...

  44. To be honest I don't care even if we win, I just want us to go for top 4 and that's it. We shouldn't compromise that spot with any cup or anything because that's when we'll get players that would make us stronger than what we're signing now.

  45. Agree, top 4 is the only thing I want to see this season. if we progress through the cup then that would be a bonus.

  46. He has been on the receiving end of a large number of nasty tackles lately, today or tomorrow he might get injured and you don't want to lose that engine. I also feel that Oldham will bruise quite a few players so lets not risk the first teamers which we're already short of.

  47. As long as we do not play Skrtel this time who got slaughtered vs Oldham last season...

  48. No, I want him to be played so that he can get his honor back which he lost against them.

  49. Suarez needs to be told to take a rest. BR needs to manage him because his enthusiasm and determination may lead to burn out. I'm not sure Suarez is mature enough to know what's best for himself.

  50. Maybe he's just spending too much time with Neville.

  51. I'm sorry, but to compare Adebayor and Suarez at personality wise is the most un touched to the world opinion i heard. It's like saying Balotelli and Suarez are the same kind of person.

    Adebayor is a spoiled American-like obnoxious person. Suarez is an artist.

  52. You're wrong. Carra is being honest here and at those former occasions you've mentioned and i feel it's a shame Liverpool supporters like you have easy secure doubts over it.
    You're even saying: Carra' just trying... " Who are you to know? What prove do you have?
    As proof, i have exactly the same opinion as Carra here over all of this, and i know for a fact i am not trying to do anything.
    Every person here saying he would like to have Adebayor at Liverpool makes me sick and doesn't get the greatness of this football club that was lucky enough to have a player like Carra.

  53. That's what I think as well, he needs to take rest even though his mind hasn't tired its his body that will take the toll if he's not rested soon enough.

  54. How can you say that? What do you know? I'm sure that if Soldado would have scored these goals he would compliment him, Defoe as well. Adebayor is a proved a**hole of a person, and Carra as the balls to support VB and any manager with a spine who believed in team culture that's above his craap, and got rid of him.

    What amazes me is how my fellow Liverpool supporters can't see how rotten of a club Spurs are, how disgusting their supporters are, and these kind of players like Adebayor that enjoy the temporarily orgy with Sherwood, which is another a**hole.

  55. You don't half talk some shit.
    How do you get away with it?!

  56. Exactly. I must say this piece of writing is the weirdest one i red here, Actually going five years back for some quote, and with peace of mind. That's crazy. Do really think Carra is such a low of a person? Amazing.

    I have exactly the same opinion as Carra, i am not trying to be or do anything, or get back at anyone. These are opinions of culture perspective, same ones i support LFC because. Oh man. How can any LFC supporter want Adebayor at the team. No standards?

  57. Was Aurelius the Brazilian who played left back for The Reds? Where the heck has he gone?

  58. Suarez is an artist. Adebayor is an American spoiled brat.

    And i will say it again. Carra hasn't lied once here, he says what he thinks and believes.

  59. I think he should do what he want's. Who want's to be some England respected pundit? Carra's like me here, he really doesn't like Spurs. I think you are lucky to be in the top 6. Referees gave you about 10 points this season and you know it. You're club management, supporters, and a chunk of the players, are disgusting. I am sure you are a nice person, but live with the.

    How can you stand Adebayor after his behavior with AVB? I don't get it. And you're supporters, applauding sarcastically to the players? what glory haunters. Levy give us more money know! after you broke the market. etc etc etc etc etc . really.

  60. Nice team. The most significant players that should play are Ilori and Alberto, also Kelly for sure.

  61. That approach is great cause that way you can play whoever you want. But you just gotta make sure that you win so they can get another game.

  62. As well as Sturridge does I'd say. No nonsense finisher with blistering pace. I've always rated him to be honest. As for his so called antics, other than running off his mouth in the press every now and again and an unfortunate photograph on Twitter I don't think there is anything worthwhile to mention. And even those things, as JK pointed out, pale in comparison to Suarez's bite and summer moan. I'd welcome him with open arms to be honest. I think him and Suarez could so some serious damage and could allow Sturridge to take a break every now and again before he gets injured rather than having to take an extended break when he does.
