25 Jan 2014

Confirmed LFC team vs. B'mouth: Yet another injury; Two nice surprises on the bench....

Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers has named a very strong team for this afternoon's FA Cup fourth round match with Bournemouth, but the injuries are piling up, and the squad is notable for its absentees.

Joe Allen is the latest injury victim for Liverpool, and with only three days until the Merseyside derby, that could be a problem.

FULL TEAM: Jones, Kelly, Toure, Skrtel, Cissokho, Gerrard, Henderson, Coutinho, Moses, Sturridge, Suarez

SUBS: Mignolet, Alberto, Aspas, Sterling, Ibe, Flanagan, Sama

Martin Kelly comes in to replace the 'injured' Glen Johnson, and Victor Moses replaces Sterling, who is presumably being rested.

Once again, Alberto and Aspas are on the bench, apparently not good enough to play against lower-league opposition. With every passing game, it becomes clear that those two are an abject waste of £15m.

Nice to see centre-back Stephen Sama, and Jordon Ibe on the bench, though I doubt they'll get any time on the pitch.

Even with all the injuries, this is a very strong Liverpool team, and on paper, these players should brush Bournemouth aside with ease. This is the FA Cup, though, and anything is possible (!)

Predicting a 2-0 victory for Liverpool, Reds legend Mark Lawrenson told the BBC:

"If Reds boss Brendan Rodgers picks a strong team then they should have enough about them to go to Dean Court and win. Rodgers does not have to worry about European competition this season so I think he should go for it in the FA Cup. Why not try to win a trophy?"

For me, the most important thing - even above winning - is to emerge with no new injuries.



  1. Why the heck isn't Aspas and Alberto in the first team squad?

  2. Bit strange that that Aspas or Alberto are not starting this match. The only thing one can think off is that there are issues between Alberto, Aspas and Rodgers or maybe Rodgers wants to get the job done in the first half and change things up in the second. Who knows what is going on...

    Anyway, the team Rodgers has picked should have no problem winning today. Obviously Rodgers is taking the FA Cup seriously.

  3. sturridge and suarez on the field...

  4. Stop dancing around it. Evidently, they are not good enough, the writing has been on the wall for months now..

    I praise Rodgers for having the ambition to make the next round, but even with the derby in 3 days he can't rotate the squad. Only one player has been 'rested' and the other change is a switch of keepers.

  5. Again gerrard hendo in midfield? Didnt rodgers learn from villa? We have no dm, what the hell, are they gonna sign someone before the derby, or everton to humiliate us like villa? Sas starting hmm.. Good but the derby is on tuesday, dont know if would of been better to rest them or not, its a serious cup but they will be tired for everton, that happens when you dont have depth, Im so tired of having always the smallest squad out of top seven, ridiculous. Fans gotta do something, just start protesting againts fsg, they are litterally killing us, and making themselves richer

  6. I am not dancing around anything. Alberto has shown promise every time he has played. Aspas started the last cup game and he scored.

    They cannot be deemed not good enough until they have been given a proper run to prove themselves. It would be like saying Lucas was not good enough when he came to LFC?

    There must be issues we do not know about and fact of the matter is we won't until something comes from the horses mouth.

  7. i agree that our midfield is weak, and it´s really frustrating to have always the thinnest squad. but fsg have already invested a lot of money, henry is a business man i think he knows what he has to do to make som profit, and this is seriously getting us back in the cl! he knows that, and i think he´s doing his best to achieve that goal!

  8. Looking at that line up, my guess is that Rodgers wants to put this game to bed quickly and throw on second stringer's once the game is wrapped up. My only fear is that if this plan backfires and Bournemouth play with 10 men behind the ball until the second half then we are going to have really fatigued key players for the match against Everton. Hope Rodgers gets this one right.

  9. What utter BS. If it was not for FSG, LFC would have been left to the vultures.

  10. Agree, can't understand why arguments continue to be made based on assumptions.

  11. Cheers, beat me to it lol

  12. Rodgers will look to have this game wrapped up at half time, after which time the bench players can get into it. Face it - if he played a weakened team and lost he'd be crucified by every fan on here. Losing at this stage of the cup is not OK. Aspas is here as a backup striker and, with Sturridge and Suarez fit he simply has no place in the team. Sturridge will do well to get these minutes to get him back to full fitness and Suarez is simply undroppable. 20 minutes at the end of the match will be just fine. Obviously neither player is training well enough to warrant a spot and that's concerning looking at the injuries we've got, but if you pick a team on form then this is exactly the team you would pick. It's basically full strength.

  13. Yeah, Rodgers is going to get a whipping if things do not go according to plan. Let's hope the players go out there and get the business done!

  14. He knows that and he knows this, and in the end we end up missing the CL again, its not working, hes not a man of football, got no knowledge of that at all apparently, this is the last chance we got to reach it, cuz we all know suarez would leave if we dont do so, can you imagine then us to get CL without suarez in the next seasons? We gotta take this opportunity, you see five days to go they signed no one yet add that salah disgrace miss, dont know how you support henry!!

  15. It's a full strength team, Rodgers obviously wants to make sure of the win. Neither player has shown enough to warrant a free ride. They both need to improve and no amount of games will magically make them good enough.

  16. Yes they payed our debt off and saved us from going into administration, thanks a lot, but is it all they should do? We have to progress and look forward, you see every season we end up in seventh, isnt that a disgrace for us? Where is fsg? They promised us cl and even the title win but where is that, oh wait its a long term process, we are surely gonna win it in 2050.

  17. Yet, you vote up a comment which is based on assumptions.

    Fair enough, judge them after some games, but how? They can't get into the lineup. Alberto lasted 45 minutes last time out.

    At this rate they will never play, does that mean they can never be judged? Come on...It's not purely an assumption, it's an argument backed by half a season of team selection.

  18. it´s not all that easy... fsg have sorted out all the mess, and now we are showing serious signs of progress! i agree with you our team is lacking depth and our midfield is probably the thinnest part of our team... to be honest im loosing my patience with Ayre... this guy just cant seal a deal!

  19. I have a question, and I mean this honestly (I'm not trying to cause problems on here) Would you rather a club that was bought by a billionaire sugar daddy or a team that built itself up and achieved greatness over time?

  20. You have no clue what it takes to run a football club. That is why you are posting on a fan forum aren't you?

  21. Fact of the matter is that you do not know why they have not played a bigger part. You just come to the conclusion that they are not good enough and that is going by assumption...

  22. tbh I would've played Aspas and Alberto in the place of Sturridge and Coutinho, for another chance to see what they're capable of and to ensure that Sturridge is available for the Tuesday game.

  23. I don't recall voting up anything based on an assumption. I vote up an opinions that I share, Look, I agree that they need game time, but at the end of the day, because of how thin the squad is we can't afford to have players on the pitch that don't make an impact. Again, this isn't me making an assumption, this is my opinion based on what I've seen this season.

  24. Double standards. It's no different to your conclusion that there must be a problem between Rodgers and the Spanish pair. There is no available insight on that regard, but there is evidence based upon team selections, that Aspas and Alberto are deemed not good enough to start a match or have any impact on the team.

  25. Well obviously there must be a reason why they have not featured more???

    I have said before that Aspas looks to lightweight and Alberto needs more game time so do not know what you are trying to get at.

    You cannot say that a player is not good enough until they have been given a proper chance. WTF?

  26. The reason is they are not up to standard, how is this not a more legitimate reason than...ohh Rodgers must have a problem with them? Perhaps his problem is they are not good enough?

    You'd rather lose your left one than see Rodgers take the flack for something. Such subjectivity, good luck with that.

  27. They can't just give us free money, it doesn't work that way. Everything we spend on transfers has to come out of the club books, that's the rules, so if we don't have the cash then either it's a loan from the bank or somewhere else. City and Chelsea might seem rich but in fact they both have massive debts to their owners. Those debts will never go away and do you think either owner would just write them off when they eventually sell the club? So are you saying we should load up ourselves with more debt and put the club right back in the position it was under G&H? I sure as hell don't want the club I love run that way.

  28. Good. Come out all guns blazing, go up a few goals by half. Then Ibe, Aspas or Alberto can play. Losing is not good for confidence, drawing is not good for fitness. The one disagreement is Sturridge, he needs to get back into things, but his injury risk is troubling - either way if he's going to get injured, doubt starting this one game will make a difference.

    3-0 by half, 5-0 at the end.

  29. I like how you suggest that I am with Rodgers for excluding the likes of Alberto when I have continuously wanted to see him play more?

    BUT Is it wrong to think that there may be valid reasons why Rodgers is not giving Alberto more playing time?

  30. Let's jut enjoy the game...COME ON YOU RED MEN!!

  31. Seeing as how you want to protest against FSG, I encourage you to go do so. Maybe then we'd get your drivel off this site. Good bye

  32. That doesn't make sense I think you have misread something. I know you want to see more of Alberto (so do I) and I never suggested otherwise.

  33. Not exactly a confident display thus far... no consistent possession. No real scoring threats.

    We've been outplayed for the first 23 minutes or so.

  34. Did they get the same linesmen from the City game???

  35. More excuses. Managers hardly ever come out and say 'X isn't good enough', so you're trying to create a situation where Rodgers can never be questioned. Typical tactics from you. It's perfectly reasonable to make assumptions based on the available info. BY has repeatedly failed to play as pas and Alberto. The squad is on its last legs at the moment and they still don't get into the team vs. Lower league opposition. They're a water of money. Ability isn't even the issue. If you pay 15m for two player who never feature; it's a waste of money.

    There is absolutely no evidence to support the multitude of lame excuses people come up with to explain BT not playing Alberto/As pas (I.e. BT has issues with them; poor trainers etc)

    They are transfer mistakes. It's that simple.

  36. Uninspiring performance again today.
    Have we run out of steam? Gone is the fluent football we've been used to seeing, and this is against Bournemouth.....

  37. And you, of course, never makes assumptions about LFC :-) You're a hypocrite. You make countless assumptions (about Benitez, for example) but when you disagree with something, suddenly assumptions made by others are outlawed. Funny that.

  38. Too lightweight can be fixed. It does not mean Aspas is not good enough.

  39. Have they said what's actually wrong with Joe Allen? Can't believe he is injured now...the most important game in the second half of the season against Everton and we have no proper DM who's fit. Think he will make the derby in time?

  40. Wow the pitch is a great leveler. Looks like some of the pitches I used to play on hahaha. Can't fathom why Alberto at least is not playing. Can't say Coutinho has been on top form lately and would have thought this would have been a great chance to give Alberto a go. With the state of the pitch I am worried about injuries to our top players. Would like to see Suarez and Sturridge subbed at first opportunity. The pitch will be sapping the energy of all.

  41. Stop sniping at other posters. You may not like antifsg's opinion but he's entitled to it. Any further antagonistic posts like this will be deleted

  42. Looks like the team figured that if they just showed up, they'd get a solid 30 minute sweat in and just coast for the remaining 60 minutes.

    I think the pitch has gotten in their heads a bit.

  43. I don't understand why defenders go overboard with tugging. Doesn't it ever occur to them that it wll cost the team?

  44. Simply put, it's called so infrequently that they're willing to take the risk. If we saw some penalties given off those fouls, we'd see a lot less shirt tugging

  45. Time to take Sturridge, Suarez and Gerrard off me thinks.

  46. Cissokho is one of the most tactically inept footballer that I've ever seen. Cannot defend, beat anyone nor pass well.

  47. Why is BR not using his bench!!! What did you buy aberto and Aspas if u can't even Trust them against a lower league side!

  48. What a boring game!

  49. A win is a win, but this is the most underwhelming victory we've had this season.

  50. great no one injured wonderful game irregardless of how bad we were most important thing NO ONE GOT INJURED

  51. So through to the next round and no other injuries...

    Now bring on the derby!

  52. Mr. Point Of View2:42 pm, January 25, 2014

    Bcoz their are doing very well as deco....
    Once again it show BR fail to utilize his signing

  53. think we played half heartedly in that we were prob reserving ourselves with the derby in mind

  54. I'm sorry BR I haven't questioned you ever before but tonight I just don't understand what is the point of bringing on Alberto for the last 5 mins. Coutinho was doing nothing the whole game you may as well have left him there for all the game because you missed the opportunity of giving Alberto a whole game and if he flopped then you bring Coutinho on. Taking off Moses when he was playing decently a complete nonsense. Do you really think Sterling needed that 5 mins. Exasperated now your substitution policy is nothing I can work out.

  55. Lets just hope it's the reason for such a shambolic display.

  56. I fully understand this. Bournemouth are not a conference side and BR doesn't want to risk going out against a smaller team. The FA Cup is the only prize we can win this year so I understand we go all out for this. These people are athletes so they should be able to play a game today and be ready for Everton. Allen being injured, again, is a big worry though. Our sheer incompetence in the transfer market has left us with only four central midfielders and two of them are now injured. And obviously, we shouldn't expect any incoming ready to play in midweek and probably none at all.

  57. I can't believe BR is persisting with SG playing as DM. If he plays SG again as DM on Tuesday, he has absolutely no right to be Liverpool manager.

  58. Unfortunatley, IMO Cissokho is average at best and rubbish most of the time. Luckily he can go back to valencia at the end of the season. Unlike Aspas who will be another cheap sale failure. Borini and Assaidi also. Rodgers would benefit with a man that takes responsibility for transfers. His record is more miss than hit.

  59. In what way was I sniping? FSG have been nothing but good to this club yet some fans think they are a bunch of nothing men.

    If they were then we would be in the same position as what we were with Hicks and Gillett and clearly that is not the case.

  60. Roger vs Rafa reminded me Rodgers vs Rafa yesterday. ;-)

  61. that argument is whats keeping my mental sanity atm but BRs not doing a good job so far poor plays no transfers sigh

  62. Man City 0 - 2 Watford ha ha

    Sure it could change but if City do lose then it would be the upset of the season.

  63. It shouldn't matter anymore. F.F.P. Should mean you spend what you generate. I think FSG's dillema is trusting Rodgers choice of player, apart from last winters window,since arriving its been more misses than hits. Rodgers is a good coach but, i think someone else should deal with transfers, from now on.

  64. Stevie played ok today and if he has ambitions of playing more seasons that's the position he will play. You can bet your mothers pension that is what he will be doing for England.

  65. who's playing for city the under 21's??

  66. I'm watching Modrich give a lesson in mid-field play

  67. The likes of Toure, Aguero and Dzeko started the match.

  68. Well Jk I finally agree with you about the waste of transfer money. I along with others here have seen glimpses of the talent Alberto has but if BR refuses to play him it is indeed a waste on money. Aspas don't get me started he is a waste of money undoubtedly. I fully expect that Alberto will leave LFC and carve out a good career with another club. It is shocking the treatment he has received here.

  69. hahaha go Watford

  70. Thing is, people are always going to defend their opinions. Some people won't ever like FSG or Rodgers and some will be the opposite. Both sets of people will always have something negative to say about the other.

  71. now that's a midfield...Alonso the enforcer and Modrich the creator. Nice game from a very professional football team RM. I want to see LFC reach this sort of professionalism.

  72. Yep Kelly at it now copying Skirtel - lucky to get away with it when we were only 1 up . We can't chance our luck much longer - let's hope it doesn't run out against the Toffheehees !

  73. There goes our top 4 hopes.

  74. Did Tiago Ilori play? Or he just changed the bench?

  75. my favorite part is how everybody seems to know MORE than the coach. he seems to be doing rather good at the moment. my big thing is since everybody is so much smarter than br (and fsg it seems as of late) why are you all not the coach? or the owners? why is are beloved club in FAR better finacial standing than just several yrs ago? they would have to go down to good, responsible ownership. why is the club sitting in fourth right now? well again that would go to good ownership, smart finacial moves have shifted dead wood out and brought in good young players. and br has found a way to do just enough to put is in this postion. sure some of the decisions will make us ask questions, but as far as saying change is needed in either of the spots, well I say pack your bags and go cheer for chelski or city. results do not happen over night unless ridiculous amounts of money are thrown around. I made the argument before we don't know anything that happens besides the game. and also want to point out that every single manager has signed flops. mourinho, Ferguson, wenger, Gaurdiola...every single one has and will continue to do so. move on, get over support your team and quit acting like you more, there is reason why those players, owners, and coaches are making the decisions. because they are better at it than us and have earned the right to be there.

  76. For some reasons, I am not having a good feeling about the derby. I see it as 2-2 draw at best.

  77. So you mean whoever is not a coach or the owner just needs to sit and clap?

  78. "as pas" "water of money".
    I smell autocorrect running amok!

  79. Reports circulating that LFC going for Shaqiri after missing out on Salah. If that's the case, I can't believe Shaqiri was the second choice. LFC will bid around 8mn and FC bayern will stick to somewhat 17-18mn. Shaqiri will end up with Spurs or Chelsea.

    Anyway, why aren't we looking for any DM? :-/

  80. Borini 11
    Allen 15
    Assaidi 3
    Yesil 1
    Sturridge 12
    Coutinho 9
    Luis Alberto 7
    Aspas 8
    Mignolet 10
    Ilori 7
    Sakho 15

    Sahin, Moses, Cissoko loan approx 3mn

    Total= 100mn


    Kuyt 1
    Adam 4
    Carroll 15
    Shelvey 6
    Spearing 2
    Downing 6
    Aquilani 5

    Lot of free transfers like Doni, Maxi, Bellamy, Cole, Dani Pacheco

    Assaidi, Borini, Reina, Carroll loan approx 4mn

    Total= 43mn

    Net transfer spend = 57mn approx minus lot of wage savings from releasing dead wood.


  81. I said questions can be asked but to say new ownership or a new coach is needed is beyond ridiculous. and quite frankly a supporters duty is to cheer, fans are major influence in players midsets and can affect their play greatly. a fan is their to support first and foremost

  82. Sorry, supporters duty is to cheer but not always. They have right to question the actions of coaches or owners if its not in the interest of the club.

  83. apparently you need to learn how to read.

  84. We'll hold you to that.

  85. Your comment is pointless, and serves no purpose other than to belittle another poster. If you disagree, address the issues raised in the poster's comment.

  86. I feel like the game is moving in slow motion when he has the ball... but then I realize that everyone else is moving at regular speed. All he does is take the ball to the corner and then look to pass it back... Did he even attempt a cross today? Just one?

  87. we where awful today our defence and midfield was woeful

  88. inept is praise for this guy

  89. that says it all ..if they cant play against this team its time to get rid

  90. they had a stonewall penalty ...what is it with liverpools defence...they do more tugging that a virgin sex adict at a strip club

  91. without a dedicated DM we are absolutely rubbish defensively.

  92. Unless Salah was a screen to draw Chelsea out and Shaqiri was the real target all along.

    To be honest, you, me, we have *no idea whatsoever* what goes on with transfers. It's really not worth getting worked up about.

  93. Has Salah actually signed anything? Lot of chatter about him rejecting Chelsea, could just be BS, but its everywhere.

  94. Meanwhile at the LFC transfer committee....

  95. Hahahaha...Love it

  96. If Aspas and Alberto are not good enough to start in this game then Rogers has wasted $15m

  97. he wants to join LFC its Basle pulled the rug from underneath him. But unless LFC stop standing like a rabbit in headlights he will have no choice.

  98. Hence the need to buy M'Villa - no brainer!!

  99. If we cannot play Alberto today, say instead of Coutinho, when can we play him.

    I still don't like the formation today - seems no lessons have been learnt from the Villa game.

  100. As always, Rafa comes out on top :-)

  101. The one thing that got me blowing steam today was SAS taking turns to track back and helping Kelly out on the right. On numerous occasions I saw one of SAS defending close to our right corner post. WHY???

    Especially, as it seems Courtinho was given a free role with no defensive duties to track back. THIS JUST DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. I really like Courtinho, he definitely adds something when he's on song. But that's just it. He's not. He's been going through a sticky patch of late.

    Why couldn't BR have replaced Courtinho with Alberto on 60 mins, after we scored the second goal?

    This formation BR has stumbled across just does not work, and lessons have not been learnt from the Villa game.

  102. For some time now, I too have been banging on about BR's inability to have a Plan B to change the game after 60 mins,

    This basically stems from him not always utilising his substitutes in a timely and creative manner.

  103. Hmmmn - Skrtel and Staples :-)

  104. I think alot of this is down to the formation and players he is using.

  105. Would not get rid of all, as I think Alberto may come good.

  106. Or worse, cross the ball, only for the ball to sail harmless over the goal.

  107. An ugly win is still a win, awful conditions from what i could tell and a few players put in lazy efforts especially defensively but at least they managed a clean sheet.

  108. Liverpool didn't seem to have a lot of effort...but it was funny to see how easily they waltzed through B'mouth's midfield later on.

  109. Jaimie needs a 'jaimie's little helper' to fill in when he's away on missions. I suffer from withdrawal symptoms when he doesn't write new articles.

  110. He had no option, he had to play a standard 4-4-2 with no depth in midfield. No Lucas and no Allen means it's impossible play 4-3-3 and you have to sacrifice your front line attackers. Coutinho played in the hole and Suarez and Sturridge took turns tracking back. I actually thought it worked really well.

  111. You should take a long break.

  112. Yep, and that net spend came out of club profits or added to our debt. I mean let's be real here, transfer money isn't free, it's called net for a reason. The owners have indeed been frugal, because the way the club was going was not sustainable. Our debt was growing each season and we were losing money fast. Now that has stopped. Isn't that a good thing? You know that the bank had to force sale of the club we were being so badly managed, the debt was just too much. I don't ever want to see that again and neither does FSG. 20-30 million net spend per season is good business. It will get us good players and not put us in financial danger. For sure it's a problem when the players we buy don't turn out to be good enough but when has that not been the case? Every Liverpool manager in the past 20 years has had that problem.

  113. His opinions are so much more intriguing than anyone else!

  114. So you are the one!! His secret stalker....!

  115. nice to meet you too

  116. You're making me feel like red john...

  117. To be in that comfort zone is a good thing. Only problem is that nothing grows in there. Club like Liverpool will need owners who will invest heavily in at least 3 windows, bring us back in CL and then worry about FFP. But thats just my opinion.

  118. Red John is dead. Although I was disappointed with the eventual revelation. Expected a bit more.

  119. But it's not owners money, it would be club money. It either comes out of profits or we take out a loan. If the money is not there then the club goes into debt - not the owners, not FSG, the CLUB. So you are saying the club should go further into debt. I don't instantly think that's a bad idea, sometimes you have to invest to get returns, but be clear on how this works: owners don't spend out of their own pockets, they spend club money that goes on the club books.

  120. I honestly stopped frequently watching after a year or two. Only tuned in for a few red john episodes. They were the ones with real intrigue. I lost track of all the red john suspects, therefore couldn't make a full judgement of it. I was honestly expecting him to be some more slender kind of dude in a suit (not slenderman). But when you look back at the way red john acts as a cop in previous episodes, you can really see the red john!

  121. Not really, owners do pay out of their own pocket. If you see City and Chelsea, owners have invested heavily and they will earn most part of it back in few years time. There is no debt on Chelsea and Man City.

    I am just giving an example though. I wouldn't like Liverpool to spend 100mn every window like them. Just 3 windows, 40-50mn each and I think we will be good. Our owners are borrowing debt and not paying from their own pocket, they are more business oriented with little passion about footbal let alone Liverpool. That's perfectly fine, they are owners and can do what they want. Plus they did show intent with KD but after that fiasco, I don't think they will ever trust anyone again. Just a sad situation with Liverpool :-/

  122. Kirkland was the most likely suspect for me. I honestly think Bruno Heller made it up at the last moment or last series as to who will be the Red John. So going back and analyzing wouldn't make much sense. I also suspected Kristina Frye! ;-)

  123. Didn't know who Kirkland was. Googled him...definitely fits my own profile of red john, haha.

  124. Yeah, with some tricks and deals they've managed to make those interest free loans disappear. Essentially it's a con, and well done to them for getting away with it, but fair play rules are in now and you simply can't do that any more. Remember how City had to set up that ridiculous sponsorship deal where the owners own company sponsored the team for a stupid amount of money? FIFA were not happy about that, but they just about got away with it. And Chelsea are only "officially" debt free because Abramovich loaned the money to a partner company that he created, and now only that company, not Chelsea, owes him the money. Since it's his company he can choose to never demand they repay that loan. That's the kind of scam you have to run to get away with spending not going against the club books. Do you think Liverpool should do the same? They could try, but the fair play rules are trying to prevent exactly that, so you'd also be condoning our club cheating the system.

    United are massively in debt, it's just massive, hundreds of millions, and Arsenal are one of the few clubs playing fair. How do they do it? By only spending manageable amounts and by making good buys on young players i.e. exactly what FSG are trying to do with Liverpool. It's the only a club can stay within the rules and not risk going broke.

  125. It wasn't 4-4-2 it was 4-3-3 despite what the line up graphic showed. Coutinho was central and all of the defensive load was on Hendo and Stevie. Coutinho again was a little underwhelming, and when Henderson is in a deeper position it takes away from his natural tendencies to make direct and penetrating runs into space. The tracking back by SAS was down to whoever happened to be out on the wing at any given time, doing regular defensive duties for a winger. It would actually be easy to clock off defensively when they rotate as much as they do, so they did very well.

    For me, Lucas/Allen in there is a must. Against weaker opposition we can get away with it, I actually thought Bournemouth played pretty well, but even against Villa it failed.

  126. I can never unsee that now :')

  127. Yes BR does have options - he just chooses not to exercise them. For example:

    1. Alberto to play instead of Courtinho from the start.
    2. Pick one of the youth players to play the holding role
    3. Recall Connor Coady (who will be 21 in Feb) - when will he get a chance?
    4. Go buy M'Villa

    Ultimately, I'd rather have one of best players in Europe and England's premier striker somewhat nearer the oposition goal (or defending from the half way line), and allow the other 9 player to defend when necessary. Because if 9 players cannot defend, then SAS + 9 ain't gonna make that much of a difference near our corner flag.

  128. Most of these numbers are just made up though aren't they.

  129. You let me know ;-)

  130. Jumping in late here... but supposedly Bruno Heller didn't know who Red John was from the beginning. Figured it out a few years in supposedly.

    I wanted Jane to be Red John. Felt that would have been the ultimate whodunnit.

  131. For last couple of seasons I was absolutely confident about Jane being the Red John because no other character in the show resembled the kind of authority or power like Jane. He was closest fit to the Red John profile. Later I realised that theory would also mean end of the TV show which wasn't announced yet, hence, I looked after other suspects then. Heller should have showed how Red John operated though. Quite disappointing in the end.

  132. Don't worry about them. They will soon have a guy from Benfica's B side and one from Atletico's B side to keep them company. At a mere 25 million outlay. You just can't get quality players for that kind of money anymore.

  133. Okay, so now I'm getting concerned that we still haven't signed anybody. Why is that in a weaker position last year, we were able to have already acquired 2 great players? If we don't get anyone, certain Liverpool employees should be left with question marks over their future.

  134. 4eva LFC, LFC 4eva10:21 am, January 27, 2014

    Hey garfield supporters will support their clubs, thats unconditional but we will vent as well when we get frustrated, when other clubs are securing players here there and everywhere and we can not seal a single purchase then questions need to be asked. Now we are not asking for Messi, Ronaldo and Falcao just someone to assist in areas that need it.
    If you think that people cant see the obvious than you my friend are delusional our midfield is crying out for a holding midfielder, so really all people are asking for is a little help to keep on pushing to finish the season strong and let me tell you, you dont have to be a manager in the EPL to know this, cause if some of our greatest players of the past are saying it then the fans cant be to far off can they?

  135. dear lord, can anyone read at all?



    is that clear now?
    personally, I think we should go after alex song at barcelona. he is a forgotten man there and has played a similar role and style of dm mid that i believe can help lfc out
