15 Sept 2013

'He's magnificent' - Hansen hails 'superb' £12m star who snubbed LFC. Major loss...?

After a good year of constant speculation and credible links to LFC, Danish maestro Christian Eriksen disappointed legions of Liverpool fans by (inevitably) signing for Spurs in the summer. To add insult to injury, the youngster cost a comparatively meagre £12m, a fee that was/is eminently affordable. Eriksen made a great start in his first game yesterday for Spurs, and according to Anfield legend Alan Hansen, the midfielder is going to be a top Premier League performer.

Analysing Eriksen's performance on Match of the Day, Hansen enthused:

"He [Eriksen] is multi-talented, and for £12m, he’s a steal.

"His pass for the first goal was magnificent; it's just the weight of the pass. He wasn’t even looking at Sigurdsson. He’s superb".

It's only one game, but as I argued repeatedly over the last year, Liverpool should've pulled out all the stops to sign Eriksen, and I can't understand why the Reds didn't make him the number-one transfer priority. The club possibly made a piecemeal effort to sign him, but clearly, Rodgers et al didn't try hard enough.

Surely, it's a no-brainer? Yes, Liverpool have Coutinho, but with Lucas, Allen, Henderson and Gerrard, there remains a conspicuous lack of goalscoring/assisting attacking central midfielders at the club. Gerrard will score/create goals, but he plays a much deeper role these days, which limits his attacking opportunities. Allen and Lucas will never be regular scorers/providers (no one expects that of Lucas anyway), and Hendo, though much improved, doesn't score/create consistently enough.

In this particular case, Spurs and Liverpool were arguably on a level playing field: no Champions League football; both clubs clearly on the rise; both with young, promising managers etc. Granted, Spurs have the attraction of London, but even with that in their favour, I have no doubt that LFC could've won the race for Eriksen if the club had aggressively pursued him over the summer.

Eriksen himself suggests that he joined Spurs because they really went all-out to sign him. Last week, he told Danish newspaper BT:

"There were not that many clubs to choose from in the end and no-one were closer than Tottenham. There were a lot of rumours, but I only felt right about the approach from Tottenham. The club followed me for a long time and really showed intent.”

Why wouldn't Rodgers want Eriksen? He would fit right into Liverpool's system; he has superb technique, skill and awareness; he's creative, confident on the ball, and, importantly, he has rich, varied experience for such a young player.

Liverpool spent £25m on two central defenders over the summer, and that's great, but I would've sacrificed Ilori for Eriksen in a heartbeat.

I really can't understand why Liverpool didn't fight to the death to sign Eriksen, and I fear that he could turn out to be the missing piece of the puzzle for Spurs, and a key component in helping them qualify for the Champions League...possibly at Liverpool's expense.

NOTE: Spurs fans are welcome, but any post containing insults/snide comments etc will be instantly deleted. Remain civil, or don't bother posting at all.


  1. aye the bit about sacrificing illori for erikson makes sense. i think for some bizarre reason we went about replacing carragher by buying bringing in 3 CD's? Very Odd.

    I think we are good enough to compete with spurs especially with talisman suarez still at the club - but the impression in the transfer market was the spurs went and got who they wanted. Whereas there was a lot of media hype linking us with all sorts of players but in the end we signed relative unknowns. I think Toure signing will prove to be inspirational. But he was a freebie.

    Wenger looks to have pulled the rabbit out of the hat as well with Ozil. A couple of players more and he could have pushed for the title. Ironically City, Chelsea and Utd have looked anything but title favourites in the early season. This could be the prime opportunity for the likes of spurs, arsenal and liverpool to take advantage of the fact that moyes and pelligrini havent ever won anything. Only Spurs really have set about taking advantage of that with any real zeal.So January window will show us how ambitious liverpool and arsenal are.

  2. Did he really want to join us though? Many other clubs inquired about Eriksen. Even AC Milan made a move for him.

    Much has been said about Eriksen's "the sun shines out of my behind" attitude. London is a great place to live and Spurs is his stepping stone for a move to Madrid or Barca.

    Does anyone actually believe that Eriksen is going to stay with Spurs for longer than 2 seasons?

  3. We can also play Aspas, Alberto and Suarez in the hole, where he tends to play.. So it isn't as if we're short of options in the role.. But he was still a big miss for us. I can only presume that we weren't really a big enough move for him- The teams he was heavily linked with, Milan and Spurs, could ultimately offer him more.

  4. From a Spurs supporter. In all probability Spurs' best signing was Baldini. I think he made the difference to a lot of players choosing to come to WHL over other clubs. He knows how the foreign clubs and players think and how the transfer system works abroad. Daniel Levy got Baldini in place first and he was the one who signed the players we needed before selling Bale for a record fee. Clever.

  5. Hardly ever post or comment on anything online but was so annoyed when we didn't more of an effort to sign him.

    Bad, bad move not to sign him. I was actually gutted we didn't sign him as i've been watching him for years, more gutted then HK and Willian. He's more experienced at his age then Allen or Henderson. Reminds me of a mix between Iniesta/Xavi.

    He will be a top player this season and Brendan & LFC's big mistake this season in not signing him. LFC should have signed him last season when we missed out on Sneider.

    At 12m a bargain, would have rather gone for him and Toby Alderweireld then Alberto and Illori or Sakho.

    Some silly and strange signings this season by LFC we needed another proven striker and better attacking midfielder, squad is still weak.

    Aspas, Alberto = ????

    Countinho and Eriksen could play in the same team!

  6. Eriksen had his eye on Spurs since his good friend Vertonghen left Ajax he's been commenting and complimenting for a while now.He probably would of rejected Liverpool anyway.

  7. I for one agree with all the comments so far, Especially Joe's if you take all the historical emotion out of the equation you might accept that Spurs have had a lot more going for them than that of Liverpool in the past 4 seasons. Consequently this often manifests itself in the ability to secure the signings my club has done this year. Nice site makes a change to be able to converse on a level playing field sans animosity.

  8. Liverpool are not on an equal playing field to spurs, dream on.
    Liverpool are mile behind the sooner you come to terms with that the better. Not one Liverpool player would make the spurs team - fact. You are only battling for top 6 and Everton look better than Liverpool. Harsh but oh so very true. COYS!!!!!!!!

  9. and what have Spurs won in the past 10 years?

  10. Leytonkid I hope that was not aimed at my post mate i am a spurs fan read my post again carefully this time.
    The level playing field refers to the site not the two teams.

  11. Joel Matt Murdock Hwa3:11 pm, September 15, 2013

    Maybe BR has another target in mind. But I really hope BR will sign Honda at all costs. IMO, he is much better than Eriksen, can sell more jerseys to the Asian market, and I would really be gutted if Spurs/Arsenal/Everton or any English clubs sign Honda come January transfer window.

    Check out his video here. You is so good technically and his vision is immense! http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/429373/Keisuke-Honda-hints-at-Premier-League-switch-to-Arsenal-Everton-or-Liverpool

    I don't even mind him to become our new no.7 if Suarez leaves us for Real Madrid come January!

  12. Capitalist prick. No soul in the hole. Ya you broke the transfer market and made the poor suffer into no-existent even further, but your team won't maximize into full potential this season. Mark my word, and go flush in the mirror

  13. Although a fellow spurs fan I have to disagree with a lot that you have said on here - you are either a WUM or seriously deluded if you think that the likes of suarez, coutinho would not get into our first team - I think that Liverpool will be a far stronger contender for that last 4th place this season than last

  14. 18 League titles, 5 European Cups/CL, 7 FA Cups and 8 League Cups etc

    Please remind us what you lot have won?

  15. Sorry, but that's utter nonsense. Suarez, Sturridge, Coutinho, Sakho, Gerrard et al would walk into Spurs' team easily. Plus, how can Everton 'look better than Liverpool' when the club iss joint top of the table, with three wins in a row, 8 clean sheets out the last 10 league games, and only one defeat in the last SEVENTEEN games in all competitions (including a victory against Spurs).

  16. Capitalist pric*k. No soul in the hole. Ya you broke the transfer market
    and made the poor suffer into no-existent even further, but your team
    won't maximize into full potential this season. Mark my word, and go
    flush in the mirror

  17. Not a single Liverpool player would improve Spurs? Really??

    Suarez is obviously far better than Lamela or whoever would play at wide-forward for Spurs, while I'd rather have Sturridge than Soldado, Enrique is much better than Rose, Johnson is better than Walker, Coutinho vs Erikssen would be a toss-up,and Sakho will prove soon enough to be better than Dawson/Kaboul or whoever partners Vertonghen for you guys.

    Spurs have a number of very good players and a very good squad, but have done so for a number of years now w/o ever actually achieving anything...

  18. Capitalist pric*. No soul in the hole. Ya you broke the transfer market
    and made the poor suffer into no-existent even further, but your team
    won't maximize into full potential this season. Mark my word, and go
    flush in the mirror

  19. I was hoping that he would've gone to AC Milan, as I agree he will be a key player for Spurs, and their version of Coutinho.

    I still maintain that though Erikssen is a quality player, he would've been a 'nice-to-have' for us rather than a 'must-buy', with Coutinho already in the squad, and Capoue was the player that would've made a greater improvement to our squad.

    Still, it would've been a lot wiser to pay up for Erikssen than to spend all that money for Alberto to join our bench though...

  20. Youtube or edited videos makes can make anybody like Messi

  21. Agree about Milan, but disagree about Eriksen being a 'nice-to-have' only. For me, he was a must-have. Coutinho is superb, but there's too much pressure on him to create. If he doesn't perform/goes through a barren spell (as he is at the moment) who else is there to pick up the slack? No one, really, and that's (arguably) proven by the failure to score more than one goal in each of the first three league games. If LFC had Eriksen, we'd have two options in that role, plus good competition.

  22. No disrespect but how are Liverpool clearly on the rise? You might feel they are improving but objective outsiders aren't gonna see that. Spurs were in the top 4 best teams last season and top 3 the season before (admittedly Chelsea went all out for CL) and Arsenal were very fortunate to finish ahead both times by 1 point. I can't see that it's equal between the 2.

  23. As a spurs fan I am obviously delighted that we got him so cheap.

    With the greatest of respect, it seems like Liverpool get linked with almost every available player. Not sure how this happens. I think they have a lot of fanatical followers with too much time on their hands.

    From a footballers perspective, Liverpool's superior history means less than it does to fans. Spurs have constantly pushed for champions league the last 4 or 5 seasons. That plus the new signing will have impressed him more

    For the record, i think Liverpool are building a great team who will only improve. I think a lot depends on Suarez's mentality, and a couple of good signings in January.

  24. LFC fans and media scouting!!! We tend to jump on any player who the media deemed a super star or next best thing then later to find out they are not all that. And yes we have missed on some players who ended up been true super stars.

  25. From a Spurs fan. It's one game and Norwich aren't the best side in Europe. Yes he looked good but he always had players available to pass to and plenty of time on the ball. I think he could be good for us but to tell other clubs they missed out and we've already got a bargain is going too far; I hope it does turn out to be the case but today you can't realistically make that call.

  26. With respect, a truly objective outsider would look at the facts, which prove categorically that LFC is on the rise. Stats since January 2013:

    * From Feb till the end of the season, LFC were in the top 3 in terms of league form. Top scorers in the PL; ave 2.08 points per game. Spurs were down in 6th.

    * LFC are top PL goalscorers in 2013.

    * Unbeaten in last 11 PL games.

    * 8 clean sheets in last 10 PL games.

    * Only 1 defeat in the last 17 games (all competitions)

    * Currently unbeaten in the league; joint top; three wins; three clean sheets.

    LFC are obviously on the rise, and that is an objective fact.

  27. Joel Matt Murdock Hwa3:36 pm, September 15, 2013

    Well, I have been watching both Eriksen for Denmark and Honda for Japan and technically, I see Honda is better, stronger, and is much more of a team player than Eriksen, who has this 'Berbatov' attitude.

  28. At Liverpool's expense? I don't mean to sound disrespectful because I really do have a lot of respect for Liverpool but you are several years away from breaking back into the top 4.

    I believe you have bought well this summer and retaining Suarez's services will prove excellent business and can see you hovering around 4-6 til the end of the season but you will ultimately miss out.

    Chelsea, City, United, Tottenham and Arsenal are all much better prepared and as there are 5 clubs there and only 4 spots, can see you finishing 6th at best.

    Even if Liverpool had pushed to sign Eriksen, you would not have gotten him. He went to Tottenham because they are in a much better position than you. Liverpool and Tottenham have been going in different directions for 4 or 5 years now.

    It would be incredibly arrogant to believe you are now genuine top 4 contenders. It takes time to steadily build up to it unless you have a Chelski/City style overhaul.

    I do not follow any of the teams mentioned, just a big fan of the Premier League and have my own observations and can see the teams finishing in this order:

    1st Chelsea
    2nd City
    3rd Tottenham
    4th Arsenal
    5th United
    6th Liverpool or Everton

  29. Joel Matt Murdock Hwa3:41 pm, September 15, 2013

    Keisuke Honda > Eriksen. Period. :)

  30. How were Spurs in the Top 4 best teams last season and Top 3 the year previous??

  31. They comment on one article, and already one of them's already embarrassed themselves with a completely uneducated comment. Hate the sort of fans that do that, results in all fans being tarred with the same brush- And God knows, we have enough of them..

  32. Erikssen went to the best situation for him - he had been available all summer, but for whatever reason, nobody was willing to close the deal on him.

    It is extremely doubtful that he would've rejected LFC without a better offer on the table, which there wasn't earlier in the window.

  33. Suarez is obviously far better than Lamela... Have you seen them both play? You cannot judge Lamela on 25 minutes total playing time. Suarez is world class, if Lamela turns out to be anywhere near as good as him I'll be over the moon! It is ridiculous to say that no Liverpool players would get into Spurs side. Liverpool still have some excellent players. My Liverpool/ Spurs team would be

    Johnson, Agger, Vertonghen, Enrique,
    Paulinho, Eriksen, Gerrard,
    Suarez, Soldado, Lamela

    Gerrard is getting on these days but still has bags of ability and Enrique only just edges out Rose who gets better every week. I'm sure a lot of you believe Coutinhio or Sturridge should be in there in place of Lamela but you haven't seen what Lamela is yet. Give him a few weeks/ months and you will all see how good he is and why he cost £30m.

  34. To get a quality, young, experienced creative #10 for £12m+/-, these days is a no brainer. While Liverpool have a terrific history and probably more hard core fans. Lately Spurs have better league results. However assuming the wages on offer were the same, if I was a 21 yr old with millions in wages and could live anywhere, I would have to choose London over most other places. Especially if I was from another country. Better International travel connections, larger expat community, and easier to be anonymous, when not playing. I think that when it comes to similar offers from more than one club, the player will choose his environment as a tie breaker.
    I do not disparage Liverpool, or the people there. I think that Liverpool FC will have to be more aggressive or creative to prevail in these situations.

  35. http://youtu.be/t1z58s188V8

    He says here the club was the most important factor more than the league, and he can obviously see with the squad we have we will be in CL and challenging for the title. Our squad is much much stronger than when bale and modric decided to leave so I don't see Erikssen feeling the same desire to leave and is only 21 I believe he can achieve his ambitions at our club. What you are saying is clearly sour grapes!

  36. Coutinho is better!!!

  37. 1 league cup I believe and that's it, Spurs haven't finished above Arsenal for 20 years!!!

  38. Btw, the whole talk about time required to improve is just a myth/excuse.

    With the squad at AVB's disposal this year, Spurs should be ready to challenge for 86 pts/the title this season, regardless of what has happened in previous years.

    Liverpool should be ready to challenge for a 76 pts/a top 4 spot this season, regardless of what has happened in previous years (and would've been even better positioned with a couple of other obtainable signings).

    Obviously, neither of us are favorites to successfully achieve those league placings, but that shouldn't be used as an excuse for refusing to set such targets.

  39. The same was said about Modric (staying for more than two seasons), and Spurs are a better team now. You are bogged down by 1990's and 2000's thinking that Spurs are somehow disqaulified, or doomed, from being a genuine top 4 club, IMHO,

  40. 20 years since you finished above Arsenal, show us your trophies????

  41. Nobody is saying they are not good otherwise they will not be mentioned. I am just saying edited videos makes people superstars. BR chose Coutinho over Ericksen. If he wanted LFC believe me he would have come to LFC.

  42. 1 league cup in 10 years +.............LOL

  43. Liverpool stats:
    1) Top PL scorers in 2013 with 43 goals
    2) 8 clean sheets in the last 10 PL games
    3) 100% record this season
    4) Most attempts on goal in Europe's top 5 leagues in 2013
    5) Youngest team in the PL last season
    Need I go on JK?????

  44. Joel Matt Murdock Hwa4:05 pm, September 15, 2013

    Well, If I remember correctly Babel was twitting that if LFC showed abit more urgency in signing Eriksen, it would have been a done deal. I don't think LFC showed any interest at all. There must be a reason why BR did not go for him. Only time will tell, maybe in BR's autobiography later, the reason why he did not try bid for Eriksen.

  45. Saying that Suarez is better than another player, isn't a insult - I'm assuming that Lamela will prove a top quality signing and unfortunately (for me) will knock Lennon out of the Spurs lineup for good, but for my money, Suarez is a better wide/second-forward than pretty much any other player in his position, barring the obvious Messi and Ronaldo.

    Soldado is the player that I'd be knocking, based on limited viewing of him in the Premier League...

  46. 'Probably more hardcore fans'????, about 200m more!!!..........jog on son.

  47. Eriksen will not stay at Spurs for longer than two seasons unless he flops of course.

    If Spurs fail to qualify for the CL then one can only assume that there will be a host of very unhappy expensive players wondering how they can work their way out of their contracts.

  48. Look at the stats!!!.............end of!!!

  49. Difference in approach in signing. Spurs would jump at any quality player available,may be they can afford because of the monstrous Bale fee. Our priority was winger who can score goals.May be we get that in the next window.Still could have been wonderful to see him and coutinho together.I hope spurs have run out of their funds and stop to annoy us firther

  50. Agreed that he had an excelent game but it is only 1 game and Norwich were pretty poor to be fair. I will reserve judgement for another couple of months. As people have already mentioned, Coutinho will play in the centre for us and Suarez can easily play that positin as well when he is back so I don't think it was a priority as much as a wide man. I really like Sterling and Ibe but prefer to have Moses in that position at the moment because of his added strength and maturity.

  51. Mate, 12 million is not a hell of alot of money. There were many big teams that were sniffing around Eriksen from all over Europe. There must be a reason why all those other clubs said thanks but no thanks.

  52. Ya..Hoping to see him tomorrow and make sturridge like impact

  53. IF...
    And we shall see whether Ericksen stays for longer than two seasons. Obviousluy, any player who signs for Liverpool is going to stay their for life...even though they have not even had a sniff of CL for four seasons, now. You really need to deal with the reality of the situation as is, and stop imagining that Liverpool are the dominant force in English football, just having a poor season, and Spurs are the club that nearly went under at the startof the nineties and have taken the best part of two decades to get back on an even keel. The game has moved on.
    And I repeat, exactly the same was said about Modric. One of my United supporting mates proudly told me when he signed that if he was a success United would buy him in two seasons, and he poo pooed me wneh I told him that Modric would stay for longer and go abroad when he was sold. So, believe what you want, really.

  54. Not convinced that Eriksen is what Liverpool needed. Coutinho and Eriksen are similar players, and I personally think Coutinho has much more upside to his game than Eriksen. Liverpool needed to sign a goal-scoring midfielder, and Eriksen isn't really known for being prolific in front of the goal. Liverpool really needed to go for someone in the Hamsik/Mkhitaryan/Michu mold to get goals from midfield.

    Props to Tottenham though, Eriksen was the perfect player for them to get. Will be a great player for them

  55. When they signed him i thought this was the only target we missed out on that i will look back on with jealousy over the season.
    Still its done and the squad is better so let him do i wont be losing much sleep over it.

  56. I'd wager the other reason is that those other clubs already had strong options in attacking mid and Eriksen knows at his age he needs first team.

    AC pulled out because they don't have the cash and want to sign Honda on a free plus Kaka became available.
    Spurs were probably the best club interested. Vertoghen and Lloris were both low transfer fees without any other clubs really showing any interest.

    Same with Mignolet he's a top player went for a low fee and Liverpool had no competition for him really because the other clubs were happy with their keepers

  57. No Spurs are'nt a big club yet, what have they won, sweet FA, AVB has to get it right this season or it could go tits up, like it did at Anfield. Also i would love it if Spurs got into the top four at the expense of Arsenal or Chelsea, if we can't.

  58. Your mother's snatch4:48 pm, September 15, 2013

    And can you remind me how important much relevance any of that has to current reality?

  59. I said in a previous post during the transfer window that we ought to push the boat out to get Eriksen. And those people saying he isn't a prolific goalscorer need to recognise he's been a lot more prolific and is a much more proven and experienced player than Coutinho. Eriksen has put in match winning performances at Champions league and international level and has won the title contributing loads of assist and numerous goals in consecutive seasons for Ajax.
    We will seriously regret not pursuing Eriksen as although I think Coutinho will be an outstanding player in time, he is quite a way from being the finished article and will inevitably be inconsistent - he really was poor and gave the ball away a lot against ManU and just doesn't have the experience to know how to "run" the game. If things are coming off with Coutinho it's great, if not, he can be a liability. Eriksen on the other hand is a genuine central midfield playmaker like Modric was who can dictate the tempo of a game in a way Coutinho isn't. He'll be consistently good every week because his game isn't all about trickery. He is also genuinely two footed. I think we are all expecting way too much of Coutinho too soon personally and I think Coutinho and Eriksen each offer something different.
    Anyway, too late now and we'll have to hope we can further strengthen and address the playmaking midfield role in January but at less than £12m we'll be pushed to get anyone of such good value. I think he'll be the Michu type signing of this season and is the key to making Spurs genuine contenders. Am gutted he went to Spurs after we'd been linked to him for so long.

  60. But that is exactly my point. "He knows he needs first team football" means he demanded first team football?

    If Eriksen was going to join LFC or any other club who already have players vacating Eriksen's position then he would not have been guaranteed first team football.

    Players at the age of 21 calling the shots would have made many of the other teams that had interest think twice about signing him.

  61. Not forgetting of course we have Suso to return from Almeria in Spain next season and Teixiera who is on loan at Brentford till January. Both of those guys play the attacking central midfield position. Eriksen is an excellent acquisition for Spurs and good luck to them. We have too many options in that area already and if they all make good progress this year that position will be ridiculously over stocked for us. Not complaining though :-).

  62. I was going to include Suso in the list, very excited for his return following a year of first team football in La Liga- One of the last Gems from Rafa, absolute quality when he's on the ball!
    Realistically though, I anticipate that Suso will play on the right of a three behind the main striker for the immediate future! I'm fairly sure that's where he's been playing for Almeria as well!

  63. @jaro contrary to your observation i feel Liverpool is the most prepared team among the top6 this season and that is showing in the results..and popular belief of us being beyond top4 is based on past season results and the player price tags of the other top6 teams

  64. Financially Liverpool total turnover is far bigger than Spurs.Spurs may finish higher than Liverpool in points tally for past 2 or 3 seasons. That didn't means your club is bigger than Liverpool. I am Liverpool fan from India. I know in Asia Liverpool had the big fan base than Arsenal and Chelsea. Only team that beats Liverpool in terms of both Fan base & Money is Man Utd. In asia most people don't even know the name of Spurs or Tottenham. I ask one of my friend in Singapore who likes football and watches EPL very rarely on telly this question" Do you know Spurs?" He reply's me like this "Are you asking me about Sperms". That's shows how big Spurs (or) Tottenham is.

  65. I read somewhere but can't remember where that we had approached Ajax to talk to his reps and he wasn't that interested. He was trying to get a CL club I think but that never worked out. Perhaps we should have tried harder when it got to the last day or whatever. See if he would change his mind. I know that Spurs are not in the CL either but are at least in Europe and with finishes like 4th 5th 4th 5th compared to our 7th 6th 8th 7th you can see why he may of thought they were a better option. I'll have to find out where I read that we did enquire.

  66. Jaimie those things do show that we are on the rise but they are all relatively new. If you look at where we have finished the last four seasons compared to Spurs we don't look any great shakes, plus other teams who have finished ahead of us last season had similar stats.Or at least stats that are not so much worse than ours to make us seem like the team to be at. I think this season has to be that season to make players look at us properly. Like the guy says to an outsider the thing that matters most is probably where we finished compared to them and that was no where near. And worse is we have been way off the pace for a few seasons now. If what I have read is true and he had shown little interest in us then we may not have had the opportunity to show Erikson the kind of stats you point out.

    Sorry but it is very far from an objective fact.

  67. It is an objective fact that LFC is on the rise this year. It is now September - 9 months into the year. What happened 3-4 years prior to that is irrelevant. What matters is how the club is moving forward now, and nine months of manifest forward progress is no flash in the pan.

  68. I wasn't aware of stat 5 from your list. Makes the other stats Even more interesting because we should still improve a lot - excitingting times ahead. As for Spurs, great transfer window. Really well run club these days and no longer the soft touch they were 4 or 5 years ago. I realy think this is could be the most competitive season ever for the premier league.

  69. So what you saying is Ericksen comes in the team and Gerrard or Coutinho has to be benched??? BR wants Coutinho to play Centrally, Ericksen can't play on the wings so you can't say Hendo has to be benched. You can't take Lucas out and leave aged Steven G by himself so where will Ericksen play???

  70. I'd be disappointed if we didn't make a serious attempt to sign him. Rodgers talks about wanting competition in the squad to bring out the best in everyone and signing him would strongly contribute to that.

  71. We have been progressing for sure and hopefully that is for all to see. Without being too pedantic the sentence is opinion rather than fact and good form previous can be an indicator to what will come but there are no actual facts in football when assessing where you are going. If that was the case the term form would not exist. There are no facts in that regard.

    To us the last 3-4 years don't matter but to prospective acquisitions I am sure that it would be considered. So in context it does matter really.

    I love the positivity though and I am playing devil's advocate here a bit tbh mate. I definitely agree we should have done much more than what it seems like we did to try and get Erikson. Add him to the forwards we have now and we would be looking at CL next season I am quite sure.

  72. Even Rodgers said we need two quality players in each position at the very least. Competition brings the best out of players and so far (still early days) coutinho hasn't lit up any of the matches. Eriksen is a massive loss at 12 million too. Luis Alberto isn't there yet lets be honest. And he will play a lot deeper. Nutmegging two players in the box and an amazing assist on his debut..my god we missed out big time

  73. Spurs have a better TEAM. Have you lot got an original CL trophy of your own? Do you even come close to our league titles? I didn't think so. Fanbase? Shirt sales? Don't get happy just because you've risen from regular relegation battlers to European gap fillers in the last decade.

  74. Hardcore you know. Please do jog on. Bale funds have now been spent. Avb does not know what he's doing. Spurs are going nowhere. And there is no one to BALE Avb out anymore. ;)

  75. I'm disappointed we didn't get him but if he really does do what he's capable of achieving he'll be gone in a season or two. Unless Spuds turn into real title contenders he'll leave. ( I can't see them being one, Small club mentality, they choke at every possible opportunity). If their team does click though they will be a force to be reckoned with.

  76. is that you yiddo from TFC ?

  77. Suarez, Sturridge, Coutinho, Sakho, Gerrard, Agger et al would walk into Spurs' team easily(IMO).

    Suarez, Obviously.
    Sturridge, no chance.
    Coutinho, Possibly.
    Sakho, I have high hopes for Rose but Sakho is a better player atm.
    Gerrard is simply not an AVB type player.
    Both Vertonghen and Kaboul are better than Agger.

    I reckon only Suarez and Sakho would get into our side for certain. I would also take Johnson over Walker, although niether of them fill me with confidence.

    On the reverse I'd say Lloris, Vertonghen, Kaboul, Paulinho, Dembele, Sandro and Soldado would IMO get into your side.
    But I guess we'll see who is right at the end of the season.

  78. It was not aim to come on here and bash Liverpool, because they have clearly improved under Rodgers, but this is just nonsense.

    * From February onwards the 2 teams had the following records
    Liverpool 7-5-2 pts-26 average points 1.85
    Tottenahm 9-3-2 pts-30 average points 2.14
    If that trend continued over a season, Liverpool would end up with 70 point, and Spurs would have 81.
    Hmm I could live with those point totals.

    * Who cares if you scored the most, by hammering Wigan and Swansea, if you then let WBA do the double over you.

    *You've kept some clean sheets.
    I'm not sure lots of nil nil draws is a great sign of progress tbf.

    * 2 defeats actually.
    WBA and Southampton, both in the last 17 games.

    * Wow top after 3 games, C'mon.

  79. No, you are wrong:

    * It's 1 defeat in the last 17 games in all competitions (as I originally stated) the West Brom defeat is 19 games ago.

    * From 10th Feb onwards, the stats are as I stated. See the attached image for proof.

    It doesn't matter what you say, LFC are on the rise, and there's nothing you can do about it.

  80. No, you are wrong:

    * It is 1 defeat in the last 17 games in all competitions (as I originally stated) the West Brom defeat is 19 games ago.

    * From 10th Feb onwards, the stats are as I stated. See the attached image for proof.

    It doesn't matter what you say, LFC are on the rise, and there's nothing you can do about it.

  81. No, you're wrong:

    * It's 1 defeat in the last 17 games in all competitions (as I originally stated) the West Brom defeat is 19 games ago.

    * From 10th Feb onwards, the stats are as I stated. See the attached image for proof.

    It doesn't matter what you say, LFC are on the rise, and there's nothing you can do about it.

  82. Liverpool will do well this season. Brendan rogers is a brilliant manager and they might sneak 4th with their squad. Spurs also look really really good and I wouldnt be surprised if they were challenging for the title come january time

  83. I have the greatest of respect for BR and the team he is building at Liverpool. I like the style of play and I felt before the season began that Liverpool could well be the dark horses of the Premiership this year. The truth is I believe it is very tight but also very open this year with both Manchesters, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and Spurs all in with a shout. It may take a while for all our new signings to bed in but I think the depth of our squad at present just shades Liverpools. I for one will be very happy if we both finish in the top four

  84. They didn't say no, Eriksen turned down, PSG, AC Milan and a Russian club by all accounts.

    It was his choice, as was Ajax, where if you look at the history again he turned down bigger offers to develop his football.

  85. What like Modrid (4 Years), Bale (6 Years), what do you base you 2 year evidence on? Conjecture that is all, even if he is with us for 2 years and he is a success, something more we can build on no?

    I get that you are upset you didn't get him but seriously dude, less with the sour grapes.

  86. I really don't think 6 + (+++ as you imply) Liverpool players would walk into the Spurs team. I think Al Boy has answered it in detail, but, come on, spurs have finished comfortably ahead of Liverpool for four seasons on the trot - how do you suppose they have done that when none of their players are as good as any of Liverpool's players?
    Also, onece again, it is bogged down thinking: football ceased being about a first eleven a long long time ago. Beetroot Head built his domination of the English game on his mastery of squad football.

  87. *YAWN* - there's always one who reverts to the History Channel argument.
    Spurs have finished comfortably above Liverpool for four seasons on the trot, I think that is the statistic that matters here.

  88. Ericksen can play wide, and played therre for Ajax.

  89. I don't think we were interested in him this transfer window. Previous ones maybe.

  90. If Vertonghen and Kaboul are so good why are Barca chasing Agger not them simple they arent that good.

  91. Honda has beautiful skills but dont think he will be the success Erikson will be in the EPL.
    Seen him play a few times against Australia who are pretty physical yes he was good though not outstanding and dont see him succeeding in the EPL.

  92. Again, you just try to live on past glory. Fact is however that for the last four seasons Spurs have finished above you. League table does not lie.

  93. In years past, it obviously would've been the other way around, but no player would choose LFC over Spurs at the moment. Siggurdson looked destined to join LFC, and jumped at the chance to join us when he heard we were interested. It was the same case with Vertonghen, Holtby and Soldado.

    I read many footy forums, and I've always found scousers to be the least objective supporters in the league.
    Statements like "I have no doubt Liverpool could've won the race for Eriksen if the club had aggressively pursued him" really play into that notion. Here's the facts: You did try to sign him, but he preferred to play for Spurs.

  94. Guys
    Looking through regular Liverpool forums (i dont look at this site much), much has been mentioned the club HAD looked at Eriksen as have a lot of other clubs (ask yourself why he was available all summer and no one else bothered to snap him up? means all other clubs saw something they didnt like). His mental strength is questionable supposedly. Wait til the chips are down Spuds and watch him disappear.

  95. It's funny you mention Ilori. I'm a Spurs fan and was hoping we would sign him, especially once, as seemed likely, the chance to sign Chiriches had gone. That said, Eriksen is someone we pursued, behind the scenes, for almost a year. I would have willingly taken one of him, Pjanic, Badelj or Kovacic (who is even younger and just as promising). Until now, we had not filled the creative gap vacated by the departures of Modric and Van der Vaart - but there's hope now! Next year, we might also look forward to the return of Tom Carroll and prospective signing Alen Halilovic.

    One factor that has definitely boosted both the quantity and quality of our signings, this Summer, has been the engagement of the right technical director in Franco baldini. As you have found out, Comolli was a bit hit-and-miss (he brought Bale and Modric - but he also brought in David Bentley, for a far-too-extravagant fee). I can't see how any manager of a really top football team can operate in today's market WITHOUT the assistance of a top TD. Just dealing with agents can be a full-time distraction. My tip for your team manager would be to go after Miralem Pjanic, in January. He would make a real difference to almost any team.

    On a brighter note, what a nice result for your blue cousins, on Saturday! I dream of a top four that EXCLUDES at least two of Chelsea, Man Utd and Man City.

    Good luck with the rest of your season (except when you play us).

  96. Agger is overrated son. Verts was best defender in the league last year FACT. Kaboul was out for nearly a year with injury so nobody would attempt to sign him, but at his peak is better than Agger. Not being bias, just honest. And also, Agger would be a lot easier to take from Liverpool than Verts would be from Spurs, clubs don't like dealing with Levy. I guess you only rate players that you read Barca are interested in, ridiculous comment son.

  97. He played behind the striker!!

  98. Suarez yes, the others would not walk in at all lol. 3 games in and Liverpool think they're back in the 80's. Lets face it, you played a terrible Stoke and a poor Villa, who will both be fighting for survival come May. Well done for beating United but they dominated you in the second half and you were lucky to hold on. And I admit Spurs were lucky not to concede more against Arsenal (although dominating the game).

    Lloris/Mignolet = Lloris all day (regardless of a couple recent blunders for France)

    Walker/Johnson = Johnson (Johnson is more consistent)

    Kaboul/Toure = Kaboul all day

    Vertonghen/Agger = Verts (you would be utterly uneducated to think otherwise)

    Rose/Sakho/Enrique = Sakho or Enrique

    Paulinho/Lucas = Paulinho

    Dembele/Henderson = Dembele

    Lennon/Suarez = Suarez all day (to choose best 11 I'd put Suarez RW, but interchanging with Eriksen)

    Eriksen/Gerrard = Eriksen all day (Gerrard's past it FACT)

    Lamela/Coutinho = Lamela

    Soldado/Sturridge = Soldado

    This is the bench from both teams last games:

    Liverpool (vs Villa): Jones, Alberto, Cissokho, Allen, Borini, Sterling, Wisdom

    Spurs (vs Norwich): Friedel, Kaboul, Naughton, Holtby, Lamela, Sandro, Defoe. (Sandro would walk into Liverpool first team FACT)

    Spurs squad is far superior and as the season drags on, it will be very apparent.

  99. Wait till he got whacked by Stoke et el...

    Then we will know if he can cut it un EPL

  100. I think we were seriously looking at Eriksen at the start of the summer but then went and bought Luis Alberto instead, I think the committee and the scouts feel Luis Alberto is a better player for LFC than Eriksen. Whether that judgement turns out to be right, remains to be seen.

  101. Is he a better player than Coutinho? Both players ultimately would fit the same role, in the pocket behind the front three. If Moses settles as a left sided attacking player then in the middle is where Coutinho will be, so where would Eriksen play? He's not going to start ahead of Gerrard and Lucas is in the team as a defensive midfielder so all the midfield spots are filled. No point having a player like that on the bench. He's gone to Spurs to take a starting role in a position that we've already got covered. I can agree that he's talented but there are a ton of talented players out there who are not a part of LFC, why are we so focused on this one?

  102. We should have done all we can to sign Eriksen, Spurs got him for £12m & Arsenal Paid £42 for Ozil, i know who has got the better deal & its Spurs by far, i think that makes them favourites over us to get into the Champions League next season.

  103. So Alan Hansen thinks CE is superb after one good game against the mighty Norwich? Let's where he is at the end of the season. By the way , if he is that good it's not just Liverpool who have missed out on him-- it's every other premiership side.

  104. This is all a bit of nonsense, surely? The whole "none of you lot would get in my team" is a bit petit. You're looking very good, as are we. It's still very early in the season. As excited as I am, I'm keeping things in check. Let's wait until bonfire night. There will be enough games played by then to get a realistic lie of the land.

    As a Liverpool fan I'm delighted with our transfer window. I trust our manager, and think he is excelling in all areas. Clearly Spurs fans are happy with theirs too. The good thing about football is that we'll find out who has the better team at the end of the season. I hate knee jerk reactions, Arsenal were booed after their first game, but have won 5 straight games since. Let's put it all into perspective.

    After trying to be magnanimous, I should also point out that we normally beat Norwich but 5 goals. A 2 - 0 would be a disappointment ;)

  105. The best thing we could offer him is a total absence of miserable scouse bastards.

  106. Well of course it's all "relatively new". As JK says ... what has the form of the past 3-4 years got to do with anything? Only, as you say, as an interest to players who might look to join us. But form is what counts and to say that we have good form over a number of months, not just a few weeks, is a big deal. Liverpool have been one of the best teams in the league for some time now, it's not a fluke and it's not some statistical glitch. Any team that can maintain good form over 15 games is clearly playing well, no one can deny that. I wouldn't expect incoming players to really see that, it's probably only something LFC fans and those inside the club would notice, but it's still true. The only indicator that we're not a top 4 team is some poor form that we had, as JK says, over 9 months ago.

  107. That answers my question - you rate Eriksen over Coutinho and would see Coutinho sent to the bench in order for Eriksen to join us. Still, you're making a big call to guarantee that Eriksen will do it week in and week out. Ajax are a good team but the vast majority of their games have been against teams which just are not of the same quality as the PL. A handful of CL matches doesn't change that, and he doesn't have those CL stats to back up your claims anyway. 3 european goals in his entire time at Ajax, including Europa league. Moses has better figures than that.

  108. As a Spurs fan I can completely agree with this. I don't know why Liverpool didn't go for him. He would have been perfect for you. Though Liverpool have done some great business this summer with Sakho who is a machine, Moses who will be a great squad player and Aspas who I think is a great player. But Liverpool still miss one or two players. We signed ours with Eriksen. Season in, season out, we've always missed that pure number 10. People say he's like Modric. No he isn't. Modric controlled the game, didn't play enough through balls. Eriksen has that pure instinct and craft to unlock Soldado and many others.

    This will be one hell of a season. Liverpool will be bang up there. I said it in January when you signed Coutinho and Sturridge who I rate very highly. Lets hope for a great season!

  109. He played BEHIND the striker, and he ALSO played to the left.
    Maybe he played PREDOMINENTLY behind the striker last season; that doesn't mena he NEVER played on the left!!

  110. I voted yes but only because we needed another attacking midfielder. Having said that, we needed a defensive one even more and we didn't get him either. Sure Eriksen had a good match and he is a good player but we as supporters have to start accepting that we can't sign them all. That way we just end up with a huge squad on huge wages and that is not good for moral or business. So Eriksen, Henrykh, sure we needed someone like that but it's not like those are unique, must have, players.

  111. Agger would be harder to take from Liverpool m8 he has left it up to the club if they are to sell him a little more loyal than Johnny come lately Vertonghen.
    They are brave words considering you are a feeder club for the Spanish.
    Without being biased me and Barca agree Agger is way better than either.

  112. Hanson calls him a genius and Molby says he is overated - so how are we to know - he looked good on Saturday but can he take the rough stuff ??

  113. An embarrassing comment Miss The Yid. I'd say Liverpool are right in the pack for Top 4 Brendan Rogers is doing a good job. Of course we've got a great team - the best in living memory so it's gonna be a good season.
    We needed a number 10 and Eriksen fitted the bill, he was on our radar too so that's just the way it is. Surely Liverpool have got Coutinho in that position too..

  114. From the beginning of PL the team that has been top after 3 games has allways gotten top 4. And to Spurs fans you bought well and have been doing fine over the last 4-5 seasons, but your spurs with no fans outside London and so your income will come from selling your best players and make cash out of that. You cant comepeat without richs suger daddys or great suport. You might do well over a few years but then you will go back to middle of the table. This is a FACT!!

  115. It might be becouse we actually have a past to think on while clubs like tottenham can only hope to get a future so they can later talk about the past

  116. all being equal and given a straight choice in 2013. Spurs > Liverpool.

    London. AvB. Team mates. Future potential.

    The past was nice. But its time to let the 80s go.

  117. agree with you player list getting into spurs. Apart from Sturridge, Sakho, gerrard and agger. Suarez would get in he is awesome! And Coutinho would provide some nice competition for our wingers

    (Unless we mean gerrard when he was good. in 08 or whatever. gerrard08 wouldnt look out of place alongside Sandro)

  118. you shouldnt have beaten Palace either and struggled past Swansea winners are grinners

  119. Liverpool didn't bid, let alone fight to the death.

  120. Spurs have built a solid team for next 7-8 years I would say. You guys can challenge for title as soon as next year. I wouldn't say this year only because the new signings will take sometime to adjust. Next summer or in January am sure you guys will sign couple of more strikers and maybe one more CB. Selling Bale for that amount was absolute masterpiece.

  121. What is it that makes people think Spurs will not qualify for the CL? After 5 years of being there or finishing fifth Levy and AVB have made it clear that they intend to challenge for the league title. Larf at it as much as you like. State history if that substantiates your argument. However it's what's happening in the right here right now that matters. Spurs have never harboured plans in recent times to win the league. We've certainly never spent a 100 mill in one hit before. It doesn't look like the spend is over either. Spurs have a talented squad. It has good depth too. AVB has turned Spurs from lightweights who attack on the break just to concede, into a team who in just their fourth outing are playing some very good football. Spurs are looking as good as any of the top four from last season. I would also add Liverpool are in it to win it this year. Everton might even surprise a few..like Chelsea found out. So this season there are at least 7 teams to worry about. That could mean points lost for Utd, Citeh and Chelsea. Which will open the door for someone else.
    Liverpool have started well, look like a decent team and as much as I'd like to say, ya got no chance coz ya not been up the top end as long as us. It doesn't really matter.
    Chelsea must have been odds on favourites to win the league. However they look a bit lost. A few too many players even for Mourinho to keep happy. Citeh are at sixies and sevens and I'm not sure about Utd under Moyes. Early days to say who'll finish where. The table shows the in form teams right now. But as Spurs know too well it's the second half of the season when injuries and fatigue take over. On that basis Spurs have the edge on Liverpool and Arsenal imo. But it will be a humdinger of a season. In true Spurs fan style...This is the season we get into the top three. Will Liverpool be in the top four...why not?

  122. Great comment. Does that comfort you a bit at your loss.

  123. Adam I know what your saying and I don't disagree. We clearly look like we are improving but if you look at those other teams our form is only comparable rather than much better than. We have scored like one or two more goals than anyone else in 2013 but points wise, win percentage and other such important stats are either similar to or lesser than the top five of last season. Even in this relatively short space of time of nine months we are not blowing the competition away we are just comparable. That is why I am saying it is not an objective fact. If we were looking at it objectively we would not only be looking at the stats that make us look good but the ones that are worse than other teams too. From Jan of last season if you take our points and spread that out so it covered a season we would still have finished outside of the top four. If you do the same with all the teams in those top seven positions we are still comfortably outside the top four. This is the season to really show we are on the rise so everyone will see it and it will not just be something that can be seen looking at the stats but something that can be seen in our play and the table.

  124. Spurs are on the up. Exciting times at WHL. Liverpool aint bad either but i think they'll come 5th/6th this yr.

  125. Ridiculous! just read some of the more measured comments
    by sensible fans on both sides. As for the fan base, Spurs along with Arsenal,Liverpool,ManU, and of course Liverpool are all clubs that command 1 million + fan bases.
    Spurs are the only club in the world that have been consistently in the delloite top 20 rich clubs in world football that have not been regulars in the champions league.
    Liverpool this year

  126. Nice to read a Liverpoolian blogging on this subject without feeling the need to demonise Spurs. Personally, think you guys will have a very good season - even without the Magic Christian - & that you have the right manager on place

  127. I can see that this blog has now degenerated after your comment and similar. But just for the record, after our transfer window dealings we are still £2m in the black, so it is likely we will take another dip in the market in January, unlike Liverpool we have still to spend any of our money from the TV deal. I suspect Liverpool have spent most of theirs.

  128. To the guys saying Spurs have no history.....
    There can only ever be one first mate.

    -The first club to win the 'Double' of the FA Cup and Top Flight Championship in the 20th Century (1960–61)
    -The first British club to win a major European competition - European Cup Winners Cup (1963)
    -The first ever club to win the UEFA Cup (1972)
    -The first British club to win two different European Trophies - European Cup Winners Cup and UEFA Cup.
    -The first team to score two or more goals in every UEFA Champions League group game
    -The first club to win the League Cup at the New Wembley (2007–08)
    -The only "non-league" club, since the creation of the Football League in 1888, to have won the FA Cup (1901)
    -Most consecutive League victories from start of a top flight season: 11 (1960)
    -Most victories in a League season: 31 out of 42 games in 1960–61
    -Fastest ever Premier League goal scored: 9.7 seconds by Ledley King against Bradford City in 2000
    -Most goals scored in a Premier League game: 9 (joint record)
    -Most prolific goal scorers out of any English team in European football competition, scoring an average 2.1 goals per game
    -British record of eight consecutive victories in major European competition
    -Most matches played in the UEFA Cup by a British club

    Now I'm not saying Liverpool have no past, they clearly do. But it's foolish to say Spurs have no past.

    Moving on to recent years......

    Here's a list of the recent league finishes with Forbes ranking/values of the clubs
    You don't have to be a genius to see which club is on the up and which is going the other way.
    2012/2013FA 5th 11th($520M) ---- 7th 10th($651M)
    2011/2012FA 4th 11th($564M) ---- 8th 8th($619M)
    2010/2011FA 5th 11th($412M) ---- 6th 9th($552M)
    2009/2010FA 4th 12th($372M) ---- 7th 6th($822M)
    2008/2009FA 8th 11th($445M) ---- 2nd 5th($1010M)
    2007/2008FA 11th 12th($414M) ---- 4th 4th($1050M)
    2006/2007FA 5th 14th($243M) ---- 3rd 11th($454M)
    2005/2006FA 5th -----------------------3rd
    2004/2005FA 9th -----------------------5th
    2003/2004FA 14th ---------------------4th
    2002/2003FA 10th ---------------------5th
    2001/2002FA 9th ---------------------- 2nd
    Then there's the managers and the board.

    We have Levy and AVB. I don't think anything needs to be said here - both very highly regarded.
    Liverpool have some American yahoo's and David Brent....
    So my moneys on Spurs keeping the move upwards.
    If I was a Liverpool fan, I'd be keeping my fingers crossed for a good season.
    PS - hope you finish above Chelsea and Woolwich :)

  129. The person who posted this story seems to be struggling to understand why he would join Spurs over Liverpool ... beyond the "attraction of London". C'mon, it's not that difficult is it?! He also says "neither are in the CL" - just for a 2nd piece of denial - which is true but ignores the fact Spurs are in Europe & Liverpool not.
    Tottenham are very well funded, on the up with a bright up & coming coach, playing the right type of football (his national manager said today that Tottenhams style was the main reason he joined), with a host of real top quality players - new & established, a new state of the art training ground & a new stadium already funded ... wheras Liverpool have / are none of those things.
    It's not 1982 any more.

  130. Eriksen would have been a perfect cover/ replacement for coutinho, who has looked off form. Let alone if Sturridge gets injured, and suarez plays up front. Definitely think we missed out IMO.

  131. I was a little perplexed when we didn't appear to be in the running for Erikssen . We need to ask the question, why did Rogers sign two centre backs, when only one was really needed, especially given the transfers values involved? I wonder whether Skrtel or Agger are going in January?

  132. Andrew Amegatcher Jr.12:02 am, September 17, 2013

    Spurs definitely have more strength in dept but you must be dreaming if you think Etiene Cappoe is at par with Gerrard or even Lucas or that Soldado is better than Suarez.

    Erikson looks really good but so does Coutinhio [who you can even now almost call established]

    LLoris has got nothing on Mingolet and when Barca where looking for a CB, they came to Liverpool for Agger and not Tottenham for Vertongen
