12 Jan 2014

Hamann: 'Outstanding' €40m maestro should be LFC's 'top target'. Agree...?

Liverpool legend Dietmar Hamann has urged Reds boss Brendan Rodgers to make Schalke star Julian Draxler his top target during the current transfer window.

In November, hailed, and speaking to 5-Times last night, Hamann hailed Draxler's 'vision' and insisted that the youngster is the perfect player for LFC. He enthused:

" My top target would be Schalke ace Julian Draxler – he fits the bill.

"With 10 caps for his country, he would cost a lot of money but I think he is the type of player the team [Liverpool] could do with".

In December, the Daily Mail reported:

"Brendan Rodgers personally flew to Germany last night to watch Julian Draxler. [He is] a long-term target at Anfield, and Rodgers says he sees [Draxler] as a potential successor to Steven Gerrard"

In 2012, Liverpool reportedly considered a double-swoop for Draxler and Spurs midfielder Lewis Holtby, but nothing came of the alleged interest.

When quizzed about his future at Schalke recently, Draxler emphatically ruled out a January transfer, but seemed open to a summer switch. He told reporters:

"I have to look what is the best for me and I will do in the summer again and we will see what happens. I have always said English teams are very big clubs. You never know what happens in the summer"

Schalke have reportedly slapped a €40m price-tag on Draxler, which is utterly ridiculous for a 20-year old player who's done nothing of note in the game.

That's not to say Draxler isn't talented; he clearly is, but €40m? You're having a laugh! If he's worth €40m, then how much is the similarly-aged Philippe Coutinho worth? Draxler's stats last season are, admittedly, very promising, especially considering he was 19 at the time:

* 13 goals/5 assists in 39 apps (32 starts)
* Goal/Assist every 2.1 games.

Draxler clearly fits FSG's infernal transfer template, and with the German expressing a clear preference for English clubs, hopefully Rodgers will pursue him. Whether FSG will stump up the cash, however, is a different story.

January is the best time to do a deal, though. If Draxler goes to the World Cup and plays well' his value will only skyrocket, and the Reds will probably be priced-out of a deal.



  1. Yes this is the type of player Liverpool should be after seems like a lot of money but you have a player for the next ten years this fellow is pure class and would be a real statement should liverpool sigh him

  2. Didi (if I remember correctly) said get rid of Suarez also Drexler is not worth 40 million euro.

  3. AndWithSuchSimplicity10:19 pm, January 12, 2014

    Our top target should be Arda Turan. He was absolutely awesome last night. Stupendous.

  4. 40m? Suarez costed 22!

  5. Nope. Diego Costa should be our only attacking target. Suso back will provide extra depth there. Other than that, we're talking fullbacks only.

    I don't care if Costa costs £40m, Studge through the middle with Luis and Costa, would you like to defend that?

  6. Not so sure, prices seem to be to high this transfer window... Hard to say so but there are almost no names avaliable, BR will find it hard to find any target, we obviously wont spend so big this january :/

  7. Yes, what a player.

  8. nice to have dreams,, but lets be realistic.. Liverpool need to maximise what they get for their money and Draxler or anyone at that price is not going to do us any favours.... Pricing is getting ridiculous, before long all clubs will end up pricing themselves out of the market,,, time to get a grip on reality.. Only the very best should cost any where near that amount,,,

  9. Advice from the guy who last night said LFC will not make top 4. Get lost Hamann.

  10. Am I alone in thinking it's crazy to sell Pepe for 5-6m then pay the same or more for a back-up keeper. I know he wouldn't be happy sitting on the bench but I don't really care if he's happy or not. After last night game I can see a few chinks in Mignolet's game. Sure Pepe's salary is a consideration but how big a problem is that for a club like LFC. We need some real competition in the goal keeping department, I would just keep Pepe and tell him to fight for his place. Maybe he can get back some of the form of old that made him the best keeper in the EPL. We have on the books at the moment 2 great keepers. Why change that?

  11. and he is openly saying that he is Liverpool supporter

  12. 40 MIL for a unproven 20 year old player? I rather buy heaps of bitches to have fun with.

  13. No go and buy a new keeper or get reins back , mignolet is costing us goals in every game now and can't kick a ball to his own players ! He messed up against man city, Chelsea, Stoke and there's even more , he is a liability .

  14. Willian also cost a lot of money without doing anything of note and he's a couple of years older. Draxler is one of those rare talents that will cost a bundle to buy like Ozil or Götze but Bayern will be happy to pay that money. If we qualify for the CL we will be at that stage where we wil have to make these type of investments if we ever want to compete. Meaning, one or two additions meant straight for the first team. As for replacing Gerrard, I think we saw yesterday where Gerrard will be the rest of this season and possibly his career at LFC. Holding midfield. So anyone coming in will more likely be playing next to him rather than in his place.

  15. There is no Chance we or anyone will get Costa athletico are in Champions league. KoKE would be a massive signing but also champions league.
    Drexler is class we need But 40mil no way

  16. They all are until they see the offer.

  17. Great post.

  18. Especially at Champions League away games.

  19. Draxler has an 40m EUR escape clause which was already activated by Real Madrid and Manchester City last summer. The transfer didn't happen, because the player decided to stay.

    The quality of the player is two leagues above that of Henderson and Lucas combined. He is within the top 5 midfielders in the world already. The guy only recently turned 20 and already has 90 Bundesliga appearances, 10 caps for Germany, more than 30 European games, and he is Schalke's captain.

    That said, if he does not leave for Real Madrid or Manchester City, he won't leave for us. But saying that a player of his calibre is not worth 40m, because he has done "nothing" is not right ...

  20. I agree liverpool would be unstoppable with diego costa aswell

  21. Draxler wouldn't cost £40 mil, its just the price being mentioned to try and put potential suitors off. He would be a good signing but personally i would much rather see Adam Lallana at the club, proberly cost half the price of draxler and is also proberly more naturally talented. Also with him being at Southampton we don't have to worry about adjustment to the league or any of that nonsense. Would love to see lallana in an LFC shirt

  22. It his release clause which was already activated last summer by some clubs ...

  23. 40M, 25M even is just lol. Won't happen. Fantasy football!

  24. Just because there is a release clause on a players contract it doesn't mean that a player will be sold mfor that amount. Release clauses are usually put on contracts to put clubs off making a bid but if the club then becomes serious about releasing a player then that release clause is usually bi-passed and a more realistic value is obtained. Draxler is not worth £40 mil and schalke know that there is not a club in the world that will pay that amount, so if schalke need the money or if draxler has a desire to leave then the price will become more realistic. I would suggest that 18-20 mil is a more likly fee. If schalke dont want him to leave or draxler doesn't want to leave then he wont coz no-one will pay £40 mil which is the exact reason that release clause is there. On top of that i very much doubt anyone activated that release clause last summer because schalke are not a particularly rich club and if someone had then schalke would have done the deal, £40 mil for a 20 year old is unheard of and any club would likely bite ur hand off at such an offer. Don't believe everything you read and use logic to work things out.

  25. Work this out, Lallana has stated a week ago, that categorically he will not uproot his family and move from S'tptn, despite a major offer from Man U, end of story.

  26. Release clauses are put in on behalf of the players, who want to guarantee they are not priced out of a transfer they'd like to happen. Just like Suarez insisted on a release clause for his new contract. LFC would have preferred a new contract without that clause.

    It has nothing to do with the club trying to put off other clubs making a bid, because as you rightly point out, that release clause could be bypassed anyway if the club wants to sell.

    And yes, the clause has been activated last summer. By at least two clubs, one of which was confirmed by Schalke to be Real Madrid, the other one very likely being Man City. Schalke at that point had no say whether the transfer would go ahead or not but it was the player who eventually decided to stay for personal reasons.

    Just because a release clause is met, does not mean that the transfer will always happen. It just means handing all the power over to the player to decide whether he wants to go ahead with the transfer or not. This is exactly what happened with Draxler of the summer.

    So there are clubs willing to pay that and Schalke already said they are angry that the release clause was set to only 40m.

  27. At what point did i say he would come to liverpool? I purely said i would prefer him. The point i was making is that there are better options than draxler considering the money that would have to be spent. On top of that, u think lallana will stay at southampton? get real. When a bigger club comes in with a big offer for him that southampton can't refuse he will be off. Players always say they arn't going anywhere one minute and then leave the next....just look at Torres. As i said, work it out and stop believing evrything u read.....Oh and putting end of story usually means that there is a story. If lallana keeps playing the way he is then he will leave, i doubt this january but come the summer, southampton will find it very hard to keep hold of him, especially if he makes the world cup squad.

  28. AndWithSuchSimplicity10:13 pm, January 13, 2014

    Pepe and Carra used to organise the back four and Pepe would go ape-shit if he conceded. Mignolet just looks bemused. The problem now is we have no leaders at the back, nobody organising and cajoling them.
    Maybe Skrtel does it, but he backs off so far no other fncker in the defence can hear him!!!!

  29. AndWithSuchSimplicity10:14 pm, January 13, 2014

    He could hop on one of their supporters' buses???

  30. I have a sneaking suspicion if we kept him he would end up being first choice keeper. All I'm saying is it seems tactical and financial nonsense to unload him just because his feelings are hurt.
