2 Feb 2012

Ex-Liverpool star Djibril Cisse victim of Twitter racism

Ex-Liverpool striker Djibril Cisse has been targeted by racist morons on Twitter in retaliation for moving from Lazio to QPR..

Cisse is the latest in a long-line of players to be bombarded with racist abuse on Twitter, a site that does absolutely nothing proactive to stop anonymous idiots from engaging in all kinds of online bullying and abuse.

Cisse, who played for Liverpool between 2004 and 2006, was clearly shocked by the abuse, and highlighted some tweets that appeared to be from a Lazio fan:

The first, from a user named vela-sandro, stated:


Then, another fool under the name LorenzoMecci chimed in with:


Cisse, who scored on his debut for QPR last night, responded:


The France international then added:


Vela-Sandro then tried to weasel his way out of it by claiming his initial tweet was a fake:


That won't wash though as he already admitted it again in an earlier tweet:


I hate Twitter. It is a haven for cyber bullying and racial abuse, and the company itself does nothing to stop it. Anyone can post anything, and it will not be taken down until the Police get involved, and even then Twitter are often extremely obstructive in assisting the Police.

Stuff like is one of the reasons why I don't get involved in the tribal mob mentality associated with football; it all too often leads to morons like Vela Sandro and his cretinous mate bringing the game into disrepute.

Hopefully, these cretins will be tracked down and charged by the Police; just don't expect any help from twitter.

Jaimie Kanwar


  1. should be renamed Twatter because that's the sort of people who use it

  2. is that it ! come on guys cant you come up with anything more original than that , we have been gettin called that for 400 years in this country , its not surprising you get mad though , we're great at sport , women love us , we are much more athletic and bigger ( wink wink ) , have great stamina and generally much tougher than the average white/european , so next time have a bit of imagination. YNWA CISSE X.

  3. I dont think that was really anything got to do with the abuse aimed at Cisse.  The way your saying it sounds like you believe black people are better than white people. These fools just use racist abuse because they dont have the brain power to use an insult related to the cause of their anger

  4. dJib is a quality player wouldnt have won the champions leauge in 2005 without him, makes me sad all this racism, people should grow the f*uck up.

  5. Saying black people are better than whites is racist aswell .It would have been better to just ignore the moronic idiot and not even reply to such nonsense with such nonsense.

  6. No surprise, Lazio's as right wing as they come, wasn't it Di Canio giving nazi signs to their fans years back. Fucking pricks, just cowardy hiding behind PC's shoutin abuse. Welcome to Loftus Road Cisse son, You'll be getting nothing but love from the best parts of West London.

  7. Well again I Think people WHO give these People The attention are almost bigger idiots - get my drift Kanwar? You are just trying to big up the issue like The rest of this countrys so Called journos:(

  8. Which country is this country? If you are referring to England then you are clearly in need of a history lesson.
    What Cisse has been subjected to is totally unacceptable but I do wish we could move away from the concept that racist behaviour is just about colour. According to current British and European Law, Gypsies and Irish Travellers are classed as Races and, therefore, can be subjected to racially motivated abuse. I have deliberately not referred to racism because we are a long way from that( Apartheid, Segregation, etc.).
    As a final point, in answer to a post on another topic, Liverpool Football Club is multinational and, therefore, by definition, is multiracial.

  9. Idiots.  But then so are the fans who booed Evra.  A black man who got abused because he felt people mentioning his skin colour in whatever capacity on the pitch wasn't appropriate.  Like I said in a previous post If Suarez has a habit of refering to white people, and latin peoples skin colour as well as black people then so be it, he is obviously wrong and is quite possibly ignorant of acceptable conduct.  If his words were aimed only at afro carribean Evra he has issues. 

    Kenny calling the fans banter is quite ridiculous as well.  The last few months have been an eye opener.

  10. the man is class, wish he had come back to liverpool, or even better, never left.

  11. true. its why there will always be a problem between blacks and whites, im white i got black mates, but were mixed group of friends, the problem lies with ghettos and towns of the same race, blah blah blah.
    top man cisse, was sad to see him go, he loved liverpool, good player and hell of a man to come back from two horrendous broken legs

  12. wat are you talking about?? so 40,000 liverpool fans were booing evra for being black?? and suarez where he comes from is not an issue with wat he says and believe!! your skin obviously is paper thin. evra is a trouble maker, he got booed the game suarez played in at anfield, because of his behaviour. do you actually go to any games ??  there is insults at most, including skin colour. get in the real world man.  its you thats ignorant and you must  live a sheltered life and im getting fed up reading posts like yours.
    who do you support?? muppitt 

  13. Next one it has happened to today is Ameobi at Newcastle. These incidents sure do seem to be increasing, don't they? Or are the press just picking up on it more?

    I'm not sure which is the best way to go with this, to be honest. In some ways, i think that if it gets worse, then maybe action will be taken to deal with this properly. But, on the other hand, these lazio supporters should probably have just been quietly summoned to court without any publicity, because they don't deserve publicity. I'm starting to think that we should ignore them and fine them to hell so they can't afford to get onto twitter in the first place.

  14. what does who anyone supports have to do with it?

  15. Yes, this 'banter' is on the increase.

  16. Whats racist? using the terms Black and white? Jesus we're running out of words that are acceptable. 
    By the way, If it would have been better to ignore such moronic nonsense and not reply with such nonsense then why did you just reply with even more nonsense?

  17. Can anyone not realise that Hotbabeellie was taking the piss?

  18. are you totally gormless asswell, big big writing at top of page LIVERPOOL KOP!!! SUPPORT MEANS SUPPORT. where do you people come from!!!

  19. oh yeah weve only just realised racism has only just started recently!!
    fine them oh yeah that will stop it lol

  20. Evra wasn't booed because of the colour of his skin, he was booed, primarliy, because of the Suarez incident and the fact that the man is an arse. He was not the first, nor will he be the last, Man Utd player booed at Anfield and I expect no more or no less to happen to Suarez or any other Liverpool player next weekend at Old Trafford. As long as the 'banter' is just that and not malicious, then what's the problem?

  21. Your right fuckin hafwits cisse done a good job for the pool but am irish  wur bigger than use second best is all right

  22. to true he was laughing at the stupid  cunts

  23. he was booed because he lied by the way back to july forget suarez now there is something you can get your teeth into wat do the fa think of that

  24. part of the comment did not appear  john terry's has been put back to july. sorry for the mistake

  25. that guy probably never seen a match in his life pc police  don't love the game like u and me

  26. the point is he doe's not support any team bring politic into football

  27. Hey who's in for a velo sandro T-Shirt now. Count me in guys. 

  28. What hotbabeellie said was racist whether he was joking or not. Making reference to blacks being bigger, more athletic etc than whites is akin to saying whites are more intelligent. If someone said that, even whulst attempting some strange joke, they would be castigated. Here we're just supposed to laugh. I notice jaimie hasn't commented on this, I'm sure he would be the first if it was the 'intelligent' comment.

  29. "so 40,000 liverpool fans were booing Evra for being Black"

    That's your deluded interpretation of what I said which was

    "A black man who got abused because he felt people (suarez) mentioning his skin colour in whatever capacity on the pitch was inappropriate"

    Surely there is a difference.  IF Glen Johnson was called a negro by John Terry for example Liverpool fans would boo the acused and not the accuser. 

    Did Anton Ferdinand not recently receive a bullet in the post for exercising his rights? Banter?

    Am I wrong or did Suarez admit to saying what he said? Am I wrong or did the FA find Suarez Guilty?  My Morale barometer extends to beyond the entrance of the Anfield gates. 

    If you genuinely believe that Evra being booed was a continuation of the previous occasion he got booed then we are obviously both muppitts as you so elequently put it.  When Shanks was asked 'To you football is a matter of life or death!' and he replied 'Listen, it's more important than that'." This might have brought a smile to your face.  But he might not have meant it...keep that in mind.

    Asking who I support in a race matter is your prerogative, but to me football is a game that I like a lot but it is not powerful enough for me to adopt its tribal values in its fullest.  The majority of Liverpool fans love Liverpool FC whereas I only like it.  As the old saying goes love can be blind and in this instance could cloud right from wrong.

  30. My faith in humanity is dwindling

  31. You're right. I love the wife and kids and merely like the game of football. Love is nearly always blind.  So thank you for proving my point.

  32. Yeh, morons indeed. I would have congratulated him for having the balls to return to a competitive and entertaining league. Way to leave Serie 'Yawn'.

  33. this 'banter' was pushed underground against a squashed spring and is coming back with force.

  34. didn't say he was. I insinuated he was booed for making the complaint.

  35. Cisse is a spentforce. Nothing great about him.

  36. Well, judging by most of your posts, you don't want to stop it, which is why you ridicule every post which suggests something to try to do about it. Would you post most of the nonsense you post if it was going to cost you two grand every time? No? Didn't think so. Neither would the (other) racists out there. Understand now?

  37. yes, he was booed because people at anfield, now labelled klanfield by other supporters who are not wearing rose tinted specs, thought, conveniently, so they could condone their star player doing as he liked, that evra lied, even though none of them could know for sure. So, for that, they gave carte blanche, pardon the pun, for every racist in the crowd to get a free pass to abuse a black player.

    Like i said on the other post, they pass, with distinction, as LFC supporters but fail, as thinking human beings with any sense. Now, they refuse to accept that their behaviour led to the circumstances which emboldened two of our supporters to take their booing a step further. And, worse, they don't care that it did. So what's the difference between the racist and the person that encourages the racist?

    Sometimes you think that something is wrong but you also think that there needs to be a measured response to how you address it. Can't believe that some people cannot see that booing a black man who reported racist abuse looks odd and makes a lot of people in this country feel uncomfortable. Apparently, though, Suarez, the all round good guy does not feel bad that this is all being done in his name. He could have stopped this whenever he wanted and anyone who was horrified at being called a racist would have done so.


  38. Mrburt, a lot of people are going to willfully misunderstand. I wonder if they would feel the same if it were their husband, brother, son getting booed like that. I wonder if they would feel the same if they had a son who had a genuine complaint and then saw a mob behaving like that. And i wonder if they would make a complaint themselves if they saw the guy before being treated in this way. Yes, I'm sure some of these keyboard warriors would say 'no problem, they are booing him cos his complaint was bogus'. Does anyoone think the guy making the monkey signs really cared?

    Sad that they are happy to stand alongside him.

  39. Well said. What i've noticed, though, is that nearly every other neutral supporter who doesn't have a grudge against LFC thinks we have behaved really badly.

    Funny how racists and their apologists always talk about loving things to condone their awaful behaviour? But the fact is that they don't really love anything. One thing i do know, however, is that the one thing people do love is money, and very rarely do people express their views when there is money in it. Greed and the love for money knows no colour. So, i can assume that people who like to stand around booing black men on a saturday afternoon, in a mob, don't have anything to offer or anything that anyone else would want. Most of them would shout abuse at evra down the pub in a crowd of two, were the game on the telly and there were an equal number of black men as them in the bar. It's cowardly and dishonest. And when people get identified, they then start talking about loving their country, team, football, etc, etc. Every single time.

  40. Again spot on. People quote Shankly, without any sense of humour. That is funny in itself!

    Suarez admitted saying it, they did not convict him on Evra's word in any case, it was on his inconsistencies and his club mates' statements, and, as you say, if Terry did this to Johnson, most of our fans would not boo Johnson for making the accusation.

    There are so many deliberate attempts by people to delude themselves here, it is really sad. It also makes me think that things that i believed could only happen in certain unstable countries in the world really could happen here, in the uk, in the right circumstances, if people are able to lie to themselves so well. Putting their heads in the sand does not even start to describe it.

    Let's see what they say when Suarez cops it from fans who 'believe' the opposite to them.

  41. what's that got to do with this article and whether the abuse was wrong or not? Anyway, he did not look like a spent force the other night, definitely premier league standard and he is playing for QPR.

  42. he s better than your namesake ...lol

  43. What a post.  Mind blowing response.

  44. nothing like back pedling. you will never get the point so i wont waste my time. tell me this BURT why weeks ago man utd fan is charged for racial abuse??
    not in the paper?? your a jobs worth, who is obviously never ever wrong.  carry on living your sheltered life in your arm chair.

  45. you believe that, listen to wat the man is trying to say!!! for f#ck sake!!! i feel for your mrs!!

  46. Some people are racist, some people like football. Therefore it's likely some racist people like football. Twatter just gives idiots a platform to express their views.

  47. "you will never get the point so I wont waste my time"

    "i'm white I've got black friends"

    Classic answers.  Your profiling is now officially over. thank you for your cooperation.

  48. Gab mate, wish there were more people in the world that had your mindset.

  49. I'm still waiting for the slightest hint of a debate from you here or a post without an obscenity.  Are you finding it difficult to express yourself son?
