4 Oct 2011

RAFA BENITEZ: "Some people want to rock the boat and blame others..."

Rafa Benitez's final season at Liverpool was blighted by injuries, and whilst much of it was self-inflicted (i.e buying the injured Alberto Aquilani), injuries are, sadly, a brutal inevitability of football, especially at the highest level. The fallout can be managed though, and in an article on his new website, Benitez discusses how injuries affected his time at Anfield.

Benitez believes that they key to preventing and reducing the amount of injuries is:

"An open dialogue and constant communication with the whole medical staff and the players".

In reality, it's not that easy though.

"The worst thing that can happen is that some people want to rock the boat and blame others so they don’t take the responsibility. And of course what suffers is the team, the group".

On Liverpool:

"At Liverpool FC, we worked with the same professionalism and co-ordination with the medical staff from the beginning and only during the last season did we have more than the usual number of injuries, and that made us less effective as we couldn’t rotate when we needed to with certain players.

"We can see this right now as the fixture list shows, the months of October and November are when more injuries occur due to the amount of games in the league, Champions League, matches coming one after another and the conditions of the pitches due to bad weather.

"Even so, the time spent out due to muscular injuries was for all these teams 10 days less than we had at Inter Milan. Strange".

The whole article is very interesting, and you can read it on Benitez's website here -->>:

Jaimie Kanwar


  1. For a so called "LFC fan" most of your articles portray a very negative view on LFC.

  2. I agree with KopIdol 

  3. "Much of it self-inflicted" and cite Aquilani as the sole slef-infliction (i.e.) is meaningless.

  4. WWhat would happen to us now if Gerrad and suarez and carra were injured at same time we have only had a few injuries this season and we at times have looked weak...rafa was unlucky
