25 Nov 2013

'Pistolero' to LFC? - BR to bid €8m for striker with 4 hat-tricks in 18 games....

After scouting him extensively, Liverpool are reportedly planning to make an €8m January bid for Greek goal machine Kostantinos Mitroglou, who is also being pursued by Inter Milan and Arsenal.

According to The Mirror:

* Barry Hunter (Chief scout); Dave Fallows (Head of Recruitment); and Michael Edwards (Head of Performance and Analysis) have all scouted Mitroglou.

* LFC scouts have watched the striker's last SIX matches.

* Brendan Rodgers has received 'detailed reports' on Mitroglou, which have convinced him to launch an €8m bid.

25-year old Mitroglou - nicknamed 'Pistolero' by Olympiacos fans - is in amazing goalscoring form at the moment:

- FOUR hat tricks this season.
- 17 goals in 15 games overall.
- 6 more goals for Greece this season too.
- All competitions: 23 goals in 18 games.

After Arsenal's 2-1 Champions League defeat to Olympiacos in December, Gunners boss Arsene Wenger raved:

"Mitroglou scored two great goals. The first one in London was a great header and tonight was a fantastic goal as well, I must say. I won’t say more because if I do you’ll think I want to buy him!"

When asked about Mitroglou's future recently, Olympiacos sporting director Pierre Issa appeared to rule out any immediate transfer. He told Sport24:

"He is vindicating himself and also his talent. He enjoys playing and scoring goals. We want to keep him at our club for as long as possible. The truth is that until the summer at least Mitroglou will remain here. There is no way to do anything in January, as with any other player."

Issa seemed less inclined to discuss Mitroglou's alleged €8m buyout clause, however:

"What counts is the relationship we have with him. We cannot have this debate now about the clause."

This seems to suggest that Mitroglou definitely does have a buyout clause, and if that's the case, if it's activated, the Greek striker could leave in January, irrespective of Olympiacos's wishes.

With ongoing worries about Daniel Sturridge's fitness, and Iago Aspas not really working out, Liverpool could do with another striker. However, like Aspas, Mitroglou would probably be played out of position, so I don't see the point of signing him at all.

Worth a bid...?



  1. I wish we could buy a good box to box midfielder or even another defensive mid. Goal scoring doesn't seem to be a problem right now. (Although 8 million euros for a good goal scorer isn't bad)

  2. How do you know that the scouting reports have convinced BR to launch a 8 mill bid?

  3. I meant how do THEY know

  4. *sigh*

    The article clearly states:


    Thus, it is The Mirror that makes that contention, not me.

  5. The truth is nobody knows really. How many times are we linked to a player and nothing materialises? For all we know we did make a bid and it got rejected but alas we will never know.

  6. Might even get a mention in Parliament.

  7. only retrospective if the field red misses or does notview an incident. If they have ruled on field ie yellow card it's end of sanction. This is what I understand.

  8. Cmon his case is different, 1 out of 100.. you comparing like that?

  9. They've given him the same nickname as Suarez :P
    While he might not be the next Suarez, doesn't seem that bad - has scored goals internationally and in CL. Straight swap for Allen maybe?

  10. When will we buy a skillful, combative, athletic midfielder. Notice on Wanyama's arrival Southampton are so tough to beat. This sort of purchase, unproven, 8-12mill type player makes me think we're wasting money. Is this another Aspas? Why won't BR at least try Aspas upfront? I'm concerned abt our quality of scouting, it's very rare for top 4 managers to buy players they don't believe in. Risky buys need to be mixed with proven quality!

  11. allen? right now Id swap any player with him, even a championship player.

  12. I think the season will end and aspas wont score a goal, he must leave in january if he wants to save his career and lfc save the wages.

  13. Allen for a really good tea lady.

  14. He still might have a part to play. If he weren't injured I'm sure he would have played on Saturday, and I'm sure if he were Allen, he would not have missed that sitter.

  15. Personally, its just that we cant handle Lukaku. What a beast of a player. Without him you need your food blended.
    I like Ross B too. Shame he is in blue. Not sure if this is gong to help him or hurt him. Prob a good team now for him but no way will he stay here. That prob hurts. I'll acknowledge Bains too. Other than that pedestrian unimaginative.

  16. At last a bit of common sense spoken about LFC no.7. Thank you. The sooner the better. But in his defence he does not have the most YouTube footage when it comes to combined diving and career-threatening "tackles". LFC's no.8 has more.

  17. I know I shouldn't be surprised but I actually overheard some red fans talking on Saturday evening saying that they had a "winner" at Goodison LAST season. Ah, bless 'em. But here we go again... whether or not you want to discuss whether or not LFC no.7 should still have been on the pitch , he put the ball into the net after a clear and blatant foul by Coates who had both hands on Jagielka's shoulders holding him down, and preventing him from jumping for that ball. The YouTube footage is still out there for all to see. Similar to Distin's disallowed goal at Anfield, just a lot more obvious. Over it now ? Get a life.

  18. Good player. Has performed in his league, the champions league and for his country. Gave Arsenal hell @ the Emirates. Can't see him being a worse option than Aspas so I say go for it

  19. Distin foul is nasty

  20. I know Kostas Mitroglou from the greek superleague. The level of this league is very low but this kid is working very hard and every year looks like someone that always adds new elements in his game. A hard worker and a quiet person outside the field. So quiet that he refused to leave from his old neighborhood, at the same time that the other players of Olympiakos have houses of millions.

    No he isn't another Aspas, he is far better, stronger, bigger, faster, a better finisher and is a good option for our bench for not so much money. I think that we need more someone to cover Enrique (he is out for ten crucial weeks) and a defencive midfielder (Lucas cannot run for Gerrard too), but Mitroglou is a good option with an attractive price tag. For me is a bargain. Rodgers should buy him.

  21. Having just found this site, I've read a few of your posts tonight Jamie and, as an Evertonian, have been surprised how balanced and fair they have been ( a rare thing from either side of Stanley Park). There was no defence for Mirallas' tackle as I believe it was premeditated and designed to exact revenge. The thing that surprised me (although it should not after the last eighteen months) is BR's hypocrisy in defending Suarez's actions but refusing to condemn in equal measure. The 'pity poor me/us' routine is both tiresome and likely to lose any remaining respect.

  22. Him and Suarez hmmm 8 million be a steal would fit straight into how we play!! Would prefer if BR got his priorities straight an spend it were we need spending, M VILLA,Will Hughes,and Turan would give our midfield a much needed lift and confidence which currently is missing from our players. It's almost like there is lack of trust between Lucas and Allen and 2 be honest i feel both are slowing us down, U can also add Hendo 2 that list although he might come good, We need players who are more creative than our current squad who never seem likely 2 score through d middle and that's just wrong with Cuthuno and Stevie G playing here SHURLEY WTF,,, Some times changes are needed and we need players who can stand up and make the difference!!! Pissed off with average players doing what u expect.. WE need a drastic overhall in midfield R we will finish outside of d top 4. Personally i feel Allen must go, good player but just not good fit. Lucas an Hen r M Villa n Huhes??

  23. Absolutely right, Gerrard moved the ball in from the side touchline and halfway between the grass cutting line BUT I thought it was quite weak of Martinez to point that out. It happens all the time and the ref should pull it back to the correct point but that didn't cause the goal. Poor defending against an incredible cross caused the goal. First time Roberto has tinged my respect for him and just hope he doesn't become a Wenger, he's too likeable for that

  24. AndWithSuchSimplicity11:26 pm, November 25, 2013

    No. He was found "probably" guilty of using phrases that "could" be deemed unacceptable in certain contexts. So it's a half-truth at best.
    And if he really was / is racist do you not think players like Sakho and Cissokho may have been discouraged to sign for LFC by the "victim" ie: Evra (their French teammate)........ ??
    Not deluded. Just awake to the reality of a vexatious complaint.

    Ps. How's Clive Thomas?

  25. AndWithSuchSimplicity11:28 pm, November 25, 2013

    Short memories ???!!! Hahahaha

    Like I said earlier : Clive Thomas.

  26. AndWithSuchSimplicity11:29 pm, November 25, 2013

    How can you get 3 votes for a non-senseical comment??? That sums up the educational system in this country I'm afraid.

  27. AndWithSuchSimplicity11:31 pm, November 25, 2013

    They hate him so much because we love him so much.

  28. AndWithSuchSimplicity11:33 pm, November 25, 2013

    He'll be in United red sooner rather than later.

  29. AndWithSuchSimplicity11:45 pm, November 25, 2013

    I thought he had ended it at Wembley with the back-pass..... ;)

  30. AndWithSuchSimplicity11:52 pm, November 25, 2013

    The thing that worries me most is the habit referees seem to have got in to wait and see how badly injured the player is. So if it's a terrible tackle but the player gets up and carries on they give a yellow, whilst sometimes a fair but hard challenge resulting in an injury or break can get a red.

    He gave himself time to think, which was good. But I then honestly thought he was going to take the heat out of the situation by leading Miralles away from the group to then brandish a red.

  31. My heart says yes...get this guy. He is a striker in the Ibra mold. However, my head says he doesn't fit because of the quick game our strikers play now and putting him in the game means everybody has to play differently. As much as I want this guy, my head tells me we REALLY need a great...and I mean great...as in proven...DM first and foremost. Next we need another great AM that can play for PC when needed or if he gets hurt. That's where the money needs to go. We absolutely need somebody who can't stuff an attack, link to PC and support in attack with all the vision, smarts, confidence, bravery, moxey, and swagger that entails. I don't know who it is but that person is what we need in January.

  32. I also thought Wanyama looked good. He has the smarts to go with his strength. Very composed player.

  33. So you are happy to speculate on any piece of random transfer gossip basically!
    Makes you look a complete hypocrite when you insist people back up anything they say with 'irrefutable proof'.

  34. I don't think we'd tolerate Wanyama's lack of quality on the ball. It's ok for Southampton but really I think he'd be under more intense pressure and scrutiny if he was with us. I could see him taking a lot of flak.

    Mitroglou looks interesting, though. He looks very focused and serious on the ball, which suggests he's an intelligent player, has flair and obvious physical qualities. The kind of player you could see beasting tired defenses from the bench, and we really need some impact players. I like him.

  35. That video is illuminating. What a beast. He towers over everyone. He has a bigger body. He runs away from defenders when he has the ball. He moves like Sturridge, but has Rooney's hair trigger release. I'm just afraid one of SAS would have to sit and I sure don't want that...or play wing...or be the #10. Man he looks good though.

  36. Just read the update. I don't kno...maybe the times have changed on me, but how can anyone laught this off. It was horrible...and I don't believe Mirallas for a second. He can SAY he realized he made a mistake, but the camera doesn't lie. He accelerated through the tackle, his foot was 2 feet away for the ball...it was intentional and meant to cause damage.

  37. Yeah, I like him too...not sure if he'd stand for sitting the bench though. I think he's a true Spartan. He couldn't survive without being in the trenches. I must have missed somehting about Wanyama, btu I thought he played well against Arsenal. It wasn't the Arsenal mid-fielders scoring this time. It was Giroud. Wanyama had something to do with that.

  38. Maybe, but one thing is for sure, suarez will
    be gone by the start of next season.

  39. Have you read this thread or what!! You lot are the protest champs. It wasn't that long ago you were all protesting about Brenda's credentials. I know all
    football fans are fickle but you lot take the biscuit.

  40. OMG, take your rose tinted glasses off will yeah and take a good look at the shameful stunts suarez has pulled off on the pitch before you comment on other footballers!

    Let's be honest here, he has put lfc in a predicament on more than one occasion hasn't he?

  41. Did suarez's teeth sink into Ivanovic's arm?

  42. i follow the greek league hes superb but i think he will struggle with he lifestyle in england and the pace of the game, having said that he would be worth a shot for 8 mill and i hope im wrong about him adjusting to england.

  43. No I'm am not defending Mirallas, he was a lucky boy to stay on the pitch on Saturday. It's just some of you lot will defend the undefinable to the hilt even if it means harming lfc's good name. e.g. the suarez and evra situation with the tee-shirts claiming his innocence, that was embarrassing to say the least.

  44. How does Wanyama lack quality on the ball? He was the reason Celtic had a good CL a season or two ago. He's composed on the ball & uses he strength well. IMO Wanyama is a step up from Hendo, Allen. & Lucas!

  45. From the video clip alone I can see what you're saying! I think he's worth a go!

  46. OMD's he looks f*#kin amazing!! We need strength in depth and he will defo give us that!! Finally some quality back-up for our already quality strike force!! We Need some quality coming forward from the midfield maybe 2 player one proven one full of potential and a quality dm to challenge and bring the best out of Lucas and then we truly will have one of the strongest teams/18-man-squad in England

  47. He grew up in Germany so he is familiar with a different lifestyle and culture. He is a sensation in Greece so I am sure he is used to press coverage. What lifestyle will he struggle with?

  48. It's written so I think technically it's libel although it's not because Surez was guilty.

  49. No disrespect to anyone but greece is different from england plus he plays for olympiakos who win the league effortlesly ever year , he will be under alot more pressure playing for a club like liverpool but as i said i hope your right and im wrong i would love him at anfield

  50. Actually, couldn't you tell that ivanovic elbowed him in the mouth while suarez's mouth was open and got his elbow stuck in his teet...

  51. What goes around comes around. He deserved what he got and more.

  52. Everton were the better side so stop complaining. Everton were robbed in both derbies last season,so give it a rest.

  53. this article is a joke ,

    you reap what you saw ? mr. writer first of all two wrong never make a right.
    and is this a justification to a horror tackle ? a tackle like that on a footballers knee can end his footballing carrier .

    you could really see what the stamp n two red spots. stamping ankle n stamping knee is totally different prospect . as all know how much dangerous knee injuries can be .

    this tackle is similar to what roy keane did to haland, if you really watch the two videos ,the only difference is mirallas came from behind so suarez could bend his knee to lesser the impact , while keane came from front so halands knee couldent bend in reverse . (which is humanly not possible , knee bends only one way ) , there was no other way other than halands knee breaking .

    also if you look at it again n again, mairalls was no way near the ball , his only aim was suarez's leg, he was seconds late into the challenge, but nigher he backed out nor his studs aiming at suarez's leg tried to miss their target .

    but you know what mr. mirallas ,has forget that he chose wrong man to play this revenge game , im not feeling proud to say this , i know its always wrong , eye for eye, kick for kick, foul for foul is never right thing. two wrongs dont make right. but world knows how suarez is .

    remember the dive act he did on ginger moyes face ? he scored n celebrated in diving way to mock moyes, who just before the match had accused suarez for diving that only makes me believe more that , suarez wont forget this challenge ever . he is the last man you would want to mess up on the pitch. just how he is , if mirallas didnt forgot then neither will suarez . next time these two face eachother , mr. mirallas is going to take a bad one for sure,

    suarez would take his revenge too

  54. Hamsik, now there is a real midfielder.

  55. We certainly need another striker to cover when Sturridge is injured or Suarez is suspended, Aspas is another example of Rodgers wasting money, but, I mostly think our midfield is crap, Rodgers needs to address the defensive midfield problem specially. Gerrard mostly walks around the pitch now, Allen too feeble, Henderson, squad player at best, Moses, WTF? and Lucas, we've had him for years now and he's proven me right, we'll never win anything with him.

  56. Should have been sent off for the goal really! Lol

  57. AndWithSuchSimplicity8:52 pm, November 28, 2013

    He was actually "probably guilty" so technically it's "probably" libel.

  58. That makes no sense. Anyhow, Liverpool fans were cursing him when he wanted to offski, now he can do no wrong. He'll still break your hearts when he goes to Real, ('probably').

  59. I think if you bite someone, that is regarded as aggression.

  60. You didn't love him when he wanted to offski. You'll hate him like you hate Torres because ultimately he will go to a bigger club.

  61. AndWithSuchSimplicity10:29 pm, November 28, 2013

    I wanted him to stay, and I'm glad he did. He eventually will go to a bigger club, but there are only 5 or 6 in the World either on a par or bigger.

  62. AndWithSuchSimplicity10:34 pm, November 28, 2013

    Exactly. It makes no sense whatsoever. How could the FA find someone probably guilty.
    A lot of fans on this site were cursing him, but if you cared to check any of my posts I wasn't. He's been treated like shit by the media in this country.

    Yes, if / when he goes I'll be gutted. But if he carries on the way he has so far this season, he'll leave us all with some GREAT memories. Like that free-kick against Everton.........

  63. AndWithSuchSimplicity10:38 pm, November 28, 2013

    Attempted aggression certainly. He never left a mark though ;)

    Mind you, as Kevin Bridges would say, attempted murder should carry the same sentence as murder. It just means that you were a bit shit at it...

  64. not more than you are , gilli boy
