7 Dec 2013

Confirmed LFC XI vs. West Ham: Midfielder dropped again; Agger white lie...?

Lucas Leiva is on the bench for the second game in a row for Liverpool's home game with West Ham this afternoon.

Brendan Rodgers has named the same team that beat Norwich in midweek, with the exception of Daniel Agger, who makes way for Mamadou Sakho.

FULL TEAM: Mignolet, Flanagan, Sakho, Skrtel, Johnson, Allen, Gerrard, Henderson, Sterling, Coutinho, Suarez.

SUBS: Jones, Cissokho, Toure, Lucas, Moses, Alberto, Aspas.

WEST HAM: Jaaskelainen, Demel, McCartney, Collins, Tomkins, Noble, Diame, Nolan, Downing, Jarvis, Maiga.

According to the LFC website:

"Daniel Agger misses today’s match due to illness".

If you believe that, you believe anything. This is probably Rodgers helping Agger save face for being dropped again.

After scoring in midweek, Sterling (IMO) deserves to start again, and hopefully his increased confidence will lead to a better overall performance.

It seems like the penny may finally have dropped for Rodgers re Lucas. The Brazilian is a very good player, but he's not the only option, and if Liverpool win again today, and Joe Allen plays well, he may find it difficult to get back into the team over the Christmas period. Sakho also has a chance to stake his claim. A clean sheet today, and he'll almost certainly start the next game.

I can't help feeling that Agger will leave during the January transfer window. Perhaps Rodgers has been playing him at the moment to put him in the shop window?



  1. Agger is ill apparently. Happy with that team :-)

  2. finally no agger ok men get out there happy with the starting eleven apart from aspas not being there wonder if sterling can deal with all of the physicality (that being said aspas is in that same boat)

  3. BR must be saving agger, he knows aggers an injury prone and two games in three days wont be good for him so I back that decision, but one thing im very much worried is allen vs diame.. You know the outcome, we could lose the game there!

  4. Sakho take your chance // Coutinho pull your socks up // Sterling stop running into dead ends and pass more // Allen have a few more shots. . . Simples

  5. Mancs are losing again!

  6. Hopefully Aspas gets his chance to impress today

  7. Suarez looks tired...90 minutes Wednesday too much?

  8. Someone please teach young sterling the art of composure. He's still too f**king raw.

  9. Take it easy mate, you see Sterling is still a prospect and is still learning an awful lot.

  10. Yeah but all in all he hasn't been too bad. He needs this and he'll come around. The header to Suarez (who shoulda used his left foot) was class. The goal...even though an own goal...is well deserved. We have been carving them up since the 25th minute. I predict more in the 2nd half. Skrtel and Sakho have been solid with exception of the near free header than SM stopped well. Flanagan ok but a biy nervy at times. Allen doing well but needs to turn and link forward more instead of passing back. The mid-fielders are actually doing so good things.

  11. He's been good, but apart from that header, his final ball, or shot, has been under par. That being said, I get really worked up during games.

  12. Just popped the humble pie in the oven, should be ready in about an hour. Joe Allen and Jordan Henderson -- great technique with a cake-slice -- have volunteered to serve a slice to whoever was asking for one.

  13. I get really worked up. And I agree with you, because as I said, he's still raw.

  14. not a pretty goal, but very deserved nonetheless. We're all over them..but looking a little rusty too. Players getting in each other's way, final passes not clicking, defensive sloppiness..I guess a mid week game does that to you.

  15. I feel sorry for the guy. I really do.

  16. that is a near impossible task, I feel bad too

  17. It's not only him that needs a cooler head -- he could have had 2 assists as well as a goal in that half id we'd been more clinical. He's playing well, really pleased for him. A confident Sterling will be an asset for the squad in the second half of the season.

  18. I don't disagree. He's been too late to pass. His touch at receiving a pass for a channce has been indecisive, but he needs to playfor the confidence to make those decisions faster and better. He'll get there.

  19. Sometimes I want to hug him when he looks so lost on the sideline. Never thought I'd be saying that about a Man Utd manager. But I've always had a soft spot for Moyesy.

  20. Amazing results in the Man City and Chelsea games! I had a feeling this would be a good day for us: this season is incredible -- can't wait for the big games this month!

  21. Great finish!!!!! Should have been Alberto instead of Lucas though. So we start tomorrow at 30 points. Think Sakho deserves the goal. It was going in with or without Collins efforts. What is up when your captain gets a straight red...great leadership there...not.

  22. Your prediction was spot on mate!

  23. Well some were saying Diame vs Allen blah blah blah.

    Humble pie has been served.

  24. And Assaidi scored!

  25. Three own goals,a Suarez goal ,baffling situations yet an unconvincing three points ,Chelsea losing at the moment,Man city drawing who would have predicted that.

  26. MAMADHOU SAKHO!!!!!! what a game this has been a great weekend so far chelsea lost, city draw, man u loss sigh what a weekend few points allen has been looking good so far, sterling had a near masterclass today, sakho do i even need to say more with goal scoring form like that (refering to international to) sturridge better look out lol only blip hope gerrard coming off was pre arranged as this would be a serious blow and he didn really look like he was in pain sooooo yh LIVERPOOL YNWA!!

  27. We have taken points from Chelsea through one of our loan players? I can live with that.

  28. I love it when a plan comes together :-)

  29. Alberto instead of Moses...

  30. All that matters is we have taken another 3 points and our top 4 rivals have dropped points.

    Job done!

  31. like my post went sigh anyway was saying we had a good game irregardless of how the goals came west ham looked for that tell di mateo he can have his bus back seriously joe cole stewart downing thanks for reminding us why we let go of ya'll haha

  32. Either way...I just don't trust Lucas now...and his crappy play lead to the WH goal.

  33. Yes, but he did plpay a solid game today and justified his choice over Lucas imo.

  34. About time he put in a performance for LFC!

  35. Yep, loved it that a lfc player has worked it to chelski, happy days :)

  36. Loved the dominance..!!

  37. think its curtains for lucas and agger but like jamie said he's yet to be tested by quality oppositon we shall see next weekend allen's first true test

  38. He couldn't have known it at the time, but if he leaves it I think Mignolet picks the ball harmlessly out of the air.

  39. west ham parked the bus they deserved whatever own goal they conceded hate teams playing like that if anything u should be happy it shows how far we've come time before teams could've done that and scored on the break against us now were clinically dissecting them like a surgeon

  40. anyone realize that man u has turned into a hoof ball team i mean how much crosses did they put in against new castle

  41. They always did that. All players running into the box and expecting a cross.

  42. Boy and what a strike

  43. true but under moyes its becoming ridiculous the first thing they looked to do was send out crosses in the air under fergie though most crosses were low crosses mainly against the face of goal

  44. doesn't bother me though once they keep on losing double agent moyes is a go

  45. were supposed to do that aren't we

  46. Yeah, I agree he was a monster. I lost count of how many passes he picked off and sent the other way. Good decision to put him in there.

  47. The cracks are getting wider for them. Ferguson would have thrown a tea cup at everyone of those players and demanded a win in the second half. Moyes does not have it in him.

  48. lollol that and they would've gotten a penalty by then sure chicharito thought he had one there (i streamed the game)

  49. Yes, I remember Stevie G going to media after last year Merseyside derby at Goodison Park. He complained about how there was only one team trying to play football. He later apologized, of course.

  50. Just watched the replay of Assaidi's goal. The second most impressive thing after the shot was him ripping the shirt off...don't take that the wrong way
    ;-}...the lad looks like he has put some muscle on that frame.

  51. I get the feeling Agger will be gone in January too and on his past few performances I cant say I'd be that bothered. I do love watching him play and he is a quality defender but I prefer Sakho. I think he and Toure or Sakho and Skrtel is our best defensive pairing. After another unfortunate own goal for Skrtel I think its time to give him a rest and start Toure and Sakho for the next game Sakho played rather well today i thought.

  52. oh yh well it's come over to the great theatre of nightmares now lol

  53. Assiadi made us 2nd...

  54. We did, mate, and we were far from unconvincing. If Sturridge had been on, we would have witnessed the Premier League's biggest scoreline!

  55. one month to go and we can maintain our top four status im relatively sure that if we make effort cash wise we can land Pastore, Rakitic and such players. we were superior for 70 minutes, then a little lapse in concentration and panic, and then strong finish. Coutinho impressed again, and so did Allen. Lucas not so much after he came on. + Sakho, far better defender than Agger, also he got "kinda" in the scoresheet

  56. That, my friend, is the epitome of Karma, after Jose's crowing about his loaned players taking points from his rivals.

  57. Good assessment, but Sakho's ball was going in whether Collins touched it or not mate.

  58. yeah. i think so too, and even if it wouldve gone out. there was two red shirts in back post. but i think sakho deserves the right for the goal.

  59. And now Gerrard is injured... I knew it... :/

  60. pretty good game dominated pocession over a team that we should be dominating also demostrated that br has been shipping out the correct players like downing, cole and carroll. i thought flanno was going to get over run by downing but he did a decent job was actually more worried about glen with jarvis. loved sanko and allen and sterling in the team. sterlling did great had some great crosses and shame on hendo for not finishing the left footed cross from sterling. didnt like moses as a sub, idk but choosing loanee over 2 lfc players kinda ticks me off. bad luck for capi but blessing in disguise isnt that what everyone was asking for. but now we have no center mid for back ups who we going to promote from reserves havent kept up.

  61. Not saying Johnson et all are world class (although I think your comments are a bit harsh). My point was that we have cover at RB while at LB we only have Enrique and Cissokho so the priority should be getting a LB instead of Montoya who is a RB.

  62. Henderson is the live wire in the midfield and though his end product is not up to scratch there isnt really a replacement. With Allen coming in for Lucas. The midfield is certainly much more mobile.

    We absolutely raped west ham and quite conceivably we could have had 10!

  63. According to BBC two own goals but it's not like they were out of the blue. They came from us attacking and putting pressure on. we could have and should have scored more.

  64. Sakho was boss. I was wanting him in and glad he did well.

  65. Damn those referees! Again one stands in prime position but decides to over look because its not cool to give Sunderland a penalty against poor Spurs. They spent so much money its not fair if they lose...

    With this hand ball not given today its now 10 points we should be in front of Tottenham! Coward referees. Disgusting.

  66. typical of all your headlines,

    false and exaggerated
