26 Oct 2011

FULL TIME: Suarez scores twice to win the game for Liverpool

Luis Suarez scored two excellent goals in the second half to send Liverpool into the Quarter Finals of the Carling Cup.

Reina, Kelly, Agger, Coates, Carragher, Lucas, Spearing, Henderson, Maxi, Carroll, Suarez.

Subs: Doni, Aurelio, Kuyt, Adam, Bellamy, Skrtel, Flanagan.

I'm mystified as to why Bellamy has been benched again. That's twice he's been dropped after scoring goals this season now.

I know I always go on about it but I just can't see the sense in dropping a creative player after they've scored. What kind of incentive is that? How is that conducive to building up momentum?

There's no dedicated left-back in the starting 11, so it will be interesting to see who plays there.


Stoke are leading 1-0 after a goal by Kenwyne Jones on the stroke of half time. Bad mistake by Coates to give the ball away but neither of the central defenders was anywhere near Jones when the ball came in.

It's the same old story once again: quite a few chances for Liverpool, but poor finishing. How many chances does Suarez need to score?

The game is still eminently winnable; hopefully in the second half, some of our chances will actually go in.


What an amazing goal by Suarez. Nutmegged the defender then curled the ball into the top left corner. Contender for goal of the season.

Jaimie Kanwar



  2. I love Kenny to bits. the best player to have worn the red shirt. but not the right man to manage us. Things have changed . We are gonna lose tonight...blind faith will not get us through. Kenny is losing the plot ...

  3. Its because he has a knee problem... He cant play two games in a week, so I think we might be gearing him up for the game vs West Brom...

  4. ohh man no Gerrard, not even on the bench whose going to save us if we go a goal down well. YNWA I hope Carroll puts in a demonish game tonight and links up well with Suarez

  5. Well said Rohan5997 - Finally somebody who actually knows about something. Known problem with his knees - he needs to be managed effectively

  6. Why isn't he the right man? Explain?

  7. No, that is just pure supposition. You do not know that Bellamy can't play two games in a week, and you do not know the extent of his knee issue.

    Before the Norwich game, Bellamy hadn't played for 11 days; he was also taken off early in that game, so the idea that he's not fit enough to play is nonsense.

    Bellamy should be starting.

  8. Im backing King kenny here. Tbf you wouldnt start bellamy over suarez, and this should be carroll's sort of game, 2 tough tackling centre midfielders and a no nonsense defence, only problem i see is maxi, not good enough to compete with stoles midfield, hopefully he will be replaced by bellamy in the second half.

  9. Spearing and Maxi only players under 6ft!

    Enrique needs a rest, Gerrard is still not right, dont see the problem!!!

    In Kenny we trust!

  10. Have a read of this:

    It isn't supposition - it is a known fact. He has been 'managed' for a while now.

    And it has nothing to do with only playing 68 minutes in 15 days - he has played 68 minutes 4 days ago! 

  11. He confirmed it himself ... So its not "supposition"...

    "I have had seven knee operations in the last nine years and it is no secret that I struggle to play two games in a week because of my patella tendon."The physios went to see Mancini about it early in the week and he was great. He understood. Me playing two games in three days just wasn't going to happen. The headlines from it about me being dropped were predictable but they weren't accurate."

  12. This is the perfect stage for Carroll to start performing. People are going to whine and moan about buying this lad for 35m and not using him if bellamy fails to perform. 
    I don't see what is so wrong with benching him for this match, what's the fuss? But yes, I agree on the left back thing. Got a hunch it's not gonna work out well.

  13. As I said - somebody who talks sense!!!

  14. That article is over a year old; that was then, this is now. If Bellamy had a serious ongoing knee injury that meant he could only handle 68 minutes of football every 2 weeks then it's highly unlikely the club would've re-signed him.

    Additionally, bellamy played 3 games in 11 days earlier this season, two of which were for Wales (2 in a 4 day period), so the idea that he's fit enough to play more than 68 minutes in a 15 day period is, as I said, nonsense.

  15. Those comments were made in April 2010, a year and a half ago. Things may have changed since then; you don't know the situation is exactly the same. in any event, as I said in an earlier comment, Bellamy played two games in 4 days for Wales at the beginning of October, and played a game Liverpool inbetween. If he still had a problem, how could he do that?

  16. Jaimie - your reaction to the article that I showed and the words that Rohan5997 posted are that they are 'old'. Can I ask whether you are a knee expert? Your theory that he is fit to play 90 mins is supposition. The fact that he has had so many knee ops shows he has an on-going problem - you don't cure knee problems you manage them. Paul McGrath, Ledley King etc etc. Liverpool have a state of the art medical team who will advise the best way to manage him. If this is bringing him on for the last 30mins of this game and also making him available for selection on Saturday then it's good for me. We need to stop 'thinking' we know better than the people employed to run and manage the club. You are a blogger not a football manager/doctor. Let the experts decide.    

  17. Once again, you're assuming that Bellamy is not playing due to knee problems. It's equally possible that KD just decided to drop him.

  18. Carroll looks awful AGAIN 

  19. just how many times more we have to see this, just how 100000? stoke did nothing and still managed to score a goal while we keep wasting chances wtf is up with suarez  man , im just getting sick and tired of this

  20. We'll agree to disagree on this one Jaimie however I do believe he can manage some mins in this game and eagerly await his introduction.

  21. Yep, Carroll is playing as though his surname...... is....... his first name.

  22. Henderson is championship player at best, from what I've seen of him this season.  He may improve, who knows.  

    He's clueless when in possession, keeps passing the ball back! 

  23. I beleive king kenny is the wrong person to managed livepool this time around come January next year,you will be hearing the same thing being said,any body saw MAN. CITY  second string team ? Tell me what you think compare to our first team. Most of the home grown players are not good enough and Kenny must recognize this.

  24. What???? - city have spent nearly 3 times as much as Liverpool (not accounting for sales) in the last two seasons. They have bought nearly every player who can breathe - unequalled finances from a group who seem to have a bottemless pit. How on earth can you lay the blame at Dalglish's feet for that. Seriously you cannot be serious. Anyone who knows a smidgen about football knows that. I had to do a double check to see if it was an April 1st post!

  25. Well in lads.  The boy Suarez is a wonderful footballer and I hope he meant it when he kissed the badge.  Why did Carra come off at half time......hope its not serious and wont keep him out of the starting line up for lets say, 3 months or so :-)

  26. Damn we won - what on earth are we going to moan about now? Dominated the game - mistake led to their goal. Maybe all the naysayers will start to believe a bit. One win doesn't make you champions as one draw doesn't make you relegation material - get behind the team!!! 

  27. Great performance from the team proofs the squad is n't as weak as some people and fans think:)
    Suarez the hero long my it continue good signs of a partnership beginning with Carroll as well. :)

  28. WTF is up with you? Suarez scored twice and is always a threat...

  29. P.S you spell recognise with an S not Z. Unless you are from a place where football is called soccer - then opinions don't count.

  30. Maybe it was divine intervention - I'd just like to think it was the team (mgmt included) who got the result tonight and not a mircale. We need to have more faith...

  31. Great performance by the team! Stoke have not lost at home in about 20 games and that was virtually their first team starters and once again we played them off the park. However this time we got the correct result.
    We are a very good team but still a work in progress! Hopefully this will shut the nay sayers up. You know who you are! "this is the wrong team selection". " Kenny's not the man for the job"

    He's the man for the job all right, and as soon as these tiny pockts of fans realise that this is not Championship Manager the better.

  32. It has took Man City THREE YEARS just to get to the top of the table and Champions League football and get given a new stadium.
    Why do fans try and compare?
    Great team performance plenty of chances again should of won by more , and fans still talk that we are going backwards and King Kenny can't take us onto new heights are fans blind it is poor finishing letting us down not Kennys tactics 8 changes and we still win at Stoke!:)

  33. Well said JJ , 

    Suarez's 1'st goal was outstanding , simply brilliant individual skill .

    His second goal was made by Carroll who's link up play was looking pretty sharp tonight .

    Stoke threw two defenders to deal with his arial threat , the ball fell to Hendo & for the 1'st time all evening he delivered a decent 1'st time ball back into the box & there was Suarez who had attacked the space Carroll's pressence had created .

    Honorable mention to Agger at LB , Spearing in CM & Maxi too , all had good albeit unsung games .

    Coates needs to sharpen up .

    Awful blunder for their goal but he showed good character & temperament & done well in the 2'nd half .

    It wasnt pretty but we showed good fighting spirit , won where we havent won in 11 years , are still in the competition & are now 6 games unbeaten .

    Time for a pat on the back everyone , that was a massive game this evening & although we wont get no wide spread acclaim for it , we done very well tonight .

  34. Did n't he play twice for Wales as well?

  35. What a plonker you are guest.

  36. Didnt Henderson lay on the winner ?

  37. Coates just head it out next time!
    Surprised Maxi and Spearing have n't seen more league action both came alive when Kenny took over and knew straight away how Kenny wants us to play. 

  38. Well said SuaRed .

    its the best part of 6 years since we won a trophy & 21 years since we won a Title , we gota learn to win again & I'll take winning ugly over losing pretty everyday of the week .

    Dalglish knows how to win , he knows how & when to win pretty & he knows how & when to play the percentages , dig in & scrap for a result .

    We ground a very stubborn very tough Stoke side down tonight with a wee bit of revenge in the back of our minds , we showed good spirit , we looked like a unified squad for the first time since Roy Evans left .

    That performance tonight once it sinks in with them will do the likes of Coates , Spearing , Carroll , Kelly , & Henderson the world of good , their belief is only going to grow from it , they were tested tonight & they came through it well .

    Inch by inch we are getting there .

    Its the 1'st time in 4 seasons we have go to the last 8 in this competition & I for one would love to win it again , the experience will get those young players addicted to success .

  39. Yes and he also scored at Bolton.  On countless occasions this evening he gave the ball away, his crosses were dreadful, not skilled enough to thread a good pass, instead passes the ball back.  If you think I'm talking rubbish I suggest you watch the full game again and make a note of how many times  he lost the ball or passed the ball back to the defenders. 

    I'm not going to get carried away and start claiming what a good player he is because his cross led to the goal.  For me this season what I have seen of him, he's not very good.  If he improves, even better.   If there is any truth in the stories that LFC purchased Henderson as a long term replacement for Gerrard then I must say KD or Comolli were high on something that day.

  40. So tell us how a 20 year old Gerrard was in comparison then ?

    Yer full of it Liv4laff !

    Players at a club our size have to be brave in possession , they have to attempt to thread the ball through the eye of a needle to create or deliver a final ball , otherwise they are no good to us .

    Suarez does just that , Downing does just that , Hendo does just that but all remain disciplined enough not to allow their egos jepordize the tactical balance of the team unit .

    I was disappointed with Hendos 1'st time balls from the right all evening but he contributed to our two touch pass'n'move possession game flawlessly , if you dont like patient possessiontactical  football I'm sorry to tell ya that you are following the wrong club .

    Hendo's head didnt go down , he done the simple things well all evening & he kept looking for that final ball & his courage , tenacity & perserverence were rewarded when he read the situation correctly , moved into position to recieve the breaking or wats known tactically as the "2'nd" ball , then delivered it 1'st time to Suarez .

    Hendo is an excellent young player & he is only starting to get the rewards his game & good character deserves .

    You could be looking at a future captain of this club & country .

  41. Kenny used Bellamy as a sub to inject pace towards the end of the game and stretch the Stoke defence, it was tactical more than anything.  KD had in mind that if the scores are level and a chance it may go into ET, Bellamy would have an impact.  Same with Kuyt.  Good tactics from KD.

  42. We only improved when calamity CARRAGHER was subbed . We looked more assured at the back once he was took off. Spearing was class in the middle ..thought he played better than Adam has recently..hope kenny gives him a chance. Carroll was pathetic again ..how many more excuses for him?!!

    Suarez was awsome again...what will we do when he is injured for a few games ???

  43. No better club to be playing for other than LFC when you're winning trophies.  The buzz around the city is fantastic.  Ask Benitez!

  44. They done their future selection chances no harm tonight & thats how a good squad is , anyone can come into the side when asked & perform well enough to stay there , its competition for places & its all good .

  45. Good thinkin Batman !

    Well spotted .

  46. We should all slit our wrists like a severe dose of depression at a celebration & if not , we should simply default & not send a team out because we all just want to die .

  47. He hoofed the ball up in hope and nothing more ...spearing is better in my opinion

  48. It will take time for Kenny to be tactically sound, reason being he's been out of management for some while. 

  49. God how dumb some of you are feeling right now bwahahahahaha, take your negativity and FO

  50. Yea I kno , its all he knows see he only started trying to get into real football after playing computer football & now he thinks he knows about the game , hes a complete idiot & the funniest thing about him is he is so arrogant he cant see how funny his stupidity is , good job really , coz he's little more than an obnoxious   pr!ck.

  51. Not to worry eh ?

    Sure as long as we have you we can always email Kenny with your expert knowledge eh .

  52. YEAH!!!!! DALGLISH!!!! DALGLISH!!! DALGLISH!!!! DALGLISH!! The team reacted well from one - nil down. They went down after They missed six chances, and They reacted well. They showed good spirit and a strong sense of togetherness on the ground against a tough Stoke City, despite We went 1 - 0 down after another brilliant performance.Tony Pullis himself admitted that Liverpool were the better team in the first half and He says that Stoke City lead was generous!!!
    Daglish!!! Dalglish!!! Dalglish!!!!
    The sooner some naysayers will chance his own CLUB, the better will be for Liverpool Football Club!!!!
    Henderson a championship player!!! I suggest Yout to dedicate your free time to cricket because You don't have a minimal understanding of football!!! He's the future of CLUB!!! He's got talent, vision, skills, and He played a super volley pass for Suarez header!!!!

  53. That's why your still living at home with mummy. you still in your nappies ... don't worry your only 50..you might grow up one day..or get adopted...enough of that its time for your bottle ..

  54. We have just won at Stoke after showing the guts to come from behind and people still want to knock players lets for once say well done, you are koncking Henderson and others Carroll but both are involved in the goal with Carroll getting the defender to rush his header and if you look Henderson picks out Suarez with a side foot cross straight onto Suarez's head.
    Carroll and Henderson are having to learn a new style of football do Sunderland and Newcastle play pass and move football? They're showing signs that they are capable of playing Carroll linked up with Suarez on a number of occassions with little 1 2s.
    In the past players would have gone into the reserves where they would have been schooled first for 6 months.
    Last night football beat muscle.

  55. When Henderson first played you did n't even realise he was playing but since his goal every game he has shown improvement and is getting involved.

  56. Stokes goal was a bit of replay from the Saturday with the cross being allowed to be made and the center half and the right back not picking up the run of the center forward?

  57. Very good idea, consultant to Kenny! 

  58. You clearly don't have a clue about the style of football Kenny wants LFC to play.  We do not play patient possession tactical football.  Far from it.  

  59. Very accurate, Hendo was anonymous in games.  Only a slight improvement and nothing to shout from the rooftop about.  He needs to improve a great deal.  I'm not sure if he's mentally a strong character.  

    People don't realise Hendo has made 102 appearances in his career.  When you first saw players such as Rooney, Gerrard, Owen, fowler, you instantly recognised they had talent and potential to be good players.  We don't get the same feeling with Henderson.   

  60. He's the future of CLUB!!! He's got talent, vision, skillsLeonerick- is that wishful thinking? can you outline specific examples when Henderson has demonstrated vision and skills? those three attributes I would associate with Messi, Xavi, Gerrard, Silva, Fabregas to name a few.  Are you comparing Hendo to these very good footballers?
    Seems like your Vision is not the sharpest. I also challenge anyone who can successfully argue Henderson is talented, skillful and a visionary! 

  61. Well if thats how ya respond when someone agrees with ya then I dread to think how you would ever react if someone disagreed with ya !!!

    You clearly have issues .

  62. Yer not an ex girlfriend that Hendo dumped are ya ?

    Yer reading kinda bitter & scorned .

  63. And yer sound like an over protective father! 

    I don't rate the lad and I'm interested to hear from others who think otherwise.

  64. Anyone who judges a 21 year old as a finished article needs their head testing! The kid never gives the ball away.

    The kids had 1 full England cap and is the captain of England under 21s!

    Sorry Live4life don't mean to be rude but I hope your not offended if I totally ignore your ramblings! The kids six years off prime...lol

  65. Non taken and can I say hope you won't be offended when I tell you that after I read the second sentence of your post 'the kid never gives the ball away' I thought to myself- this Suared must have a brain the size of pea.  

    I'm not even sure myself why I should waste my time and energy in addressing such a weak post by you.  It's all good, you want to make a name for yourself on here today, go ahead and make yourself look stupid! 

  66. I know he has,watched a Youtube video of him at Sunderland before he played for us and he looks more then potential showed he could pick a pass,cross and shoot playing right and in the middle, pretty certain he has n't lost all those qualities just because he has joined us,just needs time to show his quality. 
