23 May 2012

Confirmed: Transfer 'talks' over £18m star to 're-open' in June. Good news for LFC?

Injury-prone midfielder Alberto Aquilani was expected to secure a permanent deal with AC Milan at the end of the recently-finished season, but AC Milan CEO Adriano Galliani has confirmed that the Rossoneri will not take up their option to buy the Italian International. However, there is still hope for Aquilani, and a deal could still go through.

In a press conference yesterday, Galliani provided an update on the ongoing Aquilani saga:

"We will not use our option to buy Aquilani before May 31, but we will re-open talks with Liverpool in June, though."

This suggests that Milan feel that the contractually-set €8m fee is too high, and when talks re-open, the Serie A giants will undoubtedly try and secure a deal for Aquilani on the cheap.

Aquilani himself is hoping a deal can be concluded, and in an interview with Milan TV last week, he said:

"My future? There's still a chance [to stay at Milan] - the door is still half-open, so we'll see what happens".

In my view, he should be allowed to leave, even for a reduced fee; Liverpool are never going to recoup serious money for Aquilani, so the club might as well just take it on the chin. After all, what's the point in having an unhappy player on the books?

Having said that, in a recent poll on this site, 68% of the 5000 fans who took part voted for an Aquilani return, so it seems lots of LFC fans would be happy if the Milan deal fell through.

Jaimie Kanwar


  1. We paid 35million for a crocked striker. Aqua never really got a chance. Not sure either way

  2. choollun chetanand7:42 pm, May 23, 2012

    i do not think he ever wanted to play for liverpool. He is constantly looking for milan ac. We should have let him go in the first place, now LFC endured heavy lost.

  3. You re right get rid. He s had 2 loan spells in his own country and disappointed in both. He s just not athletic enough for premiership and his passing is not so so brilliant to compensate ( like Alonso).

  4. They are taking the piss

  5. He is to be offered as a make weight in the Gaston Ramierz deal... AC Milan will then bid EUR 6M, we will reject it and then they will either agree at EUR 8m or he will go to Bologna.

  6. Brian -Ormskirk7:50 pm, May 23, 2012

    Agreed. Call their bluff. It's the £8 mil or forget it. Don't think FSG would look to kindly on us throwing away even more of their money

  7. Is his door half open or half shut. you will be lucky to get 5 or 6 million  quid for him. Seems to happen with a few players this they take them on extended loans and then try to get the for sweet FA in the end.
    Reading in the Echo tonight same thing happening over the road with Yobo. They want 4m for him and they only going to give 1

  8. AC are taking the mick and we should tell Aqua to either buy out his own contract or shut up and play like he was bought to do.

  9. Don't be a stupid prat. Nobody at LFC ever mentioned Gaston when we had a  manager and director of football, it was all media speculation. Seeing as we don't have any replacements for these posts as yet who is to say the new management team would be interested in him, all managers want different things.  So until we know where we stand please stop making daft comments.

  10. Typical Italians taking the piss trying to get a better deal. Oh we'll wait till the summer and get him for half the price. Just fuck off you brown envelope back handed cheating bastards!

  11. if he so wants to play for ac he should buy his own contract and as for ac they,re having our pants down pay the cash or send him back to liverpool and he,ll have to play well if he wants to be wants teams to come in for him

  12. hurry up with my comment

  13. post my comment

  14. moderator sucks

  15. Maybe in hindsight, that loan deal wasn't the best thing for LFC. Milan have set their foot in the door for this deal, tying Aquilani emotionally to them. This will undoubtly help Milan get a Liverpool player on the cheap. The sad story is that we continually undersell our players. eg Owen, Arbeloa, Mascherano...

  16. Where's my comment?

  17. rather keep him than give him away for nothink, hes easy worth 8mil...

  18. Fed up of these Italian teams taking the piss. If they think he's good enough for there squad they can pay the money. Eight million euros is not a great deal of money considering he's an international with champions league experience and at his peak age. If they don't want to stump up the money he can be part of the Liverpool squad for next season. It's not as if we are blessed with quality central midfielders is it.

  19. It was needlessly xenophobic, so it won't go live. Sorry.

  20. I've got a novel idea, as he is better than Spearing, Henderson or Adam why don't we keep him and perhaps with a decent season we will be in a position to sell him at a higher fee. It would be madness to sell him for a fee that is lower than that paid for Adam.

  21. We shouldn't sell him for that price. I'd rather have him than Adam or Henderson.

  22. Not sure where you heard that but I like it.

  23. West Ham want Joe Cole how much should he go for

  24. Truly if we can't use him as part of a deal for getting a new player he was happy enough to collect his wages and signing on fee, let him stay and play. The new manager may well be able to make best use of his abilities for a season then we see what happens, if spurs can do it why can't we?

  25. Can I ask people what they think of Joey Barton tonight.
    Fined 75k suspended 12 matches. He earns 90k a week has 3 years remaining on a 4 year contract, cost to QPR to fire him 14m though some sources say 11m may do it if they get rid and then some other mug signs him on.
    One wonders why we bother watching football at times when you read that.

  26. Cruel piss takers. What next? Next they'll want Liverpool to pay Milan to take Aquilani! ;)

  27. Recall him, play him in a Europa League qualifier to cup-tie him, then sell him. 
    Sick of being a soft touch.

  28. Old Gabweb won't be pleased. I mean, 12 matches for physical assault compared to 8 games for calling someone a name ......

    Grenade !!!

  29. Reina,Johnson,Agger,Skertle,Lucas,Kuyt,Maximillion,are the only players who have served the club with distinction in the last 2 years.All Rafas buys.Aquillani we have loaned out twice,if we get £8m for him add the two loan fees,minus the fee we had to pay due to him not making the required appearances we will actually make a profit.If Rafa  is not allowed back everyone should boycott matches,everyone boycott merchandise,to me its Rafa or nothing,nobody else comes close.These anti-rafa people should go somewhere else,you were the ones who wanted him out and look whats happened since,16 players bought onlty one success,2 managers fired laughing all the way to the bank,the King will be back on his cruise ship laughing at all the mugs who were brainwashed by him,he gets £8m payoff,i king kenny what a joke.

  30. Aquilani's future needs to be sorted out, 2 seasons in a row management has made the same mistake again regarding his future. I personally would like to see Aquilani playing for Liverpool atleast for a season and if it doesn't work out then let him out, its not like we are selling him for a fortune either. 8m euros for a player of his quality is a steal and Milan wanting to negotiate to lower the price is just embarrassing, if we were to buy a player as good as him, he would cost atleast 15m. Hopefully the new manager sees the sense in giving him a chance for a season and i am definitely sure he won't fare worse than Adam or Henderson.

  31. he should have got jug. he could be near the rest of his family then. scum!!!

  32. we will sell him cheap. its a trait we are known for now. buy big sell cheap. how the fu*k we survive, i don't know.

  33. By selling lots of polyester shirts to wools.........................


  34. Tom Rollingham3:24 am, May 24, 2012

    Ac Milans comments make lots of sense when you factor in ridiculous wages. We're in a catch 22 situation and their trying to get one over us. His wage just like Coles are around £100k pw. Without Champ's League football we can't afford to keep them. With Cole we can offload for free or few mill but with Aquilani we could take a bath for best part of £18m. Talk of offload elsewhere on these wages is ridiculous. Bologna couldn't pay the wages. Loan out until contract runs out or take £2m from AC & be shot ???

  35. all you mugs who want raffa back,you go support someone else he gott us in this situation,veronin,lucas,pelligrino,jovanavic,nunez,that other usless winger from chile.all the home draws when we should ove won the league putting weekened teams in,frigging joke that man,doing better now hes just waitering.

  36. Hey Chris if people have a differing opinion than u they should support another club maybe u should support another club and leave the open minded liverpool fans to express their opinions.

  37. It's more politically correct to state that Aquilani is an £18 million flop who is currently valued at no more than £3 million.

  38. Play him next season and tell him if you want to go then show them you are worth it, if they really want you, they will pay 8 mill euro.
    We are getting bullied by everyone, FFS we are a joke.

  39. What the...

  40. Why on earth do they want him?????

  41. these days i miss bill and bob more than ever...in love with the king ynwa

  42. You are SO right! We are being taken for idiots by the Italians.
