7 Sept 2013

Game Over: 'Extraordinary' £10m star quits LFC after summer 'disappointment'

Earlier this week, Spanish newspaper Marca claimed that Barcelona were still interested in signing on-loan Liverpool goalkeeper Pepe Reina, and according to reports today, the deal is already in the bag.

Reports in Spain and England suggest that £10m-rated Reina has agreed a deal to sign for Barcelona next summer, and will take over from Victor Valdes, whose contract expires at the same time.

Reina - described this week as 'extraordinary' by Spain boss Vicente Del Bosque - has been constantly linked with Barcelona over the last couple of years, and he's actively encouraged their interest at times, so this news comes as absolutely no surprise.

Additionally, I seriously doubt anyone really expected Reina to return after his loan spell at Napoli. The writing was on the wall for Reina five seconds after Simon Mignolet signed for the Reds, and in his short spell at Liverpool, he's already consigned Liverpool's former number one to the annals of Anfield history.

Given Reina's loan status, it's probable that the 'deal' to which reports refer is simply personal terms agreed between Reina and Barcelona. I imagine the contractual side of things between LFC and Barca will not ramp up until next year.

In a recent open letter to fans, Reina expressed his 'regret' and 'disappointment' at being farmed out to Napoli, yet he seemed blissfully unaware of his grossly oversized sense of entitlement, a trait that is endemic amongst modern footballers. Without a hint of irony, Reina explained:

"If an offer came in from Barcelona I would have liked them [LFC] to consider it. I had also spoken to the club about extending my contract if the offer was not made. I told the manager that I wanted to play for Liverpool and that Barcelona would only become an option for me if the opportunity arrived.

"When it [the offer] didn’t come I was happy to fight for my place so I was surprised that Liverpool decided it was in the club’s interests to send me to Napoli instead".

Okay, so let's get this straight: Reina was committed to Liverpool and wanted to play for the Reds, but only until Barcelona showed an interest, at which point he'd drop LFC like a hot rock. Additionally, he'd happily extend his contract at Anfield but only if an offer from the Catalans didn't materialise.

Who says loyalty in football is dead? Perish the thought!

The fact that £15m-rated Reina was 'surprised' at LFC's decision to send him on loan tells us everything we need to know about the mentality of the modern footballer.

Why would the club want to keep paying someone who perpetually has one eye on greener pastures? After all, Reina basically told the club: "I'm willing to stay, but only until a better offer comes along". Pretty insulting if you ask me (and Suarez basically said the same thing).

Reina also claims that he 'deserved better' from LFC over the manner of his departure, but the truth is, LFC - and the club's fans - deserved better from him.

Having said that, I'm sure Reina will leave LFC with the best wishes of the fanbase. When considered in the context of his entire Reds career, this particular detour into selfishness is only a comparatively minor issue; and shouldn't detract from the many years of great service provided to the club.

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  1. Is anyone bothered????................

  2. he should have been told 1st that we had agreed a loan, i love pepe and always have since he put our shirt on but the time was right for him 2 leave with all our support. good luck

  3. It's weird, before we signed Mignolet I was horrified by the prospect of loosing Reina to Barca.

    Now I really couldn't care less, I wish Pepe well, but he wasn't that good over the past couple of seasons and Mignolet seems like a better cheaper option.

    Since the end of the H&G regime there have always been rumblings about Pepe leaving, and I am glad they have effectively been put to bed with the signing of Mignolet.

  4. I agree with many of your points. I also think Reina was completely entitled to want to leave Liverpool for his "home club" of Barca, and I have no issues with that at all. Liverpool definitely did the right thing in signing Mignolet though, as the club needs to plan ahead. I suppose the manner of Reina's departure (being loaned to Napoli without even asking Reina first) was unfortunate, and I can see his point. It would have been better if the club had had the discussion with him and persuaded him to make the move, and I'm not really sure why that didn't happen. Everybody harps on about players being disloyal to clubs but I'm not buying it. Clubs do exactly the same (Stewart Downing categorically stated he wanted to stay and fight for his place many times, but was eventually pushed out, because the club thought they could do better). Football is a cut-throat business now, and it is the way it is.

  5. Good, goodbye. Only on the sell list coates,skrtel, put it into next summer transfers funds and get in two/three more decent players

  6. He's been a bit if liability over the past two seasons, but before that he was excellent. I hope he gets his dream move to Barca - no-one can blame him for wanting that opportunity. Good Luke to him.
    Really pleased with mignolet which makes things easier, I w disappointed we didn't get begovich, but now now :-)

  7. I do think that he deserved better.

    Selling him is fair enough, or loaning him out in this case, but the fact he wasn't told and was just shipped off to Napoli was somewhat underhanded and classless.

    He didn't deserve to stay indefinitely until Barca could be bothered buying him, as he seems to think, but I think he has earned the right to be kept abreast of any deals involving him.

    Good luck to him though. A great servant. I personally think that it was the loss of Xavi Valero that did him in. We never had a settled/proven goalkeeper coach and I think that is why he wasn't sharp. The fact that Dalglish was said to be trying to bring Valero back just before he was sacked supports this.

  8. Anyone know how long he has left to run on his current contract?

  9. Including this season, 3 years!!!

  10. Thanks, then we should easily get 10-15 mil for him. Good business and a good servant to the club, that said his form did drop off in the last 2 season hence he fell out of favor

  11. LFC did the right thing enough said. At this stage LFC cannot offered to have players who are 50% committed to the cause and Rogers probably identified the fact (during their dinner discussions) that Pepe would drop us like a hot potato as soon as Barca come calling. So LFC moving swiftly for once and turning to a young, talented and committed Mignolet is good business in my opinion.

  12. Reina, was a fantastic keeper for LFC and he will be remembered as one of the best not doubt about that. we all wish him the best in the future, good luck Reina you're a legend.

  13. why is he a legend he was a overated keeper who cost Liverpool many matches good riddance

  14. 2006-2010 he was quality, and he deserves his respect!

  15. Time waits for nobody, as soon as you are gone life goes on, every top player gets replaced!!!.

  16. Yes he would have 100% true!!!

  17. couldn't agree more.

  18. Legend???...............not a chance bud!!!

  19. Expert on penaltys but never saved any !

  20. Pepe has been a loyal servant through bad times i say fair enough his time was up more money to spend next season anyway.

  21. He told Rodgers he wanted to go, so he signed Mignolet, then the Barca deal fell through, so Rodgers did precisely the right thing. Wanted to go, so we got him out. Mignolet is the No 1, Reina waiting 12 months longer for his dream move, so do it at Napoli!!

  22. If finally decide to sell Reina, it will spark another bid war not only come from barca. Ton of club will looking fwd to it. Especially most of our rival. Of coz most likely we wont sell to rival and reina personally will choose barca

  23. He was also farmed out to get first team football, thus maintaining his value, had he stayed at LFC and sat on the bench for a year he would have de-valued considerably!

  24. Thank GOD he's leaving...

  25. I think Mignolet will prove to be amongst the best keepers in the world alongside the likes of Peter Chec etc. I was made up when we signed him and he is already proving his worth.

  26. He would have gone like a shot if Barca had come in, then left us in the lurch, he wanted to join Arsenal a couple of years ago too. He was'nt playing his best the last two seasons either. No wonder Liverpool replaced him.

  27. He was basically a traffic cone between the sticks for the last two seasons! I'm delighted he's gone/going! See ya traffic cone!

  28. jamie what is your opinion on where suarez should play
    up front with sturridge right coutinho central
    suarez right/left sturridge up front coutinho central
    or sturridge up front suarez in n10 coutinho left
    the only way to fit all three at their preffered position is 352

  29. i think we can win the leauge
    firstly we have the best attack in the league sturridge ,suarez and coutinho which in my opinion cannot be matched for skill or creativity with anyone else in the league
    and then the best workman like midfield with players like henderson,gerrard,lucas and allen
    and of course a very solid defense and the best shot stopper in mignolet

  30. if we were to play 352 , how would it look?
    suarez sturridge
    bench jones,skrtel/kelly,iloris/cissoko/enriwue,alberto/henderon,allen,moses/sterling and aspas
    thats the best way to utilise our squad
    and suraez , sturridge and coutinho

  31. jees...am sure we are gonna finish 6th. No single win was comprehensive enough

  32. oh yeah , i ,liked how gerrard played cdm last night like pirlo
    maybe we could drop lucas sometimes and play allen and /or henderson instead

  33. Wasnt arsernal once described as boring for winning most game 1-0 and win the title
    keegan said they used to win 4-3,4-2 etc and utd won the title with 1-0 wins
    mourinho is famous for scoring one then defending

    sign of a champion

  34. You seriously think he was not told? People who read JK spread knew he was going on loan. He must have taught LFC was not capable of sending him on loan cause he taught we are still in the days of kissing players behind. Those days are over!!!

  35. BRILLIANT article jamie reina your work at liverpool has been much appreciated but there's a right way and a wrong way for trying to leave a club unfortunately u went the wrong way so good riddance if u want to go GO

  36. I Love your optimism and would love for this to happen but i honestly think the likes of Chelsea and Man City are a step to far atm. Spurs have a strong team (on paper) but they need time to gel. I honestly think we have a better squad that both Arsenal and Scum I would be just happy to finish 4th this season (Still progress) then next season we get a few quality players in and then push on from there. We are not far from having the 1st team to challenge but i just think its a little to soon for us, as the younger squad members (Sterling, Ibe to name a few) need move experance.

  37. Did we win? it doesn't matter is we win 10-0. 3 points are 3 points and we have 9 of them from 3 games.

  38. Well let's look at the evidence: Reina said he wasn't told until the deal was practically done and was blindsided (something we know has happened to other players in the past) and the evidence to the contrary...oh, there isn't any.
    Reina has no motivation to make this up. You could say "he's trying to make the club look bad" or whatever, but that would be pure conjecture. Rodgers version of events (as per his interview on the Anfield Wrap) don't disprove Reina's story. If anything, they support it- Rodgers thought he was going to Barca and when it didn't happen, he shifted him as best he could.
    I was just trying to say that Reina's departure was not befitting someone who is arguably a legend.

  39. Predictable outcome. I had no grievances about him wanting to return to Barca. Its the just way it was done by both him and the club that wasn't great. But at least he isn't here in the squad like a white elephant. Unlike someone else, to an extent.

  40. Selling Reina to a rival would be a good thing - it would be like sending over a nice looking prostitute with syphilis to an enemy during the war.

  41. Do you think we'll get that much for him? I hope so but can't see it now we've demoted him.

  42. That's why we have sent him on loan to maintain his value.

  43. I think its a way liverpool could get more money for him. Instead of selling him for the 10mil Barcelona were offering, loan him out for a fee of what? 2-3mil with his wages paid and then move him on for the original 10

  44. Pretty sure Pepe knew about the loan considering Rafa and Pepe share the same agent.

  45. Aren't we paying some of his wages? I read 2m euros - I really hope that was nonsense...

  46. Yes, lets look at the evidence.

    Rafa and Reina share the same agent.

    So what you are saying that either thou the 2 share the same agent and are v.good friends that at no point did Rafa contact Reina?

    Fact is Reina has being looking for a move to Barc for years now and when he finally thought it was going to happen Liverpool didn't wait and we got a replacement.

    Then when barc didn't follow thought because Valdes decided he would stay another year Rodgers shipped him out.

    No point having a player who clearly wanted the move sitting on the bench earning all that money

    Please do not try to make out that Reina is some innocent angle who had no idea about the loan move

  47. and between 2011 - 2013?

  48. Well said. Also, when we were winning titles, we always knew when to let some of our top players go. I get the feeling Rodgers has a decent instinct for these things. He hasn't got too much wrong so far and long may it continue

  49. Not to mention mignolets impact..even if reina was our no.1 and he had left next summer, then we'd have to bring in a new keeper to get to grips with the style of play, the club, and his ever changing back four. Pretty selfish of reina with his comments tbh. A genius of a decision from Brendan financially (wages) and solid from mignolet. Very happy fan here

  50. The thing ill miss is his amazing passing ability and easily finding his man making the opposition 10 play against 11. Mignolet doesn't have that trait but ill take his reflexes more than passing ability. Can't have everything I guess

  51. He does, actually; his passing is excellent.

  52. Reina will always be loved my most Liverpool Fans but in all honesty he has been so inconsistant in the last three years and its best that he is sold for £10-£12M to Barcelona in the Summer.
    But now B Rodgers has sorted out defence for now and future at club and there is now healthy class quality competition for places at the back.
    The owners need to give B Rodgers £45-£55M in January to spend on 4 more positions that need strengthening, so there is healthy class quality competition in these positions also. GK, DM, RW / RWF and LW / LWF
    1: GK: A Good Class Young Hungry Goalkeeper to compete and Cover Mignolet: A Mccarthy(23) Of Reading for £4-£7M roughly
    2: DM: A Hard Mobile Strong Tough Tackling Enforcer/Midfielder who will compete and Cover Lucas Leiva at club: M'Vila(23) Of Rubin Kazan Or B Matuidi(26) Of PSG for £11-£16M
    3: RW / RWF: A Experienced Pacey Quick Right Winger who creates and Scores goals to compete and Cover Sterling: J Montero(23) Of Monarcas Morelia in Mexico Or G Agbanglahor(25) Of A Villa for £6-£12M
    4: LW / LWF: A Experienced Pacey, Quick Left Footed Skillful Winger who creates and score goals: B Arfa(26) Of Newcastle Or D Capel(25) Of Sporting Clube De Portugal / Lisbon for £6-£15M
    Those 4 positions need strengthening and would bring more class, depth and quality to squad for now and future.

  53. I really like Pepe but I just don't think his heart was in it last 2-3yrs. The feeling I had was that while I think he has a real love for Liverpool and the club, professionally he just didn't seem happy. That might be because Rafa, Torres & Valero left or but whatever the reason he just seemed to coast along and his form dipped. The fact he had no real competition meant he became complacent (imo).
    I think BR sensed this with several players hence his statement that he wants people who are hungry.

  54. Okay so LETS get this straight.. The guy said if Barca came in he wanted to go HOME.. other than that he was committed to LFC.

    What's the problem.. ?? Now if HOME was Crawley Town I might understand, but it's BARCELONA. Can anyone in all good consciousness object to that ??

    I don't think your doing the player and his LFC career any justice with the often spurious articles on his transfer.. You have sought to demonise him and sully his good standing at the club at every turn.. And even in departure you can't resist a farwell kick up the Jacksey..

    You make up a quote to sum up 'basically what he was saying'.. even though he said nothing of the sort, but hey make it up anyway and throw few quotation marks around it for good measure.. Incredulous.. and totally unacceptable..

    Report the facts.. don't make them up .

    And lets not mention the fact he wanted to stay and for his place.. but that wouldn't quite fit your totally inaccurate portrayal of the mercenary footballer he is.. rather support his stance he wanted to stay at LFC if Barca and ONLY Barca didn't come in for him.

    His letter contained far more than you've quoted.. you of course will
    say the rest of the letter isn't relevant to the topic at hand.. but it
    is.. and I think all fans should read it in full to appreciate Reina's
    affection for the club, city and it's fans.

    I for one will remember Reina as a great keeper and a great servant to Liverpool..


  55. have you seen the 2006 FA cup final?

  56. thexcuriousxwanderer3:08 am, September 08, 2013

    I don't think Pepe is at fault for wanting to leave for his own club, what more when it is one of the best clubs in the world. Has he been disloyal? I don't think so. In fact if anything we 'kicked' him out, though in a way it was due to his eye on Barca (but truthfully, which player doesn't glance that way when called on?)

    I wish him all the best, just don't save too many of ours, please!

  57. What has it got to do with Fowler??? ;)

  58. Another 'extrodinary' poor article by Jaimie Kanwar!!!!

  59. 100 percent agree with this article. When I first began watching Liverpool, Reina looked very strong. But, he made a ton of inexplicable moves over the past five years. Yes the team lost a lot of talent but some things were brain dead plays.......I don't blame players for wanting to play for Barca or CL football. The sports world is littered with examples where teams with fewer super stars but uniform commitment do great things. I don't like the system in soccer where players call the shots as much as they do. I like that we are offloading selfish guys......

  60. He's from barca and although I agree it's a bit harsh saying yeah ill stay only if barca don't come in for me! The club couldn't leave themselves in a situation where say barca come in late in the transfer window he wants to go and we don't have a replacement I don't blame the club for what they have done and feel like when we sold Torres, reina isn't quite what he used to be! It helps the fans now as mignolet has come in and done a great job so far! So all the best pepe thanks for everything, he will go down as one of the best we've had I'm sure

  61. A great piece of mismanagement by Rodgers and the club. Absolutely pathetic that players are let go because of wages.

    Wait and see, Johnson, Agger, Skrtel and Lucas will be next to go.

    FSG think you can run a club on fresh air.

    Brendan Rodgers also wasted money on Allen and Borini - two players we did not need.

  62. Theres no easy way for a player to leave a club,someones nose will always be put out of joint....good luck to pepe but his time has gone at liverpool and if we get 10m everyones a winner ..we get the fee he gets a move to barcelona

  63. Plus; if he was really bothered about staying at LFC why didn't he just refuse the loan deal and fight for his place?
